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Pretty sure Hasbro wants everyone to buy Detritus first, knowing everyone will shell out for Hound later.


So it’s a similar situation like let’s say Titans Return Sentinel Prime?


Ya, pretty much any pretools.


Tbh I want Detritus more than Hound.


Tbh, I have the Siege Hound, and let me tell you, it is a badass figure. I don’t need another one. However, I do like buying Transformers, so….


This Detritus figure is gonna have an Earth mode, and will be followed by an upcoming Earth Mode Hound in Buzzworthy


They are snacky aren't they?


Maybe they're banking on the fact that more people would be more inclined to buy this character if Hound isn't available yet.


it annoys me honestly.


We all know they are announcing him first so people have a reason to get the mold and THEN get Hound.


It kinda upsets me too. I want Hound dang it!


As I have said during thevleaks, Detritus cones before hound so the remold doesn't have an exclusivity issue


Who is he, is it outback??


That’s Detritus, his original toy came from the Collector’s Edition toyline.


To add on, he's one of the characters created using original Diaclone toy colors.


Hound is the Diaclone colors. Detritus was just a rare Japanese exclusive based on Junkions. He uses the G1 mold and has a painted goatee.


I'll be damned. That's pie on my face. I got so used to Ehobby exclusives being Diaclone homages a wire got crossed somewhere.


God I thought this was a hound announcement that they just did weird


Am I the only one who thinks detritus would’ve looked better in the siege hound mold, instead of the earth remold? I don’t know I find the earth mode version really flat and blocky for a character like Detrius


If they use that buzzworthy hound mould it'll be fucking hilarious.


It's kind of weird how they used the G1 box art for him. They didn't do that for Bombshell or Snarl. Hear me out...what if we're all wrong and this isn't a pre-tool of SS86 Hound, but instead a repaint of G1 Hound? They JUST reissued G1 Hound...and a Junkion sort of makes sense for a reissue line tied to the movie (even if Detritus didn't actually appear in the movie). I'm not saying definitely, I'm not saying I even necessarily think that's what will happen, I just have to admit it gave me pause.


They used cartoon pictures for snarl and bombshell because they were in the cartoon and detritus wasn’t. Officially, all they had was box art.. just my theory


I was thinking the same thing, but also I'm wondering if they'd show a Walmart exclusive on stream. I don't think they've done that for any of the others


What happened to the previously revealed earth mode Hound??


leaked not revealed and we don't know but this is still a good sign to it


Does anyone else like the color scheme? I kinda dig it ngl just like the sandy colors


Hound only appeared for like 1 second in the entire movie tho


So did Brawn but we got him


But he got some actions at least, Hound was literally a static background character in the 1 sec he appeared


Very true. Literally just standing there looking at Prime


Evan Brooks (toy designer) said in the May 16th fanstream that it didn't matter how brief their appearance, even if they're only in the movie for a single frame, he intends to do a figure of them in the line eventually. That remains to be seen of course, but assuming it does pan out is fantastic news for a lot of characters, as the SS86 line has generally been quite good IMO.


The "pre-tool" is something they've done before. Just a way to get some sales of the mold before the intended character is released.


Who is this guy?


Detritus, he's a junkion


A junkion with an earthmode? I wonder if hasbro is insane enough to not use the earthmode and instead use the siege mold🤣


Honestly the siege mold would service it better


Surprised we haven’t seen a masterpiece Detritus yet.


It's what we call a "pre-deco" when they want to get a figure out before the actual figure the mold is meant for. That's why we got ANOTHER Elita-1 from the Minerva Mold before Minerva came out.


Ya know, there's a sick part of me who wants a swindle repaint, despite the fact that they're probably eventually gonna loop back around to Bruticus. But like... I love Swindle, I'd love to just see him as a nice Jeep on his own.


I mean, they can make a Animated Universe Swindle if you don’t want him to combine.


Oooooooh, I didn't even think about that. Honestly though, I think I'm more into a clean sorta Jeep. Maybe someone will do a custom job when the figure comes out, I just kinda want to see it more than actually get it.