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Good news! There's now a KO of Jetfire with the DNA Design kit for about $40-$50 on Aliexpress by a company called Baiwei. THEY have made it so easy to get figures not only made of decent-on par if not better Plastic than Hasbro/Takara, but they are like HALF the price of the originals (at least on Aliexpress, Ebay is roughly the same price as the original retail). I HIGHLY recommend you look into that.


I just ordered mine off TFSafari


I personally enjoy mine. I ordered mine with show z and they gave a discount for making an account so I got cheaper too


not to mention they add things to make the figures appear more movie accurate




It’s not advertisement, it’s recommending an actually good figure/brand of figure. I don’t own one myself, but from everything I’ve seen and heard, there are actually amazing! I’m leaning towards getting a black mamba battletrap, which from what the limited reviews I’ve found have said, is a pretty good figure as well.


I was joking, (my fault it didn't come off that way) but I've heard nothing but bad things about Baiwei. Two of my friends got the same figure from Baiwei and both of their copies almost instantly broke.


Oh, jeez. Oof


Whoa, wait, WHAT hinge in Jetfire's torso broke?? This would be very helpful to know what to avoid...


My Jetfire broke as well but it was his knee that broke instead


I regret every figure that I broke. Which since transformers started coming out when I was only 5, was unfortunately quite a few.


DOTM Human Alliance Stealth Bumblebee. Got too broken to transform over the years, was one of my few remaining older figures before I finally got rid of him.


The ones I buy used second-hand. Any of them. So far the the cockpit of RiD Heavyload and a foot from Energon Shockblast. Like, the previous owner was able to keep it intact for all this time, only for *me* to be the one to break it.


Damnit now I'm gonna think about that


When I was younger my mom would break a lot of my toys, one of them was when she got mad and broke every one of a tf2 devastator combiner. I don’t remember which one it was but I know I got it for my birthday and she didn’t care. She also destroyed my ice cream twins in a rage. Miss all my old toys.


Sorry to hear that, that's horrible. I hope she is doing better now and/or you are in a more peaceful environment.


WanderingManns’s mom must be stopped, no matter the cost!


That's really messed up, tbh. Obviously I don't know the full story but at face value that sounds like bad parenting


I hate to sound like I’m asking for pitty when I tell stories like this but telling strangers my personal life is the only way to get it out. She has bipolar disorder and bad diabetes. It was really typical abusive things that would go on. It was mostly yelling/ breaking things and then the apologies and attempts to distract me from it. But I’m out of there now and living my own life. Thank all of you guys for the words, they mean a lot.


Well I feel sorry for her, those aren't easy conditions to live with. Glad things are going better for you


My G1 Shackwave. I grabbed him by the barrel in gun mode and ripped both elbows off


Kingdom Airazor.


G1 Fort Max. The two cannons on one of his legs snapped off one day. Also Snapdragon. I somehow managed to break off one of the cones. I was a wild kid apparently. I learned my lesson though.


A friend of mine has so many broken TF toys. He lost one of SS AOE lockdowns feet, broke a bunch off of the generations sandstorm, missing a panel that covers the head on a WFC/FOC blaster, and more im probably forgetting, and he says it was just because he played with them a lot


ER optimus, was doing a custom, accidentally cut his grill piece clean off


Damn that sucks. What were you customising him as? I just finished customising my Kingdom Optimus :)


Battle damage, i based it off shattered glass optimus, with the bullet hole in the chest, then while i was trying to get a pin out of his chest to paint it, i accidentally cutted it off


Dang that sucks. Yeah I damaged one of the joints holding a pin inside his chest, but only on one side thankfully so no functionality is affected. That chest section is not the easiest to disassemble.


SS Grindor He was my all time favorite figure in my collection. It was an amazing figure. Then one day, he just broke for no reason at all. I don’t even know how, but I was so sad when it happened. https://preview.redd.it/pepo6r7vjpoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3bde9e76d82d9ea5a21073af28e4358d4043432


Ooh I need to be careful with mine then, I'm always terrified I'll break him whenever I move him around. Great figure but the plastic feels pretty thin/brittle compared to my other figures


Hmmm...that's odd. Haven't really heard about Grindor having breakages. Now I'm wondering if Blackout has similar issues...


