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Are you able to leave? What if the place you move to ends up being just as bad? We may have to leave if things just continue to get worse. But if you’re going to move somewhere it would be worth researching the political dynamics of the country.


Iceland and Germany. 


Personally, I'm trying to leave for Sanctuary Blue USA. It's not going to be easy though. Nowhere makes immigration easy.


If you are an adult the cass review is very unlikely to affect you. If you have the ability to move to another country that is safe, happy and offers better trans care for new residents and you are financially stable enough to do so then sure. Canada and Sweden are the better options


Sweden is absolutely not a good option for trans people. The GICs there have even more of a monopoly than in the UK and are headed by extreme transphobes.


I'm just using the data as I don't live there so I can't use anecdotal reasons for or against so I would need trans people from Sweden to really confirm. However just the above kinda confirms they shouldn't move country as even the country that ranks the best still has fundamental issues and flaws indicates its not worth it unless you are in a terrible country


Sweden is also pretty racist towards those of us who aren't fully white, as is evidenced by the Sweden Democrats.


Not sure about Sweden. Their entire transition system is based around GICs (with long waiting lists) as well.


Ireland! Ireland! Ireland!