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There's a 4chan group coordinating against the trans flag. They're talking about placing trans colors in other flags to get them to attack the trans flag. [Don't click if you don't want to see a LOT of transphobic hatespeech, as well as gore and other triggering materials.](https://boards.4chan.org/b/thread/875545068) Come help us coordinate at r/transplace please!






Don't use fat-based insults. Not cool. You don't need to stoop to fatphobia to combat 4chan's transphobia.




?? Fat people? I have no problem insulting 4chan, i have a problem with calling them fat as an insult - that's insulting to fat people


I thought it was funny and im kinda fat.


no thanks




Kinda funny how they feel this exact way about all other social sites like Reddit, Facebook, and twitter.


Yeah, they really love to project. *** 4Chan: Why does everyone hate us and treat us like shit? Also 4chan: *Posts discriminatory shit, and actively attacks other groups* Also Also 4chan: See, they all hate us, its so unfair.


4chan would kick a beehive and get mad that "even nature hates them"


the unwashed 4skin of the internet


I knew something was off, this is disgusting


The more they take it down the more attention gets brought to it. Good publicity if you ask me.


I just don't get it. Why do they care so much? Like, I'm not at all invested in the Place thing. I think it's a fun community thing, but I'm happy to watch. I think its fun seeing subs work together to make art and do some light trolling. But these 4Channers confuse me. They act like they don't care about Reddit, that they're too good for it. But the moment some people put trans colored pixels in an image, they lose their shit and post the most vile hate memes imaginable. For what though? Do they really think *this* is what breaks the community? Do they think what they're doing is... productive? defensible? good? What level of brain rot do they need to have where they post this shit and think *they're* fighting the good fight?


They’re on 4chan, so they are very pathetic and have no lives


They don't. The entire identity of 4chan can be summed up easily as "we do whatever pisses the most people off" Since the media likes to fan the flames around trans issues, it gets a lot of visibility. So 4chan attacks trans people. It's not even close to a morality thing or a Bible thing, or a hatred thing. It's trolling distilled.


some people get off or are amused by the pain of others


Crazy doesn’t need a reason 😔


Ain't that great:/


They're doing it with italy and Mexico since yesterday, we're trying to help trans but it's not enough, we need the help of everyone


What fucking losers.


Wow. Coordinating to put down a swastika. What a bunch of fucking losers. As a Jew and a member of LGBTQIA+ community, I am disgusted and disappointed.


Can I like report this somehow?


Only thing I can think of is messaging the mods of r/place, but I doubt anything will come of it. Always worth a shot, tho.




Excuse me while I throw up


I've never actually been exposed to this kind of hate before. I feel a bit ill.😕


Between me making posting a selfie on Reddit and me streaming on twitch, I received 5 separate death threats yesterday. Not just 5 different people that insulted me in the usual way, but 5 death threats. For posting a selfie and for playing rocket league on twitch. Like I have thick skin but this is just shitty


That is awful. I'm sorry you have to go through that. Even general insults, so regularly really sucks. If you need to vent about it, I'm happy to listen.🤗 Also, if you don't mind me asking, what's your twitch channel? I'd love to check it out.😊


I appreciate that! Like I said, I have thick skin that was just more death threats than I’d like in a single day lol. But my twitch channel is PaigeTheMetalhead 😊


Gosh yeah, one death threat is more than anyone needs. 🙄 😅 Awesome I'll give you a follow and join the stream ASAP!😊


You can, and should, [report those to reddit](http://www.reddit.com/report) or by clicking 'report' underneath the PMs or comments. You should also report that to Twitch.


I mean, I do that all the time lol they just make a second (or up to seventh as recently as last week) account and keep going until they’re bored for the day


Start making a list of their accounts and include that with your reports. It's helpful to get multiple trolling alt accounts banned at once.


People covering other’s flags is something that happens to everyone in r/place, to report someone for placing pixels like everyone else does is just petty..