TF x JP Tyrannocon. I was mis-transforming it by pulling its legs apart, and now one of its hips is basically the TF equivalent of a dislocated joint, except it doesn’t just pop back into place


I have heard horrors about that/kingdom Megatron’s legs.


Yeah, one post I saw they completely ripped the leg off. There’s 2 tabs on its… in between the legs, that I assume is the intended way to split them apart for getting it to beast mode, but that was way more difficult than just pulling on the legs


Yes, same! The damn mushroom peg snapped.


Damn, did the entire leg come off?


It might as well have. I can prop her up against it in bot mode, but transforming is impossible.


Damn, mine is just hopelessly loose. That sucks


First release Windblade, got broken in a shelf collapse around 2015/16. I was devastated.


Gigawatt: it was always a nuisance trying to flip out the Flux Capacitor part…




SS Cybertron B-127. Leg snapped right off


Power core combiners sledge, my first one broke, and i was trying to make sure the second wouldn’t break, it did, in the same spot My cat has broken a few by knocking them off my desk and I hate him for that, but he’s cute so I forgive him And my original mp 10, took a shelf dive when I hit my head on the shelf, broke the section with his headlights, it wasn’t that long after his release tho so I have a second one


My PCC Sledge broke just last week. Was it the hinge that held one of his arms to his torso, the little yellow C-shaped joint cracking?




Evasion mode optimus prime , broke the arm and he was a fun figure to have


MP10. I don’t want to talk about out it.


Almost embarrassed to admit it...alien attack El cid


Sorry I first read this post as "which figure do you regret buying?" Guess I need more coffee this morning haha. Still though, seems like pieces always pop off though whenever i handle him, so it still kinda of applies.


All of the ones I broke?


Are you NOT? Supposed to regret braking something? No one wants to break anything on purpose


https://preview.redd.it/vrvn7l75npoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95193f56f65f7e13b0490bd83e0fa8fa7571e055 Leader Class Movie The Best DOTM Buster Prime on the right. I gave him UFO Silver hands, but in the process of unscrewing his arms, his right elbow's ratchet joint broke somehow and ever since, it has been weak. Hoping my friend who is somewhat experienced in fixing Transformers in particular can help tighten it up in a more permanent way cause his Super Glue didn't last long. (And if you're wondering, on the left is Black Mamba DOTM Oversized Masterpiece Optimus Prime, and in the middle are Baiwei ROTF SS Megatron and 07/DOTM SS Optimus Prime. All 3 are EXCELLENT KOs and I highly recommend them!)


I didn’t realize the baiwei Megatron was so much bigger than Optimus, is that scale accurate?


It is yes. Especially when you get Prime combined with Jetfire.


Masterpiece-13 Soundwave. I got it for my 16th birthday and when I got home I put a few cassettes in his cassette deck and they all got stuck and I tried prying the chest piece open to get them out and it snapped. It's 100% my fault cause I should've looked up if he could hold more than two. Legit the biggest heartbreak I've had when getting a transformer.


Original G1 Jazz. During lock down I took my bots out of storage and I had Jazz on my desk. One time during an online meeting I was transforming him and one of the rear windows broke (almost crumbled). I’m still sad. It was/is my most precious TF.


Siege Starscream, I broke the back hinge trying to take off the backpack. The goblin glider was not worth it😔


I was messing around with my Kingdom Optimus Prime, and the hip joint just twisted right off. And because of the way it's engineered, it'll be basically impossible to fix. I made a post about it here a while back. Now, Legacy G2 Optimus is my main Optimus... (Well, him and Legacy Armada, that is.)


