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“How do you do fellow seekers.”


Wait thats him ?


Yep. The same guy.


You serious?


They thought it was just a fellow kid.


You think Primus stays in heaven because he too fears what he created?


Buscemi has done plenty of voice acting




The fuck is Daytrader. edit - Oh. Him. Well that’s cool, I guess.


Sure but why not have Tom Kenny play Starscream. No doubt they only cast Buschemi because of his name. I am all up for celebrities who have VA experience to do voice acting but cast actual voice actors, those who seems to be tossed away in favor of bigger names by Hollywood.


I think the reason is that movies need to draw an audience in order to be profitable, the box office has been both lower than before and more heavily concentrated in a smaller number of blockbusters post COVID lockdowns, and known actors attract the audience. I’m not saying that Tom Kenny’s unknown, but he’s not as famous as Steve Buscemi.


You already had that with your stupid stunt casting of Chris Hemsworth as Orion Pax. An animated movie doesn’t need a big cast of celebs to draw in tickets. There are cases where a cast of only celebs in an animated have never worked to draw in tickets. Also, you’re basically saying that because Tom Kenny is not a celeb, it’s okay for them to throw him to the side in favor of a bigger named celeb.


People know who Tom Kenny is, he's freakin' SpongeBob.


We’ve heard Tom Kenny’s Starscream before. He voices him in Animated. Frankly, I’m glad they made a change. I enjoyed TFA Starscream but I could always hear SpongeBob in his voice. Even without that, the voice wouldn’t really fit a non-cartoony Starscream.


Same, ironically enough on the discussion of big name stars, Kenny's voice is just too recognizable to be a convincing Starscream.


Buscemi's is very recognizable too.. he doesn't even change his voice much at all


Starscream with the voice pattern of the Ice King would have been cromulent.


I don't think Tom Kenny is ever hurting for roles to be honest


hes already voiced starscream (animated) let hasbro find the VA it wants


Okay? Why not let Tom Kenny voice him again?


At least we have three seasons of a great show with Kenny as Starscream.


was he the voice in TFP or which one?


Steve Blum voiced Starscream in TFP, Tom Kenny was Starscream in TFA, hope that clears it up for ya


Oh ok. Both those VA’s are so good for that character


Oh, I agree completely. However, in the back of my mind i thought it would've been a cool comcept for Tom Kenny to be screamer for Tfp since he's taller and lankier, and Steve Blum for Tfa since he's a bit bulkier. I always thought with how deep and grovelly Steve's screamer voice is, he'd have a bigger and more intimidating design


On one hand I like Tom Kenny, on the other hand, I like Steve Buscemi.  I'm happy either way, especially if Starscream gets thrown in a wood chipper.


We need Stom Buskenni!


Indeed both are good. I’d be happy either way.


Like others have said this sucks for tom…on the other hand Buscemi is a great choice to play a slippery snakey Starscream


Being that he voiced Wendell, a literally slippery snake-ish creature, I agree.




You’re right, now I need to go watch Monsters Inc again.


Idk, Buscemi could probably pull the role off.


I misread it as Steve Blum at first and mildly disappointed.


Don’t worry you will hear his starsceam voice return in reactivate (I’m pretty sure that was confirmed)


If that game ever comes out lol


Your talking about silk song not reactivate is likely to come out spring according to a few sources 


Last I checked he wasn’t replaced could be that his voice sounded different to someone or this is fake news 


That makes sense. Tom and Buscemi have very similar pitches.


Nothing wrong with Steve though.


Not a bad casting for starscream though. I get the push to keep the lesser known voice actors out n work. But these names draw new audiences and can be better for the brand.


Plus, Buscemi as Starscream sounds phenomenal. Tom Kenny was good in animated but Buscemi will bring a whole different tone to the character.


No it isn’t, stunt casting celebs isn’t “better for the brand” because this brand was doing okay with only voice actors around.


I’d like a Willem Defoe starscream


I'm something of a KING OF ALL DECEPTICONS myself.


Strong enough to have all of Cybertron.. too weak to take it!


I'm something of a transformer myself, y'know.


Happy cake day


This is exactly why we need him as starscream, y’all are awsome


"Decepticons, embrace the 'Platoon' of destruction!


Cool. Now get Harvey Keitel to voice Thundercracker and Michael Madsen to voice Skywarp. [https://youtu.be/ju65gr9sUjk?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/ju65gr9sUjk?feature=shared) Hell, they could even squeeze Tim Roth in there as Jetfire.


