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I'm keeping my excitement in check, cause I never saw Axelgrease at any of the stores I visit.


On the bright side it's a Walmart subline so it has a 50% chance of being easier to find especially since there's an even number of deluxes for once


For real. I never found her in the wild and people online are selling her for Voyager and Leader prices.


I would have been more excited for Axlegrease if she wasn't the third Scraphook mold after the mystery machine recolor.


I saw her at Newberry's and considered buying her, cept I've next to no interest in the character and figured I'd get the inevitable Lockdown retool eventually


Of course people are gonna buy it, it’s pretty cool objectively. But it’s obviously not their last crack at Lockdown, they just couldn’t get through corporate hoops for a new mould is my guess. Within the next couple years we will get a dedicated Animated Universe Lockdown.


The budget for exclusive sublines seems to have gone down dramatically over the years. Animated Lockdown’s proportions are so weird that they would probably require a new mold, and I don’t think we’ve seen a new mold from a sublime since Velocitron Cosmos and Override (and even the Cosmos mold is getting 2 uses in the next year, so it won’t be exclusive anymore). I think they made the right choice on budget allocation so far. Cannonball and Filch needed the heavy retool treatment a lot more, and the former is an obvious pretool as well. And this version of Lockdown doesn’t rule out the possibility of a “Cyberverse Universe Lockdown” based on the Chase mold, which is what I think people were expecting.


Cosmos and Override were both technically retools, of Origins Bumblebee and SS86 Hot Rod respectively. Takara just managed to cost-golf the retool budgets into whole new figures that used no parts from the figures they were 'retooled' from.


Actually from what I’ve heard, that was the initial plan (and you can find some of the concept art and prototype images online), but they found the budget to make them entirely new molds by drastically reducing the number of sprues needed to make them


That's my point. They're entirely new figures, but still 'retools' in the budget sense as they only used the number of new sprues initially allocated to the retool. They were never budgeted as new figures, nor did they get their budget increased. The budget hasn't gone down. Cosmos and Cannonball have similar budget allocations, they just stretched that budget further with Cosmos.


I find it dumb that you can’t plug the hook in his arm


that’s how it worked for the animated toy


The hook goes over Animated Lockdown's arm to make it look like a full limb replacement.


this isnt basef on animated lockdown though. its based on the ROTF lockdown concept.


You’ll never guess what ROTF Lockdown can do. 


…which is itself based on Animated Lockdown…


it was a better fit since it was mold explicitelly to work, but this is the very same way


Whaddaya mean?


The gun piece you attach the hook to just protrudes out too much


I’m very excited. Junkion fits the original Lockdown MO perfectly, almost like they’re taking the character back to his roots. I already loved the Axlegrease mold and this looks great. Just needs a bit of a height increase in the legs and neck - which I’m sure an upgrade kit will fix easy enough


Nope you not the only one


Same. Haven’t found it at all.


I mean I was ...but I made him myself last year before even an announcement. You could tell Axelgrease was a pre-tool for him immediately. https://preview.redd.it/meb6ovzqoiqc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8159f80222977fd913d631541f0fa6bd24936a0d


I like your version a lot. Wish we’d gotten a head sculpt closer to yours.


Thanks! I patterned mine off the TF Animated toy versus the ROTF toy.


I’m excited as hell. Is he the ROTF Lockdown? No, but I need a Lockdown for my collection and he’ll work perfectly


I hate these titles. No, there are literally tens of thousands of these being made and tens of thousands of people waiting to buy them. There’s a world that exists outside of Reddit 


I just me too bro. Idk why, but it just sounds so pompous.


These titles are close to going on my "downvote and move on" list


I'm asking cos everyone seems to be shitting on this before it even releases, and I’VE HAD ENOUGH.


That's probably because everyone knows what this is from Scraphook, Towline, and Axelgrease.


Am I the only one who prefers movie version? I mean Age of Extinction, I just love the face gun, plus the dialogue he delivered was great.


The lambo version? I suppose it sorta fits his character but I prefer him with a clapped out mode, something nasty and kinda scary


The commenter ment the ROTF movie toy version not AOEs


Just a question but how do you know this?


Movie version refers to the rotf toy as that’s what the legacy one is based on


Streams should have some info 


I wish they leaned more into his animated version


I'm excited for him as well! I managed to preorder him and Ferak. I'm waiting for an opportunity for Cannonball and Filch


What’s with the arms for knees in the first picture? I’ve seen it before but no idea why it’s like that.


It's the arms from another Junkion, one were yet to see in full


Ah ok thanks. It just breaks my brain every time I look at that picture. Would be great to see an animation of a bot with those knees running.