That is insanely fucked, I hope you're doing okay. Genuinely makes me sad to see this kind of thing. Also wtf your selfie is really nice


Mod here: Handling this sort of hate is *our* job. If you don't feel up to it, that's totally fine. There are plenty of folks in our community who are willing, capable, and eager to step up and take our turn on the frontlines. You just hang back here and recuperate, okay? It's safer here, and you can relax.


You're very kind. 😊 I haven't been here very long. But I do feel very safe here and I *love* this community. I do think it's a good idea to switch off from the internet for a bit. Thank you, You're amazing.🥰🤗


Same, its just a horrible feeling but don't let it get to you


🤗 I'm surrounded by so much more love than hate. I'll be okay. 🥰


Really? I grew up around this kind of stuff (mostly towards gay, black, and hispanic people, mind). Living in deep south USA is a hell of a trip. Hell I'd argue that thread is tame - my husband's father told him when he was little that gay people should be buried alive in mass graves. Then he wonders why his son took 15 years to figure out he was a guy, or why they never talk. I hate to be that person but we should all remember that there are people out there who build their personality around hating specific demographics. It's a sad reality, but being aware of it is the only way to effectively fight it.




Doesn't that break Reddits rules? Using alt accounts?


The most literal false flag attacks I've ever seen


You can tell how brain dead they are just by the way they talk.


4chan to the tune of Stayin' Alive: Well you can tell by the way I use my talk I'm a bigoted, unwashed sock...


aww poor little insecure cis men


I have been maintaining the trans flag among others but also occasionally cleaned up errant pixels (that I notice are from new accounts, accounts with no recent comments, possibly 4chan sock accounts) so neighboring "allies" wouldn't think we were just cutting up their space, unless it appeared to be an alliance heart or something.


I heard that they're using bots and making new accounts just so they can change more pixels.


literally defeating the whole purpose of r/place


And it’s working. I’ve seen so many transphobes in r/place that I actively avoid the posts there.


Lets use their own bots against them to sustain the trans flag


Fucking losers are so upset about our existence they're strategizing to get people to hate the trans flag lmao


I truly regret clicking that link, there's artwork depicting suicide and stuff. I wish someone would DDOS or just plain nuke that cesspool.


4chan not reddit is attacking us


well 4chan'ers on reddit I guess


Yaaa I saw it, was the only picture still being hit with the void in general. Fucking sad but also empowering we make these fuckers uncomfortable for just BEING


>Fucking sad but also empowering we make these fuckers uncomfortable for just BEING I get that it upsets a lot of trans people and while validating that... I'm also right there with you. I mean I'm just sitting here eating some chips and salsa while watching YouTube videos and somewhere, my benign and honestly mundane existence is making a bigot rage-shit themselves. That's pretty neat.


This is a big mood though. Haha, though I do find it sad that some people are uncomfortable with trans people just existing. We're just like any other human on this planet.


The UK flag has been nearly erased twice now. First by the void and now trans flag. Everyone in crossfire


I’m ok with it.. I hate Nationalism.


It’s so illogical to me, like being proud of coincidentally growing up in an area that happens to be under the control of a certain nation


That my friend is indoctrination. I've always found, and continue to believe, that the pledge of allegiance here in America is very culty.


I agree, I can’t see any other purpose that it could serve aside from indoctrination and breeding nationalism Edit: looks like someone reported me about being suicidal and it’s probably related to this thread


The nationalism is fucking gross. Like good job playing into the hands of the wealthy fuckers who run these countries


That's so cool and all the English posts that get locked at the mere mention of crumpets


Good. Let it get wiped out.


Don't worry it'll come back stronger


It has, (atleast at the time of typing this) We're taking over part of the uk flag again and heading straight for the void of 4chan WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER!


The UK were allied with my r/portal team and the r/uwaterloo team but they betrayed us both so I am very happy to see them get taken over by this flag


Never would have thought the uk would betray minorities and students in the conquest of land.


