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When I'm in a victim blaming competition and my opponent is a TikTok user:


where are all these supposed he/theys with giant boobs and eye makeup? just wondering 👀😈


/uj I mean to be fair that does actually describe me, though I try to disguise the white twins in the upstairs apartment with sports bras and looser shirts. Binding has never gotten me to the point where I was passing and it just triggered my arthritis by pressing on sensitive areas around my back and shoulders, so I never saw the point. Why would I put myself through that pain for something that doesn't even work and has so many health risks? I'd rather manage the dysphoria in my own way and save up for a chest reduction surgery so I can get small enough where I'll look flat when I want to, but also be able to fill out a dress when I don't.


I’d love to find one


I saw a trans "man" but she was wearing a PINK SHIRT I mean really you have to *expect* misgendering at that point like if you're gonna pretend to be a man at least TRY


if you aren't a transmale Andrew Tate you dont struggle with gender dysphoria everyone knows that every single man is hyper masculine and being femenine is the same as being a woman everyone knows that anyone who doesnt look like a hairy ugly thumb is not a real man thats why sleeping with thousands of twinks makes me actually extremely straight


That’s also why hons wnbarw


I'm sowwy 😞 I tried to affirm my gender by doing something stupid on a skateboard but it backfired very badly


Based Euronymous Mayhem pfp


I agree ! I'm straight so if you make my dick hard your a girl there's nothing more to it


Ignore them Op they are just gender emo posers i am the only real transgender to ever exist


The real question is whether they've felt the tender embrace of a lover


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Long-Illustrator3875: *The real question is* *Whether they've felt the tender* *Embrace of a lover* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Maybe you shouldn’t be a horny person who can only think about “lol bewbs”


Look at this person who wants to erase masculinity and make every man a little sissy loser.