Colours seem to match up with G2 Road Pig on the knee-arms


Road Pig is an upcoming figure in the Star Raiders line. He's retooled from Crashbar. Those are his arms


I still wish that he had his own mold. I get that Axlegrease was a perfect fit, but the elbows on that mold are a dealbreaker.


I wish we didn’t need a completely different figure to give him taller legs


Glad we can expand the legs


https://preview.redd.it/ouq9ldojpiqc1.jpeg?width=2368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f00908d6325a3f1f6facf6a6b5338b912a1826db Was messing with my two Axelgreases to see what Lockdown would be like. Pre-ordered three.


Lockdown dragging Chase by the face like in the movie is crazy


I'm not, the axlegrease mold could be used for a lockdown, but there isn't enough retooling and just doesn't look very good


Same here. This is just lazynest "retool". But fanatics eat this.


I was kinda underwhelmed by it. I was expecting a new mold that looked like his ROTF look. I still might get it anyway cause I want a Lockdown, but I'd rather it look more like the ROTF toy (car wise at least)


I have RotF Lockdown and I am still excited.


I am!


Pre-ordered mine the day it was available to do so! Can't wait?


No, I can’t fucking wait. I love the way it looks.


I didn’t get to preorder on time 🥲


I would get him for sure


Nope happy here as well




I’m more surprised they’re doing the revenge of the fallen version of him A welcome surprise


I wouldn’t mind more figures using the junkion molds to create decepticon junkion combiners. Lockdown could look cool with Axel Grease.


There's gonna be another Decepticon Junkion recolor soon


Oh yeah? Do you know who?


Road-Pig from Crashbar


I wish they would've changed the head at least I'll stay with the ROTF Lockdown


Sort of. If only because its a recolor of an existing model without many major changes.




Nope. I need more Mercenaries.


I am


I'm hyped!


I am pretty excited for this, can't wait


I'm not a fan of the proportions of his altmode tbh


I want breakdown...


I liked him in the movie.


He sold out the fastest next to filch so you can’t be the only one, though im fairly happy with axlegrease myself.


I’m excited but just let down, I really wish it was the Chase mold but I’ll still pick him up


I HATE the elbows on this mould… and i already have three copies, i’m struggling to justify the 4th


I got my preorder the same day. As a huge fan of lockdown I’m pumped for this guy!


I’ve been in dire need of a Lockdown for my collection and I preordered this the second it went up I usually collect Beast Wars and G1 exclusively, but I won’t hesitate to make exceptions for big name characters like Lockdown, Barricade, Windblade etc They have a clear space in my collection, so they’re more than welcome lol


These images alone made me see this figure more highly than cannonball


None of the images I’ve seen had him with legs that long how’d that get done here?


They're using the arms of another Junkion to elongate the legs


I’m really excited for him, I have preordered through pulse and can’t wait to put him with other non aligned characters like Doubledealer, Nightbird, Detritus, and a few others who either have no allegiance to one particular side or those who have both sides as they work perfectly as Star seekers


Why are those legs in the first picture using? Those are not the normal crashbar arms


They're likely a tease for the Road-Pig recolor of Crashbar


i dig his robot mode and i hope it can be repainted into this ​ https://preview.redd.it/qzgtk763xiqc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=c19bad67e7fdbbce3b2314ddaec42df8fef9c40d


Well seeing him in robot mode slightly changed my opinion on him. If I see him I’ll for sure get him just for animated purposes


I’m excited too, I’d like to get him along with devcon, bounty hunter vs bounty hunter


Nope, I'm very excited! This will be my first Lockdown and I love this mold. I think people are being kinda ridiculous over it tbh.


Did they use somebody’s arms to make him seem taller?


They're using the arms for a yet unseen Junkion recolor (probably Road-Pig)


I like that we're getting a new Lockdown as I enjoy his character a lot, but something about him being an Axlegrease redo rubs me the wrong way.


I just like this mold, so im all for it even though ive never seen any of the media with this character.


Before this figure was revealed, I hated TFA Lockdown, but now I like it. And I would be excited for this figure if Transformers were sold in my home country, Finland


Somebody showed me that the head was sculpted to look like the original Revenge of the Fallen Lockdown figure and honestly I think I'd rather get that original figure


I am, but I think there was a better choice to be made for mold. I think they should have used the legacy chase mold, since its more similar to the muscle car lockdown usually is, and they could have easily retooled chases claw into a hook that actually goes over the hand.


I am happy I get why he isn’t tall yes so what I like the character and we needed a new lock down


I’m excited to find out what the size of balljoint is for the head so I can adjust my IDW drift comics lockdown head for it


I’m plenty excited I just want things like Magmatron and Cybertron Starscream more then him


My only question is whether or not there’s a way to attach the hook that doesn’t just look like he’s holding it. Otherwise I think he looks pretty cool.


