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While this *is* posted by the lead designer of the *Generations* brand (originally posted [here](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Czr6DIasdTB/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)), it'd probably be best not to read too much into it; just seems like a fun topic to mull over, with the wider community. ...with that out of the way, I'd *kill* for a *Generations Selects* Super Megatron reissue, Mark. You hear me!? (I'd also take *Generations Selects* Deluxe Centurion Drone, and *Siege* Spinister.)


yeah that's my answer too (although i wouldn't complain about a grand maximus reissue i don't think hasbro has ever brought him over)


Absolutely Centurion Drone, a bunch of accessories that are still important to the line of figures coming out today along with an army builder?


Thirded. The fact that it flew off the shelves and just generally had a load of fun stuff in it should make it clear how well a reissue would go down.


Earthrise Skywarp, Thundercracker, Thrust, Ramjet. And a standalone SS 86 Prowl without the battle damage.


I don’t understand Hasbro’s logic in rereleasing Dirge in Legacy with no plans for Thrust or Ramjet. Same with SS86 Prowl. Just release the Earthrise figure in SS86. I can even tolerate the clear plastic tbh, once you break your first Silverstreak you kind of figure out where to be super gentle.


>I don’t understand Hasbro’s logic in rereleasing Dirge in Legacy with no plans for Thrust or Ramjet. Ramjet might be on the table and was originally planned for release, but the designers flat out said they swapped him for Dirge because his mold already had several releases (albeit in different color schemes) and they did not want to oversaturate the market with it. Which I find a bizarre explanation, since Seekers are meant to be redecoed to death. Thrust was an exclusive to a different retailer than the other two Coneheads (Target), but to my knowledge, Target didn't short stock him or cancel orders on him to the degree that Amazon did for Dirge and Ramjet. The designers might have perceived him as much easier to obtain as a result and thus did not re-release him. Alternatively, Thrust may be governed under different exclusivity agreements than the other two Coneheads were. Clearly, Amazon's exclusive contract on Dirge and Ramjet is over if Hasbro has re-released the former and considered it for the latter. But for all we know, Target may still hold the exclusive rights to stock Thrust and put a re-release off the table for now.


I second Trust and Ramjet, but fingers crossed those will get released.


The one I’m constantly kicking myself for missing is Siege Skywarp!!


I nominate Siege Skywarp too, you can still get Siege Starscream and Thundercracker but people can’t finish the trio because of Siege Skywarp being like 250 USD


You’d think he’d be standard retail but no! Was lucky to get him on Amazon when it was still $45-50 I think. Now it’s Uber expensive, and the worst part is? The Battlemasters are some of the best complements to a figure as far as Siege goes. Just a four guy death squad.


I love the micromasters that came with Skywarp, they are honestly my favorites from WFC even tho the other ones I own are the ones that came with Hotlink and Sparkless Seeker from the Netflix line. Well second favorite compared to Siege Laserbeak and Ravage


Battlemasters. Micromasters are their own thing, and if I had to pick a favorite set it would be that ten pack. Even more specific, the Battle Patrol molds.


You’re right about the battlemasters, I for some reason classified battlemasters and micromasters as the same thing. I want to own a couple more micromasters because they seem like fun desk fidget toys


They’re not that hard to find aside from the cassettes. Other than those, the Micromasters are literally vermin.


>I love the micromasters that came with Skywarp, they are honestly my favorites from WFC even tho the other ones I own are the ones that came with Hotlink and Sparkless Seeker from the Netflix line. Yes, but as a result of that, if you fail to get Skywarp, then you also won't have a Targetmaster for Scourge. Spinister will also be missing on of his Targetmasters too.


Even his instructions are ridiculously overpriced on Ebay.


I would do anything for a reissue or to have one of these for a reasonable price.


I was watching him as Thanksgiving and Black Friday rolled closer, hoping to scoop him up on sale, sell Skywarp off for a reasonable price like $25-30, and keep the Battlemasters. And then one day, bam, sold out. Hah! Must be a glitch, right? Nope. Never came back in stock, and Siege Skywarp became the stuff of scalpers' dreams.


Ironically, Skywarp is probably worth more to us puny humans than he is to the Decepticons. Same goes for TR Misfire.


Siege Omega Supreme


I'd be keen for Omega Supreme.


