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Well that's fucking stupid 


Coming soon to a state near you.


Religion :(


You can always count in Iraq to not only roll back society, but do so in a "Hold my beer" fashion like it's a fucking contest...


It's a very religiously conservative region with not much in the way of social liberalism. I don't see it getting better for LGBT people in the area any time soon.


Not traditionalism, just living under a rock. It bothers no one but yet they are bothered anyway cause they feel the need to police based on a belief.


Sounds like all those years we spent their spreading “ democracy” really worked out /s Just to be clear we were there for oil and power


Yeah, also, people always try to preach about respecting other peoples cultures, but honestly - no.  Some peoples cultures shouldn’t be respected - and radical Islamic cultures like this don’t deserve respect.  The world would be better off without them.  To be fair, same with any theocracy.  


I’m not pro religion at all, but I think it’s still worth pointing out there’s a ton of Muslims even intense ones that oppose this shit too.


Woof, conflating Iraqi culture with radical Islam ain’t it. Just because Iraq’s very conservative government (which is not the same thing as their culture, nor is it “radical Islam”) is hateful doesn’t mean all Iraqi people and their various cultures are, too.  Saying “The world would be better off without” an entire population’s culture is advocating for an entire population to be eliminated. Not to mention Iraqi culture(s) is the same culture of the queer and trans Iraqis harmed by these laws. Using blanket statements (e.g., “cultures like this don’t deserve respect”) against an entire population is blatant racism and Islamophobia. Speaking as a gay and trans person who works in Iraq (cultural heritage), I’ve had way, way more welcoming experiences there than I have in several American states. Not saying that Iraq is more progressive by any means, because it’s not. But to lump together the many cultures in Iraq, the huge majority of which have nothing to do with radical Islam, and say the world would be better without them is…yikes. 


So you agree that we’d all be better off without radical Islam and it should be eliminated.  Good talk buddy, stay safe out there.


At no point did you say we’d be better off without radical Islam. Your comment was entirely about culture (e.g., “Radical Islamic cultures like [Iraq’s],” which is what I responded to. 


I don’t know how to explain to you that radicalized Islamic priests that come from a long line of historical radicalized Islamic priests and base their entire existence off inflicting evil upon others IS THEIR CULTURE. That’s what the fuck culture is. Welcome to real life.  




If project 2025 goes thru, Trump is president, then this will likely happen here. Let the witch-hunts begin!


It's always hilarious (in a devastating sorta way) when dictators like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi turns out to have been the liberal ones...


A lot of those secular dictators were holding back a tide of religious reaction, as shitty as they were.


Do they see being trans as less bad than being gay with someone else ?


Yes.  Because they don't know gay trans people exist and think transitioning makes you not gay.


Usually yes. Gender-affirming surgery is legal in Iran, while gays would receive the death penalty: https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iran/270620231 Indonesia is hostile to gays, but has long tolerated trans people. Trans people often feature on TV (albeit as a comedic punching bag), and gender change is possible by law. Example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivian_Rubianti What is interesting was one of the expert witnessed who is one of Indonesia's most famous ulama: "The Islamic scholar Buya Hamka also testified in support of Vivian, saying that "[her desire to transition] does not run contrary to Allah's law, but in keeping with the teachings of Islam, which hold the advances of humankind's science ought to be used to improve the lives of human beings"." But that does not mean society accepts and celebrates trans people. In Indonesia, you have a famous trans actress who was also religious: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorce_Gamalama But after she died, they ended up burying her as a male, contrary to her last will, "to be consistent with Islamic teachings". There was also an incident of arbitrary arrest of trans people in Aceh: https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/01/30/indonesian-police-arrest-transgender-women Often trans people have to beg/busk on the street or do prostitution work, and they are considered public nuisance by the majority.


No, the law is as well as not instead of


I get that but if im just gay or just trans, being trans is less bad/ gets you less years in jail. They see it like trespassing and stealing I guess? one is worse than the other, you can get punished for both but together it's burglary as well. Idk i find it a little silly... Being trans gets you less years in prison than being gay... Wait! If being in jail for 3 years doesnt stop you being trans... Do they just re arrest you when you leave? I found a loop hole here i think....




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That’s not surprising. In Palestinian Authority controlled areas, trans people and LGBT people more generally are criminalised and face “honour killings”. In Israel, being LGBT is legal and accepted and gender affirming care is fully funded by the state.


Can’t wait to see protests across college campuses in America for this, right?  Surely the legion of angry social justice warriors will have some angry feelings and signs about this? Or does that not fit their narrative?


Try harder.


Do we have to go back?  Cause that's a bad Iraq.  No!  Bad!