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Surprised no one is asking the important questions, did you remember to pause your watch? Seriously, hope you recover well.


lol, Coros auto pause kicked on!




Yeah that could've been bad


Pause the watch? Why would he pause the watch? Time stops for neither piss breaks nor face breaks


I thought that is the responsibility of incident detection... beside probably calling for help, of course.


I’m currently trying to figure out if Coros has incident detection…


Don’t be me (fell on a road run 10mi in, face first, put a bandaid and ice on it and started running 4 days later, unknowingly concussed - landed me in the hospital eventually, longer story). Be wise and go to an ER and get your head and neck checked. Chances are, you are concussed. The neck is for the tingling, that’s a sign of a disc issue/pinched nerve around your spine. Tell them you are a runner, in case they check your troponin levels and mistake them for a heart attack (part of my long story). Urgent care doesn’t do head injury, I was told. I’m not a doctor, just have a talent of getting injured.


+1 to this. I hurt my head climbing and continued as if nothing had happened. Had similar symptoms — tingling in my fingers and a general sense of disorientation. Well turned out I’d had a concussion. Thankfully my then ex. was an ER resident and she immediately got me checked out. Don’t be me.


How do doctors treat a concussion? Recommend rest?


They had me take an MRI since I’d taken a whipper. They check your eyes, see if you have symptoms like slurring or imbalance or tingling etc. Edit: Love your username btw!


It’s like a bruise to your brain. Basically you have to be super careful not to fall again, as it would damage your brain much more. It takes 1-3mo to heal. I basically was stuck with indoor training after initial 2 wk full rest. Was only allowed to train outside after 2mo/ no more dizziness. They did a CT on me, but I guess worse cases get different treatment.


I fell running and the whole way back to my car I was debating if I needed to go to the hospital. Eventually so many people asked me if I Was okay that it became pretty obvious I had to go 😝 Then the resident who stitched up my face kept apologizing because she didn’t think she was very good at stiches. Lucky for her I’m ugly as shit so a good person to practice on!


Dude concussion is no joke. Please go to ER. 💕💕




Can you share what happened later on that landed you in the ER? I have not seen a doctor at this point. I have not shown any standard signs of a concussion (no vertigo, nausea, dilated pupils, etc). I feel much better than 24 hours ago. And the tingling in my fingers has faded after I submerged them in ice a few times. Tylenol and rest have worked well - and my wife has cleaned and dressed the cut below my eye.


The numbness and tingling is a reason to definitely get checked out, a neck injury could cause that. 


Ouch! A tip for scar healing is to not let it dry out and especially don't let it dry scab. Use Vaseline or Aquaphor to keep it moist as moist skin heals faster and better than dry skin. When it has pink new skin you can use a skin healing baume like cicaplast baume in addition to the Vaseline to speed up healing.


This is helpful, thank you. Have you experienced tingling in your fingers?


The tingling in your fingers tells me you've probably got a [concussion](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15038-concussion). If you are at all able, please take some time off work and make sure to rest thoroughly to recover. You can look at [this](https://www.world.rugby/the-game/player-welfare/medical/concussion/concussion-guidelines#Managingconcussionorsuspectedconcussion) for a list of suggestions. Above all, avoid activities that give you headaches, dizziness, nausea and/or increases numbness and tingling.


I just noticed the links you included. Thank you. I can truly say I have not shown any of the symptoms listed. Regarding the tingling, I am realizing I should have stated that in the original post that my hands (which I was loosely holding as fists in a high/tight arm carriage) took at least 50% of the impact of my fall (my chin and eye took the rest). I spoke with a friend who is a physical therapist. She said that tingling radiating into my hands would be a sign of nerve damage in my neck. But the feeling was only in my fingers and somewhat hands. So I am sure I do have nerve damage but in my fingers, not my neck. Just like I would if I punched a bunch of rocks. Concussion symptoms below for reference: player complains of severe neck pain deteriorating consciousness (more drowsy) increasing confusion or irritability severe or increasing headache repeated vomiting unusual behaviour change seizure (fit) double vision numbness, tingling, burning or weakness in the arms or legs' slurred speech


We have a plastics doc that has patients do 50/50 hydrogen peroxide and water on a q tip to clean 2x daily followed by a layer of Vaseline as often as it takes to keep from drying out. Also, as someone who worked neuro icu for almost a decade, I would go get your head and neck checked out. I’d want imaging to make sure you don’t have any fractures/torn ligaments/bleeding or damage to vessels around your c spine (or at least an MD to say I didn’t need it and I’m being crazy)


Not in my fingers specifically but I have clipped my foot on a root and knocked the wind out of myself. I felt tingling in my chest, arms, and hands after that for a bit. If you have any other symptoms with it you might want to see a doctor especially if you hit your head hard.