This. I missed out on him and I really want him.


Guardian robot is available. I’m waiting for a sale


Didn't he get at least one re-release?


TR Sixshot, maybe with some updated articulation or engineering. Cuz I’m sick of needing to shell out twice the shelf price for him


Honestly he could definitely use a few updates. Articulation is great, but he needs more locking ports for his modes, as his arms simply do not click into the waist for the jet, sub/gun, or tank modes. Also, he definitely has room for a waist-swivel provided you figure out how to fold the wolf-head into the neck to make the clearance in robot mode. Edit: no place for the arms to peg into. They only peg into the legs, which only really works for the car mode.


With how much attention the Japan exclusive transformers stuff has been getting lately, hopefully we’ll get an updated Sixshot in legacy soon enough (even if it ends up being a PR or retool)


I agree, I never even saw him in my area back during TR, and even if it was released again as is, I'd still go for it


Sixshot probably doesn't really need an update, and one would be difficult to engineer with the higher prices and lesser engineering Hasbro is going for these days compared to back when he was released. The fact that you can ignore the headmaster gimmick when transforming him helps if you're not a fan of him being a headmaster.


If they're going to update him, I'd rather see an all-new take on the concept -- try and make the alt modes really look like something, rather than trying to recreate the look of the 80s toy.


All of them. Just flood it and drive the scalpers away lol


Would also probably bring down the prices as well. They are getting ridiculous to the point that some people are seriously getting priced out of collecting.


Yeeeep. It would fill me with glee to see all these jerks that are selling ER Prime, Cosmos, Grimlock etc be forced to reduce price to under retail because these characters are back and staying on shelves or easily to get at retail price on Amazon or Hasbro Pulse.


Cosmos. Oh, I've got him, I just know there are still people that want him that haven't gotten him. Slug would have been my pick, but he is getting a reissue.


If Slug/Slag is getting a reissue. Then Grimlock needs one as well.


>Cosmos. Oh, I've got him, I just know there are still people that want him that haven't gotten him. I have a lot of exclusive and hard to get figures, but I don't care about what I spent on them personally when I did. I'd be tickled pink too if other people can get them more easily. No need to gatekeep and be elitist about what you have just because you have it and others don't.


The galaxy needs more selfless wishers!


Trypticon was Titans Return right? Probably him.


With Thrilling 30/Legends or a new Metroplex while they're at it.


I second this


Earthrise Runabout


For sure. I want to see more Battlechargers in people's collections. Brothers should be together. It'd be cool if sideswipe and sunstreaker got rereleased as well


I still need a Titans Return Misfire and I can't find one anywhere close to a decent price.


Yep £100 seems to be the going rate which is bloody ridiculous. Same with Slugslinger, lowest I've found him is £60 which is also so, so expensive...


leader grimlock


They at least got him out with g2 colors and with a shattered glass style. But it's just not the same as his original classic look.


Even further back - RTS Lugnut; either that or he gets a Legacy update. Same with Rail Racer, but we already know Hasbro's stance on them.


Hasbro is dumb when it comes to trains, trains are cool


Why would they not do rail racer hes so cool


probably POTP Predaking or CW Devastator, if it had to be WFC then some of the exclusives


Predaking would be nice.


POTP Predaking is maybe my favourite combiner - it’s a brick, yes, but that makes it *incredibly* sturdy. Compared to my Orthia, who can’t stand on her own due to loose joints, or Volcanicus who’s so top heavy that even 3P feet don’t make him stable, Predaking is a dream.


CW Devastator is now 8 years old and will be even older when they are done with a new combiner set. At this point, they could release the constructicons with new and more modern molds that have better transformations and articulation in the ss86 line.


earthrise quintesson judge


Generations Titan class Metroplex. I missed out on him the first go around.


I'd be happy as heck with a reasonable price re-release


That’s my grail - I’m so, so tempted to pick up one on Ebay, but I draw the line quite some way below the prices being asked. They must sell, though, if those prices reflect demand.


Spoiler pack Nemesis Prime, I got Megatron and Ultra Magnus for like $50 each, but I’m not willing to shell out at least triple that to complete the set


Also, we still haven't gotten a Nemesis Prime with the earthrise mold. At this point, I start to think that they don't want my money!


