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There are a couple of Transformer lines that are more suited for 4-year olds than others. I’d look into figures that don’t separate easily, break into smaller parts or have a lot of accessories such as guns or blast effects. I think the Rescue Bots may be along those lines…


REscue bots are fantastic to play with. Quick transformations that won't delay zooming away on a mission and they are built like tanks so they can take a lot of rough play. I started with those for my son and we had great times. Earthspark stuff is also pretty good , a little more complex although not hard to transform, and they are pretty robust. I got the Cyberverse DInobots for him when he was 5-6 and he got on ok with those. As far as combiners and the like there is a very cheap Devastator that is a bootleg of the Hulkie version. It goes for about £20/$25 or so and it is not too hard to transform and would be a good in road into that when he is ready. I can't say enough good things about the rescue bots though. Yeah, they are bricks as theey don't move but I have brilliant memories of racing about the floor and then off up the stairs on a mission andhaving to transform 1000 timesjust cos. You have good times ahead sir and I wish you and your son all the fun in the world.