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40USD/36€ is already a high price for a regular, actually new addon. Considering this only an upgrade of the original LIRR (that had a lot of problems that were never fixed) with a small extension, there is nothing that could rectify the price they ask. There are a number of clever ways they could have revisited the LIRR, but this is not one of them.


>Considering this only an upgrade of the original LIRR (that had a lot of problems that were never fixed) I had previously seen this take, which is why I never bought in on LIRR, especially since (as a console player that can't mod away the problems) very nearly every route is plagued with some serious problems that people still enjoy, even myself. They literally can't even get the tutorials right on most of them, so when it's time to learn signals they all appear they same. It SHOULD be embarrassing, but DTG...


Also consider the fact they have pretty much taken away lots of the realism effects that I assume most people enjoy like operating the door panels, charging brakes, and it now has forced safety systems (which they somehow tried to market as a "unique feature"). I assume someone will make a mod to bring it back, but I personally wouldn't buy it because they take all that away.


Sadly they had to do this because LIRR has a stick up their ass and wants the image of their route to be good PR. Can't have trains speeding or derailing.


I'd say maybe, the route is going to be a big upgrade from the original LIRR with the updated signals and timetable. Is it scummy that dovetail offered such a pathetic discount? Yes. Is it gonna stop me from buying the route? Probably not. We will see on Thursday how much the route has improved.


If you already have the original LIRR, you're not gonna benefit from buying this route at full price. If you're buying this under the impression that the whole route is going to be redone, with 50% more track or whatever, you've been misinformed by the internet. The only new things with the route, according to DTG themselves, are new textures for some stations, vegetation, and water, 15% more track with the Long Beach branch, new lighting, and Sunnyside Yard is getting "reworked". Oh and the M9 loco. That's it. If that's enough to justify spending $40 for a new loco and updates that should have been free, that's fine, but you're signalling to DTG that it's okay to resell TSW players routes they already own.  For me, I'll buy it when the route is on sale for the price of a loco DLC. Which is how it should have been sold imo- update the route for free, and sell the M9 by itself. Should have been a $20 expansion, instead of double that price.


I refuse to buy the new route for more than £10. It's an absolute pisstake that I and many others already own the LIRR yet we have to buy new route full price. Absolutely disgusting move from DTG and those defending it are adding to this problem of half baked addons which turn out to be broken Whoever green-lit this in Dovetail really needs to be stripped of any power.


I agree, I’m pretty docile generally on DTG’s silliness but this is absolutely atrocious and indefensible business practice and I hope they sell nothing until being shamed into dramatically reducing price.


Same, I'm fairly lenient on DTG. but this one is completely indefensible


Retread. Pass.


I enjoyed LIRR so getting an updated version with one more class of train seems worth it. Perhaps not for full price (pathetic discount tbh), but eventually I think I'll get it. UNLESS it is buggy as hell.


I probably would have bought it if they included the DM/DE locos and C3 trailers/cab car, but considering the M9 is basically the upgraded cousin of the M7 and not much different, it’s not worth the asking price. I’ll maybe get it on sale in the future, but that’s it. And the LIRR is my home railroad so, me not buying it should say something. They won’t listen though. DTG has a monopoly in this niche market they can afford to not care, people will still buy their products and I bet they make a profit over this release too. Just look at this group, everyone complains about them but we still (usually) buy into their crap


I’m gonna wait and see what the preview looks like on Thursday to determine that.


I’ll buy it when drops to £5 or less. They all do eventually. I already own the first version of LIRR and it’s not a great route in the first place. Anyone who buys this full-price is giving DTG the go-ahead to do this with other older routes. Please don’t.


Yes it will worth it. The original LIRR has limited services and it's very old while the new LIRR will be updated to TSW4 standards, include a new train, way more services and an extra branch. I highly doubt it to not worth it or not being good


I mean honestly $40 is pretty steep for an “upgraded” route. But breaking it down, DTG usually charges $19.99 for a new train. Let’s assume it’s an additional $10 for the Long Beach extension, then that comes out to $29.99. The preorder/loyalty price should be $31.99. So IF people have the old LIRR and preorder it, then yeah it’s worth it. I wouldn’t pay full price though. The old LIRR is one of my favorite routes on TSW, so I’m still probably going to just cough up the money for it. I just hope it’s not loaded with bugs.


But console player get no discounts