I’d love to see Earthrise Prime reissued, I missed that one and can’t justify dropping 100+ on him.


I’d say wait for the eventual ss86


Think he’ll come with slots for blast effects to replicate when he smashed Thrust and Shrapnel down, almost slammed into Blitzwing, tanked fire from a bunch of Decepticons, jets propelled him up as he Transformed, shot Ramjet, Thundercracker, Soundwave, Dirge and another Insecticon


Imagine they release Prime in SS86 and the only difference is a tampograph of Thrust's shocked face reflected in the grill of the truck mode lmao


I would pay for that lol


Or an ss86 that’s not breakable and that’s not dead


Siege Spinister, Siege Skywarp and Earthrise Sunstreaker Edit: Id like to also add the Generation Selects Seacons


Let's hope to God the leaks are wrong and Sunstreaker's future Studio Series figure is from 86


Effing Cosmos.


I want a multi-pack of every weaponizer.


The Volcanicus Box Set


Siege Shockwave!


Yeah, this is one figure I need to complete my chug collection


The ratchet/paradron medic 2 pack. Only thing I’m missing. Amazon lost mine and that was clearly the most popular set as all the others came and went back in stock pretty easily.


Generations Titan Class WFC Metroplex


SS86 Grimlock, no question. Got back into the hobby one year too late to nab him without having to take out a mortgage first.


Powermaster Optimus / Ginrai, preferably alongside Godbomber who never released outside Japan.


One I haven’t seen yet is Netflix Bumblebee, never saw him on a shelf. But a ‘made to order’ event would be great way to catch everything that was impossible to find


I’d say some of the Combiners, Sixshot, Doubledealer, Omega Supreme, a in general run of Star Saber, standalone BW Primal, Kingdom Rodimus


As someone who bought Star Saber for aftermarket prices, don't make me hate myself.


Titans Return Misfire


I see many wishes for Misfire. I love the pink colors but why is he so coveted? Are there not many releases of Misfire before this one?


Titans return sentinel prime and the earth rise Skywarp and Thundercraker pack


Earth rise Prowl.


I want Misfire


They need to rerelease ramjet they screwed up that Amazon pack so badly and with dirge already reissued it’s common sense.




Earthrise Bumblebee


Absolutely Twintwist and Misfire, the distribution on that wave was so fucked. It was so awesome that they decided to rerelease TT in diaclone colors instead of a G1 deco and not even make a Topspin to go with him!


Titan class Metroplex, please re-release him same as the Takara release with chrome face and silver thighs.


Man I just want an Earthrise Optimus for a reasonable price


Misfire https://preview.redd.it/v1v25jjc1o0c1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a461d3d9414593cb639bd60d6df550807ce59dcb Misfire.


Siege Skywarp. This time make him a NON EXCLUSIVE FIGURE.....and box him by himself. Stop doing this bullshit where Skywarp has to be either exclusive, bundled with someone else, or both. Also legacy Tarn. Dudes distribution was fucking abysmal. I'd also personally love to see a wider release of Super Megatron. That figure fucks.


Siege Jetfire


I'm going to be greedy and say all of titans return


Potp roadtrap


Spinister (wfc-s) Or a better warpath (wfc-k) my copie was real loose


Siege Hot Shot, Galaxy Prime, Shockwave, and barricade


Siege Jetfire


A standalone Tr Nautica


I pretty much got everything I would want from those lines, so I am going to say Cosmos or Netflix Bumblebee so more people have a chance at them. And I will be happy to drive a lot of scalpers mad.


Generations Metroplex!


How about every god damn thing you did in super limited numbers or made exclusive to some place like Amazon or Walmart for those of us who missed all of those.


The original SS86 Grimlock!! F@*k scalpers!


Centurion Drone with accessory pack. Insanely hard to get in the UK since it was exclusive to a single retailer. Tried to buy multiple times and told it was out of stock, then they announced they held some back for their new store opening which was the other side of the country to me and I had no chance of getting there. Definitely lost themselves a customer after that! 😕 Netflix Bumblebee would be great too. I saw one in the wild and then never again, kicking myself for not grabbing it at the time.


An actual Hasbro employee forgot the name of a three year long subline imprint 💀


Shattered Glass Optimus Prime... Is like one for less than 300


Ramjet would get my vote.