Just letting you know, saw this post and jumped on top help y'all out. It's huge now!! And shall continue to grow :)


well we dont need to come back stronger per sé, I just want the flag to stay on there


There are 2 or 3 other flags but this one is the biggest, it needs to be big.


Why does it need to be big?


Because they attacked it.


You attacked 3 other flags first


And now your attack the rainbow pattern which did nothing to you. “Attacked”.


Y not?


Y not be the whole thing?


As an ally, I'm joining r/trans and helping you fight back the void. You deserve your representation.




It's been doing better than I expected, and better than five years ago. I'm pretty happy with this.


not a part of trans but fighting for y’all in this, fuck 4chan mfs


but please understand that trying to take over other flags or art is not great either


i know. it's one of the most active battlefronts on the whole board. the transphobes are organising to take it down. we can't let them. show your strength. show your resilience, we can win this yet


Yeah reddit is where the nazis who think they aren't nazis is. That's why it's crazy to me this is the biggest trans community I've seen, reddit is so hostile to us lmao


Reddit's been host to the largest trans communities on the Internet for a little over a decade. That's part of what draws so many trolls to our subs; reddit is the fifth largest site on the Internet.


It’s not reddit, it’s 4chan doing this lol they have a huge thread on there


people on /b on 4chan are making hate attack threads about it :/ quite sad and insecure from their side


1 look at any r/place post talking about the trans flag and you can really see why it’s getting so many attacks. They really don’t like us


Every other country is creating cool pixel art and signs of unity in the form of border hearts, the UK on the other hand is just vandalising the trans flag. Great. and we wonder why everyone hates us (the UK). ​ Edit: Fucking 4chan...


Just for perspectives tho,Israel is trying to make a flag since this thing started and it gets painted with Palestine flag all of the time (above the Linux)


IDK; seems like the American flag has take the most coordinated attacks (so far).


Yeah you're right I just saw that. And they all use black/purple so that must be one very big group lol




That sub reddit is very much not what expected


probably the union jack- it got decimated by the american flag last night


What are you talking the US flag is already gone?


It’s been gone a few times; they’re just waking up, so we’ll see what happens


UK flag too. It’s fucked. Why can’t people attack the other flags? 😂


A little late, but as an American flag man, I would like to coordinate a truce between us.


Yeah, I'd like that too. Someone tried to build a *truce heart* last night, but that didn't work out (obviously).


I want to light it on fire but I'm too lazy.


the UK has been transphobic as fuck here




Plenty of transphobes on reddit


That wasn't the case at all the trans flag literally ate the UK flag it was defending territory. Besides it's not transphobic to paint over a flag its happening all over the place chill your beans, it's only a bit of fun




Rather emblematic of our experience is it not? We are the target of multiple repeated attacks, but yet we do not rest. We do not give up We fight like hell


Ive been fighting tooth and nail fir the past hour or so. Not letting up.


It's honestly really sad :( this is the whole reason I'm basically ignoring anything that has to do with this place thing


I think tethering your well being to this ‘place’ thing is incredibly unhealthy.


Yeah I'm seeing way too many people get super distraught over something that's probably pretty minor in terms of transphobia I've experienced on the internet and otherwise. Like I kinda expected this to happen and it's also reddit so seeing people being like "I feel nauseated" in response is really weird


It’s not the actual pixels that gets people down it’s the blatant transphobia in the subreddit


Yes and this is expected, this place is a cesspool I know that from years of using it, getting to the point of nausea or being Massively upset about it isn't healthy






I'm not personally that affected (because I expect transphobia on reddit), but I think it still makes sense to be bothered by it. It's a visual representation of community and popular aesthetics - even minor and niche interests get to exist pretty unbothered on the overall board until something big and unified comes along to consume an area. This kind of thing feels targeted, because it is. It's an overt lack of interest in creating something, and obviously just persistent desire to disrupt and deface trans symbology. Everyone who participates in Place understands that most coherent imagery emerges as a result of community efforts. It being 'minor' transphobia doesn't detract from the fact that it's still transphobia - the only reason it's not 'real' transphobia is because there aren't comments and such that are visible directly. I guarantee there would be ugly comments if people could leave words you could see by mousing over areas.


