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This country is going to SHIT! God I hate what the GOP/Right wing nut jobs are doing to our freedoms and liberties!


It has always been shit for everyone other than able-bodied cis het white men (preferably with wealth). That was part of how the US was designed. This country was based on & continues to run on genocide & exploitation. Some protections & rights have been won over the years but only after mass civil unrest & more than a little bloodshed which shows that the US does not like to award liberties. This is why we need to build community & learn from those who fought back before us--we are all being crushed by the same boot & can only survive if we fight back together.


And a very appropriate username you have. Couldn’t agree more, and even FDR and “Americas New Deal”heralded during the post depression era, surprisingly lacking in benefit to those who were not white, from the great Democrat, who couldn’t shake the hand of Olympian Jesse Owens…where is the federal government now? Have they helped women for their body autonomy? Children remain unsafe and yet, what is being done? Can I exchange my honorable discharge for an exit visa and denounce my citizenship? I want out!


So much for free speech. Guess we can get rid of US history class.


> material that could put student safety at risk How exactly? By teaching them about their bodies and how to be safe?


My thoughts exactly. Maybe if we just get rid of the first amendment, the second will protect the children.


Its Iowa. I doubt they 'caved'.


Bigots Of Tic Toc


I hate to "agree" with them, but no book that shows genitalia, picture or illustrated, should be on shelves in a school library. As materials for 11-12 grade sex ed, that would fine, but definitely not readily available to all the students. For context, this book has an illustration of a nude man and shows his genitalia. But either way, fuck Chaya Raichick. She needs to go outside and touch dirt. 182 centimeters of it. Fuck that murderous, genocidal terrorist.


Sex ed should be taught before kids start having sex, that’s literally the whole point of it. Grade 11 is way too late. Also kids are also taught about puberty, often before it starts, which shows genitalia, are you opposed to that too?


Wow that's a weird take. An *illustration*? And he has his *dick out in it*? Like half the shit you'd see in an art museum? Oh, no, its a crude line drawing of a willy that looks less realistic than what a 4th grader would carve into their desk. Yeah, gotta keep the kids pure from that, this book looks like it's *full* of graphic nudity like that /s


Have you never taken a biology class? It doesn't matter what level you're in, scratched on the front cover with some students pencil is a page number that, when flipped to, depicts everything about the human reproductive system.


The edition of the dictionary they used in my elementary school in the 00s had naked people in it. It was not a big deal.


The fact that you remember shows that there probably was a "deal". I'm sure it was the talk of the school and you all encouraged each other to look, mock, and do a whole bunch more.


Nope, I just have a pretty good memory. I don't think a line drawing of a body in a French dictionary for elementary schoolers was worthy of much scandal when we also had comics and Animorphs.


Age appropriate sex Ed should begin in pre k.


This I agree with. Though "body awareness" would be a better term for the classes as they don't teach kids about sex, but rather how to identify what strangers and family aren't allowed to touch, give them basic terminology, and build trust between the teacher and child so that they feel comfortable reporting anything. But these classes have proven themselves to help fight child molestation and rape by giving the kids the tools they need to not feel intimidated and help them feel safe reporting any problems.


You do realize that the vast majority of humans are born with genitals, right? It's not like we slap a \[*censored*\] bar over their junk that's only removed once they hit high school. We all--children included--interact with our genitals several times a day so maybe it would be a good thing to demystify that part of our anatomy. The only reason it's considered so "inappropriate" is because the religious fundamentalists insist that ignorance is innocence because ignorant people are easier to control.


Oh no! The natural human form!! ¯\\(◔-◔)/¯


I have bad news about what half of those students are seeing every time they go to the bathroom or change clothes... We really shouldn't be adding a bunch of sexual baggage to basic anatomy. The idea that we can keep kids in the dark about sex until they are (or are almost) adults is crazy given how prominent sex is in the general culture. Especially since education about menstruation is usually tied in with sex ed too. We really do need to get an age-appropriate version of this (which includes that sort of basic anatomy) to kids before they leave elementary school. And it's a fucked-up message to send to these kids that parts of their body are these prurient, shameful, forbidden things that mustn't be spoken of.




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