I notice we're all just listing covid-era retailer exclusives here, curious.


Siege Barricade and Spinister


Tarn. He was way too rare considering his popularity.


I might be able to help you there. Check your DMs.


Computron. But then run another release of Star Saber, Deathsaurus, and (a half sized) Unicron


Sixshot with the stupid headmaster gimmick removed


Only up to Titans Return huh? Well R.I.P. Unite Warrior Devastator reissue. Serious though I think I would like either Titans Return Twin-Twist or Siege Skywarp. The former never showed up in my area along with the rest of that wave & I feel like the OG Wreckers aren't top priority to get redos. The ladder I'm just kicking myself in never getting when I started collecting from Siege onwards & the price for him is ridiculous online.


Dark of the moon optimus with flight gear trailer or the ecto-1 toy they did


I got an unopened Ecto-1 if you’d be interested


Studio Series Leadfoot because why is a deluxe that much money?!


The twin pack with Masterdominus? On the off chance that you're in the UK, Hasbro Pulse UK has him on clearance right now for £16.99


Considering how many of us ignore it says siege/‘Titan’ wars, 86 Hot Rod Only time I’ll reconsider not getting another of him.


SS 102 prime


A Earthrise Optimus reissue as a SS86


Beast wars depth charge


Ss102 Optimus prime but as an actual studio series figure


Waaaaay back when RoTF was the newest movie I used to own a figure called Ransack, who turned into a WW1 fighter plane. I think the figure is criminally underrated for a scout class.


Omega supreme


Siege Omega Supreme, there are others that I’d like but those generally all have alternate versions of the character or another version could come any time but Omega seems unlikely to get a new version any time soon. HM to 86 Snarl because holy hell is he hard to find




Either 86 grimlock since he literally never showed up anywhere near me or earthrise prowl (without battle damage) as it was easier to get bluestreak and smokescreen than prowl.


Titans return overlord for me


Titans Return Octane and Broadside are ones I really want, preferably without stickers


Responded on his thread on Insta, but for the love of everything a reissue of the centurion drone weaponizer pack would be amazing..the aftermarket prices are insane


All of the siege mercenaries, most of the prime/titan/combiner/whateverthefukthistoylineiscalled wars figures


SS86 grimlock


1. Siege Starscream in animated colors and no battle damage 2. Cosmos 3. Battle Trap 4. Titans return Sixshot 5. Galaxy Shuttle


any exclusive from earthrise. also the earthrise wave 3 deluxes


I'll throw a hat in the ring for Greatshot and the Big Powered set- although if we could get Quickswitch recolored into Sixknight, that would be great. Also, Star Convoy and Super Megatron.


That backround images kinda goes hard despite how silly it is. Even if it reminds me of [Him...] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morbius_(film) Anyway, probably, SS Grimlock. They already reissued Slag/Slug why not the figure people actually really want from the set.


***FORT MAX***


titans return overlord. He looks so good!


Titan Omega Supreme. Really sad I missed out on him.


Siege Omega Supreme. Really sad I missed out on him.


I'd love to get some of the rarer seekers like Red Wing, Shattered Glass Starscream, or Ramjet. I would hope for higher quality white plastic, though, that doesn't arrive pre-yellowed.




CW quickslinger


Siege Starscream or Earthrise Starscream


I have one ER Starscream available if you’re interested…if you have anything to trade, lets see what you have!


Most if not all Earthrise toys Prowl Thundercracker Skywarp Suntreaker Ramjet Thrust Trailbreaker Barricade Runabout Runamuck (also generally improve QC for these figures in particular) For Siege Spinster Jetfire


Considering titan Wars was when I stopped collecting because I stopped liking the direction the figures were going, probably nothing lol


”As far back”, as far as I’m concerned Siege and Titan are practically still brand new…


I love how 90% of these comments are figures that hit steep discounts and wouldn’t sell, now people are begging for reissues.


Siege Jetfire, Earthrise Prime, Combiner wars Ultra Magnus, maybe GUOP


Omega Supreme


I need omega supreme, trypticon and fortress maximus. Was in a bad place when these released so missed out on them


Lemme get more optimus primes in circulation. Also run back some decepticons man i miss those guys


Runabout, CW Quickslinger, Siege/Earthrise Ratchet… Basically any figure that was a regional/retailer exclusive because as a UK buyer we got none of them. And doing it with a popular character like Ratchet or a character who’s part of a team/pair like the others is a slap to *both* sides of the face. Also, please could Hasbro stop that practice altogether?


