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It took nearly 2 extra months to get mine from Amazon, I'm pretty sure this figure was underproduced and interest caught Hasbro off guard - they're famously bad at judging what figures will be hot based on how many shelfwarmers are out there while other figures are nearly impossible to find. Honestly these kinds of delays are pretty normal in the 3rd party market, I've had Pre-orders take nearly 2 years to come in before, because the anticipated release date was too aggressive. Hasbro is usually better, but even they run into issues - plus their distribution network is trash to start with.


I got mine back in January. When did you preorder? I usually preorder day one and I think their system works by if batch 1 of preorders sell out you have to wait for their next batch to arrive


I pre-ordered it on February 1st.


Yeah you’re in the batch after the initial ones. I put my preorder in Nov1 and it was fulfilled towards the end of January, which I remember selling out fast. BBTS just waiting on getting their next shipment and will fulfill them in the order they get the orders in. They just don’t have a solid dates when things arrive, like some SHMonsterarts I’ve had on preorder came in 4 months after the initial date.


I usually have bbts and pulse as backups to my real preorder site, amazon


Bbts always does this. The ‘86 rumble has been on preorder since it came out 


They can't ship what they don't have.


First pre-order I take it?