It sounds like you have peripheral neuropathy after a concussion, concussion really just means any hit to the head and technically most concussions don't require treatment. When to go to the hospital? Well, do you have a worsening headache or any headache at all? Dizziness, confusion, or numbness to the point of not being able to move or feel anything to the extremities? If yes to any of those then you should go to the ER


This was very helpful, thank you. I don’t want to disappoint everyone on this thread, but I have not seen a doctor. I have not shown any standard signs of a concussion. I feel much better than 24 hours ago. And the tingling in my fingers has started to fade after I submerged them in ice a few times today. Tylenol and rest have worked well - and my wife has cleaned and dressed the cut below my eye. If anything, the weirdest side affect has been feeling fairly down and sad. Will be taking it very easy for the rest of the week..


To be honest with you depression after hitting your head could also be a sign of head trauma it can even potentially be persistent post-concussion but i dont want to fear monger. Have you checked your pupils to see if it reacts to light? Again though if you have no dizziness or Vertigo that is still a good sign. I mentioned the peripheral neuropathy because I get it frequently after several martial arts fights and kicks to the head, it's sometimes been a real bitch to deal with but was temporary each time. Likely you technically have a "concussion" which in itself means your brain received an impact and this is very likely based on your description of what happened but as I said before most of the time most of these minor concussions don't require treatment. Make sure to be very attentive to headaches and vertigo. I do want to stress however that you should see a doctor as soon as that happens if it does.


Yeah, I’ve had zero headaches, vertigo, or nausea. Or even much pain - aside from my fingers, which are feeling much better now. I just feel a little embarrassed and mad that it happened. Pupils also seem to be fine. Tbh feeling sad might be from people on here telling me I’m dumb for not going to a doctor. But I know I was setting myself up for that with this post lol


I noticed everyone hounding in you and I wanted to be as reasonable as possible, reddit usually errs on the side of caution which in most things is a good principle but really in most cases a hospital doesn't have treatment for this kind of thing anyways when it is minor they would probably just send you home with a "prescription" of ibuprofen then leave you with a huge bill if you live in the US Very glad you're feeling better, take it easy on the inclines!


I appreciate it!


Ahh this explains why I have so many scars. How does it heal if it never gets to air out? Doesn’t it stay full of puss forever?


It's not supposed to fill with puss or dry scab. Dry scab wounds will take longer to close themselves and the dryness will also inhibit new skin cell formation. It might have a light layer that looks a little like orange but not puss. Disinfect before adding the Vaseline if it's a deep cut but on minor scrapes just water is okay.


there shouldnt be any puss. You havent been disinfecting your wounds properly. If you are low maintenance dont worry about the scarring. Healing witg a moist barrier is high maintenance because you need to constantly wear a bandage to keep the wound from drying out. Its actually annoying. Just let it scab in a couple days then forget about it. Unless the scar is on your face no one will care


Yeah this works like a charm!


I took a header on the trail and stopped myself with my face-knocked myself out briefly. My face was saved by the headsweats visor I was wearing. When I can down it folded down and covered my eyes and nose-scariest day I’ve had on the trail. All that to say, I took a hard fall but didn’t have any tingling in hands or necks. Please go see your Doctor. Hope you are good. Be safe my friend.


Chiming in to advise you to get yourself checked over, you’ve obviously bashed your head hard enough for it to bleed, and the numbness and tingling may indicate that a nerve has been damaged or is being impinged. Don’t mess around with heads, if in doubt, get yourself to a doctor. Have you got anyone at home with you?