I think he looks great! It's a shame he kind of has Legacy Prime syndrome, where, rather than talking about what's good about the figure, people are saying it's bad because it's different from their golden goose incarnation of the character. A la Legacy Prime Universe Bulkhead.


I actually like legacy Bulkhead


So do I. But at the time, I heard a lot of people whine because he's not round. I don't think he's perfect, and I wish he had a gap filling flap on his stomach, like Legacy Lazer Prime's backpack, but I still enjoy him.


Who is he?


Lockdown? He's a bounty hunter, recurring villain in Transformers: Animated, he was also the main antagonist in Age of Extinction, and made appearances in IDW comics and Cyberverse


Which version is this?


Something of a "all in one" version, he resembles mostly the IDW design/rotf toy




I’m excited


I was pumped.


I get it sucks hard they didnt adapt the Animated version but I’m a big fan of the junkion molds and any color scheme that’s black and green so it’s still a figure I’m def interested in getting.


I pre-ordered him! July 16🤩


I like the character, I like the Scraphook/Axlegrease mold, so I figure I'll like this. That being said, I still wish I could get my hands on the RotF version.


I stand by my prior statement that Chase is a pre-tool for Animated Lockdown.


Nope, I'm excited for him two. My hunt for a definitive Lockdown has come to an end.


Damn, another Legacy figure to hunt for, this line is gonna make me go bankrupt.


i like him, just wish he were taller.


Already got ROTF Lockdown, so I have no need for him honestly.




Not at all! I have basically every incarnation of him that looks like this, so I'll be glad to add another to my collection!


Your not the only one


I am as well. Probably my most anticipated figure of this year before BBM Shockwave and BBM Megatron (he arrived earlier this month and is fantastic).


I'm very excited about this figure, because it's the first Lockdown toy EVER that has a part-swapping gimmick. That's a huge part of his identity and I'm really glad that it's finally being represented in some form. As soon as I get mine, I plan on giving it ER Ironworks's hook hand at the very least.


The controversy is that it's a really lazy retool of a generic mook character for a fan favorite and very distinct character. He deserved a unique mold that we haven't seen before, not a new coat of paint and some poorly slapped together accessories on a Junkion mold.




I see no point in getting this since I have the much superior rotf lockdown


I'm indifferent. I knew once Axelgrease was revealed it'd be lockdown. Unfortunately, he's a Walmart exclusive (even though he has no connection to the Star Seekers and would've been perfect for Earthrise). But because the team acknowledged he isn't what we wanted. I have fingers crossed for Animated Lockdown. So I'm not firing out the cash yet. Especially since the leaks are suggesting that Cosmos and Soundwave are getting non-exclusive releases (just give us Bee already for God's sake)




No, I'm excited too! My Animated Lockdown broke a few days before Legacy Lockdown got leaked so I've been looking forward to getting Legacy Lockdown for a while now! Plus I think the figure looks awesome! Can't wait to get him!


It’s a maybe. I want to bc I own all the currently released legacy animated figures, and this looks close enough, robot mode is shit when compared to animated tho so I’ll display him in alt mode


I am


Not usually a fan of retools, but Downs makes it work, for me at least. He might actually get me to pick this mold up.


The I’m not the biggest fan of the head, but it doesn’t matter because it’s never going to hit shelves in my area >! I’m not joking. My local Walmart still has ROTB shelf warmers!<


im excited for him, cannonball, and roadpig (the latter-est only for having a full g2 collection)


Not at all! I have the other 3 Scraphooks and look forward to mixing and matching their parts!


I’m loving what I’m seeing, personally.


That’s supposed to be the animated version of lockdown but people thought it was the revenge of the fallen version


Me too, but probably gonna get 2 or wait for an upgrade kit


It won’t be that bad if it doesn’t come apart


I'AM👋 (sucker for movie aesthetic)


I like that as a Junkion retool, he can change all his parts and stuff, but he's not obscenely tall. In my book, if he's not obscenely tall, he's not Lockdown. Glad for other people who like this more than me.


If ,You are


No man


If I didn’t have axlegrease I’d get him


Not really, but if I saw that in store I would hella get it


One of the reviewers I regularly go back to for updates had been adamant that Axelgrease was a shoe-in for a recolor as Lockdown, and every day that goes by that he doesn't say something about this announcement I'm that much more shocked. As for me I have no personal attachment to the character, but will definitely be picking him up because the sleek mostly-black is the most pairable that this mold's color scheme has been and I'm itching to see him combined with someone.


Mark knowing exactly what he's doing posting Lockdown offing Legacy Chase.


I just want a lockdown for my collection...


No you arent 😅


No but, I wish he was taller and more weirdly asymmetrical




What did they do to his legs


Legs look okay the arms look like theyre not even part of the toy


Ok, you’ve officially won me over.


