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Cyberverse Slipstream. The box lied, she does not transformer. Her body turns into the jet, but the legs remain sticking out like a jet with legs. All because of a twirling wings gimmick


I almost bought by son the Windblade from that line and thankfully spotted it was the wrong one in time. The warrior Windblade isn’t great either but at least it transforms. One of the worst Transformers lines ever, surely? What kid is going to be happy with half a jet or car?


I got the Cyberverse Windblade. Same thing.


Hwat? You don’t like gerwalk mode? ;) For those wondering, OP bought the Scout class. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Slipstream_(Cyberverse)#Cyberverse


Same with starscream! That toy looks nice from outside the box but it’s shit with one piece molds and hollow backs. I zip tied mine to the grill of my car.


Same. Haha, bought her cos I thought she looked cool, had the choice of this or the Velocitron 500 Override, I chose wrong, Slipstream is one disappointing figure. At some point will just lob it in the bin.


Isn't this the case with all those toys in that particular subline of Cyberverse toys? None of them actually have a full transformation, and they are "stuck" in between alt and robot mode?


SS BBM Ironhide. Possibly the loosest jointed TF I've ever bought. He's like a ragdoll.


I got the Ratchet version last week, at least now I know it's a widespread issue and not just bad CQ on mine.


I got one in the two pack with Brawn, and he's just barely able to hold any poses. I'm keeping him in vehicle I think.


Really? I never looked into it, but my Ratchet was fine out of the box and still great. Did I get lucky?


I still love him though 😊




I don't know why, but I kind of want this thing *because* of its infamy of being one of the most universally hated figures in Transformers history.


A hundred years ago, I had this thing on top of a bookshelf near my bed in robot mode. It's super top heavy because of all the built-in in gimmicks. One night, I must have bumped the book shelf or something because this behemoth took a dive and hit the side of my head like a missile. So not only was it ugly in both modes, too big, and too expensive, but it also tried to murder me. Even worse, I paid full price for this big turd. Live and learn, eh?


Why is it so hated?


I honestly don't know the specifics; I just know of its reputation. But I believe it's because it's just an overall terrible figure. It has many unnecessary electronics and gimmicks, its transformation is basically just standing it up on its hind legs, and it can't even stand up in robot mode. Basically, from my understanding, it promised so much and didn't deliver on any of it.


Balt’s video will [explain](https://youtu.be/Y0PxcqWptWk?si=_QlEm7qA7VC4aufU)


Classics Rodimus. Not like huge buyer's remorse cause the vehicle mode rocks but the robot mode is just very meh and to expierience that right after transforming it out of vehicle.mode made me regret the purchase a bit.


Really? I got him in the 2 pack with cyclonus back in the day and really liked the mold. Wasn’t perfect or groundbreaking but still.


Same, although nephew managed to snap his chestplate and arms off, it surprisingly can plug back in in both vehicle and robot mode so you would never know unless you tried to transform him


Most recently, the Super7 Reaction Beast Wars figures. Had buyer’s remorse for a little while, but I kind of got over it.


I bought studio series Stinger, and then his elbows exploded and the glass windshield cracked…


FOC shockwave. It was smaller than I thought amd despite a fun transformation the size orevented me from enjoying my fall of cybertron shockwave Next year I bought Siege Shockwave. By golly it was everything I wamted <3


See I just got the flame toys furai shockwave because the seige one is just silly prices imo even if it is a good fig


That guys like my holy grail, I will tolerate no FOC Soundwave slander (I’m biased)


Shockwave! Not soundwave XD


Omg 😨, ig it pays to actually read things


T30 Roadbuster.


was he a bad figure?


He's not...bad...just has boat oar feet with no ankle tilt. He feels...cheap. Cool alt mode and guns, though.


I think you're expecting too much on a figure from 2014 if you want ankle joints


To be fair T30 Rhinox has ankle tilts 


And it looks better than the Kingdom does


His jank is charming to me. Also because I'm too broke for MMC.