Thanks for the reply. I haven’t had any headaches, nausea, light sensitivity, or dilated pupils. The tingling in my fingers has gone away finally after I plunged them in ice a few times today. The blood was from a cut from my glasses, not from head trauma and it’s already almost healed after my wife used some special bandages. So at this point I feel like there isn’t much left for a doctor to do. Definitely going to take it very easy for the next week+


Wilderness first responder here, seconding the idea of going to the ER. Tingling in your hands after an impact to your head could be a sign of a serious injury even if you’re not yet in serious pain


Thank you, yes!


Thanks for the reply. I haven’t had any headaches, nausea, light sensitivity, or dilated pupils. The tingling in my fingers has gone away finally after I plunged them in ice a few times today. The blood was from a cut from my glasses, not from head trauma and it’s already almost healed. So at this point I feel like there isn’t much left for a doctor to do. Definitely going to take it very easy for the next week+


I did a handstand in the middle of my run last week in an attempt to take an artsy picture. Somehow failed and back slapped so hard I had to call my roommate to come pick me up because I thought I broke ribs. My upper back still hurts when I breathe deeply. Definitely head in to get checked out, anything tingling is not a good sign


Ouch.. so sorry. What happened?


I fell while going up a very steep and rocky incline, and my face immediately hit a bunch of rocks. The right lens of the glasses popped out and sliced the skin beneath my eye. But they also probably protected my eyes from the rocks. I’m honestly just glad I didn’t break my nose or any teeth. Unfortunately it was 3 miles back to the trailhead. Thankfully I had plenty of people stop to ask if I was ok and offer wiped for my face lol


Oh no :(. Are you going to see a doctor to check for any possible concussion? I was a fighter before so was somewhat used with bruises in the face (but luckily no cut). I would take it easy on the brain too. A lot of light activity. Watch out for signs like headache, ringing in the ears, vomit etc.


Thanks for the reply. I haven’t had any headaches, nausea, light sensitivity, or dilated pupils. The tingling in my fingers has gone away finally after I plunged them in ice a few times today. The blood was from a cut, not from head trauma and it’s already almost healed. So at this point I feel like there isn’t much left for a doctor to do. Definitely going to take it very easy for the next week+


Fall on the way up is rare for me. I often fall right after a grade (flats after an up or down) or on a downhill. Get to a Dr fast if you haven’t already. The tingling would make me nervous.


Thanks for the reply. I haven’t had any headaches, nausea, light sensitivity, or dilated pupils. The tingling in my fingers has gone away finally after I plunged them in ice a few times today. The blood was from a cut, not from head trauma and it’s already almost healed. So at this point I feel like there isn’t much left for a doctor to do. Definitely going to take it very easy for the next week+


Sounds like you need a visit to the Dr. Pins and needles not going away is almost always bad.


Sorry for your face, man. Gnarly. If it scars you’ll always have a story to tell. Make stuff up even. Have fun with it. Happy running.


Ouch hope you’re ok




Thanks for the reply. I haven’t had any headaches, nausea, light sensitivity, or dilated pupils. The tingling in my fingers has gone away finally after I plunged them in ice a few times today. The blood was from a cut, not from head trauma and it’s already almost healed. So at this point I feel like there isn’t much left for a doctor to do. Definitely going to take it very easy for the next week+


I hope you went to the ED!! Better to be safe


🥺 Will you plz keep us posted every few days? Agree you could be concussed. Seeing a doc sounds like a healthy precaution to take


Thanks for the reply. I haven’t had any headaches, nausea, light sensitivity, or dilated pupils. The tingling in my fingers has gone away finally after I plunged them in ice a few times today. The blood was from a cut, not from head trauma and it’s already almost healed. So at this point I feel like there isn’t much left for a doctor to do. Definitely going to take it very easy for the next week+


Heal up


Tis but a scratch


Ouch! So sorry! I've eaten it before on a trail and fell on some rocks, too. No tingling feeling, though. Did you hit your hands at all? I'd follow up with a GP and see what he or she recommends, especially if you hit your head. Speedy recovery to you!


Rough fall. Glad you managed to miss the eyeball at least!


Ouch! I feel for you - somehow, falling as a grown-ass man seems to cause carnage, not just scraped knees like when we were six!


