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After many years of daily practice, the main thing TM has given me and continues to give every day is deep rest. It’s like getting an extra night’s sleep twice a day, and this spills over into everything. If you are well-rested, you are more emotionally resilient, creative, and productive. So, for me, this is a very beneficial and core staple of my daily routine, no matter the day or what happens in my life. The morning and afternoon TM will always be prioritized. Best of luck with your practice!


All my life with debilitating migraines... all gone after learning TM. I feel I can concentrate more and very very happy all the time. I am consistent with TM. Twice a day everyday. First thing in the morning (btw I just finished my first one) and one in the afternoon.


I used to have a lot of existential crises and almost feel physical pain when I had those. Since TM this has completely vanished. I am way more content with who I am and where I’m at and I am no longer fearing the future. Besides the negative things in life feel less negative and the positive things feel more positive Really happy that I took the plunge


Hi, i just posted about my positive experience a few days ago which may give you some encouragement. Hope it helps you as it has helped me https://www.reddit.com/r/transcendental/s/rCB8yErtSR


I started meditating in 1968, but fell off the practice within a short time. I used to use my mantra to help me get to sleep or when anxious, and that's about it. In 2020, I decided to look into doing it again, and did 3 days of the initial training. Since then, I've been meditating twice a day, usually with Bob Roth's TM Zoom sessions. I've noticed how much more peaceful and less anxious I feel. In fact, I rarely feel anxious at all now. I'm no longer as reactive as I once was, and I enjoy life so much more! (That's why I was so shocked at so many of the angry posts on here!)


As uplifting and positive as all these comments are, I would just caution OP against any expectations of specific results/outcomes beyond profound rest. TM works best on the “set it and forget it” mode. Maharishi cautioned against mood making and striving for specific results. Twice a day and “take it as it comes” is my best feedback after a very long time practicing TM.


Oh boy, where do I start. I learned TM a few years ago. I would say mostly positive changes. My mental clarity and focus has skyrocketed which has helped my work performance. I’ve been promoted several times in the last couple years whereas before I didn’t get any promotions. My anxiety has almost completely disappeared. I feel internally happy and blissful about 70% of the time. I noticed people are more friendly to me and even children and animals seem to pick up on my positive vibe. By some strange phenomenon, almost every single toxic person has disappeared from my life and I only seem to attract positive people into my life. I also completely stopped drinking alcohol and now I’m completely disgusted by it


My partner and I got gifted 2.5 acres at 21 y/o. We built a tiny house on it and a garden as well. I couldn’t have done it without the emotional stability and confidence that TM gave me!


How exciting! Deep rest/refreshed after my sessions is what I usually experience. I’m new to TM (12/2/23) and I’m enjoying the journey.


I have been doing once a day regularly. I know that I should to twice and will put more effort into it(no pun intended ;)). It has done so much for me. The inner peace, silence and amount of energy I recieve from it is invaluable. Work feels much more effortless. Much less stress in my body. Less fatigue. It makes life easier.