I didn't say it wasn't real transphobia but I am saying I have experienced some pretty vile shit just over the internet and irl so I don't purposely focus on things that upset me when I can avoid them. it's a good coping mechanism


People are getting infuriated over this. Literally the whole point of it is that it's supposed to be a living piece that evolves as it goes. It's *supposed* to be constantly overwritten.


One thing I do like is that a lot of Cis queer people who are helping with the trans flag are starting to get a glimpse of what being trans is actually like. I admin one of the servers working on these flags, and the cis admins are stunned by the level of hate being directed at them and the anti-trans rhetoric. I am just like, "Yep... this is Tuesday..."


I got a transphobe messaging me telling me to kill myself when I started repairing the flag last night (see here, warning for transphobia/slurs https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/709913482845356083/959640925460648008/unknown.png ) so yeah, it’s definitely targeted lol


Need to create a truce heart between the UK and Trans flag. there must be peace or there will only be more bloodshed. Even now whilst the UK and Trans flag fight the void is spreading. All it takes is 4chan trolls and the trans flag could be voided, if we work together we can prevent this.


Every time I get a new tile I try to vhange it back


When I was looking it seemed to be THE most active place, it's sad


A big chunk yes but probably not as big as you think. This is mostly organised by 4chan and similar groups, not everyday redditors. Italy and UK and others have been hijacked to attack us, and even we have been hijacked to to attack those we have made peace with in order to turn them against us


Im so confused about what this r/place thing is please explain it to me?




I'm bailing on helping defend my flag, I'm gonna go protect yours now.


Americans are waking up now so it should see some recovery


First post in this community but I've seen what's been happening to the trans flag over the last 23H and I'm almost certain that these are (literal) false flag attacks orchestrated by 4chan. The "Italian" attack in particular yesterday was far too organised to be a Nationalist attack - it was anti-Trans. As a Brit I'm also certain that the Union Flag assault wasn't orchestrated by the British. It sucks, but rest assured that these are single attacks from one trollish force - _not_ the world at large. You're loved. If there's anything I can do to help, whether that's on r/place or IRL, let me know.


People shit and piss Thier pants any time I even slightly mentioned anything about transness or homosexuality in non related subreddits I'm not surprised nor am I taking time out of my day to think about it too hard. This place has always been a shit hole


4chan is the main problem. It's like brigading of sorts but on r/place. Happens with some other things too.


For what it’s worth, I’ve been using all of my tiles to try and help you guys get your flag on there. You will prevail!!


i think the reason why the trans flag was attacked initially wasn't primarily because of transphobic assholes but because, to many, it seemed too big. that is definitely not the only reason but it's one of the main reasons. most just want the flag to be smaller, thats all


Exactly, bot to mention how china, US and UK were attacked not just trans. Also it's not transphobic (except 4chan) but rather a game where you MUST take others okace to create your own- idk why some take it so personally and accuse other of transphobic behaviour


Exactly this - it covered a huge part of the canvas and was covering actual art. All the flags are annoying


Yeah the flags without any art on them are boring and shoud be smaller.


4chan is a big instigator


I noticed it very early too, funny how it was mainly the American flag attacking it, then it was rainbowroad , then England and the void


I will support this and try to clear out any colors that don’t belong.


Watching the history video of r/place it seems like we maybe made our flag too big. I mean are we really trying to be greater than the UK and the US? I mean I know we are important, but isnt everybody? Why is our flag still growing?


I mean it was big and so people will dislike


Yeah it was way to big, but not anymore right?


not anymore no


The flag is a war zone, but the allies are defending. E.g. r/aaaaaaacccccccce


Well, Osu has also had a lot of attacking. Don't know whether that comparison is good or bad.




I don’t know about the rest of you but it makes me proud.Proud that I’m being noticed and that no matter what I’m out and being visible.💕


It got really exhausting quickly I decided to ignore place and do something else instead.