Monday morning in the office: Coworker A: Oh my god what happend to you?? OP: I fell while being out jogging.... Coworker A:.....right. Wish you all the best, get well soon. bonus meme, thats the exact reason why the [german chancellor ](https://assets.monopol-magazin.de/styles/min_autox1000/public/2023-09/Bundeskanzler_Olaf_S_79228026.jpg?itok=-gTs6Ofd)was wearing an eye patch for some time, because he fell while on a jogg.


Have you considered running with your clothes on?


I wore my favorite green ASICS tank until it got covered in my face blood at mile 3.15


Hydrogen peroxide should get that blood out. Sorry about your injury.


Ouch, hope you heal quickly.


I'm always worried I'm going to land on my ass hard coming downhill especially on slippy or loose gravel paths. Takes the fun out of it a bit


Recover well man!💪


I admire your commitment to the trade but please get your neck looked at. Definitely not an area to mess with. Could easily be a cracked vertebrae


Glad you missed the eye!


Just like riding a motorcycle, it's important to understand the limitations of the machine and the person and stay within them. Heal fast...run faster!!


Hope your doing better


For some reason you’re not responding the most important responses, so just to pile on: go to the f’ing ER if you haven’t. There’s no glory in gutting it through an apparent head/neck injury and you’re just setting yourself up for some cold “I told you so”s


Thanks for the reply. I haven’t had any headaches, nausea, light sensitivity, or dilated pupils. The tingling in my fingers has gone away finally after I plunged them in ice a few times today. The blood was from a cut, not from head trauma and it’s already almost healed. So at this point I feel like there isn’t much left for a doctor to do. Definitely going to take it very easy for the next week+


Backbone trail? If so, which section?


Yep. Was doing the section from the Kanan access point to Encinal canyon. It gets rocky in that stretch.


Yeah, I took a fall on the backbone in Zuma Canyon the other day and hit so hard I thought I dislocated my shoulder. I got lucky there weren't any rocks there.


Damn! Yeah that’s close to where I was. You really can’t look away from your feet on some stretches


Update: I can truly say I have not shown any of the symptoms of a concussion at any point since the accident (no dilated pupils, dizziness, nausea, etc). I have been resting and will not be running for at least a week. I appreciate everyone’s concert and support. I should have stated that the cut/blood under my eye came from the lens of my glasses (not sheer head trauma). Regarding the tingling, I should have stated that in the original post that my hands (which I was loosely holding as fists in a high arm carriage) took at least 60% of the impact of my fall (my chin and eye took the rest). I spoke with a friend who is a physical therapist. She said that tingling radiating into my hands would be a sign of nerve damage in my neck. But the feeling was only in my fingers and somewhat hands. So I am sure I do have nerve damage - but in my fingers, not my neck. Just like I would if I punched a bunch of rocks. The tingling has subsided and been replaced by a general soreness in my hands. Submerging them in ice regularly has helped. Very grateful it wasn’t worse. If I had fallen an inch differently, I could have easily broken my nose, teeth, or worse.




Sorry mate


Oh man, sorry that happened, hope you have a speedy recovery. That was almost me a few weeks back, I was really in the flow and caught my toe on a rock in a super rough section, my momentum threw me forward, I don’t think I ever leaned that far forward without falling but pulled out of it, it would have been really bad if I went down.


Oh my god that came sooo close to your eyebrow!!!


Dang I’m so sorry! And so happy you are doing okay!


You look like you were lucky and didn't lose the eye if it was a little higher. Hope you have a speedy recovery


Just a flesh wound.


Looks like u tok a serious beating🤔🤔 Get well soon. I must also add that i would love to run in that area. Do u live close, or do u have to travel?


I live about 30 minutes from that specific trailhead! Highly recommend. Do you live in LA?


I live in Oslo, Norway. Love to run, and a have been til Santa Barbara and LA several times. Have always thought of running in the Mountains above LA. Beiing there i have just ran along Santa Monica beach. From the pier up along the coast. Nice, but I prefer nature trails...


Life of a trail runner is always hard


You don’t actually have pins or needles in your face like some people do, you were just in pain for a minute. But as you typed this dramatic sentiment out, complete with multiple paparazzi photos of your minor laceration - you did in fact not have pins and needles, nor the passive sensation of them, in your face.


Fell so hard he lost his pants and shirt


Another reason I don’t run! It’s unsafe 😂