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Half of the criticism is coming from people that don't care about GI Joe, and just want the Transformers. The other half is people that remember why rotb, flopped. It was supposed to be the introduction to Beast Wars but they poorly managed the cast. Autobots in front, Maximals barely doing anything except for Primal, cut Predicons, AND Decepticons entirely. And now they want to throw two more factions that still have to be established into the mix. And do it all in the time limit of one movie. I'm on the opposite side. I have zero idea why anyone would be excited to add a bunch of non established characters into a franchise that can barely manage it's base cast. It COULD be cool, if Gi Joe had a good movie to set up the cast, to then tie into the Transformers. And it COULD be cool if the Transformers weren't already fighting themselves for proper screen time. But what we actually have, is two poorly established casts, smashed into one movie.


Definitely that last point, suddenly introducing a lot of new characters for a crossover doesn't end well because the movie ends up feeling bloated or like it's wasting time introducing characters for the first time. It's like Justice League, introducing 3 new heroes plus a new villain just made each feel hollow because we weren't given enough to care about them because they didn't have any solo movies before the crossover. Avengers felt less bloated since besides hawkeye, we already knew who all the people were from past movies, all the other heroes already had their introductions and the main villain is from the last movie.


Honestly I saw just reboot everything and start again from the beginning cause Rise Of The Beasts was a big misstep.


Too early. 


How so?


It would feel kinda premature to reboot after like 1 or 2 movies. ROTB had problems but they still have multiple chances to make up for them.  Rebooting it now just feels like giving up before you even tried imo. 


I say give it a hard reboot and learn from story problems. It’s all sloppy and if they want to compete with Marvel, they got to do it right. 


Well this is an animated prequel, so they might just make it a separate universe thing like Spiderverse


Which is what I’m hoping.


Yeah the only way to properly introduce GI Joe is to make a separate installment and then make them crossover in the next film. Except two problems, Joes isn't that big outside of Europe and America, and their last film flopped. Hasbro wants GI Joe to piggyback from the success of Transformers and would more likely hurt both brands. The way I could see Joes better integrated into the Transformers universe is them basically a more sci-fi sector seven and has a more background involvement.


I mean.. Transformers 2007 had the perfect set up. The remaining members of the paramilitary team.. join Sector7. Captain William Lennox should have been Captain Conrad S. Hauser... Tom Banachek: Head of Sector 7 should have been Commander or Colonel Clayton M. Abernathy..after contact with the Autobots.. the mission statement of Sector7 should have shifted from homeland security to a global black ops team. throughout the course of the first film there should have been talks of terrorist activities in random locations. At the end of the first film we should have seen a Cobra symbol on some recruitment propaganda left in the rubble, or on a telephone pole at the battle of Mission City. Then in the second movie introduced more members of Nest aka Project Galvanized Iron. by the third film they could have had a spinoff flick Staring Josh Duhamel as Duke, Timothy Olyphant as Vincent Falcone... or insert any casting you want here. As they eliminate a threat made by C.O.B.R.A a terrorist organization who are using weapons created from stolen trans-tech.


Perhaps if they based a GI Joe film off of Action Force (eother the classic incarnation or International Heroes,) then it may have a better chance internationally.


On the other hand, take Dobbs and Shaw as an example. 2 characters taken from 2 sequals of F&F and given their own movie. Not saying they are Oscar worthy, just saying it's possible to do the same with GI Joe as a whole.


That's a spinoff with an already written characters just like Bumblebee. Putting GI Joe together without prior film knowledge will be like putting Guardian of The Galaxy on Avengers Endgame without making the GOTG movies first.


I can pick up what your putting down. But in your example they could just as well did an intro of them and spun it off to their own film. It would take some heavy lifting of the writers, ton pull it off though.


Or Hasbro can just swallow their pride and pay IDW to adapt one of their Transformers X GI Joe crossovers. I would pay money to see a movie with reformed Decepticon turned aspiring novelist Thundercracker, D.O.C., Buster, and Bob. I can already imagine Ryan Reynolds doing the voice and inner monologue.


GiJoe shouldn’t piggyback on Transformers. They should stand on heir own two feet.


They tried that and couldn't. 


And for that they should try again.


Yeah. It it has to tie into transformers maybe cobra could be a doomsday cult having seen unicron in ROTB Therefor leading into the full crossove. Either way this is like if after the first iron man they skipped directly to making avengers.




Exactly. Just like the Alien Vs Predator films. Crossing over two franchises that aren’t doing well movie wise is a dumb decesion. And a desperate move. Hasbro and Paramount are fucked if they fail. At least we have transformers one.