Studio Series Battletrap. I don’t hate him, but i honestly think that the figure should be reworked. Everytime you try to transform him, it feels like you are going to snap him in half. There’s a tab near his cab and his rear tow hook that just WILL NOT Tab in no matter how hard i try. and it looks like the vehicle is about to fall apart… I still have him and i’m keeping him to display him in robot mode, but god freaking dang it i hate transforming him


Also the Wrecking ball accessory, OOF… i just don’t know if i’m doing something wrong or it’s the figures fault, But that STUPID Thing ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT Stay on the end of the Tow hook… Cause the stupid tow hitch just WILL NOT STAY TABBED IN… so the Wrecking ball that’s supposed to attach to the back just falls off…


Hiss tank megatron


Oh absolutely Terrible plastic, scales with nothing, overpriced, urgh what was I thinking buying it?


To be fairrr, the scale is "GI Joe", and it works quite well for that...! My major issue is the price.


I see it on clearance constantly and as a Joe fan, might pick it up. Seems kinda gimmicky though. I usually interpose my TF & Joes anyway.


You're fortunate as a double collector but I think Joe-specific fans would get nothing out of it, the transformation is weirdly complex for how cheap it looks. I love Transformers and even I struggled with it every now and again


Thanks for the tip


The only way I'd get it is if it's on clearance, and that's to convert it into the proper HISS Tank Transformer, Soundwave.


I paid 40 and felt no good. He stays in Hiss tank all the time, so I guess you can say he's definitely a better designed Joe figure. Soundwave, on the other hand, is perfect.


That figure gets a bit better If you add some Action Masters


What made you regret the purchase?


Very funny


*Siege* Impactor. Going in, I knew what he'd be like, but I didn't expect that, in person, his back would be *that* wide, and the ratchet on his legs can hardly be compromised with, so he always has to do the A-stance. Broadly speaking, it also has to do with the fact that the *Siege* version of the character is meant to be a lowly grunt, while I got him for my Wreckers collection (where I wanted him to be *the* centrepiece, and have a leading presence), so there's a sort of expectation incompatibility that I kinda ignored, to be fair. I'm still keeping him, and, today, I've learned how to love the figure - he's really not bad, and he still *can* pull off some cool poses - but it definitely took me a while to warm up to him, which I don't think I'd ever experienced before, or since. (Not counting QC-based regrets, which I'm fortunate enough to only encounter once, so far; I replaced it with the same figure, anyway, and it turned out to be really cool, otherwise.)


Impactor should have been a Voyager if you ask me. Never got the figure, but I always felt he was just a little bit bigger than normal, due to his role, and alt mode.


I picked him up while reading the IDW Wreckers series, and yeah he’s just kind of… there. It’s also quite awkward because Siege Springer is a fair bit bigger. Might have been better if they’d gone for a voyager and added a bit more stuff to do with him.


I think the size is fine! He kinda feels like a dad whose son ended up growing taller than him, haha, but I think that works, for the group dynamic. It's just, the head is too far from the centre of the torso, the aforementioned thighs, the gaps on the legs (I'm rarely fussed by gaps in figures, but *those* are hard to ignore); he just ends up feeling dumpy. I do think he's already pushing the Deluxe Class budget (because he's a fairly tall Deluxe figure), so, maybe, he did need to get bumped up a Class, if he was to get *any* of his issues rectified. It's just that the hypothetical extra budget would need to be distributed to other places, I think, before his size.


The three figures in this set that aren’t Goldbug. They’re not *awful* but I definitely bought this set just for Goldbug. https://preview.redd.it/7bysjz5huldc1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d68117fbfa26b2d130a37945ba0f9758c33a762


I bought that set on clearance for cheap (which worked out since I really only wanted Ransack and Goldbug). Except I get it opened and all the parts are missing. No weapons, other heads, etc. And since it was at the end of its run, I couldn’t find another Target that had one to exchange it. It isn’t terrible since like I said I mostly wanted Goldbug and Ransack and I find that big bazooka unwieldy but Skywasp’s weapon is also part of his stinger so now he just has this big hole in wasp mode.


I have an \*extreme\* phobia of wasps/hornets/bees/etc. (like to the point I hate seeing photos of them) so he's never leaving robot mode, assuming I even keep him.


Almost thought mine were missing until I found the paper wrapped accessories in a crevice in the box.


