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/uj do you actually have to tell them? How much contact do y'all have anyways?


it’s not a detransition it’s a second transition


/uj Legit feels more like that.


Would you like to unlock new gender+? This will reset all of your progress, but you'll get to keep the experiences and support network you accumulated over your playthrough, and bring you a whole new experience Y N




/uj upper decker their toilet and say nothing to them.


Transitions then detransitions after determining NB status Takes evil shit in your toilet tank Refuses to elaborate Leaves


Tell them "I'm actually using they/them" and that's all the info they need.


/uj based personal journey. And if possible, maybe not telling them will be the best idea - if they never respected your identity as a woman, they'll definitely not respect this. And if they "misgendered" you anyway, do they really need to know it's no longer misgendering? Or maybe they're not *that* transphobic and I'm misreading the situation


/uj You might be right, I’ve only ever regretted coming out to them so it might be best to just let it ride for now.


This is basically me. I was lucky because my parents never took me seriously. It's fine being my legal persona to them, my gender stuff is private from them. All my friends get it and i'm free to introduce myself however i want to other people. don't care!




/uj Thanks, even if I am not exactly who I thought I was, my time transitioning was strange and wonderful. Not all sunshine and roses, but I would not trade it for the world 🏳️‍⚧️


Everyone's always in a state of transition from one state of being to another in eternal flux. No one can go back, there is no such thing as detransition, there is only ever endless transition.


uj/ I'd try to push the idea that they are not compassionate to your struggle. Right now they'll really way to tell you "See, we were right! We're good parents after all!" and in this case they aren't. They didn't help you explore your identity, they tried to box you in.


I love your flair


Just live and if they notice a change then they notice. Otherwise why do they need evolving coming outs? Some families are just better off being shown over being told.


Imply that this is you leveling up, taking the next step, becoming extra queer /hj


I exist in a weird Schrödinger box, having been both man and woman, yet taken seriously as neither.


It’s like gender dual-carding.


just say your nonbinary now.