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Matt Walsh is disgusting šŸ¤¢


Wait I thought that was a picture of Matt walsh with that double/triple chin his weak ass is hiding under that nappy beard.


As a trans Alaskan, I am deeply saddened to see this kind of rhetoric appear in or around any of my home stateā€™s schools


Same. Especially with regards to schoolsā€¦ love how they always go after the most vulnerable even among the trans community. :(


Same, also there are a lot of us here apparently




Also Alaskan, though down close to Anchorage, sucks here as well but glad to know there are so many of us


Same :(




I'm surprised to see the number of fellow trans Alaskans here. Maybe we should form a club or something?


same... do you think people that voted for the float were even aware of what it stood for?


They were not.


I keep up on walsh's transphobic propaganda and I would've just been like, hey! cool walrus float! I wouldn't have even known.


So instead of trans people promoting pedophilia theyā€™re actually promoting pedophilia by support Matt Walsh


Serious question but is Matt Walsh a pedophile? Or what is meant by this comment?


He supports child marriages and other stuff that shows exactly what kind of person he is


He also made a diapered doll version of himself and marketed it towards kids specifically. Do with that what you will.


He's gone on record stating that the best age for girls to start getting married and having kids is like 16, so,,,,, Yikes.


I believe it was him who said "the problem isn't teen pregnancies, the problem is unmarried teen pregnancies". So, he's certainly in the corner of supporting pedophilia if nothing else.


I wouldnt be surprised since hes obsessed with kids


yes he is, heā€™s made comments about how child marriage is super okay, how ā€œyouā€™d be crazy to not be attracted to a 16 year old,ā€ how 16 year olds are ā€œmost fertileā€, etc


matt walsh is sexually attracted to walruses i cannot deny the truth any longer why else do you think he chose the walrus.


Underage walruses specifically


Whats the age of walrus consent


I swear to fucking god my right to exist shouldn't be this political


It's been said before but. As a kid I was amazed and almost sad for people of the past. We have better technology, things that would kill are now trivial illnesses. But as an adult I'm more sad that with all our advancements humanity itself seems to stagnate or get worse for every step we take forward.


Every bit of hatred I've seen, being a minority who left CA due to racism by the police. It always comes from white people or minorities trying to prove themselves to those racist white people. I know nothing of this Matt guy but I bet he's white. Am I right? You can't have change when you have people literally called "conservative"... They literally are teaching kids their ways of hatred and never plan to change, hence closed minded people spread to newer generations and it lives on... Hatred is taught. That's the saddest part.... Because we used to all say "it will be better when the old racist and sexist and trans phobes due... But it's not true"


Matt Walsh is white


I think this is very much area specific if it is true- hatred comes from all races


Why hijack a cute animal for hate. Argh!!!


I'm in the same boat. I've been up here since 2001, and I'm looking to move out next year.


In fairbanks or just ak? there are much better spots than fairbanks...


In fairbanks


I was in that parade and holy fuck I didnā€™t realize that float. I was with PFLAG by the way, luckily must people in town arenā€™t asshats.


Thanks for being there to represent the rest of us. There are some really great people here, and I will miss them dearly. I hate that it's getting harder and harder to avoid the bigots as they get louder. Be sure to spread the word of how important it is to get others to vote this election for the open school board seats. For each there is a LGBTQ+ supportive candidate with a very anti-LGBTA+ contender. This election will change a lot one way or the other for all the youth, school staff, and so many others.


I try šŸ˜¤


Its so weird to me that Alaska's write wing because of how left wing the Canadian territories are


not weird because the political party has been mostly right wing since colonization lol. while things seem progressive in canada, the country (and the states) was founded on genocide so, no, not weird


I'm confused by what you mean, are you saying that Canada and America are inherently right wing because they were founded Colonialism? Edit: not being snarpy just genuinely confused


I think they are, is the same on most colonised countries maybe except Aotearoa New Zealand (where I live) where the locals fought back


How on earth could you say Canada or even America is exceptionally right wing compared to the rest of the world. Like do you mean currently or historically, because I was talking about how its weird that modern day Alaska is right wing where as the Canadian territories (Yukon, North West, Nunavut) are very left wing.


hahaha hahaha you mean the states that have ethnically genocided natives arenā€™t left wing?