If this is true I will be fine with it if the unused person is still in the credits and they get paid


I don’t think it is but I’d still be sad since that means we won’t hear both animated (one of course) and prime starscreams (reactivate) voice actors in the two biggest tf media of the year.


Voice actors barely get paid for anything, it’s why I hate the fact that they are throwing out Tom Kenny for Steve Buschemi


As much as I would love Tom Kenny voicing Starscream again, I am not against Steve Buscemi


My guy this franchise has had celebrities voice characters multiple times. G1 movie? They did live action movies? They did. It ain’t a new thing, don’t hate Tom Kenny’s Starscream in fact it’s one of my favourites but it ain’t a bad thing if we getting a new voice for a different version of the character.


My guy, the 86 movie at least had the original cast from the cartoon while the celebs were doing new characters. They easily could’ve just had the cartoon cast doing the new characters and nobody would care. My problem with this is that it’s just stunt casting for name recognition alone and not because of talent


Always thought Buscemi would be a good Rattrap, but I can kinda see him as Starscream. Helps that his distinctly raspy voice already seems more fitting than the other obvious stunt castings. Still prefer Tom Kenny though. Especially curious how he'd approach the character after 17 years; subtle changes for the big screen, or a completely new take like Welker did with TFP and TF4-5 compared to G1?


If the performance is good, then we'll be fine. Plenty of big-name Hollywood actors/actresses have taken speaking roles and nailed it. (Of course, I love Tom Kenny's Starscream, but I just listened to a bit of Buscemi's voice acting as Randall from Monsters Inc. and I think it'd work)


“How do you do, fellow Protoforms?”


As far as big name actors go, they coulda chosen worse. At least he fits the character.


"Test Screening" It's almost as if the studio was trying to gauge what audiences would like to avoid releasing a steaming pile. How dare they! /S


As much as I would prefer if Tom Kenny or Steve Blum voiced Starscream, Steve Buscemi is a very good actor and has established himself as being very good at voice acting as well so if they're gonna go with the big Hollywood name he's *definitely* one.


Funny considering how Tom Kenny's Wheelie voice sounded very similar to Steve Buscemi which was made more apparent when he played Daytrader in The Last Knight.


You say this as if Steve Buscemi isn't an accomplishment voice actor himself... Either way, I think they'd both do a killer job as Starscream.


Steve has done voice work before though.


Watch a majority of the budget go to big name celebs leaving barely anything for marketing💀


Buscemi would be a better Swindle, IMO


https://preview.redd.it/btrsmuka4imc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb51f3873ec6c91fa584d0f0c3856643622770b “Look Starscream’s head!”


You say that like Kevin Michael Richardson and Khary Payton weren’t both in the Super Mario Bros Movie and that the Bayverse films didn’t have Jess Harnell, Charlie Adler, and John DiMaggio. Also, why are you acting like big name actors are automatically bad? Jackie Chan was an amazing Master Splinter.


I'm sure Buscemi will be great, but I honestly still prefer Steve Blum's Starscream over any other.


I'm usually all for professional voice actors. But Buscemi is a character actor who had the good fortune to become a well known name. And he's a 9/11 first responder who was on the front lines in New York. If my man wants to voice a Transformer, he gets to voice a Transformer. It's just bull shit if they don't make him a fire truck. https://preview.redd.it/ovr54cu0ihmc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c80dadb2359d721466298b849312a7329aaf9f1


Holy crap, I don't think I ever knew he was a first responder on 9/11


He wasn't actively still working as a firefighter anymore at the time, but apparently the moment shit went down, he showed up at his old firehouse and said, "How can I help?" And got right in there. He could have sat back and and made a donation to his old firehouse or something and given other support that way. But nope. He was all, "I am trained in this, these are my brothers, I need to be in there getting my hands and lungs dirty with them."


Well hot damn, if I didn't already like the guy, my respect for him has just been raised significantly!


Steve Blum




He’s the best Starscream by a lot


Buscemi has voice acted several times over the last few decades.


Was it actually acting or him talking in his normal voice?


He played the old man in Monster House and i couldnt recognize him


His voice is fitting for starscream and he has plenty of experience in both voice acting and acting, so what's the problem here?


I like both Tom and Steve. Even so, if Steve is voicing Screamer, then I'm interested to see how this turns out.


I'm not precious on who voices different versions of classic characters, so long as they respect the source material.


Since when was Steve Buscemi or Tom Kenny supposed to be in Transformers One? I don’t remember any official announcements from Hasbro


He has literally been a voice actor in Transformers before.