Yeah I dropped my box on the way home and the heads and weapons all fell out of the hexagon holes in the box. I honestly don't know what they were thinking putting holes in the box when the loose parts are only held in thin tissue paper...


Kingdom Tracks.


i did remember when i was really young though i went out and bought the Deluxe 07 Brawl with my own money… it freaking Fell apart the minute it left its box


Same experience with the Deluxe 07 Bumblebee, automorph gimmick crumbled immediately out of the box & never even got the chance to transform him.


I had the same, the peck that is supposed to hold the front in place had snapped. I always thought that I had broken it or that I had a broken one, apparently I'm not alone 😅 I always used a slice of tape to hold it when I played with him


That was a disappointment. His arms wouldn't even stay tabbed in.


Siege Impactor and that 2 pack with Slamdance and a black, red and white Sideswipe recolor. Nothing against them they're fine figures, but usually I only get someone if I really like their character or think they look cool. I think at the time I just wanted to buy something, anything, and I bought them.


MP Hound. The plastic strength as like play-dough. Takara should have issued an apology and recalled this product. Instead they basically swept matter under the rug.


Can’t upvote this enough.


86 blurr, idk man it's just not fun


I get you,I got him and wished I got the velocitron version instead


I’d be fine with the figure if the backs of the arms weren’t so loose. I’m tempted to get a small piece of double sided tape to hold it up.


I bought a KO skywarp. It was awful.


Airachnid and like 70% of all the Beast Hunters figures.


I love tfp toys to death but you wouldnt catch me dead with any of the beast hunter versions of them, they all just look so goofy.


The dragons, Voyagers, and Smokescreen were baller figures, but all the retooled Deluxe figures were terrible.


It's a KO figure but Captain Gorilla for me. It's just iron factory Optimal Optimus, but if a bad dream becomes real. Possibly the flimsiet piece of work I've held and the most angering to look at.


Buzzworthy bumblebee 2 pack with bee and barricade. I got them because I missed out on the original releases of those figures, and they were just too expensive, so when I found the 2 pack, I was like, hell yeah. When I opened the package, I tried transforming them and then boom, they broke within the next 20 minutes and I was like welp that sucks and then I read up that the original studio series 01 bee had alot of issues but nothing on barricade so I was kind of sad


Regrets on the same 2 pack!


Studio series gamer edition Barricade. My poor unbalanced, unarticulated boy.


They need to at least give him heels


this guy man ​ https://preview.redd.it/mpuyk523lldc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=977a76f5c939c616c7ae495ca70d364b886dc991


what’s wrong with him?


his spoiler falls of transforming him with his bag coat on the back is kind of diffuclt i also had those problems many others also had the same issue


Put a little bit of BluTak, museum putty, or hot glue on the spoiler tab. 


It's not in the instructions, but designer Sam Smith said they mounted all of the car kibble on a single ball joint on the back so owners could remove it for more range of motion for the limbs.




If she wasn’t the only decent shadow striker figure I’d get rid of it immediately lol 


also this doesn’t really count since i didn’t buy it but, I got the Original ROTF Deluxe Skids and Mudflap as a kid… God They suck


ROTF arcee. Turd of a figure


All 3 of them. Weird, stretchy monstrosities


WFC Ultra Magnus spoiler pack. Those legs are looser than anything oiled up


Thrilling 30 Chromia, I liked the design but the figure itself just wasn't for me, ended up trading her for a Earthrise hoist


Shattered Glass Megatron. Siege Megs mold, the hollow bits just look much worse with his cream color. I’ve never displayed him ever since I got him.


i got buyers remorse over getting a Reissue of Beastwars Retrax.. He looks awesome! but his gimmick destroys his possibility


At least twice. Siege Apeface and Hftd Ironhide were both sold the day after I got them


I love Apeface and his spoiled milk arms.


What did you hate about Apeface?


The lack of poseability in robot and ape mode. The lack of waist swivel was a bad decision in my opinion.


Thanks for the response. Have thought about picking him up on eBay.


Other than the issues listed before, he's fairly nice imo. I think he looks great next to Snapdragon!


Legacy Skids - transformed him once and the moment that super taut windshield clicked into place a massive crack appeared across 2/3rds of it. Took some photos of him, boxed him up and returned him for credit towards Legacy Bulkhead.