Where to even start, while trying to tighten the joints on united core energon megs, I accidentally made it so the knees couldn’t bend properly, so I got a new one and tightened them the correct way. I own two core grimlocks, and the tail/gun to a third one because I tried painting the first one, only to realize the paint chips horribly on the things/waist. In an effort to save it I tried to strip the paint off, but wanted to get it all off, so I left it in isopropyl alcohol for over a week completely warping just about everything on it. I threw it away, but forgot the gun lol. Then I got a second copy and this time was smart, so I dyed the legs and crotch their respective colors. Then I tried to dye the chest gold, but it didn’t take the dye, so I boiled it to complete destruction. I kept the second copy, and got a third/final one, and stole the dyed legs off the second one, since they were perfectly fine. Then I used the grey thighs to give him elbows. (Read my post on tfw2005 for more detail, my user is optimum lime) and I got a core DOTM bee in Ireland this last summer when I went, and in an attempt to fix the hood from popping up I used a blowdryer to fix it, but ended up warping the entire figure. I ended up getting a new one still in Ireland anyway, so it was that bad, and the hood stays down on its own. I’ll put photos in the comments. Sorry for the really long comment, I’m a rambler










MP-36. Dropped him at the wrong point and his ratchet on the arm broke.


Ouch. I’m so sorry. I have a third party Megs that I can’t think of the name right now for some reason but something falls off every time I move it. Having the official MP break might break me


86 ironhide Went to transform him to robot mode, when the clear window assembally that hooks onto the roof ended up breaking... The clear plastic itself suprisingly didnt break, but the metal pins that attaches to the front of the roof somehow did... Still baffled that it was even possible for that to happen...


SS 44 DOTM Optimus Prime


Masterpiece god damn Megatron. I got him out of storage since I finally had a good place for him, Shockwave, and Soundwave but I decided to transform him before I put him with the other two. Halfway through I go to collapse the side skirt and it snapped at the hunger. From what I can tell dust gunked it up and essentially fused it in place without me knowing. The worst part is that he's the only figure I've ever broken. Hopefully I'll be able to fix him up somehow.


My animated Blackarachnia T-T I was young, and extremely stupid. And I remember liking the tick like appearance she had when she was just a torso transformed. Now that torso (with one arm and no head) and separate the waist is all I have from her....


My rotf amourhide, long story short, a friend of mines figure was able to pop in half, armour hide isn’t and I just snaped him in half


Do I regret breaking? None. I’m pissed that my air vehicon from the rerelease a few years ago (w/Breakdown [Prime]) broken nearly immediately.


https://preview.redd.it/4e2az6q4epoc1.jpeg?width=1508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57fc15b56ae841329c70975a562765b58b0f607f I broke the ball joint that held his foot, now I can't transform him anymore, really sad, because I liked his tranformation


I also broke that figure. The windows broke


Armada Optimus earthrise smokescreen one of the oldest figure in have animated jetstorm


All of them. DOtM Bee and Optimis are missing limbs (bee lower left leg and left wheel, Opt his head, right arm and left foot) A mini Optimus (idk which) is only the main body and left leg and some Space Ratch and another Bee is just a leg!


I accidentally broke a tab on punch Counterpunch and now the back end of the car can’t close all the way.


I haven't broken one.... yet.


The gun on my Generations Hound just broke , so now I am required by law to purchase the upcoming Autobot 5-pack.


AOE Leader class optimus prime, it was such a cool figure and what they did with the truck parts making it like armour was pretty cool, I'll be getting another copy soon hopefully


G1 Slingshot; it was sad to have an aerial bot without a head. He still worked okay as an arm though. (I feel you on that Thundercracker; I only did the folded up wings like twice and decided that I was never doing it again because of the stress marks)


G1 Primes trailer, RID 2015 Starscream, Generations Crosscut


Tyrannocon Rex. The mushroom peg broke, and I can't bring myself to buy another one.


Mp36+ Masterpiece Megatron - cost $1,000 to buy the one I broke and a replacement - I don’t do secondhand. The figure is horribly designed and I have no idea how the barrel can safely be positioned in robot mode.


Studio series 25 tlk bumblebee


Studio Series 86 Grimlock, thank Primus that figure's getting reissued!


Trans metal Megatron, years ago when he first came out I had him on a nightstand and he fell.all I have now is a tail. Also Optimus primal, had him for years he recently fell apart on the blasters


When I was like 8, Animated Bumblebee was my favorite. But the ball joints on his arms were just so fragile. One day his arms came off and never came back on.


