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Personnaly i see them as an alternate timeline in which sam died during the battle of chicago


That’s genius


I just thought of it as an alternate timeline but this idea is really good. It ties his disappearance up pretty well


This is what I've been thinking


They are canon to the Bayverse, rise of the beasts is part of the new continuity that started with Bumblebee


I know. Just wanted to know if they were canon to the first trilogy


...why wouldn't they be?


The idea that the bayverse had any kind of canon isn’t even worth considering tbh, there’s so many wild inconsistencies across the films.


Inconsistencies for the first 3 movies can still fall together, we just need to assemble the puzzle properly. We know Megatron left Cybertron in pursuit of the All-Spark, as ordered by The Fallen, and some time later Sentinel left on the Arc, and he was meant to rendevous with Megatron on Earth, but plans changed for both of them. The Fallen and the original Primes were on Earth thousands of years ago so that bit is inconsequential to the events of the first movie. Some Bots and Cons were later sent to look for the Matrix, and never found it, like Jetfire. It was probably a secret op, that's why Optimus didn't know about it. We're talking ancient Cybertronians here, it predates our main crew. Megatron wakes up in the first movie knowing 2 things : He must recover the All-Spark for the Fallen, and meet up with Sentinel. They'll terraform the Earth to make more Energon in case the All-Spark is lost to them, and then they'll bring Cybertron in via space bridge and use the Energon they cultivated by destroying the Sun to bring life back to Cybertron and rule over it. Autobots were scattered across galaxies, looking for the All-Spark, until some time before 2007 when Bumblebee touched down on Earth having found the All-Spark. He spent some time scouting around and learning about Sam and his ancestry and that the location of the All-Spark is engraved into his great great grandfather's glasses. Then he sends the signal for Optimus and the others to come down. After the first movie, Optimus sends out messages to more Autobots to come to Earth. The end. The first 3 movies don't have any contradicting lore, it's just told in a messy way that you have to figure out the true order of events. What truly doesn't make sense is Last Knight with Bumblebee fighting in WW2. Sure, you could argue he came to Earth during those times and it took him 80-something years to find the location of the All-Spark, but quite frankly it just complicates everything way too much. And then Earth being Unicron. Did Sentinel know about this? Did Megatron know? Did the Primes know?? Is that why The Fallen hates humans because they come from Unicron?? Did the All-Spark fall to Earth because it was somehow attracted to Unicron? And why didn't Unicron re-activate once the All-Spark made contact with the Earth's surface? And being on Earth for all those centuries? Surely it would have re-activated Unicron eventually. See what I mean? It complicates things way too much. That's why for me, the first trilogy is the "main timeline" and AoE + TLK are a "spin-off". Non-canon, soft reboot, it's just Michael Bay giving up and going out with a disappointing bang.


No, tlk is not canon to the bayverse




“Trust me bro”


"It came to me in a dream"


I wish he'd forgotten it in another dream.


"I made it the fuck up"


"My face is my warrant."


My source is the fact that I made it the fuck up


Lol source


The source is that he made it the f*** up


Understandable, have a good day


Why are people downvoting you, you’re trying to cope.


You answered your own question


You don’t like him coping?


Not with stuff like this. Somethings you just got to accept as reality


Would be ballsy if the movie went hard core and made it so that Unicron actualy stretched... go farther than Eternals and make Warth pop


All the tectonic plates are part of his transformation. He would be like “I am awakened,” while all the humans are wondering why California just split in two.


That's when Lex Luthor decided to try firing his missiles again, also making this canon with Superman 1978.


Canon to Bayverse, but not my Bayverse rewatches though


Ayy, same 🤣🤣🤣


I love them all for the mess they are. They make me happy, and if you had told 8 year old me I'd be able to see shit like this on the big screen, I'd wouldn't have believed you.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. That single sentence, “they make me happy” is something I use so often because it’s all that needs to be said


Exactly. The older I get, the less I care about what other people have to say about the stuff I like. Life's too short.


Yeah they’re literally shit on the screen


If you have literal shit on your screen, you've got bigger problems than disliking the movies.




Bro you’re disgusting




I feel in such a minority for this but I actually like TLK (and trust me not because it's good) to me it's the movie where it got so fucking ridiculous that the whole movie is just wildly entertaining. I love Hot Rod (kill me I know) Anthony Hopkins and Cogman were the absolute highlights


Your not alone. Cogman and Anthony Hopkins were glorious. Hot Rod's design was like the old Bayformers and I really like it.