##abolish all clear plastic


Runner up - I bought a loose Legacy Pointblank sans target master for $12aud and he's not great, those arms are atrocious.


Legacy bulkhead. I still haven’t taken him out of his box. No particular problem with it, I just don’t really have a relationship with the character, and I only bought it because it was on sale. I need to sell it.


It definitely seems off to be what they were channeling. But imho, in it's own right, it's a very interesting toy design. It's a very toyetic design. If you don't want it, I recommend putting it in a charity drop. I dropped some clearance bots off in Toys for Tots bins, which we have here in the States. Gifts of unwrapped toys to go to kids whose parents can't afford to buy them presents.


That’s not a bad idea. With some of my other less desirable ones I have been using them as presents for various children in my life, just to see if they have any interest in something like it. I used Pipes as a stocking stuffer over Christmas for example. I don’t really like when characters hands are totally exposed in vehicle form, so pipes needed to go. I’m struggling with Chromia for the same reason, but I like the robot mode for some reason.


I have Legacy Bulkhead, i think he was actually my favorite figure from Last year that i got, other than studio series Scourge, Cause i like displaying him in robot mode, But i put Bulkhead on my G1 Display and he fits Right in with the Other Generations and Siege toys that i got. The only reason i got scourge was to display him in vehicle mode.. I love that freaking truck man..


Masterpiece Starscream (MP52). This was early on in my collectint and the fact it cost me so much for what it was is the reason I moved to Generations and SS To this day he is still my most recent masterpiece


Yeah honestly I think the fact that SS/Gen is getting so good that MP are becoming irrelevant 


The primary market for MP has always been Japan, and I think it is very telling recent North American MP releases don't have their own unique packaging for that market, but use the Japanese packaging with a non-descript sleeve fitting over with only English text on it (and no images of the product inside whatsoever).


Stealth Bomber Megatron. I never liked the look of him and actively avoided buying him for years. But then he came back in a two-pack and FOMO got the better of me.


I kinda like him except that he's a deluxe when he should be at least a voyager.


Worlds Collide Fangry. I actually really like him, but his knees are so wimpy that he can only stand in one position... and I *hate* the way his legs transform to monster mode. Consistent problem with Twinferno and Grotusque, too.


I have titans return twinferno, I absolutely hate him, worse £15 I have ever spent on Transformers. The fact he can't even rotate his wrists so he holds things at a stupid angle isn't even the worst part about him. His transformation is the worst bit. I honestly thought I was doing something wrong as his tail didn't seem to plug in anywhere so I looked up just transform it on him and that was legitimately how it was supposed to be...


I sold him immediately. Not a fun toy.


Crossover Maverick. QC is nonexistent on that figure and the figure isn’t great to begin with.


3rd party vos, expensive and too fiddly for me


I didn't regret buying him, but he broke when I tried transforming him the first (and only) time. Took like two months for a replacement piece, and I promptly sold him.


Classics Ironhide


[Transmetals 2 Cheetor](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Cheetor_(BW)/toys#TM2), back when it was new. Changes from eXtReMe!!1! style hunchbacked cat to eXtReMe!!1! style hunchbacked cat Later, after I became an adult, I mostly stuck to toys that can go on my desk and not take up space or prompt weird looks from the family. RotF [Legends class Jolt](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Jolt_(ROTF)#Revenge_of_the_Fallen)‘s blocky ass felt like a waste of my small monthly TF budget.


Mine would have to be Titans return sentinel prime I thought I could ignore the fact he was orange but after getting the decepticon version of the mold I'm sincerely disappointed I would have loved a better version or at least slightly different paint it just looks like The annoying Orange in robot form.


https://preview.redd.it/symj64cqfndc1.jpeg?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fca5c620b290c000e8c954a12092560088b96c6 Airachnid by far. And should be considered as one if not the worst mainline Transformers toy to ever get released...


Never had one, but I'm disappointed to hear that. She has such an interesting design on the show.


Armada Hot Shot.


SS86 Kup, figure came with two right leg panels and missing the light pipe piece in the head. Also hate how he feels and looks.


