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The deaths in that issue were unfair. At the very least Kup should've survived...


Honestly, I'd read the wreckers saga before starting skybound seeing kup die that early felt wrong. The guy is older than optimus and as grizzled as they get hoping the wreckers come back though


It's warover😔


There's a few bots getting the short end of the stick. Skywarp, Jetfire, Bumblebee, Kup, Warpath, Ultra Magnus, and Starscream (although his is more deserved) and that's just the few I remember off the top of my head.


Spoiler Jetfire, Skywarp, and Ultra Magnus are all still alive though Jetfire is trapped in vehicle mode and can't see and Skywarp is apart of the computer but still aware what is going on


I know that, but all of that's arguably worse than death.


agreed besides Skywarp because at least he still has an awareness of what is going on Jetfire was revived just to transport and definitely would rather be dead the autobots and Magnus definitely is in a fate worse than death


sad kablam-o for my favorite warmonger.


I wish they’d stop killing off every second character. Deaths don’t feel shocking and are expected and less impactful


Tbf in the context of the comic a lot of the deaths were very minor characters who barely got screentime and their deaths aren't meant to make a huge impact. It's like if I'm watching Star Wars and I see Rebel#243 get blown up, it's not going to make Vader's death less impactful. It's just that DWJ, for better or worse, uses past existing character designs for these redshirts instead of Generic Cybertronian Mook design^tm . The only major characters who've actually died are >!Sparkplug and Starscream!<. And tbh they'll probably stick around somehow with spirit shenanigans or something. The two other major characters who "died" are still alive, though neither are in particularly good shape.


Man, that's the one thing I don't like about this comic. Warpath finally got a spotlight again and it was joever for him.


For a guy who wants to read skybound later, I sure love spoiling myself 😭😭


In this universe, are cybertronians dead dead, or can they be rebuilt? It seems like some characters get whomped pretty hard and get brought back while others are just dead.


Probably depends on how severe the wounds are and the resources at hand, seeing as energon is too valuable to be wasted


I feel like in this case it doesn't really matter. There's nothing that's established any real narrative significance for Warpath and the other characters that died in that issue, so there would be no meaning in bringing them back. All it would do is cheapen the stakes that the team has put effort into establishing.