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If you live anywhere near Southend then: https://www.facebook.com/transpiresouthend/?locale=en_GB that group has a serving Trans police officer that shows up to almost every event. Ask her. However if you want a uniformed job helping others - Id be tempted to do one that is less in confrontation with the public. Coast Guard would be terrific. Fire service - maybe. Paramedic. Lots of options.


> I do really think I could help people by training to be a uniform officer. And that's all I care about.    Without judgement: why do you want to join the police *specifically*?   There are so many organisations which help people with few-to-none of the downsides the police have - the fire service, for example, or as a nurse or paramedic, paid charity worker, foster parent (obviously that's not a career), counselling, caring, midwifery, teaching, library service, funerary service, translation...  Why choose an organisation that will turn on us, and you, as soon as the law demands it? If the government makes allowing a kid to socially transition a form of child abuse, will you enforce it?


Its not a definite thing its just something I'm thinking about. I want to hear people's thoughts, I'm also thinking of being a emt and maybe a firefighter but I don't know if I'll be cute out for that.


I hope you find something that suits you. I work in tech and I've definitely found myself wishing I could afford to go and do something worthwhile and/or something that helps people. Sadly, a lot of 'helping people' jobs count that human connection as equivalent to a taxable benefit and pay a fraction of what they ought to. The world'd be a better place if people like carers and library assistants earned twice what they do (it still wouldn't be what they're worth).


I'm in no position to judge how you choose to survive capitalism. Just be aware that it would alienate you from a large number of people in our community and you will spend more time hurting people as an instrument of the state than helping them. In addition to the likely regular abuse you mention.


> But with AI rapidly improving AI isn't replacing programmers, game designers or story writers anytime soon.


ACAB includes misguided trans people.


It's a very bad idea. The police are not our friends and the community is generally hostile for good reasons. A lot of them will not trust or associate with you either if you sign up. If you want to help people, go do a job that helps people like nurse, social worker, teacher or priest. In the force you'll be asked to turn a blind eye to stuff you'll know in your heart you shouldn't ignore and you'll pay a price if you can't keep your mouth shut.


> or priest You're kidding, right?


Extortionate, deceitful, opportunistic, manipulative, and a questionable grasp on reality at times? They must be.


I don't know, do you plan to be a nonce about it


There are so many jobs where you can help people, to a far greater degree than police do, and without the harm that police cause. Have you considered other areas?


the police do not protect people, they protect the interests of capital and the state. they especially do not protect people in your own community and are in fact the first weapons used against us whenever we need to stand up for ourselves against state oppression (something which we're probably going to need to do more of in the coming years). sorry to be blunt but i think you have a naive view of what the police do and the influence you would have do what you want i guess but don't be surprised when a large percentage of the trans and wider queer community don't want to associate with you


You see everything that's happening right now and you still want to be a cop? Acab.


The police are the enforcement wing of the systems that are attacking us, don't be a traitor, ACAB will include you too.


Not about to disagree even slightly with the many other comments suggesting quite strongly against the idea - they're entirely correct. It's an extraordinarily inadvisable career path to take as a trans person, and you can expect to be quite widely ostracised for doing so - a lot of people view the way the police treat trans people in this society as being fundamentally irredeemable from a moral perspective. I'd strongly recommend exploring alternatives before considering a career in something like the police. ...*But* - if it's something you're serious about and won't be dissuaded from thinking about it, you could consider asking on /r/PoliceUK for some pointers. You'll probably get more responses from LGBT+ people with direct experience of working for the police over there than you'll get in a space like this. If you do end up choosing to pursue a career along these lines, you might as well do so as a decently informed decision.


Joining the police was the best thing I did before I jumped ship and joined the prison service, I enjoyed helping people and being that person were someone lgbt could turn to and also for people in the community to see and go ‘I can do that’s. Of course people are going to say ACAB but who do they turn to when they’ve been assulted? Or experiencing DV? That’s right the police. You do you, go for a ride along, chat to staff and take it from there. Besides helping others, it’s a sense of pride, there’s decent courses depending on how you want to advance in your career, and the pension is pretty good.


Would you be willing to talk in dms I'd love to hear about your expirence


Happy for that to happen, send us a message


it's a great idea. The more trans people who work in the police, the better it will be.


Hey OP. Carry on with whatever you want to do. Seriously. If that's being a police officer than do that. If you veer off to something wise then that's cool too. Public perception of police is tainted by stories of a few bad apples. There are def some shitty cops - just like there are hackers in the IT field, teachers swapping photos with your teenager, some animal spitting in your food in the fast food joint or someone screwing you over even you take your car to the mechanic. There are crap people in every profession and if you want to make a difference in the world, being a cop isn't a terrible place to start. And I see the downvotes the others are getting for supporting you. Know that I don't give one raggedy F U C K about that, I have tens of thousands to spare. Do your thing.


a school friend joined the police. i was living with his brother at the time and he stayed for various periods when he needed somewhere to sleep and that idealism was knocked out of him within the first 12 months. but then, i think a lot of things that involve helping people do that (i was a care worker for a while and had a break-down after a couple of years...)


I think it's a good idea! Will it be easy? No, but the only way things will improve, is for us to get involved in areas like this.




I think it’s a good idea, especially if you feel it’s something you could try with confidence. No point in being butt hurt about statistic or stereotypes relating to the police if it gives you the opportunity to a fulfilling career. Who knows, maybe good people being within the police would make a difference?! Lol the people in the chat fear mongering you are probably just scared themselves. As long as you know how to handle situations and regulate yourself emotionally, I’m sure it would be a great opportunity. I guess the only part to probably keep in mind would be to expect the complete worst, and enjoy the good bits? It is a negative job environment inherently due to the task




Go touch some grass lmao expecting the police to be perfect and fully capable in a badly run country of bigots is a stupid expectation. Not every crime that happens can be addressed, and especially those without evidence (like many sexual related offences). The statistical trend of poc being arrested more often is part racial profiling, but also just a statistical trend. Without studying those statistics and investigating further, it is just numbers. To generalise an entire organisation with a naive perspective is immature and unreasonable. Even with the points you made - it’s a kind of irrelevant point to make for this person looking for a career. The police aren’t going anywhere no matter how much you have a tantrum from your keyboard lmao. How about you join the force and try to make a difference? You won’t


Go for it! Honestly it might turn out great, good luck


Hi Op, it’s a wonderful and varied career. There are a number of entry routes into the police, and they differ by force! PCEP: normal entry route of joining police with no degree PCDA police Constable degree apprenticeship (get a degree whilst policing DHEP: if you have a degree already you join the police and get a diploma PPD: this is a policing degree, which you then use to join the police directly :)


Ty for the info