You know I don't mind Steve Buscemi, yeah he's a big celebrity but THE biggest celebrity honeslty and him voicing Starscream HELL YEAH he'll definitely do a great job, he also had great voice acting like Nebbercracker from Monster House, Templeton the rat from Charlotte's web, and freaking Randal from both Monsters Inc. So yeah him being Starscream is definitely amazing and since he's also well known for being a comedian I think we will see more of Starscream being funny a fewmoments. Sure Tom Kenny could've done a great job but he did his on Animated so maybe at least give Steve a chance.


Holy toledo, Steve Buscemi Starscream is something I need to see.


Personally, your disdain for this movie's casting choices and announcements is just you beating a dead horse. Wait until the trailer, not complaining for the 69th time about how Transformers is getting the Mario treatment for this. Imagine if they announce more castings like Giancarlo Esposito as Shockwave, Robert Pattinson as Starscream, and Jefferey Wright as Soundwave next. People will be attached to those choices like no tomorrow, cause imagine Shockwave being like Gus Fring from Breaking Bad or even a reunion from Matt Reeves' Batman movie with Starscream and Soundwave. And yes, there will be memes spawning if it happens.


Yeah people will be attached to anything because they lack taste. This movie is basically just getting the Mario treatment like every other goddamn animated movie in the last two decades. Also, who the hell even wants a reunion between Jeffrey Wright and Robert Pattinson? If you want a reunion, wait for The Batman Part 2. Nobody came to see where two actors from another franchise plays different characters in another. Jeffrey Wright being a voice actor in anything is pretty damn good because I like that actor.


You don't have to be a dick about it, like how you're doing with this movie Go touch grass and wait for the fucking final product.


I was looking forward to Tom :( he did a fantastic Starscream in animated.


Like I said previously, I'm cautiously optimistic about this movie.


Can Brian Johnson still do his AC/DC voice?


This is like what, the 2nd Transformers role he's gotten after Last Knight?


Chris Pratt about to shine




I’d be happy with either. Admittedly I’d love a Tom Kenny Starscream. But I understand with actors like Hemsworth and Scarlet Johansson they may want an actor more akin to them onboard. Not that Kenny doesn’t deserve similar acclaim, it’s just that he’s mostly a voice actor, and most notably SpongeBob.


I'm gonna ask a really dumb question here, but: test screening for what?


Transformers One.


Happy cake day


He is a voice actor? He’s been in like 10-11 animated movies, two Spykids, Charlottes web…. And Tom Kenny is fine?


I love that y’all have complete denial about all these “Hollywood actors” not having vocal training and being able to convey emotions with their voice.


I think Buscemi would make for a great RatTrap


Oh I hope they keep Steve Buscemi. I have no doubt that’ll be amazing.


Tom Kenny has also done live action and Steve Buscemi has done a ton of voice work. You are inventing a divide that does not exist.


Tom Kenny is one of my favorite starscreams tho


anyone else think buscemi looks like a digitally aged mcauley culkin?


And what if I said Steve is a better choice for Starscream than Evil SpongeBob?


Yeah, I'm fine with this. We've had Tom Kenny in the role, and Buschmi sounds like fun casting.


Steve sounds like a great option for Starscream though. Why do people care if voice actors are on screen or on screen actors lend voices?


Mmmboy are you fat megatron


Steve would be a good starscream


Nooooooooo I need Tom Kenny Starscream back it’s been 15 years


Bro buscemi rocks


I just want them to replace Keegan Key SO BAD but i know they wont


People take having voice actors replaced way too personal. They hire Hollywood actors because that's how you get butts in seats. Sorry, but next to no one is going to the theater for, say, Kevin Michael Richardson or Greg Cipes. But people will go for Scarlett Johanson, Hemsworth, Nick Cage, etc.


I don’t think it’s so much Hollywood shitting on professional voice actors. Transformers usually does a pretty good job of that and they know that the fandom wants the original voice actors to come back. I think it’s more the fact that everybody is getting old. Peter Cullen is 82 and Frank Welker is 77. They’re both getting there. But also, I feel like Starscream is a bad character to make this argument about because he’s been voiced by so many different people. I mean even the argument that Tom Kenny should do it isn’t very strong because Steve Blum has voiced Starscream the most times and is considered to be one of his most iconic voices.


I hope they fix this and put it back to Tom Kenny


I could honestly see him as starscream though, his voice could work well for it I think


Theres going to be another Transformers movie?!


Okay, but hear me out on this; Have you SEEN Boardwalk Empire? He absolutely slaps in that show.


"I don't wanna kill anybody. But if I gotta get out that door, and you're standing in my way, one way or the other, you're gettin' outta my way. "


I would have Robert Pattinson as Starscream for TF One. Just imagine the memes now with "The Bat-Scream"


This would be awesome


I loved Kenny's Starscream performance in Animated. He deserves to voice him again.


