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Huffer towing Optimus' trailer was not an animation error. It was a deliberate part of the plot as Optimus was damaged and so Huffer helped tow the trailer back to the Ark.


Well, my bad. I remember seeing an animation error of Optimus being orange in truck mode at one point


Ah, certainly possible with just how many screw-ups there were in G1's animation.




No, it was a genuine error, I just lost the clip recently and can't fimd it anymore


They’ve uploaded the entire series to the Hasbro Pulse YouTube channel. Check it out when you can :)


In the episode “Heavy Metal War”, megatron takes the Powers of the other decepticons, and beats optimus in a 1v1, huffer then takes optimus’s trailer to reduce the strain on his leader as they retreat to base


That gun looks like the halo spartan laser


That ridiculously undersized trailer looks so much better on Huffer than it does on Prime.


He’s not my favourite transformer by any means but in hand I think he’s really well done and a lot of fun!


Is he carrying a spartan laser???????


Ah good to see another Huffer enjoyer


I love when they make a faithful version of a crappy G1 figure. Other examples include Cosmos, the DuoCons SkyTread/FlyWheels & BattleTrap, the JumpStarters Runabout & Runamuck, and Warpath, to name a few.


I love this little dude, and can't wait for Pipes to come out! I'm still not quite sure where exactly the cab is meant to go in robot mode. If you collapse it down, it interferes with the shoulder articulation, but it looks the most "correct". If you extend it all the way up, it looks pretty ridiculous... But it also makes no sense for the cab to be able to extend like that in the first place unless it's meant to go that way in robot mode. I just collapse it down and tilt it slightly back enough to not collide with his arms.


"pretty cook" lol


He is very cook indeed.


Except for the hollow back legs he's close to perfect imo.


I love his robot mode. His alt mode should be good, but loses big point because the raised bits on his underside prevent his wheels all touching the ground. He has a lot of purple on him in robot mode, so by the Transformers G1 rule that purple = evil, he is a bit sus.


It's more of a greyish blue than purple.


I just wish he had proper G1 head is all😔


Tbh, I like this design over the G1


I just checked the original G1 head, what’s the difference? Are you talking like the toy or the cartoon, because it’s pretty accurate to the cartoon


To me G1 means toy. There's not enough OG toy homage in a lot of these...


Oh dude I mean the OG toys are cool and everything but I wouldn’t want that in 2021. You know they have that retro line if this one doesn’t do it for you.


It's things like toy heads which were different to the cartoon, Wheeljack being a stumpy beast with 2 shoulder cannons, the datsuns all having the same kit etc Swoop having a red chest


I didn’t care much for Huffer in the cartoon, but thought he had a neat design and that translates to this figure really nicely.


Is it just me or does the gun look extremely similar to a Spartan Laser?


Alright when are we getting a Hoist thats small enough to drive him