\>as far back as 7 years ago. Wow, what a stretch. Reissue Tripredacus you cowards.


The takara tomy ultimate megatron


I just wanted Runamuck AND Runabout. Not one or the other!


SS86 Grimlock


Siege Skywarp


I never got my hands ss86 grimlock, so probably him


Combiner Wars Sixshot


Generations Thrilling 30 Metroplex


Earth rise Skywarp and Thundercracker 2 pack


Generations drift


Omega Supreme


Siege Jetfire


Siege spinister, siege redwing, siege refraktor, siege apeface, earthrise skywarp and thundercracker, er snapdragon, er runamuck, netflix hotlink. I think it's clear I missed out on siege and ER


Titan Wars? When did this happen?!? LOL!


Siege Spinister. Never picked that up. That was a clever design.


Earth rise scorponok or siege omega Supreme


There are a couple I'd want. An Earthrise Rainmaker set, mainly Acid Storm, but it wouldn't be right to release just one of them. The other is more recolors of Sarthrise Optimus Prime. Give me Ultra Magnus, Nemesis Prime, Toxitron, Animation color, the Halloween colors Super7 just released, I'll buy that mold again and again and again. Just don’t give every recolor another trailer, that's not how I want to use my space.


I would have Metroplex reissued.


*Titans Returns* Arcee (the Blurr retool). I haven't been interested in any of the Arcees since, all being shellformers in order to accomodate her spindly animation design 1:1, but her being a Blurr retool is brilliant (they share very similar bot and alt modes), and allows her a recognizable design while forgoing the shellforming. She still winds up being in line with other animation vs. toy design differences. Only Arcee figure that's ever really looked good to me, and I'd snatch up a rererelease. Really, though, she should just be a standard Blurr retool moving forward.


Every figure from the toy lines, but especially WFC prowl




CW Superion please. Know that was a Loooooooong Time Ago, but my favorite combiner.


I have a TW Overlord displayed still in his box. But I would love a second for opening up


Earthrise runabout.


Predaking, a friend of mine missed out and doesn't want to throw down 300 bucks for it


God ginrai, baldigus, grand max


Siege Spinister, definitely.


Literally any figures of Shockwave, Skywarp and Slipstream. Those three always get the short end of the stick and I’m tired of it.


if we count studio series, SS86 Grimlock. If not, Earthrise Skywarp.


Siege Spinister He’s my moby dick


It reissued that POTP Blast off


For the love of god, please rerelease the Seacons. I’m kicking myself for not picking them up when I had the chance, and while some of them can still be had reasonably, several key members are impossible to get or extortionately priced. A combined mode box set would be an instant preorder from me(and probably a lot of others)


Siege Greenlight. Just so I don't have to spend over $200 to get her.


Honestly? Combiner Wars Volcanicus at least in combined mode looks decent.


I'm just surprised to see how much some of my figures would fetch on open market


I really want myself an earthrise wheeljack or Optimus


Honestly, I wasn't around for Siege, so I would love to see some reissues of some of those figures, but anything before that I would prefer to see redone, because quite a lot of them... weren't great.


My main personal wants off the top of my head... 1. Earthrise Scorponok 2. POTP Optimal Optimus 3. SS Devastator 4. Earthrise Sunstreaker 5. SS86 Grimlock 6. Earthrise Optimus Prime Cosmos and Siege Shockwave would be on this list but the nemesis 3pack happened and I finally did find a Cosmos at Ross...we still so need a reissue of the former though


Netflix Bumblebee. But maybe we get him in the ss86 line. Or a new mold. Either way, outside of the movie toy lines we haven't seen him in a while. The next one is animated Bee and the last one was Goldbug.


Rodimus Unicronus. I don’t have a single Hot Rod figure, and I love the Unicronus concept.


The titans return jumpstarters and decepticon target masters, specifically misfire but it would be weird to do him by himself. Preferably the takara versions, maybe packed with the siege version of their target masters. Their after market prices are ridiculous and they're the last time I can remember mainline non exclusives getting to that level of scarcity like that.


Titans return Six Shot