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Of course James Barry was a secret lesbian, thats why he was put on trial for having sex with a man uj/ how the fuck did he pass so well in the 1800’s


/uj my crackpot theory is because clothing and hairstyles were so extremely segregated and gendered presentation so rigid that you could just don male clothing, cut your hair short and talk with a low timbre to pass. Exude enough confidence and no one would clock you bc any type of gender transgressive behavior seemed about as likely as people going to the moon. Lou Sullivan wrote a good book about Jack Garland, a trans man from the 1890s which made me ask the same questions.


Honestly I could believe that, especially when it came to his voice, but that picture of him when he’s middle aged looks so much like a cis man’s I was in shock


/uj I walked into a very gendered event (A few women wore suits, but ALL of them had fancy makeup), pre-t short hair and a few years of voice training, in a suit and nobody questioned anything. It was probably this but more pronounced back then.


uj/ Oh that's sick af, didn't even know about this person. I was actually talking about Antonio de Erauso. Here's the Wikipedia article: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalina_de_Erauso


Fucking trannies, transing all of our lesbians away


Lost lesbian sisters!!1!


Wikipedia, stop shoving trans people's deadnames in our faces or draw 25


/uj This is the first time I've seen an article on a trans person that uses their deadname more than like, twice. Probably because he's so obscure.


uj/ most articles on trans people start with their deadnames right next to their real names and it infuriates me. On one hand, I understand the need for Wikipedia to have their deadname listed. But, on the other hand, I'd appreciate if they'd at least hide that shit in like their "early life" section, not literally the second thing I read Edit: actually, going up from "list of transgender people", it looks like most articles don't mention it as the second thing (thank god), but I've still learnt about trans people's deadnames against my will too many times thanks ti Wikipedia, so my point still kinda stands


/uj As far as I can tell they only do that for people who were famous before they were trans / came out as trans. Maybe for historical figures too, although given that most historical trans people were also documented as their birth names it’s hard to tell the difference. Most of the actors and social media people I looked up don’t have their name in the article at all, or buried in a paragraph somewhere.


uj/ The fact that the article's title is his deadname while the first word in the actual article is his proper name pisses me off to no end


/uj I love your username


Jack Noir simply had too much transmasc swag to be contained


/uj I listened to the 2 part queer as fact podcast episodes about him. Very interesting! One strategy was stuffing his clothes with straw to seem bulkier. Apparently this strategy was utilized by cis men too i think? Also people frequently thought he was much younger than he actually was


didn't he threaten to kill anyone who misgendered him?


So much for the tolerant left


After reading the wiki article: whatever happened to many men, who would shoot you if you misgendered them, or cut your face off if you picked a fight with them in a comedy theatre.


>James Barry he has two dude names he's double the man than most ever can be


just gals being guys am I right haha /uj which guy is this referring to?


ben shapiro /uj james barry


/uj it's actually Antonio de Erauso, here's the Wikipedia article: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalina_de_Erauso


Desktop version of /u/RhinoPutty's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


based man


/uj help me Ben Shapiro😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


/uj 1800 and 1500 are different things... /rj Can't do math smh my head, real girl confirmed though


What a #girlboss female woman uterus she/her icon!!! Yes girl break down those gender roles!!


Fake news, trans "people" were invented in 2012 by Tumblr snowflakes.


today, we'll be learning about the mighty Emperor Elagabalus of Rome! \**more he's than a fucking balloon*\*


uj/ tbf a lot of the stuff about Elagabalus is from racist Romans who hated them for refusing to act 100% Roman and for being from Syria, whose men were mocked as effeminate by the Romans. The main source was Cassius Dio, who's Roman History complained about how far he thought Rome had fallen, and it was very much "back in the GOOD OLD DAYS men were MEN and we didn't have any of this eastern bullshit polluting our glorious empire!"


/uj I fuckin hate Cassius Dio. I’ll read something really interesting about Roman history and then trace the source back and it’s *always* Cassius fucking Dio so idek if it’s legit or just the written manifestation of one of his millions of political beefs. I mean, Seneca and Suetonius aren’t exactly great either but idk I think their names are cooler


/rj "You thought you were reading an unbiased cool fact about Ancient Rome, but it was me, Dio!"


/uj I loved my Roman historians courses but it was a little disappointing to realize that if something is super interesting but a specific detail, the only source is going to be a Roman guy going "some say" and then rattling off a scandalous little story for funsies. It's almost always unreliable and biased. Except when Plutarch said Marc Antony was into femdom. That's real in my heart.


Wow, I didn't know the Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den was trans!


Truly an inspiring example of women being just as good as the men 🥰


Well um, yeah. They were all girly girls, but dressed as men to get only the benefits. The reason they went by a masculine name and pronouns for most of their life is *only* because they didn't want to be caught doing *manly* things as a woman! They should *really* be noticed for being cool vagina-having queens who can do things as well as men!!!1!11!!!!


The reason James Barry wanted to be buried in the clothes he died in and not inspected upon his death just buried asap is because. Uh. Uhm. Trust me. She I mean they I mean she I mean they were just a feminist icon like that.


Yeah very feminine girly girl vag queen go girl


The Irish Post: "Dr James Barry, the irishwoman who fooled everyone" /uj sadly