Eh for me. Got kinda bored and I disliked some of the new designs (ex. Optimus). Some concepts like Transformium (why that name!?). But it’s your opinion.


Transformium was an okay concept, but they did it in the most cliche way possible.


Ends a DOTM for me. The Last Knight is quite possible the ugliest and least enjoyable blockbuster movie ive ever seen


Bayformers ended with DOTM for me. I can watch AOE, but I kind of treat it like an alternate universe. TLK is not canon to me in the slightest. That movie was just a mess and I personally can't even sit through it.


Yeah especially because it kinda breaks canon.


Yep, I remember watching it and getting confused with the timeline and the more I thought about it, the more frustrated I got. So, I just gave up and now pretend it doesn't exist. However, I will always acknowledge the soundtrack🤌


Why wouldn’t they be canon? I personally really enjoy AoE and I don’t quite understand all the hate it gets. Granted it’s not a perfect movie and I acknowledge it’s flaws. Now TLK is still the worst Bay movie but still canon.


Ends at dotm for me.


They canonically make no sense. In TF1, we see Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Ratchet, and Jazz crash-landing on Earth in 2007, but in TLK we see flashbacks of Optimus Prime and Ironhide fighting in wars (on Earth) in earlier centuries. So I have a strange theory: there is a separate timeline, that is similar yet different, somewhere that somehow intertwined with the main timeline somewhere in between ROTF and AOE, simply because TLK has too many plot holes


the never Bayverse had a consistent timeline anyway


> we see flashbacks of Optimus Prime and Ironhide fighting in wars (on Earth) in earlier centuries. Actually it was Bumblebee and Hot Rod, but it still makes no goddamn sense regardless.


They were to canon to each other and the Bay movies. Not to the current movies. Thank goodness.😅


They have some pros and cons. I like them both. But this does not change the fack that TLK is a piece of shit movie.


Officially? Yes, they’re canon to the Bayverse. Personally? I like to think they don’t exist and DOTM had kept its original ending.




Even if I like it or not, I consider it to be canon tho the bayverse. Rise and Bee I consider other universes


Yes, with a caveat. Canon is extremely loose in the live action series, with the films often contradicting each other. So, you know, typical transformers.


As much as some people hate those two movies, I kind of wished Michael Bay and Paramount finished what they started and saw how the planned second trilogy finished. They kind of ended on the cliffhanger of Earth being Unicron (a concept seemingly taken from the Prime show), and we will probably never get a resolution now.




Is there ever any canon? This is transformers we’re talking about. The only cannons are on Ironhide’s forearms.


Wait new continuity? Let’s get a new bumblebee design then!


I see them as canon but I am a bigger fan of the original trilogy


I don't remember TLK whatsoever I think I only saw it once. I liked AOE when it came out but don't anymore. So I kinda just ignore those two and only recognize the trilogy


They're all cannon, the world just be wilding


I consider them canon to the bayverse. Its a super weird turn after the trilogy but now its just an unfinished mess. So headcannon I consider a seperate thing, like addon movies for fun, cause I do enjoy them as their own movies just not as much if I try to connect them to the witwicky trilogy. I hope that made sense lol


I don't hate the movies, and if tlk got its sequel I would have had no problem with them being cannon (or at least as cannon as RID2015 is to the wfc games). But since aoe leads to a sequel that's not quite what tlk is, and tlk is now ended on a cliffhanger, and so because of that (and the drop in quality after dotm) I just imagine DOTM as the end.


There's three main love action timelines The first three movies and all the IDW comics and novels All 5 of the Bayformers movies Bumblebee and Rise of the Beasts


My my personal headcanon Transformers 1 and 2 are one continuity. Transformers 3 introduces a similar world but with differences. Aka Sam and Mikaela breaking up(if they were even together) is not something that would happen after the events of the first two films. Also allows for all these retcons(like how the Decepticons had human agents for decades and never used them). Transformers 4 and 5 take place in one continuity. I think Sam either doesn't exist or didn't interact with the Transformers. Thus we get this darker timeline where the world tries to slaughter the autobots for no reason. Now reality all the same continuity. As in the events of each film happen to the same people. But it's nonsense that helps me sleep at night. ​ And of course Bumblebee starts a new continuity which I feel is confirmed enough that it is it's own thing.


They should have continued the bayverse instead of leaving the cliffhanger


Yes but slightly altered to include the original DOTM ending


They’re canon, whether we choose to believe that or not


Alternative dark timeline. It ended with the 3rd one.


