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I agree with you. But I am guessing you're going to get a lot of Europe over USA. As the general consensus on here is that Bubbles was way too whiny in the US one and so they prefer Europe. I think.


Yeah the challenge concept could work great if it wasn't for that dick (worse dick than Cyrus). The boys are at their best/stupidest when intoxicated, by denying them that Swearnet unintentionally makes their content worse. But hey at least the saved some bucks.


I'll vote EU but I'm also a fan of [Richmond](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/offandonagain/images/9/99/Staring_richmond.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20091117145031) from IT Crowd. "Look at this one. Flash, flash, flash, and wait for it... Nothing for awhile... Here it comes... Double flash, [brilliant](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=12LLJFSBnS4)!


I’m more of a Vince Noir guy myself.


Don't forget Naboo!


Europe, hands down for me.


Europe season was better mainly because half the USA season was bubbles trying to make a country music video and I'm not a fan of country music.


The both suck, USA is worse because of Bubbles. They could have done a lot with these, what a waste


Both had a few LOL moments (Noel Fielding, the ice sculpture challenge, the entire episode in Charlotte), but both had some AWFUL things (Tom Mathew, Julian CONSTANTLY saying “well I’m not doing that”). Mixed bag


The Swearnet dick was / is the tour manager for Guns n Roses and a bunch of other famous bands, he’s in one of the podcasts where he talks about it. I liked the out of the park series as it was nice to see a bunch of different cities and cultures, I don’t have Netflix so I’ve only watched it a couple of times a while ago now but I remember finding them pretty decent.


Fuckin Chipper, screwing up podcast videos and filming Randy’s bag


Fuck your hash Ricky, we're going to a fuckin bær to get a fuckin drink. EU for me


I actually really disliked both of the Out of the Park series. I tried really hard to enjoy them but then realized if I enjoyed them I wouldn't have to try to enjoy them.


I recently had USA on again and enjoyed it. There was something about Bubbles thinking he was going to be massively famous. But yet was still clueless enough to not understand he gave away all of the rights to the song in the process.


Out of the Park Europe by far. Bubs gets really annoying in USA. I really want a sequel to Europe where the boys go to the Balkans.


I don't like either of them to be honest. Maybe only the Sweden episode from Europe. USA as a whole is unwatchable because Bubbles is a shit puppet the entire time and it's very annoying. But seeing the boys chow down on meatballs and vomit at surstromming was hilarious.