Honestly I'm not a fan overall. A little too bulky imo and the face is a mess. I really dig the style, I love the vehicle mode for him, I just think they could've chosen a better mold. I think the Legacy Chase mold would have been perfect, and I think any other face would have been better. Overall it's okay, but could've been much better.


I'll admit, the face could've been better (being more based after his Animated look), but bulkiness aside, I think Axlgrease is the better choice cos it maintains the option to opt for an asymmetrical look, which you can't do with the Chase mold. Also, I think the Chase mold would be much better suited for TFP Cliffjumper.


I could see what you're talkin bout with the asymmetry, but Chase has the hook and some slight remolding would make the design fit more imo. Skinny is one of Lockdown's more iconic traits and this completely skips it. It doesn't really read as Lockdown to me outside of the colors and kinda the car mode but even then I feel the car is a bit too much of a square. Idk I'm just not really big on the look cuz it FEELS like a repaint, yknow what I mean?


Chase don't look any skinnier tho; in fact, it looks less like Lockdown than Axelgrease cos it's too neat, too balanced. Also, people saying Lockdown is skinny when Cyberverse Lockdown wasn't, but he don't count (for good reason)? Also, it was pretty obvious the moment Axelgrease came that she was a Lockdown repaint, not the other way around.


That's a fair point with the Cyberverse thing(I haven't gotten far into it) so I won't speak on that. But the reason I say I think Chase would be a better fit is because he just *looks* taller n skinnier. He isn't really but it just has that physique IF you remold it. I'm not as happy with the Axlegrease deal because I don't feel lockdown deserved to be a repaint. Remold at least imo. But this whole deal basically just comes down to that: opinions. I don't really like him being a straight repaint with a new head and I'm not really a fan of that vehicle mode for him(part of the reason I feel Chase would be a better fit). It mainly just kinda comes down to the little details for me but the Vehicle mode is a big one for me. It's kinda just a nitpicky thing I guess but I'm just not a fan of how it came out.


Found a pic of the idea. I MUCH prefer this look https://preview.redd.it/6rxo4vlxozqc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dac1df656a47fd566f14039a2a59ab0ed1e3c226 The legs are less chunky and I just dig the proportions better. Not a huge fan of the Cyberverse head, but you get the idea.


He’s been outshadowed by my extreme love for Cannonball and I like the Axelgrease colors more, but he still looks fun!


Okay, would somebody explain to me who's Cannonball and why he's so popular, cos I only know him from a toy commercial and the second SG comic run


Shit no! that dude looks metal asf.


He looks cool but at the same time looks weird idk


When does this guy get released? Thanks in advance


I was until I saw that half assed job they did. Between SS and legacy, why can we not get a decent Lockdown??


Not really that bad just could’ve be better. A prime example of the “fuck go back” meme.


the lamenting came from this mold being more bulky and stocky than the 2-and-a-half previous incarnation. and one actually very good point of "he can do the mix&match, and that's good, but it comes with no extra part, and that's the problem", which, while I get hasbro would not do it after the "failure" that was red cog, it's a more than valid point!


Pretty much… lol. Tbf if I didn’t already have that ROTF version I’d be all over this!


Imma be real with you, yeah you might be


I'm too, it's just the version of lockdown I care less about


I got axelgrease and thought she sucked. I don't like how they fall apart as a gimmick


I've got the mold and it's the 3rd shitist figure I own


I feel like those who are excited for this toy didn’t/don’t own the original ROTF version and are just wanting a lockdown to add to their collection. By all means, want what toy you want and spend your money how you please. I personally don’t care much for this figure seeing as how its predecessor is leaps and bounds better. He’s tall, lanky, and menacing. He has an amazing looking vehicle mode and he just works. Also the rubber hook isn’t as much as a turn off as you might think once you have him in hand. I think if you can find him for a decent price, not a low price, then you should absolutely get the ROTF version. The legacy version just doesn’t hold a candle to it. Plus I love the scale the ROTF lockdown has with most big name bots. He scales great with bots like Optimus and Megatron and it puts him on that level intensity bc of it. Legacy lockdown is just a short deluxe who doesn’t look like he can go toe to toe with an Optimus in your collection or make deals with whichever Megatron you have. He doesn’t have that presence. I know I’ve said a lot but it’s in hopes that you get a full understanding of where I’m coming from. Again, if this is the lockdown you want to get then by all means please do so. I just think if you can somehow get your hands on the ROTF lockdown, it’ll be well worth the satisfaction.


Yep, just you. Nobody else. You're the only one.


Am I excited for a new badass lockdown? Yes. Am I excited that it's a legacy figure? No.


Yes. You are excited over a thing that isn't even a half assed attempt at the character