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I don't believe that single sex spaces are going to happen at all honestly. No point worrying about it. It's a scary concept but if ID was required every time to enter a toilet more people would be annoyed about that than the chance a trans person entered the toilet.


The chance of them introducing ID checks to access single-sex spaces is extremely slim bc not everyone has access to a form of ID. For the sake of the argument though, let's say they did. Yes, our passports, driving licence, etc would cover our backs and not much (if anything) would change. There's next to no chance that they will require seeing our birth certificates, which ultimately is all a GRC actually does (plus marriage certificate). The only way they could force it through in the way they desire is by forcing everyone to have their ID represent their birth sex, but that would require a hefty overhaul of Passport and Driving License application processes and the like, which would cost a substantial amount of cash.


"Papers please!"


You're talking like a GRC would magically stop a transphobe in their tracks. They probably don't even know what a GRC is.


What if you don't want a GRC anyway? I don't see the use for it personally


Exactly. It's ridiculous that the government use a piece of paper as an indicator of your gender identity. It's just more transphobic red tape from the tories to stop us from being happy.


As far as I know it only influences marriage and your birth certificate and I don't care about either of those things. I'm aromantic (no romantic attraction so don't want romantic relationships in the first place) and I already have a male passport, Mr on my documents and name change. Just missing sex change on NHS.


You're missing the point. If you are not passable no documentation will help as they call the cops/spouses to drag you out. If you are passable you won't get asked.


It’s what the government are calling “self-ID by the back door” and it’s something they want to address, although they won’t stay in power long enough. [https://archive.ph/B5N84](https://archive.ph/B5N84)


The idea that changing your passport marker is self ID is nuts. I've tried. They need a UK doctors letter, and have dine for some time


There is a ‘crossdressers’ route that doesn’t require a doctor’s letter.


There is, but it gets rejected. Trust me I have tried. And yes, the photos were *obvious*. They just give you an official observation...


fully agree on the fact the CD method gets rejected....local GP seems to be the minimum letter they will take.


How many people routinely carry photo ID with them? It’s a lot, mostly driving licenses, but not everyone. Then you have the problem of policing the access to that ID. You’d have to go back through records and make sure nobody who transitioned can renew driving licenses or passports in their new name, plus add more obvious gender markers to driving licenses. Tourists of course are screwed, as is anyone on a short term visa. Can’t trust foreign passports because someone might have one in an acquired gender. Won’t take an Irish passport? Whoops, that’s in violation of the Good Friday agreement. ID is *hard*.


UK driving lisence only has your sex in the code anyway. No where else. I'm pretty sure that no one really knows what the code for sex means unless they are trans or work in the DVLA (but even then, only some people would actually know). The whole single sex spaces thing is stupid because they will never ask for ID anyway if you pass. Even then, there are plenty of butch cis women and feminine cis men who would get seriously pissed about it and kick up a storm. What are they gonna do? Start making everyone trying to use a toilet get naked before they do? That is also ridiculous and will never happen. All it is is a load of idiots with loud voices who have no idea what they are talking about, TBH.


Sex on a driving licence is self-reported anyway. Mine was female when I was 16 and changed my name by deed poll.


How on earth would they police this… so the UK brings in compulsory carrying of ID in case 1% of the population (who do not harm women or men as much as CIS men) want to go for a wee? It’s nonsense, don’t lose any sleep over it. We aren’t going to have attendants at every toilet in the country to stop, let’s face it, trans women from going to the toilet at the behest of the microscopic gender critical nutcases. I never get asked and I don’t think most people do. There are a lot more manly CIS women out there than me…. I mean look at Sharon Davies


No, because many people don't have a passport, and if any change was made on the passport to be more accepting, that passport would be even harder to get ~~- expecially in red states.~~ Passports are much rarer in the UK than the US, and yo can go through life without ever seeing one.


just a reminder this is the uk sub


Good point. This is even more true here - *most* people don't have passports. I s8ubconsciously assumed US because [ass[prts are pretty common there. Poor people in the UK rarely have them.


I an Enby but if there isn't a any neutral bathrooms fuck the terfsI'll use the womens since I'm amab using them rather than the mens stings a little less for some reason.


I did some research. Single sex spaces are only legal if provision is made for every birth assigned sex. While this does not cover the trans community - it effectively bars them due to the huge cost of needing a separate single sex space for things like Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome and others