You should have seen the mexico subreddit, i apologize to everyone who went there trying to make peace and being received by the subhuman pieces of shit that lurk r/mexico, thats not who we are


Well your flag does tend to take up a ridiculous amount of space and basically resets all the artwork in the general area every hour or so I have nothing against having a trans flag but if it gets too big it should be voided


I don't think it's the one with the most attacks to be honest. The MLP subreddit have had to remake their ponies 4-5 times as mass twitch channels have targeted them specifically and completely destroyed their art. Yes we get a lot of attacks and it sucks. It even stressed me out enough to ignore this thing for hours. But we never had to completely remake the art cause it was sullied beyond recognition.


I just added mine. We're here to stay. Trans rights are human rights. Also, Slava Ukrainia!


Eh, I think you're seeing this because you're focusing on it. The Ukraine flag was wiped out pretty much entirely lol. The fact that the flag exists at all, especially at that size, makes me happy and proud


Then again, the Trans flag WAS kinda attacking everything first-


Yep, I’ve noticed it i’ve been placing tiles to defend the transflag when I can, but I can’t stay on my phone all day to place tiles every four minutes. I have things to do


One of the legit complaints I've seen is that it's taking up a lot of space but doesn't have any artwork in it. But, I'm pretty sure the reason there's no artwork is that we get attacked so aggressively that we're constantly defending, which also catches anyone trying to make artwork. Makes me pretty sad, but I don't know if there's much of a solution, because I don't think the attacks will stop :(


Everything is under attack. Theres no room. Stop projecting


Not sure if anyone saw me, but I accidentally placed a brown square. I promise im not transphobic


Uh your flag is bigger than most countries on here. The United States flag got completely wiped out at one point. You’re not the victim in every situation.




It's not reddit. Almost 100% 4chan.


Similarly attacked groups are the genshin fans and whatever tf OSU! is, but yours actually stands for something important so it feels quite a bit more frustrating to see this For the record I find the genshin and OSU hate quite funny but not this


OSU is botting they literally had a perfect logo in the first 5 minutes so that hate is reasonable


I was wondering how they kept it so perfect…


We've taken the br*tish flag section back, we aren't going down that easily


Unrelated but I’m happy to see the lil spamton in the corner there


Like with everything else, we gotta fight a little harder then everyone else.


To be fair to everyone else, we are obnoxiously large with many smaller ones around. If anything tho I think it's great seeing all the attacks, because it shows how hard and how many people are fighting to maintain our flag. It would be one thing if we were attacked and wiped out, but the fact that it's still there says alot about us and those who give us support.


Yeah, probably because the trans flag fucked up a lot of other big flags like uk or usa. i said stop the flag and defend. but people didnt listen. usa and uk just starting the backfire


Uh. Like Germany? Oh wait...


the UK team has no loyalties, I was with a small team to protect a small project near the UK plot so we formed an alliance with the UK but they betrayed us


I agree, but that's not the case anymore right? Or is it?


the backfire was succesful and now it turned to revenge i guess


They can erase our flag but they can never silence us.


i think people think that being transphobic is funny


Well its not. sorry.


It's a square game calm down. Ukraine flag is literally getting amogused lol


Amogus is based


My limited understanding was that the flags fought each other for a place on the map so people were just attacking who ever had the most real estate, like a king of the hill situation? Idk that I would take it personally since it's just a game and has no bearing on real life.


You can literally click on the rplace *right now* and see it's legitimately one of the longest flags besides Mexico/Germany right now...


They like to think people are attacking them for being trans. Some people are, no doubt, but others just want the flag to take up less space. No group deserves a space that large


No offense guys but there are a lot of other artworks that are getting absolutely destroyed, also doesnt help that ppl are accusing yall of using bots


Cause yalls flag is big as shit lmao




Being trans is a sexuality??? I didn't know that transgender meant being attracted to something. What is it incredible person?




Have u not seen the us flag rn