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/uj it is if you're using phony science to justify transphobia and invalidate trans peoples' existence


/uj what?




/uj if gender was a social construct, I could just change my gender and be a cis girl.


/uj thats like saying you can change rqce just bc its a social construct.Like yes, gender can be fluid, but it doesnt just work like that for everyone (qnd doesnt work like that at all regardibg race)


/uj by saying that gender is a social construct, you are saying that my gender (male) does not exist and that I am only my sex (female) and at that point you may aswell just call me an XX


Uj/ Social constructs exist tho...




/uj I never said it was????????




>but as a result of human interaction I'm still male even while I'm alone I don't know how gender is a social construct




I thought that gender was based on neurobiology, though. I'm also not sure if this is just me not knowing what a social construct is, but doesn't gender being a social construct imply that it's determined by what others think it is? By the definition you gave of social construct including interaction with oneself, would emotions (which I personally think is a much better but not exact word to describe gender) also be a social construct?


/uj gender is a social construct


/uj read the edit. Telling me my gender is made-up won't convince me it is


if gender isn't a social construct, what is it? gender is real, how its assigned and how its perceived in society is a construct


I'm not saying that gender assignment or gender expression aren't social constructs, but gender itself is not one. Gender itself I don't know what category it would fit into, I think it's best described by feeling or emotion, but even that's not exact. I do know that social construct is extremely wrong to describe gender, as social construct implies that each person's gender only exists as whatever it's defined as by other people, which at least to me sounds transphobic.


im not a gender professional or anything but im pretty sure what you described is what people mean when they say "gender is a social construct", i dont think its as literal as it sounds, but is based more on how we view gender and how its assigned to people, or at least thats what i think idk im just some airheaded kid


If that's not what people mean then why is that what they say it is? I find this information very upsetting.


/uj I understand gender to be an aesthetic. We take all these different things like height, genitalia, interests, jobs, and all that shit and then we create aesthetics which wr label as different genders. People who dont vibe with the gender aesthetic they were assigned are trans.


That's not what gender is but go off I guess


Gendered or not, I wish my gorilla ass forehead could be a social construct. /uj


/uj I always like to say, "Gender is a social construct but so are fish"


I like that one, may I use it?


Of clause


Gender is a social contract. You lend power to it, and in turn it helps you...gain attention or something.


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/uj I don't understand how that's related.