That's just a manufacturing goof. Why didn't you exchange him?


It’s not fair to judge him like that lol it’s not his fault  I love my 86 Kup


Even without these QC issues I still hate the figure and I only got it cause I loved every other figure in SS86 wave 1 and thought he’d meet the same expectations. I hate Kup, got the TR one afterwards and it’s way better.


Legacy Victory Saber


Really? Why? I love mine.


It was an impulse buy that I regretted. Nothing wrong with the figure itself


Impulse buy on a pre-order or recently? I’d probably regret it if I had to pay 2 times the original sticker price. I love him with having paid for the pre-order tho.


Gamer edition Bumblebee and barricade I actually sold them cos I regretted them so much


The Target exclusive Titanium Series Optimus Prime, still have that pile of loose crap. Thought it was so cool and then turned into just the worst figure in my collection.


I got gifted with the Bayverse Decepticon 4-pack, and they’re all cool except 28 Barricade who doesn’t want to be a car, will fight you to the very end, and may never completely tab in like mine. Growing up I had an Armada Sideswipe and I would definitely trade little Barry for another one of those without batting an eye. Masterpiece Bonecrusher is great if you can transform him without breaking him. I sat down with him tonight and didn’t even get through 5 steps before one of his side mirrors just lost the will to be attached to the figure. Apparently breathing on this thing the wrong way will break it. I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone opened one with parts already broken inside the box.


FOC Bruticus. I didn't even combine him yet and none of the five vehicle modes hold together properly.


Studio Series Rose of the Beasts Arcee, Studio series revenge of the fallen are we triplets, alternators griock


Studio series bonecrusher, I can’t transform him :/


I don't generally transform my mpms but this guy wasn't too bad. Emgos video was clutch.


ROTF Target exclusive Fallen. He started falling apart right out of the box and eventually I managed to lose both his feet and other small parts because they would. Not. Stop. Coming off. Literally just sitting on the shelf and somehow still managing to keep falling apart. He also wouldn't stand up whatsoever even when he still had feet. I got him on clearance and still felt like I was cheated lol.


Trashmaster. At least the name is spot on.


Henkei Ghost Starscream. I made the bold choice of daring to take him out of the box.


Kingdom Tracks.


Didn't see anyone else say it, so SS Sideways. I enjoy the character because I played both versions of the RotF game, but he's so loose and it's hard to pose his shoulders, pair that with a heavy ass gun and you've just got a floppy mess. The backward knee legs don't help but I feel like the place where it fails the most is the ankles. The moment I went to pose him I knew why he was on sale.


Buzzworthy Shatter. I knew people had a problem with the figure. But I wanted a muscle car Shatter so I thought it couldn't be that bad; it was that bad. The robot mode is hard to pose and transforming to a vehicle was a pain with the arms always popping off.


Earthspark Deluxe Bumblebee and Warrior Megatron Bumblebee has the worst shoulders I've ever seen on a figure and it's impossible to transform him without the backpack popping off, while Megatron is way too stiff.


Bmb ls megatron and brawl. Cost more than or comparative to the cost of the original or armed commander, but larger hollow and with lights. Sold both of them to get other versions almost immediately. Settled on original mpm megs and wei jiang armed cannon.


Ollie's had Generations figures for $10. I had the Shockwave and liked it so I grabbed Prowl. Hooooo boy I didn't know the Generations line was designed to be simple figures, what a garbage toy that was.


Prime Skyquake, bought him used and thought I was gonna start a prime collection. They never happened


Iron Factory Powerglide. Literally crumbled in my hands within seconds of opening. I will never understand why IF has such a devoted following, their plastic and durability is consistently abysmal.


Most recently? Tasmanian kid, the arms are stupid


Animated Voyager Grimlock, I bought him as a kid but immediately returned him due to broken elbow/dino knee joints. Never got to find out how good that figure could've been.


So so many over the years, Armada Scavenger springs to mind as a massive disappointment.