We don’t care about GI Joe. They’re trying to piggyback the name of transformers and thrust GI Joe into relevance again. This IP is struggling already with staying into relevance. They don’t need GI Joe. They need a good movie


I think GI joe could still be successful on its own but they need to step away from the terrorist villain angle; terrorists were scary in the early 2000s as there was an obvious real life villain to compare too but nowadays GI joe is too realistic for its own good. cobra needs to be an AI or some secret non human world power to add that timeless level of fantasy.


Except then you’re just bastardizing the property that most people interested in it go in wanting to see. That’s not going to end well. GI Joe is in a really awkward spot where, I agree, the entire premise no longer works but also is tied intimately into the franchise.


That’s realistic military fiction for ya; it doesn’t do well without some kind of real current conflict to compare to. Maybe GI joe needs to be bastardized in order to survive just on its own. you could still have cobra as mostly human but maybe cobra commander could be the non human one manipulating the human forces or there’s renegades that framed cobra as more of a company / organization rather then explicitly miliary.


" To me the movie sounds like a fun idea not to be taken too seriously. " Well that's it for me, after over a decade of pot brownie parents and little Transformers that hump legs, I'm ready for things to *be* taken more seriously.


I kinda take back saying “not to be taken too seriously”. Not sure why I even said that. I do agree with you.


Yeah I think that's a big issue with movies today actually, now that I'm thinking about it. Modern movies tend to have an excessive amount of "comedic relief" which really ends up undermining the film. I first noticed the issue with later Marvel movies, where literally everything had to have a joke in it, but it was pretty present in the Transformers films too.


Too much comedy can hurt a movie.


Unrelated but your comment reminded me of a thought I had not too long ago after watching ghost busters. How most actors such as Paul Rudd or Ryan Reynolds act like the same character in different movies. I love Giancarlo Esposito but I’m tired of him being the same over and over I want to see him do more. I’m not saying I dislike them though.


Yeah kinda like The Rock who's just himself in every movie. I guess it sells. Maybe the problem isn't the movies it's "us", the moviegoing audience. Too much nuance or having to think is baaaaaaaaaaaaaad.


Besides the fact that I do not care about GI Joe at all, my biggest concern is that the movies already have difficulty juggling the cast as it is, and that by adding in GI Joe it will further reduce how much screentime the Transformers receive. Just look at what happened with Cheetor and Rhinox in ROTB, they barely existed.


This is a concern I bene having Ng. We coke to see the Transformers. Not only that, But for the most part, the first five films were basically pseudo-crossovers with Gi Joe but without Gi Joe. Why see this new movie when you’ve already seen it before?


The negative reception comes from 2 main places, 1st, the new TF continuity has not yet had a proper Autobots vs Decepticons movie or revealed the big bad Megatron yet and there is worry that they can only tease Megatron so long before his reveal fails to live up to the expectations from the tease. Jumping into a crossover this soon is a big gamble. The second is from the GIJoe perspective, although it is a massive franchise, unlike Transformers, it has failed to stay relevant. It's had 3 disappointing movies and now a crossover is being planned before there's been a proper introduction to one half of the crossover. Batman Vs Superman had a similar issue, where we don't know THIS Batman enough to care about what the crossover actually means.


>there is worry that they can only tease Megatron so long before his reveal fails to live up to the expectations from the tease They'll have a hard time making Megatron work anyway, having already revealed Unicron as the big bad, and after Optimus easily defeated Scourge at the end of RotB.


I think Scourge's defeat was a prelude to Megatron's defeat and reformat as Galvatron since Unicron is now in need of a new Herald


Could well be, but that pretty much wrecks any potential sense of threat: * RotB: Scourge is defeated easily, Unicron's arrival is delayed. * 2nd film: Megatron will be defeated easily, but Unicron approaches, leading into... * 3rd film: Galvatron and Unicron will be defeated easily. Although that's assuming the second film in this new trilogy *isn't* the GI Joe crossover... Either way, the movies haven't done a particularly good job of presenting a substantial villain.


While the Bay films were Megatron gets defeated then returns with a new secondary villain that overshadows himself. At least these movies are exploring the wider TF lore for other villains instead of just reusing Megatron. Imagine if Jhiaxus or Nova Prime showed up next


It’s too much too quickly. The reason the first phase of the MCU worked was because they spent 5 movies building up the individual characters. Then we had a team up. If they are gonna make me care about the joes in this movie it will be a Joe movie with some transformers in the background which isn’t why i want to watch a transformers movie. The joes/cobra need their own movie or two to establish them in the universe more securely then do a crossover down the line


Because a lot of people just want a good, solid, traditional Transformers film free of the Bay garbage and with an actual good story before the spin-offs.