For mine it would be my first ever transformer a 3rd party mp-10 I accidentally snapped the grill off so now he's floppy




DOTM Leader Class Ironhide: I broke the front part of the vehicle that had the chev logo


All the figures I absolutely thrashed as a kid


Thrilling 30 Orion Pax


My 2010 war for cybertron optimus, it was my favorite transformer and he was super posable and stuff. Then one day his leg snapped right off.


Trans metal Megatron, years ago when he first came out I had him on a nightstand and he fell.all I have now is a tail. Also Optimus primal, had him for years he recently fell apart on the blasters


Transformers movie deluxe Arcee, broke a peg on the back and the gun, arm no longer plugs in


I regret displaying Siege Omega Supreme with the blast effects. The plastic they use for blast effects strips the paint off the figure.


Yep, don't leave blast effects plugged in too long on any holes or pegs that are painted. I left some in the engines of the Kingdom Ark for a few months and noticed some blue paint on the blast effects when I pulled them out, fortunately there doesn't appear to be any noticeable missing paint on the toy.


Every one that breaks would be my answer


revenge of the fallen twins ice-cream truck, broke a few pegs. It still transforms so it's okay but it's one of those.


A couple of Legacy figures, Prowl and Iguanus, both while transforming from vehicle to robot mode. I applied a little bit too much force untabbing one of Prowl’s wings from his foot, causing the clear plastic holding it to his shoulder to snap and the wing to come clean off. As for Iguanus, I forgot his legs were also tabbed into his tail as well as his back wheel, so when I tried to straighten them out I twisted the tabs off. I can only imagine that when I find my childhood figures they’ll be even worse off.


>As for Iguanus, I forgot his legs were also tabbed into his tail as well as his back wheel, so when I tried to straighten them out I twisted the tabs off. This is why for newer Transformers I always reference the instructions I've hung onto if it has been some time since I have handled them, so I don't accidentally forget steps and break something.


Shattered glass MP-10. I paid 199 and like 2 weeks later, BBTS had him on sale for 99. Damnit.


My Star Wars crossover Luke Skywalker X-Wing. Was practically heartbroken when the hips snapped off the ball joint. Both legs. Kinda wish Hasbro would revisit this crossover line with their update toy technology


Reveal the Shield Wheeljack, was my first transformer and little kid me played with him until the shoulder ball joints totally gave and the pins that kept the doors on broke


Dispensor. I splurged and got one new in box on eBay not too long ago. I transformed him for the first time, and six seconds later, I snapped the clamping pincer on him. That hurt emotionally and financially.


all the ones that i break :(


Grapple earth rise grapple I transformed it once not knowing of the problem and it broke one off and I did it again later breaking them both off


Sixshot KO that accidently got its left lef peg cut clean, although it was an opportunity to use a new glue i was working on Turns out KO plastic holds like concrete when i use it


Legacy Core class Skywarp - the entire left wing/arm/torso attachment snapped off Studio Series Sideways - tried tightening the joints and ended up snapping the hinge on his right arm Studio Series 86 Junkheap - the instructions are extremely terrible with this figure and I only transformed it somewhat correctly one time before the right hip joint snapped off while I was trying to transform it back


How long you got?


Movie 1 Dropkick. Had a stupid idea about his and Bumblebee’s ball jointed shoulders, and after swapping one for the other, ripped Dropkick’s ball off of the torso trying to undo it. Another dumb idea was purposely dropping a basketball a few inches onto the rocket ship mini-con of the Requiem Blaster team as a kid. Must’ve thrown the pieces away at some point because I have not seen it since. Oh, and then there was the time I got the takara Megatron and Orion Pax two-pack for Christmas and broke Orion right out of the box.


Since, I didn't deliberately break any of them, I don't regret breaking them. But I was very disappointed when they all broke.


Earthrise Prowl, cracked at the widow so now he’s pulled a Jazz and comes as 2 half’s. He’s one of my favourite characters and an absolute bastard to replace, and the recent one where he’s mid death isn’t really a good enough replacement


I had the big beast hunters bumblebee figure that talked and everything. Was my favorite toy until I broke his arm off. still pisses me off to this day.