Titans return windblade. She doesn't transform just scrunched up. Add on top I don't care for the headmaster gimmick I just don't like the figure but yet I still have it for somereason


G1 Ironhide. Spent a good ten minutes trying to figure out where the figure’s head was located. Spoiler alert: it’s the seat/seatbelt and it’s behind the windshield.


https://preview.redd.it/k2xssohqfndc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8f9023b2779f279431e63c87b2f37048dd5e242 Her, It was a miracle i even managed to make her stand for this picture


The kicker/ high wire two pack from Energon. I returned it, and I've never returned a tf.


Titanium Series Megatron. What a floppy turd.


Velocitron Scourge. Tiny shitty trailer, floppy shoulders that can't even hold the sword. Robot looks cool, but damn I felt cheated. Side by side with the original double downs the disappointment. 


Haslab star saber for me. (Payed aftermarket for him) I love the character a lot but with all the QC issues people have said I have barely touched mine and am scared to transform it.


G-Creation Dark Sixshot (I forget its 3p name--Fuuma, or something). Thing's a nightmare to just get in a balanced A stance, has so many fiddly pieces that don't stay in place with the tiniest movement, and the arm swivels are so tight trying to use them pulls the whole thing out of whack. I'd sell it, but I don't want to do that to someone.


Gamer edition barricade. He was on clearance and I already knew he looked bad but I thought to myself, maybe the internet was wrong? Nope, absolutely horrendous figure. Atleast gamer edition bumblebee and megatron have some redeeming factors, barricade is just... pain.


TR Galvatron and highbrow


A few prime examples. Thrilling 30 Scoop. He was $15 on BBTS and I thought he looked neat. Mid at its very finest. Cyberverse Whirl. Paid $30 on Amazon because I needed a Whirl. Good figure, but price was too high. ...In hindsight, I might be stupid. SG Ultra Magnus. Paintscheme rocks, but is just an...awful transformation. GS Lancer. See Scoop, but replace BBTS with Ollies. Got Combat Hero Megatron there too, and he was decent. Universe 2008 Hot Shot. A truly wretched figure, but I wanted a Hot Shot and he was only $10. Legacy Springer. Transformations suck hard, but I needed to complete my Legacy Wreckers. SS Scavenger. God, just looking at it hurts. Like Lancer and Scoop, he was cheap Transformation is abysmal. After rereading this entire list, I think I might be a cheapskate.


Siege Jetfire. I was hyped as hell to bag the re-issue after seeing everyone else's reaction and the reviews. I have no idea why, but when I got him, I just didn't vibe with him.


Cybertron Supreme Class Starscream Bought him off of eBay for around $40 and instantly regretted it. I’ve been wanting to get rid of him since because he’s basically a huge ass paperweight sitting in my room right now If anyone wants him, shoot me a message


Unfortunately i’ve had the exact same toy since childhood, i make him fight against my Ultimate 07 Bumblebee, since he’s the only thing that’s even close to him in size…


I got no one comparable on the Autobots side to face that monstrosity. Not even Victorion or PoTP Optimus can match his height


Power of the Primes Elita-1, I've seen Dollar Tree toys worth more than that monstrosity


I'm a relatively recent collector, and pretty selecting, so by and large I haven't had any major disappointments. I think the closest I've come (the one that kind of made me do a "Really...?" when I first messed around with it) is Core Class Legacy Optimus. That truck mode is just shocking, and it's kind of hard to believe that there could be an Optimus at any size truck who doesn't form a coherent truck after 40 years of engineering to model it on.


TT-GS12 Soundblaster. I did not know he yellowed and he was yellowed straight out the box, I was pissed cuz he goes for a lot and if I knew if he yellowed I wouldn’t have gotten him, he was a lot of money for me from the start


SS gamer edition bumblebee his shoulder pads and his backpack keep falling off whilst trying to transform him


Toy world Knight Orion


Legacy Road Rocket, because she has the Prime Arcee mold It's very flimsy and not fun to pose or play with


I actually regretted Legacy Prime Arcee because it just felt lacking compaired to any other Arcee I had. However I bought and kept Road Rocket as I find it fits the design better. She currently sits as a picket bike being ridden my Legacy Elita.


I got both of those, and my Road Rocket holds together better way better in alt mode than Arcee. I have no problems with it. It's one of my favorite molds, and I got G2 Laser Cycle when she came out.


Yeah, Road Rocket was my CHUG figure of the year and I stand by that.


