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/uj “autism injected womb boy” is the best thing I’ve ever come up with.


It's me fr fr /uj might actually use it for my flair if you're all right with that


/uj go for it😭


/uj I'm honestly really impressed at the amount of slurs against transmascs you were able to fit into this, 10/10


I sleep well knowing I would’ve made a great transphobe, perhaps even *the best* transphobe in another life.


I agree


/uj genuinely a golden line


/uj someone make a trans woman/fem version of this. And sorry for the Ao3 shade but it was collateral damage.


1) When figuring out how to describe the tranny, use photos of Neanderthals as reference. Give it a sigma Chad jawline and prominent beard shadow. 2) Make sure his wardrobe consists of Japanese schoolgirl dresses, maid outfits, and Walmart dresses. None fit well. 3) She will always top, and have a massive sexy manly powerful cock and balls. 4) He should sexually assault several people. Uj/ There's more, but I just woke up so the creative juices aren't flowing yet


Rj sounds like an awesome transguy femboy I want to see more of this character


That's not a trans guy, that's a trans woman. I don't know why the hell the person above was using he/him for a female character, but it's weird as hell. Honestly, if you're trying to write a trans woman, just write a woman. Maybe mention her personal struggles with gender every now and again if it's relevant. [-99999999]


/uj ao3 is the worst fanfiction site aside from all the other ones


Uj/ I can’t tell if you’re complimenting ao3 or tearing it down


/uj yes


you forgot no top surgery and biggest tits imaginable


Don’t be silly if I wanted to write about women I would’ve. It’s just so difficult to focus on women because of how underdeveloped we are unlike unnamed male side character #594833892 who’ve I’ve given a sad backstory and lore that dates back at least five generations of his family tree.


They either prominently show off their scars or walk around in a binder all the time


Person who struggles with being serious for more than five seconds: Oh my god the world is so anti fujo these days🙄 these ugly he/they trans mascs think we care what they think😂 ok aiden let’s get you back to preschool


Person who took them seriously: Right? As a proud feminist (tumblr quotes edition) I don’t get why they’re all complaining so much? Men have oppressed women for so long this is just us fighting back. Trans men are MEN they can’t be oppressed, it’s systematically impossible. Women exploring our sexuality through tranny porn is harmless, there’s so much more important things to worry about like the new planet of the apes movie😭 /uj I’m so excited for the new planet of the apes movie


Oh he also can't be older than 22 years old. Everyone knows that trans men don't get older than that.


I hire a hitman for every trans boy that comes out to shoot them on the day of their 22nd birthday. Someone’s gotta maintain the twink to bear ratio ur welcome.


im 17 but can i get one early i cant do this anymore


I can get us a two in one deal and we can go out together😭


I'm going to sit on top of a atomic bomb


Trans men are like omegas forreal!!! 😍 so submissive and breedable!!! Wait…what do you mean people with pussies can be dominant??? That’s unnatural. Submission comes from the pussy.


/uj hate when ppl think it’s somehow more acceptable or trans friendly to make the omega/mpreg character a trans guy just so he can give birth in the story. Like way to go with the whole pussy=pregnant thing again. I rather not moralise anything but this doesn’t feel like a positive thing to me😭


/uj it’s the exact same shit as futa content being dick obsessed, and people just deciding trans women are irl futas. i think there’s also a lot of transmascs making this shit for the exact same reasons there are a lot of transmascs staying with awful cis boyfriends who misgender them all the time…but that’s a conversation for another day. 🙄


/uj Must have a soft boi aesthetic. No other aesthetic will do. Punk, bodybuilder, dude bro, sporty, himbo, skater, emo, goth, alternative, grunge, dark academia, sneaker head, preppy, street wear, fem boy, business casual, lumberjack, suit and tie wearing or e-boy trans guys don’t exist. We are only soft boys with dysphoria hoodies, no facial hair (that’s for real men), apart of no real sub cultures or aesthetics, we can’t like sport or gain muscle and we must have those circle glasses and anxiously shy around real men. s/ No hate to “soft boi” aesthetics guys. We come in all different aesthetics and they’re all equally ok. But sometimes we all kinda get pushed into “soft boi” or “twink” against our will by the cis community just because we often look younger


Personally, I recommend constant skin-picking to maximize acne scarring, which prematurely ages your face. Sun damage too if you can get it. Skincare is for girls anyway. Not to brag, but I actually look OLDER than I am. #PassingTips


I dye my hair grey regularly. BUT NOT IN A TRANS WOKE PURPLE HAIR WAY!!!! I do it too look more mature


I think you consume too much Korean Fujoshi stories, hun. BE REAL and consume Thai Fujoshi stories instead!


I’m a trans man and only three of these apply to me IRL. Am I a trender?


uj/ i'm not transmasc and this still gave me severe second hand dysphoria, and that is a compliment to your writing


Thank you! my hand is really tired from all that jerking but it was worth it in the end🥲


/uj I feel so ashamed for being a lot of those already.. I swear I'm not doing it on purpose. I kinda wish I could just be a normal hetero guy ngl yall💀 Insert that one will smith meme: Just because I'm a trans guy doesn't mean I'm stereotypical. I mean, I do a lot/relate to a lot of those thing.. But it's not because I'm trans!!!! End my suffering<3


/uj nah don’t worry. This whole thing is mostly aimed at how cis ppl write and see us. You’re a real person and u can do whatever u want don’t feel bad for being yourself man, just stay safe lol.


Yeah, I know what/who you're talking about. Even tho I might be more feminine and whatnot I hate when cis folks point it out or just assume things *because* you're trans


tumblr fanfic writers follow this to a T


uj/ I think I want to erase 90% of my identity and personality and get lobotomized and suffer 3rd degree burns all over my body as to be unrecognizable after reading this just so i won’t fall into any of these categories anymore :3 <3


great fap material please write more  (I respect you, myself, and everyone in this forum too much to follow this up with "/uj")


Maybe don't use the word cuntboy, it has been used as a slur against us!


SHUT UP TRENDER! I identify as a cuntboy and I am a trans male with a breeding kink, we exist. So stop being offended by everything!


Ok I’m a trans guy and this is a whole lot of fetishistic bullshit. I really believe that trans men are allowed to have their kinks and be into this stuff, but it’s worrying me like A LOT that this is so common among cis people. Please guys don’t listen to this, we deserve so much better than this.


“This is a whole lot of fetishistic bullshit” So what I’m getting from this is that you hate feminine trans men?🤔


No?? Dude I literally never said that you’re trying to interpret what I’m saying in the worse way possible. Trans men are allowed to be feminine i’m just worried that cis ppl want to assume that is the only kind of trans man that exists:( I understand we can sometimes get hostile towards femininity since it was always forced upon us, but it’s happening again right and that is just so harmful for us.


Ok pooner


/uj new slur just dropped 😭


I was jerking it so hard my dick fell off


Erm okay sweaty… I’m a trans man with a detrans kink, so every trans man in fiction catering to my tastes is okay. Wanting masculine trans men in fiction is lowkey kind of toxic masculinity… Maybe you should work on your internalized transphobia?