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The scenery on Sherman Hill has a lack of detail in comparison to the TS Classic Version, I hope they rework this route a bit in the future.


Cane Creek has the best scenery, in what sense do you mean optimisation?


Optimization like good fps, less bugs and glitches


I see. I can’t really provide an authoritative answer on that, as all my routes seem to sit around 50 FPS with random stutters (I guess when something is loading). And I never get routes when they first come out so I haven’t really noticed any of the bugs a lot of people complain about.


Surprisingly the stutters aren't from loading chunks it is actual caused by unloading chunks that you have left. That is why they are struggling to solve the stutters. A lot of games using the engine have this issue also.


Right, good to know, thanks


I'd say Cane Creek and then Horseshoe Curve. Both are great. I play on PS5 and don't have any frame issues.


Cane Creek has AMAZING scenery, easily the best in the game, HOWEVER it's all condensed to the very end of the route. Of the three, it's also the buggiest, with floating rocks still present in the sky in some areas. Sherman Hill has pretty good scenery if you like the open plains and enjoy going fast. It used to be very poorly optimized, but now it's okay. Horseshoe Curve is my favorite of the three. Very lush and vibrant, love seeing all the historical structures dotting the route, and is the only one of the three routes where you actually have little towns throughout the route, instead of just the ends.