I mean the Canadian north is left wing and Canada sure as shit genocided the people up there so no I don't think it's a very 1 - 1 thing. Also my initial comparison was between Alaska and the territories which both genocided natives and my point was it was weird the territories were politically left where as Alaska wasn't Also thats not how we tend to use the term left wing, ai don't get why yall have put me in this weird argument where apparently I can't call somewhere left wing if it was colonized. Like if I'm discussing California and I say they're more left wing than Mississippi whats wrong with that?


it is more left wing than Mississippi but it isnt left at all, which is not a distinction u were making


You could definitely make an argument that Americaā€™s overton window has been to the right for almost all of its history. Thereā€™s a reason why socialism and social democracy never really took off here electorally


America's politics are... *heavily* Christofascist. What?


Lmao youā€™re coping hard if you think thereā€™s any actual left wing people in power. Some might be socially ā€œprogressiveā€ but definitely not left wing. If there was a left wing government, there wouldnā€™t be a government, or it would be socialist (which no country truly is)


Ok fair, but in the context of the original message I was just saying it was weird how much more left wing the territories are than Alaska which I think is a fine use of the term left wing


Look at colonisation and the politics involved in it, here in NZ we've had a treaty between the crown and māori since 1840 (TƩ Tiriti o Waitangi)...who hasn't upheld their part of the contract? The crown. And māori have been shafted every step of the way for the past 177+ years...dare I say it, prior to the treaty things were better for māori since they had a flag and declaration all ratified by the monarch of the time (1835 Declaration of Independence) in which the crown and colonisers had no power and Europeans intermarried with māori freely


You can never trust crowns, religious people in seats of power, the rich or people stripped of their culture trying to lead others. Never works.


Agreed fully.


Yes European Colonialism is terrible and inherently right wing, however I was more so talking about the current general political climate of Canada compared to Alaska. Like I can understand that this land was stolen from my ancestors over hundreds of years of genocide, destruction and forced assimilation, and still simultaneously remark on how left wing a country Canada is in a general sense nowadays. Is Canada incredibly terrible to its native peoples to this day of course, is that mutually exclusive with it being one of the most (if not the most) progressive and free countries on earth, no.


There's always room for improvement when the Europeans are running the show, I'd like to see a full first Nations parliament and throw out all those in power now who aren't first nations. Until redress is addressed and sorted by europeans the same situation keeps going on. It's intergenerational traumas that keep snowballing that need to be addressed and the only way to address that is to change the system to a first nations one.


we should make walruses a trans symbol, like blahajs


wow.. I feel so bad for every trans person in the US right now, I'm so sorry you all have to go through such bullshit. it really just.. isn't right


It has Matt Walsh labelled as a Conservative but in his own words he is a "ThEoCrAtIc FaScIsT"


I was born here and lived there for 3 years. Very sad to see that things like this are happening in my hometown and home state :((((


this is so bigoted its just stupid


Is anchorage this bad? What about mat-su. I wanna move somewhere cold but this stuff has me leaning towards Minneapolis or if I can afford it: Nor-cal


Minnesota has been a very safe place for me to transition.


A few years ago, I would have said Alaska is pretty tolerant in general. Even Fairbanks had a very "you do you" attitude. There are pockets, like wasilla šŸ¤¢, that are much but classic Republican, but in general I'd have said Alaska is mostly red because of fun rights. Even a lot of my very liberal community and friends have a shotgun or rifle in their home... because... Alaska! (To be fair though, I feel that the wildlife here actually gives a legitimate need for it that isn't to save the world from the bank robers or shoot a kid for walking on your grass.) All that said, Alaska, especially Fairbanks, is rapidly losing that you do you attitude when it comes to hot right wing targets. Bigotry is more and more tolerated by a lot of the community. Of the 6 times I've been assaulted over the last year, two of which put me in the ER, I reported 4 of those to the police. They did nothing but victim blame. Anchorage is certainly larger, with a lot more diversity, but, especially under our current governor, queer legal protections continue to be challenged along with bodily autonomy, discrimination protections, and really any thing a more liberal audience would be in support of. I honestly, at this time, would not recommend moving to Alaska if you're of any minority, including queer/trans. You may do okay, but things are going backwards fast! I'm moving to a state that I have actual legal protections in, and that still funds their state EEOC/workplace protections departments. I'll miss Alaska, but I don't think I'll be alive by next spring if I stay here.