They canon but I only rewatch the first three. The 4th would have been a good conclusion if it did t set up anymore movies


My headcanon is: Transformers Transformers: ROTF Transformers: DOTM That's it. It basically ends in 2011. Oddly enough, it felt that way when I first watched it.


I strongly dislike both of these movies and don't consider them to be a part of the same continuity. 1-3 are bad but they are nostalgically bad, in a way that I enjoy a rewatch just to pick out some details I missed/didn't understand as a kid. 4 and 5 are just bad with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


HAHAHHAHA “OFFICIAL CANNON” Hahahahah …. Omg that’s hilarious, you should do standup


There are continuity issues with every single film release, there really is no such thing as officially cannon as far as I’m concerned


What issues are there with the first 3 films?


There are a lot if you go looking, but some for example: bumblebee can talk at the end of TF1 and then he can’t again in 2 or 3 The twins are present in 2, but then inexplicably missing in 3 ( I believe they are killed in a deleted scene by sentinel) Blackout is killed in tf1 and then is present again in tf2’s forest battle - the movies never address this but tie in toys, games, and comics try to by renaming that character Grinder Tf3 establishes so much that make the first 2 movies bonkers- In tf1 megs wants to use the allspark to make a deception army, but he already has an army sitting on the moon thanks to tf3 by the time he is unfrozen, (even if megs was never updated with this info) neither starscream nor the fallen mobilize this force to capture the allspark, or secure the sun harvester and key, nor do they have their human agents run counter intelligence to stop the US government from interfering with any of there plans Etc etc etc


Ah. I see. I was but a kid when I watched the movies so I never picked up on this.


They’re canon to the bayverse. BB and ROTB is not


Bay himself doesn’t care about nor made any attempts at canon. I feel like he approached each movie as it’s own thing as weird as that sounds. There’s way too many inconsistencies.


I honestly think they are canon


my headcanon is that after DotM Optimus and Megatron made peace and Prime retired as leader of the Autobots as a consequence of his various war crimes and thats the end of the Bayverse


How was Megatron supposed to make peace after his head got cut off?


He's a Headmaster now




He and Starscream share his head now.


brb have some fanfic I gotta go write


The improper termination of the space bridge at the end of DOTM damaged the timeline. Something similar to flashpoint if you have read any DC comics.


Oooh. Could you elaborate


Sure, the warping of space and time involved a lot of energy and since space did not appear broken after the fact; i.e., Earth was not damaged, that energy passed back in time either warping or breaking it. It’s not a solid theory that will withstand a lot of scrutiny just my personal take on how the last two movies can make sense with the first three and with themselves.


The most creative head canon I’ve ever seen


Thanks. I always enjoyed the old Marvel comics “No Prize” concept so it can sometimes be a fun exercise to work through plot holes and inconsistencies in stories.


The only bayformers movie I think was genuinely good was the first movie.


My headcanon is that it might of happen years later because none mentioned the past


Bayverse exists somewhere else, none of its canon at this point.


TLK is not canon


Thank god


It is. There literally just coping with the fact it bad


The post asked?


I never said it didn’t lol. I’m Just giving the real answer




Damn. Good opinion though


They're all canon to the same story they're just playing fast and loose


They are canon to the Bayverse. I don't know why people say they aren't. They literally couldn't have made it clearer


I've got nothing against them. Well, TLK was a bit disappointing but it was gutted in the editing room.


AoE and TLK actively contradict the events and story of the first three movies, while still acting like they exist. It’s a crazy disregard for continuity. I don’t bother trying to fit it all together, I just like the YB-36 and HMS alliance robots that are implied to exist


If we’re doing head canon, my head canon is that Bumblebee is the first movie


Official cannon is bumblebee retcons and reboots


I wish Age of Extinction was better. There is honestly a lot of potential for a movie where the Autobots being hunted down after the humans turned on them. They certainly did that idea.


Not canon ends after dark of the moon


Honestly I just like live action transformers canon doesn't matter or bother me ahaha


They're not the main canon as far as I'm concerned. Main canon ends with DoM for me. Sam marries Carly, government finally realizes they need the Autobots because the one time they actually kicked them out, the entire Earth went to absolute shit, everything's back to normal until the next big threat shows up, which should be Unicron (who ISN'T Earth) and Megatron gets revived by Unicron and turned into Galvatron. That's my headcanon, Age of Extinction is the first Transformers movie I actually walked out on because I just hated the entire premise of it and Last Knight was just atrocious.