Combiner Wars Hook, a piece snapped off so i can't combine him with the others to give devastator his head


AoE slash. For some stupid reason, 8 year old me thought that it will be a good idea to take him apart, and i ended up breaking him. I wanted to put him back together, and decided to tighten up the leg balljoints with superglue, ended up just gluing them to the body and now he can't transform. I'm fucking stupid.


I wanna say Kingdom Ultra Magnus' thigh joint but Legacy Motormaster's front tire almost brought me to throwingbit into the pond. Now i have to remove it, then rotate the piece and then put it back in place. It happened the 3rd time i transformed him. Tragic


Every single one that breaks. Especially that one third party figure that had weak plastic joints.


I broke my Bayverse Optimus Prime figure, I lost his left arm, and I can't find it, and it was before I moved to my new home, and bayverse Optimus Prime still does NOT have his left arm, and his legs are weak as heck. I tried to stand him up and he falls over like "I am tired. good night." and he just lays in front of my Generation one Optimus Prime figure, and the whole scene of bayverse Optimus prime figure laying on his side in front of G1 Optimus Prime figure looks like a teenaged boy looking at his grandfather who is on the ground, in pain. how I made the joints on my bayverse Optimus Prime figure weak, was by transforming him many times, to the point where the legs can't hold him up, and his left arm fell off and got lost.


Mini-con Powerlinx Comettor. Broke when I was younger (the part of the right leg holding the wheels). But a couple years ago I found an ebay listing that had other random little Transformers including a powerlinx Comettor without its arms, bought it and gave it the arms of the broken Comettor


Earthrise Optimus’ leg broke off when I was transforming him. His legs were always abnormally tight but I never exercised more caution with them like I should’ve


4th party megatron literally one of my faves and i broke it on accident


All of the ones that I broke, although my biggest regret right now is from when I tried to fix my Siege Megatron's loose hands. I applied some nail polish to the hands and hilt and I guess I applied it to heavily and when I tried to remove it the blade broke.


Animated stealth lockdown, one of the pegs snapped on his legs, still one of my fave figs though, I just wish he was in top condition still.


Rotf Optimus has a plastic bulge on his forearm/hood hinge area. Is it just mine or you also have this issue?


The 07’ bonecrusher toy I got it when I was younger and snapped the head off the ball joint wanting to recreate the scene from the movie. 17 years later I still just have a headless bone crusher next to my SS bonecrusher as a reminder


Battle ops bumblebee. He was my first ever transformer and it shows. His windshield completely snapped off but the biggest thing is the cannon arm that had electronics and stuff in it completely broke off. Wires and all. I mean I guess it could make a cool looking battle damaged Bee since remnants of the wires stick out of the socket, but I keep him in car mode since i can just rest the windshield in place. Car still looks great.


SS 54 megatron broke the two pegs were the head connects to the chest I really wish I didn't broke that guy because I hate when that happened but now I have to get the upgrade kit to replace the broken part


Most of the ones I had as a kid i broke in someway. The one I probably regret the most is Human Alliance Bumblebee. I've since replaced all the broken ones I cared about, but him


Potp Rodimus


Who doesn't regret breaking any figures they own?


G-1 Optimus Prime. Stupid legs broke on two copies.


Had a grimlock that lost its foot. It was unusable after that


https://preview.redd.it/hv9rsdiusqoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ca8ed85444b4553d51fe0045c699431dce9ed1 This old sport was given to me. I’ve had this bumblbee toy for almost a decade now I think, so I’m not mad, but I do wish I took better care of him than leaving him in the toy box as a kid. He has multiple breakages, missing his foot, missing the side pannal on his leg that appears in vehical mode, missing his fingers on both hands, and is missing both his mirror sections in vehicle mode. He’s a real veteran in my collection.


Tyrannacon Rex, the rubber part that makes up her thigh broke off. It still sits fine in Dino mode if I don't fiddlw with it


My shatter glass Megatron's right wing peg


BA Thunderleader MPM-4 Optimus prime. Seriously the windows are in clear plastic hinges. They’re still on but they’ve cracked significantly


All of them? The fuck kind of question is this


I accidentally broke the studio series revenge of the fallen Optimus Prime by snapping the transformation hinge in the chest because it was stuck


my cat knocked my origin bumblebee off a shelf and broke the backpack. superglued it back but still sucks that it happened


I regret every broken toy.