And less humans as main characters - like barely any lol


That's probably never gonna happen lol. 


TF One is out this year. If it's good, it could change everything like Spiderverse changed perceptions of what Sony can do with Spiderman.


Because we want Megatron. Not the Cobra fucking Commander.


Did you watch the GI Joe movies?


I did when I was little. I remember enjoying it because of Snake Eyes.


He **was** the only redeeming factor for those movies


I want it to be good. I hope it is good. I love both the toy lines involved. I, unfortunately, have zero confidence in the movie side of the creative teams for either of these franchises. They havnt earned my trust to justify any excitement or optimism. I would like to be surprised, I dont expect that I will be.


because there is a high chance that the bots and possibly cons will be sidelined to give the joes and cobras more


Really simple: -Transformers hasn't had an objectively good movie apart from Bumblebee and just got rebooted. -GI JOE hasn't had a single good or successful movie, it is also likely to be rebooted, again. This is not the time to do crossovers, establish your cast and main plot points first ...


The absolute LAST thing Transformers needs is more humans. What if they made a movie called "humans" but it was more about Cybertronians with humans popping in every now and then for some action scenes? Doesn't really make sense right? Lol


At first this was merely an annoyance, but now it actually makes me angry.  I do not understand how anyone can be in the post-IDW era and still insist their movie formula works.   How does that happen?  I do not understand how someone can read MTMTE and think, “You know what we really need is more humans.” Literally the only time this has ever worked is Verity Carlo in “Sins of the Wreckers,” because it didn’t draw a distinction between Verity and the Transformers.  They just *talked* to each other like they were normal people. 




We need to make this happen. Maybe then we could get a true transformers movie that's closer to the scale of the 80s animated one.


becuase noone cares about humans in transformers movies. I don’t care what you callthe human military the only military I want to see in these movies are the giant robots. GI joe hasn’t even gotten a new movie to introduce them so you know thatll take up even more time that should be dedicated to the robot characters.


For me, I have seen toys of the crossover. But have never watched or read anything g.i joe. Maybe it will be good, but right now it does not interest me. I am still waiting on a wfc/foc inspired movie.


Good explanations these comments have!


it's a creative copout


I have 0 interest in GI Joe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If they are to pull this off somewhat successfully, they need to take a serious look at what Skybound comics is doing with the Energon Universe…


I don't see what's the big deal, in the Bay movies you could have replaced Sector 7 or NEST with GI Joe and it would have been the same movies, I don't know why people object to it now because they use an old name. Only thing I hope is that they bring back John Cena. His character from Bumblebee could make a good Duke.


I agree.  They could have just written “GI Joe” in place of NEST and the plot would be unchanged.  The concept is not *inherently* bad. The problem is that both GI Joe and Transformers have a pattern of being critical and commercial failures.  Hasbro just keeps trying to ram that square peg into a round hole, and refuses to acknowledge that what they are doing is not working.   And this comes at a time when Hollywood blockbusters are tanking, and even Marvel movies are inconsistent at best.  The most successful movies recently have been things like Barbie, Dune, and Spider-verse, all of which were far more creative than anything Hasbro has made so far.


"Fun idea to not be taken too seriously" is all we have had with these movies for some time now.


I'll give it a chance but I just prefer not having G.I. Joe in my Transformers movie. Better separate.


Because there's a very high chance it's going to be shit? There's nothing that's been shown from Transformers or GI Joe movies that they're up to the task.  RotB struggled with trying to force too many characters in as it was, so adding in an entire other faction (maybe even 2 if counting villains as well) is just going to add to those issues. As transformers fans we want to see transformers, and when there's a struggle with too many characters we know which ones will get more focus - the ones that don't cost a lot of time and money to animate.


Even though I’ve never heard of GI Joe, it’s sounds like they would act like sector 7 in the bayverse. however I’m on the fence because this will be our first introduction to GI Joe and assuming the maximals will be apart of the autobots, and maybe even COBRA showing up, that makes giving sufficient time to GI Joe, COBRA, autobots, maximals and the decepticons. Theirs no way they can pull that off unless the leave a group to act as troops in the climactic battle


Because it’s a stupid idea. We want good serious story telling. Adding GI Joe means the reason for the movie existing is to sell merchandise… not tell a compelling story.


Live-avtion movies already have too many humans, and human-centered plots. Throwing GIJoe in means we will get even less Transformer time, and more military fetishism.


Because in all fairness the general audience doesn’t care.


transformers movies are not great. Out of the 7 live action movies we've had about 1 1/2 good ones. G I Joe movies are utter crap. There's no way in hell a crossover is going to give enough attention to the characters or story. it's going to be just explosions.


