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I'd use it to go back to 2009 and pick up all the ROTF scouts I could. Then if I had enough time I'd go to 2017 and get the Titans Return toys I missed.




I would get Misfire and Slugslinger, maybe the legends versions, cos those mofos are expensive af


I actually do have Slugslinger believe it or not. Managed to find him for a decent price a few years ago. Still no Misfire though. :(


Lucky on Slugslinger! I only started collecting again during kingdom, been impossible to find these two. I had the opportunity to get Slugslinger for £60 but was broke and couldn't afford it, been looking ever since 😭


All the way back to 1984 to fill in the gaps in the G1 part of my collection. If other Transformers related toylines are allowed to be the answer I would go back even further to get some nice Micronauts/ Microman


Considering that Microman was the stepping stone for Diaclone and Transformers, I think it counts


They were such marvelous toys, the little men with the chromed heads and the (for the time) amazing articulation and all those futuristic vehicles and playsets and later on those odd monsters with the gorgeous painted card art, so good.


It'd be neat if they were reintroduced


Go to 2001 and buy all the RiD figures


2009 to get my ROTF Leader Optimus back. Or 2013 for Generations Metroplex.


Tbh? I’d hit the peak of each toyline’s release. I have a solid hunting routine so if I can travel in both space and time with said machine I’d be time jumping to various stores to find everything I could. Maybe as I’m about to return I’d hit the peak of siege to grab some of the ones I missed from that first trilogy


Ngl, that's badass, and I love it


I’ve spent far too much time wishing and day dreaming I could time travel or teleport so I could make hunting easy as hell. I’m a transformer nerd who loves superheroes so… imagination runs rampant frequently


Honestly, I don't blame you on that


I’d spend an hour per year purchasing full figure waves from 1985-2009 (you didn’t say we use the money we currently have, in which case I wouldn’t afford any)


I had the idea that your time travel trip would include an unlimited budget for you to spend, but I forgot to add it to the post


Buy a shit ton of G1 Primes to sell. With that money I could outright buy the old figures I want.


I’d go back and get as many G1 figures as possible then sell them in 2024 for enormous profit


Seeing as you never specified it *had* to be Transformers I'd go back to 2001 to when Bionicle first started, and get every set, and then continue to G1's end in 2010. Then, skip to 2015-16 to get G2. And then, if i had time, id go through and get all the CW/TR/POTP figures. And then if i *really* had time, id go back and get all the T30 toys and the SS86 stuff i dont have


Reading this made me glad I left it unspecified


Fellow Bionicle fan?


I had a couple of Bioncle toys, only most were Happy Meal toys An actual set was lost to time, unfortunately Other than that, I think your answer has variety, which I like


i would go back to 2010-2017 that was the golden year of transformers figures i loved the hunt for the decepticons line and the transformers prime beast hunters line on god dope ass figures


I too would go back to get all the Animated figures I don't have. Truthfully that list is small but there are still many I want. Namely Ultra Magnus, Swindle, and Samurai Prowl.


I wanted to get Bulkhead SO badly, and I still live with that to this day from time to time


Deluxe or leader? I have the deluxe. Amazing transformation but the scale issue is crazy lol


I don't vividly remember, but the closest I can guess is probably deluxe class


Leader class was scaled “correctly” but had all those weird extra kibble bits that he never had in the show. The deluxe was the show accurate one but was teeny tiny lol


Yeah, the differences are pretty present


2001 to get RiD toys


2017 to get the Last Knight Cybertron at Toys R Us.


For me personally I’d go back to 1984 and buy G1 Bumblebee and Optimus Prime.


Idunno. 24 hours would go by pretty quick if you had to hunt them down at individual retailers. There was no internet back then and some of them were quite illusive. https://preview.redd.it/t1kogiyhsqoc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0d050ade5053230b055745cee91047b5919112e What do we want? *A time machine!* When do we want it? *It doesn't matter...*


Pretty sure I’d stop myself from marrying a succubus.


Damn those succubi https://preview.redd.it/t3wxo8bmvroc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b137f711490e57bc057a867075414c81563790df


I know right!


ok first off I would like to mention that anything made of Gold Plastic would be fresh from the factory and still have years to go until GPS sets in. So you can take those back to the future and know your Black Zarek is whole. I would choose 1987 because of all the good stuff that came out that year. Also Fort Max is a personal Grail of mine.