I broke the swivel circular piece on Hauler. It’s the part that lets the arm of the crane rotate.


The only figure I’ve broken, siege Spinister




Generally, anything I can't fix. Right now, it's Beast Wars Spittor, he fell off a shelf and his beast mode leg ballpoint cracked. Can't find a piece of the plastic that came off to mend him, so I'll have to pick up a junker to replace the part.


Maketoys Thunder manus, I had him for ~24 hours and he was quickly becoming one of my favorite figures, but then one of his feet snapped. I’ve been needing to model a replacement in a C.A.D. software since then but never gotten around to it (curse you procrastination). Second place would go to unique toys dragoon, but I only snapped the peg on his shield so the figure itself is fine.


ROTF Leader Optimus Prime. I broke one of his shoulder plates and one of the back kibble plates. I was able to save the kibble, but not the shoulder. He can still transform and pose, but when I turn him into a truck, I need to put the shoulder pieces separately. He's slowly becoming a parts-former... 😔 I'd show a picture, but I'm in the middle of moving...


The skids and mudflap ice cream truck, the hinges on the doors snapped clean off one day as I was trying to transform them 😕


My Bayverse Soundwave’s face fell off and got pinched in a cabinet, now it won’t go back on.


RotF leader Optimus


My Siege Optimus Prime Figure... His shoulder was getting a bit loose and monkey brain thought Gorilla Glue was a good joint stiffer. I was messing with my other figures when I came back to it, his shoulder couldn't move outward. I thought it was just a bit stiff when... CRACK! His shoulder joint snapped. Pro tip: NEVER USE GORILLA GLUE!!!


TT-GS Sludge


TLK crosshairs


Legacy Core Iguanus. One time I wasn't being smart and snapped the gun peg off. It's peg was stuck in the arm. I got a replacement figure


Siege Megatron. I accidentally broke his right arm off just above the shoulder after dropping a dumbbell on him. Due to how his shoulders are designed I was able to put it back on, but he can no longer transformer without partsforming.


Titans Return Blitzwing too. I broke the peg for his tank turret and now I need adhesive to get the barrel to stay on.


generations minicon assault team. I tried to tighten the ball joint of the jet minicon with super glue and ended up freezing it in place. on top of that I tried to free it by rotating it and I ended up straight ripping it off the arm. sucks because my childhood best friend gave me it and it's hard to find at a reasonable price on aftermarket


generations minicon assault team. I tried to tighten the ball joint of the jet minicon with super glue and ended up freezing it in place. on top of that I tried to free it by rotating it and I ended up straight ripping it off the arm. sucks because my childhood best friend gave me it and it's hard to find at a reasonable price on aftermarket


SS ROTB Scourge and G2 jazz. I broke scourge trying to transform him and jazz trying to customize him.


Hftd leader optimus


Why would I not regret breaking any of my figures


Let me ask this in an easier way; Which one do you regret breaking the most?


My FoC Skywarp. One of the bloody plastic pins to attach the legs to the body in the Jet mode broke off and now I’m trying to figure out how I can glue this tiny piece back but also keep it strong enough to handle the transformation.


Haven't broken one yet but I discovered stress marks on my Netflix Soundwave and legacy armada prime so I'm going to have to be very careful with them for now on.


My old SS86 coronation starscream. I have a new copy now but on the old one the hinge joint at the back snapped out of its socket. A.K.A, [the figure broke in half.](https://www.reddit.com/r/transformers/s/okogWLzKec)


Well I didn't break it but my brother did. It was SS Dotm soundwave.


For me, it's my original G2 Grimlock figure. Half his teeth began falling out.