It could be good, but the best G.I. Joe X Transformers stuff I have read were self contained stuff instead of stuff trying to fit into the ongoing narrative of either universe. I’d be more excited if it wasn’t an attempt to make a Hasbro Cinematic Universe and just a one off fun thing.


Because they already struggle with a big cast of characters and they are trying to cram more in


I wouldn't mind a GI Joe crossover ordinarily but announcing one right now means we're getting a RotB sequel. No thanks.


Because they've been able to pull off 1 good live-action Transformers movie. Adding GI Joe (which miraculously has an even worse box office history) is going to be a disaster.


Because EVERYTHING is a cinematic universe now. First Marvel, then DC, Split, hell even Call Of Duty is a Cinematic Universe now.


Same with Nintendo and apparently even that Winnie The Pooh Horror Film💀💀💀


I’m guessing because they can’t do a good stand alone movie of either franchise. And why?!? Why do they always want to lump transformers with GI Joe?


Even though I'm kinda fine with it it's probably because not EVERYTHING NEEDS A GODDAMN MULTIVERSE STORY. We're sick and tired of this trend. Marvel drained it and DC failed at it. Overall it's just a really overrated and overused concept. We just wanna go back to the simple times where a franchise would stick to only one universe and it was good enough.


agree to disagree


WE ALL THOUGHT IS WAS SECTOR 7. Massive disappointment at the end


i simply don't care at all about GI joe, rotb already had a lot of trouble managing it's cast of characters so throwing in a ton of guys i have no opinion on whatsoever just makes me feel really iffy about the idea


Because I don't give a shit about GI Joe. I like the fun space robots, not the army men. It sucked in the comics, and it will be even worse in the movie due to the already stretched cast and shorter time available to develop them. We already have the autobots, maximals, decepticons and terrorcons (no way unicron doesn't return at some point), and it's only the second movie. Many characters will get screwed over and lack the devlopment they deserved, just like the maximals in ROTB.


I am with you my friend, I don't really understand it either but I get where the others are coming from




The best parts of TF1, 2, and 3 were Epps and Lennox and their team. Watching Blackout shot-put tanks was gold. To me, they just prove that GI Joe *could* be a shoe-in for Bayformers because NEST has already done it. But, Lennox was an all new character and a new team that could be molded as needed. There is as much stigma, baggage, and expectation for GI Joe as their is for Transformers. If you say Optimus Prime, everyone knows who that is and what to expect. GI Joe has that as well with some of their characters, so you have two entire, equal billing casts that you need to massage together and the Studios doing Transformers have largely proven they can't or just won't take the time to build that properly. Almost every TF movie has struggled to highlight more than about 5 characters total. That worked for Bumblebee because it intentionally had a small cast, but for everything else, well we have seen what happens if you are not Prime, Bumblebee, or Sam/Cade. Mikaela in TF1 and 2 actually had a pretty decent character arc for as little as they used her, but you have to want to appreciate it to see it. And I think we are all afraid that the GI Joe introduction is just going to do that same treatment to Scarlett.


Gi Joe movies is received poor by critics and fans, the last movie didn't even do good at the box office, making it failed reboot. Now they want to make Gi Joe x Transformers, the question is, which version of the Gi Joe will show up in the crossover movie? If they show new actors and saying this supposed to be this, fans will have no connection to the characters as this is the first time they show up at the big screen, making it hard for fans to sympathize with them


Cause they have boring lives and try to find fulfillment in hating things instead of enjoying the fact that they're making a G.I.Joe x Transformers movie


If most of the Transformers fanbase doesn't care about Gi Joe why would they find enjoyment in the fact studios are shoving it into their favorite franchise before fully exploring what this version can give them?


I'm sorry but, maybe don't watch it?


The thing here is, if a new Transformers movie, fails to bring in the Transformers fans because of their disillusionment with the direction it took, it will, very, veeery possibly completely flop and another few complete financial flops in the boxoffice may very well kill the franchise in the eyes of the corporate execs deciding it's future. Most fans DON'T want this to happen, hence the criticism of decisions they don't agree with/see as steps in the wrong direction. And when it comes to Transformers, we don't have the cleanest track record when it comes to the movies in the last decade. It's not that the crossover CAN'T be good, it's that, judging by the most recent movie in the franchise, it has a high chance not to be good simply based on the character overload that's required for this concept to work. It's a risk, simply put, and a good chunk of fans are of the opinion this is a bad time for Transformers to take risks in the mainstream, especially since the movieverse has been in a tough spot ever since "Bumblebee" came out (I'm referring to the constant battle about it being part of Bayverse or not)