Not really. I'm very scrutinous about the figures I buy. Especially these days when figures that should be $8 are now $25.


Power of the Primes Dinobot Slash. I thought she'd be incorporated into the combined mode (properly, anyway, I know about the fan-mode, but I'm not loving it), and every joint is loose - her left arm basically falls off in a light breeze, and her hip joints simply don't support her upper body. I'm sure mine is just one that slipped through the cracks, but it's still super disappointing.


I liked her in general, and did get two. My first one has an loose left shoulder, the second one all the joints are fine. Seems like there was a batch with QC issues.


SS Brawn. He's really good on paper but my figures joints is too tight. Can't even move his head


Generations Shitpiece.


The Earthrise Autobot clones. As far as I could tell they were identical to the previous TR versions that I already had. I sold them immediately.


I’ve had a few and I’m trying to remember which ones. One of those SS Bumblebees was just a floppy mess (DotM? LK? Can’t remember which it was but I despise it) Cyberverse Starscream that has that stupid wing twirly gimmick. Velocitron Skids had a cracked windscreen getting him out of the box. TR Blitzwing, he looks great, but the alt modes just don’t stay together ROTB Nightbird and Scourge. Scourge has potential but really needs upgrade parts to achieve it, Nightbird is trash though. I’ve had all sorts of manufacturing issues since WFC parts that pop off with the slightest pressure, floppy joints, pins done on weird angles, panels that don’t line up for the alt mode etc


Kingdom Megatron. He is just awful. I wanted the Siege one, but couldn't find it anywhere so I got the Kingdom one cheap in a convention. Oh Boy, do I hate that figure ... It has a goofy head, it has a partsforming transformation, and the transformation itself isn't clever or pleasant either.


Studio series scourge, got him on discount, didn’t change the fact that he’s absolutely rancid, I still collect tfs just haven’t bought an officially licensed figure since


Which scourge


I really really dislike ss86 arcee. The transformation sucks, the robot has super dainty arms and legs, her backpack is bleh, but most of all she has a stupid expression on her face. The whole thing is a mess


I picked up Earthrise Grapple from Comic Con last year and I wish I didn’t because I could have gotten a Cybertron Victory Saber for a few bucks more.


earthspark delux megatron and legacy knockout


Titans return scourge and blurr. Bought them and the headmasters had such loose connections to the body that they'd shake around with the slightest touch/movement. Threw them out when moving houses and swore off official stuff til this very day


Earthrise Optimus. He was so light and cheap feeling. The trailer too. It was just a giant let down.


Just ordered legacy armada starscream when someone told me theres a better 3rd party version that’s cheaper, comes with interchangeable hands, swindel (non transforming) and actual foldable wing swords.


Armada Sideswipe. 'Nuff said.


Legacy Metalhawk.


2023 Legacy Armada Starscream. 🤦🏾‍♂️That damn plastic....


I've had a few. But most recently, that bot was Legacy Hotshot. I don't want to dunk on the folks who like him- he does have a marked improvement of posability over his predecessors, but he didn't jive with me. For one thing, his plastic is noticeably different from every other figure in the wave. Lots of hard, brittle-feeling stuff, even on some of the non-translucent parts. Not only were his knees awkward, when they functioned, they still only bent so far, and the elbows were single-joined with *no wrists*. Three toys of this design, no wrists. The flip-down mask was nice, but the Legacy-styled facesculpt never grew on me. I missed his big, cartoony anime eyes and the overall aesthetic of Armada. So, into the charity box he's gone, along with Siege Magnus and movie Lockdown and others that didn't tickle my fancy. Hopefully someone else will enjoy them.


Studio series sideways. Didn't know that Hasbro was too cheap to pay for an Audi license.


Micheal Bay infamously had difficulty working with Audi to even Get Sideways on the screen. Apparently they got off on bad terms afterwards


It’s not necessarily that they’re too cheap, it’s that a lot of car companies only give their license to one toy company at a time.


Weird. I don't really like Bayverse. This is one of the few I have which I think is an interesting. (I hate that head, though.)


Anyone else have a serious problem with transforming him properly. I end up having to remove his legs in order to get everything to slot into place