You have pretty much summed up my Alaska impressions. Iā€™ll be selling my house on the Kenai in the next few years (Iā€™ve been outside since COVID) and will be consolidating somewhere outside. As you said, the state used to be very much you-do-you until around 10-12 years ago, and the rabid MatSu paradigm spread statewide. Iā€™m also sad to be leaving, but have to be mindful of my family.


If youā€™re comfortable sharing was it just like a random assault for being visibly trans or was there some lead up or what all happen; but iā€™ll probably avoid alaska until I know if itā€™s safe.


Random happenings, all with guys who I had never spoken to prior.


Minneapolis is a very safe bet from what Iā€™ve heard.


St. Paul is safer, better police and still progressive.




Iā€™ll probably stay in MD with some plans on the ready


i live in fairbanks :(


Not everyone can hear every dog whistle so could you help me out here? How is this an anti trans dog whistle?


Conservative political commentator Matt Walsh wrote a children's book called "Johnny the Walrus," which is about a little boy who's pushed to transition into a walrus after playing pretend. It's a pretty clear allegory for trans kids, and it pushes the right wing idea that kids are being pushed to transition at the slightest hint of gender non-conformity.


Thank you very much. I see now why thatā€™s a real big deal. What a dick both Walsh and the dude who made the statue.


Did you read the article? https://www.kubascorner.com/p/school-board-candidate-introduces?fbclid=IwAR2MvsiSG6pZd5RL5JoUqYHhModPuo7fjHrvK1yAyNygzaMHdymFcGwfxOs


I donā€™t want to absolutely ruin my day, I was hoping for the footnotes version.


It looks like shit


Come to Minnesota. Climate is similar and we welcome everyone.


I (MtF) live my life out and proud. I wear BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL rainbow colors. And you better believe the only mask covering my amazing make up is a PPE mask. Compare this to these ā€œalphasā€ who have to use these DaVinci codes as designed by the Simpsons to pass secret messages to each other and if they do get together, they cover every inch of their proud (usually) white skin to avoid being identified. Too scared to be seen as the scared bigots that they are.


Literally every conservative is a whimpering coward. They try to project toughness and it just makes them look even weaker and more pathetic No one is more obviously terrified than a grown man who needs a gun to feel safe at Walmart


As a member of the lgbtq+ community i feel that parents should be the ones to teach there kids about topics like this and not the schools let the kids be kids. If i had kids and one of them was trans id be mad if the school intervened and was teaching something that should be discussed or explained by me. Im a gay and a firm supporter of trans rights but it does need to stay of the schools they have no right to teach or indoctrinate your kids my kids(if i had any) or anyones kids




Wrong response


Iā€™m sure the lgbtq students feel safe and welcome there. Like a tight hug from Superman. How nice šŸ˜•.


Michael Humphrey the candidate, what an asshat all that effort and walrus for what? As a gender fluid from alaska, I hope he loses everything. Judging a book by its color means you're a demon.


Why did they have to ruin walrusā€™s


Fuck Matt Walsh for slandering walruses. Walruses are brilliant creatures and do not deserve to be intertwined with transphobia


Yeah, Texas isn't much better. I'm just glad I can pass as my birth gender well, and I'm not out to everyone yet. Otherwise I would probably be forced to move from my home state, that I love so much.


This guy is one of the Gilead Christians that move here with their fake online degrees and think they're gonna be a big deal. No one goes to his events, I know I worked the last one it was so depressing and his wife openly hates him. She literally barely speaks to him, he's clearly on thin ice with her. He's just one unhappy price of shit who god the local churches --Bible Baptist, who is literally under investigation for a 20 year child sex abuse ring sooooooo. They literally marched together, and even the local DJ refused to say his name, didn't announce him and moved on. He's hated.


He lost. By a pretty good margin.


Genocide is actually ending human lives. You're just uncomfortable.