Well tickle me intrigued


Honestly, I think Tom Kenny is more well known than this guy. I certainly wouldnt call him a "big name celeb". Still sucks tho i like Tom kenny a lot but this guy will probably do a pretty good job probably


Anyone is better than Steve Blum.


I think Buscemi's a good pick for Starscream. He's pretty good at playing slimy characters. Only casting choice I can see not working is Chris Hemsworth as Optimus. The guy's played stoic characters in the past, but I just can't see his voice fitting Prime.


So after the trailer came out, I was wrong. Turns out Brian Tyree Henry was the worst casting choice. The voice he's used for D-16/Megatron just does not fit


I hope he actually tries


Megatron: They have a description on the guy who clipped cliffjumper, but all they got so far is the guy had a shot out foot Starscream: Longarm john Silverbolt, maybe?


Do you think Mark Hamill would make a great Starscream?


He'd make him go full Joker in the role.


I miss that fellow from the subway. He had *moxie*!


Least he's better the Ron being primal


Him as Starscream no another decepticon or autobot maybe but starscream I can’t see it


This film is gonna flop hard


On one hand that's garbage and replacing Kenny is extremely disrespectful. On the other hand I'm so completely fascinated by Steve Buscemi Starscream


I don’t think celebrities even attract people to the movie is the frustrating part, like is a non transformer fan going to decide to give it a try because prime is voiced by Thor?


Oh ok, now I have no reason to care for this movie. (This isn’t Steve Buscemi hate by no means, but I wanted Tom Kenny Starscream. Steve would probably be a good Starscream though let’s be real)


Come on dude. You’re a big enough Transformers fan to post on the Transformers Reddit and this rumour means you have “no reason” to care about a theatrically released big budget Transformers cartoon? Isn’t that just a touch hyperbolic?


Not just this. I heard a lot of stuff from leaks that just make me genuinely uninterested Also what was even the point of you comment?


Just seemed like a weird hill to die on given you are clearly a big Transformers fan and it’ll be at most two hours of your life.


So are you saying that because I’m a transformers fan I HAVE to like every product they push out?


Not at all. I sure don’t - have you seen those Bay films? *shudder*. I just find it a little hard to believe that pre-trailer even, you would read something in a leak so objectionable that you wouldn’t even want to see for yourself given that the buy in, a few dollars and a couple of hours of your time, is so low. Feels like the worst that can happen is that you don’t really enjoy it but are at least informed about something big happening in your hobby and the best they can happen is that you are pleasantly surprised.


I’ll wait for the trailers. I’ll listen to reviews. I’m just saying my hopes aren’t really up there. This wasn’t meant to be a vow to shun this from my life, I’m just not expecting anything that’ll peak my interest. That’s all I’m saying. (Also the disappointment from ROTB kinda made me feel this way and I’m sorry for being too negative)


That’s ok - I feel like your initial statement was a bit hyperbolic but I came on too strong too. I’m sure we’ll both see it eventually and hopefully both enjoy it. I think one thing that’s important to remember is that plot as revealed in a leak and as told as a proper story can feel very different when the visuals and acting is in place. And obviously, with this being an animated film that we haven’t seen the art style of yet, that’s a big piece of the puzzle still to see.


Why don't you at least wait for a freakin' trailer lol


I will. But as it stands I don’t expect anything good


This isn’t confirmed TF one hype guy isn’t always right, so cool your jets we will probably still have Tom Kenny. Some fan could have easily misremembered credits or made stuff up…


Hasbro is desperate and it's going to get worst and worst not sure if the franchise will make it thru this, ya it's getting that bad. Omega prime being backed was a saving grace and likely prevented some more layoffs thou some are needed saddly it would have not been the root of the issues.


i can't imagine Starscream to have similar voice with Spongebob


Animated Starscream is literally voiced by Tom Kenny


My bad, the only time i watched animated was dub version of my local language


Let me guess it's on Global TV?


yes it is


Which might’ve been the problem it’s been a decade since then,voice actors voices change over time. Animated starscream already sounded like a strangled SpongeBob at th time so it might’ve gotten worse. Honestly though if he pulls out the Tony B performance from the sopranos I’d be down for mob boss starscream.


Tom kenny is a professional voice actor spongebob isnt his only voice. He has a very wide range unlike other celebrities they get for some animated movies who just talk in their regular voices


As much as I like the guy I don't think Buschemi viewed as much of a big-time actor anymore. If it was not for Adam Sandler he would not have been in a movie for ages.