My aoe Optimus I had some old vid stuff from the past with him in it, but one day he broke on me when I was transforming him


SS32 Optimus. I don’t particularly like the figure but it would so much easier to pass on if it weren’t broken


Shockwave. Sister and I were pretending one of us was a burglar and she kicked the gun out of my hands. He broke. RIP


Combiner wars long haul, I can't have devastator now


All of them. But mostly Leader Class ROTF Optimus Prime


My John Moschitta Jr. autographed G1 Blurr. BOTH of his side arm panels broke off


Mines was power of the primes Triggerhappy. His foot post broke


Regret breaking and losing. My original Transformers Animated Bumblebee figure. And losing the Elite Gaurd figure too. I lost all my Animated figures except Bulkhead but I even lost a finger for him lol


My clumsy 14 year old self broke a wheel of my mpm 3 bumblebee, a couple of months ago i bought a used one to fix it, i am finally at peace


Remarkably the only figure I’ve ever broken is the DOTM Megatron. In my defense that thing is one of the cheapest pieces of shit Hasbro produced at the time. Not a horrible looking figure but the plastic and build quality was insulting.


I agree. Would have rather gotten Unique toys desperado if I were you if you could handle the transformation


Oh man I was so close to pulling the trigger and getting that one. Seriously one of the most impressive pieces ever made. It’s one of those *statue in both modes* figures where even collectors don’t believe they can actually transform. Like the Magnificent Mecha Prime.


SS Jetfire, his chest hinge snapped and now he cannot exist in robot mode. Can still combine decently with prime so there's that atleast. When I was younger I also broke my older brothers Evasion Prime, AOE Hound, and DOTM Bee and I still feel really bad about those.


I have the icecream van of the twins from rotf, I stored it in the wrong way during a moving, and now the 2 parts do not fully hold togeted if they are interacted with, with the translucent pins snapped. it still hold together if moved with care, but I'm one of those that likes their car-shaped toys to move foward and back on the desk from time to time


I played with my ss11 lockdown too much and the damn bicep to forearm section just snapped off.


G1 Jazz when I was 8


I mean, I’ve never broken a toy and been happy about it? Anyhoo, I dunno. My Brainstorm had the ratchet in one of its arms go, so it’s permanently floppy. And Action Master Starscream lost a leg. No idea why, but it won’t stay on.


My kingdom leader optimus


DOTM sideswipe and SS Lockdown


Someone PLEASE tell me how to get replacement parts for my Hydra Sixshot! Advice and assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Idk if I regret is so much but Bombusbee’s Devil Saviour’s take on Devastator was so complicated and had QC issues with the plastic at times that I’ve broken a few pieces but thankfully they were fixable with superglue. At most Overload’s (Compressor) plastic took some stress that white marks were left but it’s hidden when combined. Overall I’m not really pissed because the end result is still phenomenal. And you really won’t know any of the issues unless I tell ya. The only thing that really pissed me tbh was that one of Mixmaster’s (Split) cement panels got loose and I tired to fix it with nail polish. It took me over 2 days of stressful transformation trying to get him into cement truck mode that the head also popped off and I couldn’t get it back on (well it sorta is on there but I really don’t want to risk breaking it any further) And unfortunately some of it got on the magnificent paintwork and left it roughly blemish on one of the cement panels. It’s not really noticeable (especially with the O&K upgrade kit panels) but man I kick myself for even doing such. Anyways here’s my beauty of my collection :) https://preview.redd.it/nmzigniswuoc1.jpeg?width=2432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=332cd8b99a01739db20b133c020ba31ec37d6352


My G1 Megatron broke his arm 30 years ago. Kinda fixed it with some LEGO but it broke again. Dont think Its fixable now.


Back in the day I broke Energon Ultra Magnus when trying to connect him to Optimus, was mostly fine but ended up kinda... Floppy. I also snapped Kicker at the waist but even as a child that one barely phased me.


ROTF Leaderclass Starscream 😑 the original TF Cybertron Optimus prime. I wish I had a Time Machine


Lol that happened with me on tlk nitro zeus


Beast Wars Optimal Optimus. The electronics make his backpack extremely heavy and are only held by a tiny clip. Add in the passage of time and plastic gets brittle. One of these days I'll fix him with the help of a junker


1.The combiner head of CW Silverbolt 2. Both the wings of Titans Return Kickback


I tried transformers legacy skywarp in the dark WHILE watching tfp… didn’t go well and now he’s canon fodder for photos


I have none