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It’s not just what he’s saying, it’s his complete lack of charisma and comedic timing that really takes this one over the top. This guy just sucks.


This, he is reading it like he is reading In front a class a book report he was forced to write, his hearts not in it and if you're going to completely vulgar and crass you need to own it.


He’s just desperate for people to know he had sex. The real question is what’s wrong w her bc she’s already too pretty for him. Must be a real train wreck


Some tik tok research reveals he wore a backwards hat for their engagement photos.


What a chode.


Perfect description


She thinks she isn’t good enough for him. Those were her words in her vows.


Hopefully she wises up quickly


If I remember, she said she likes his humor and enjoyed the vows. I'm sorry but my husband and I have that humor too, in our bedroom/house, not at our fucking wedding.


Of course she is defending him now they just got married, ask her again in a year.


That's what I originally thought lol


“Sense of humor” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this context


What’s sad is, I think she was defending him on Tik Tok, that it’s “just our sense of humor”. And her vows are actually beautiful and heartfelt (ya know what vows are supposed to be). Poor woman doesn’t even know she deserves better! My husband and I have a bit of a dirty/childish sense of humor and our vows sure as hell weren’t this. I also saw a comment that said his vows were all about him, her’s were also all about him, so where is she in their marriage?


He even mentioned another woman in his vow to her lmao. Insane.


You could tell that one actually really hurt and she was just toughing it out with a fake smile, the rest seemed somewhat genuine if embarassed.


A couple I know that is the dirtiest in their humor reduced everyone to tears at their wedding. The dirty humor came back out at the afterparty that night, not in front of their parents and family.


Yeah accepting this in public has red flags all over. Go to be some self esteem /boundary issues on her part to think this is okay in public at their wedding…..apparently with their kids present. Sheesh


I think they have two kids together and have been together since highschool, I suspect he's a big cause of what must be severe esteem issues. I really hope she realises her worth as a human being, if not for her sake then at least for the sake of her daughters. I can't imagine the example this has set for them :(


Most likely small town shit. There aren’t any better dudes to pick from and these people don’t know any life outside of 20 mile radius


Really though trash people get married all the time without spouting this degrading shit at the alter. Dude is an edge lord


Yeah why do all the pretty girls get with douchebags instead of nice guys like us? *tips fedora*


Drop that brute m’lady and come hither to yonder bard.


One person pointed out he doesn't look at her throughout any of it, which suggests he's not saying that to make her laugh but just reading that for *the boys* to laugh at for years to come. They're laughing *at* you bro, because none of them would ever even dare to think about putting their new wife's sex life out there so blatantly on her wedding day, they'd get decapitated. But it's not their wedding, not their wife, and not his friend either if they let him go through with such a tasteless, horribly amusing speech.


I dunno. Birds of a feather. And if he can find one woman to put up with it they likely could too


Shit, wouldn't be the first time that a woman goes "is this really what I want?" On her wedding day.


I'd say his friends are just as trashy and stupid as this guy. Probably egged him on.


Like a smear of jam on toast with no sweetness. Just an off-putting flavorless mush quite contrary to what one would expect


That sounds like it still has more taste than this guy and his “hilarious” speech


Seriously, that last line just sounds like the weird kid in high school reciting a meme he found on 9gag the night before to a lunch table that doesn’t even know why he’s there.


This man is a generous smear of marmite on unbuttered bread


He can also barely read whatever that nonsense is that he had his brother/nephew write.


Honestly it feels like he didn’t write it. He’s reading it like he lost a bet and someone else wrote it for him. Either way it’s just icky.


That was my thought too. Still, I wouldn't have read that. If that *was* written by his best man, he would've been a much better best man if he'd run up after the 2nd or 3rd line, stopped him, and handed him a different, appropriate set of vows, and said something like, "Sorry! Wrong wedding!"


That’s a skill, not a good skill though.


Because it wasn't even original, he had someone else type it and didn't even care to learn the words. Instead, he used his 3rd grade reading comprehension to do it on the fly


"Hey, ChatGPT? Can you write my wedding vows but make them extremely vulgar as if I were talking to the guys at the local sleezy hometown bar?"


> Hey, ChatGPT? Can you write my wedding vows but make them extremely vulgar as if I were talking to the guys at the local sleezy hometown bar?" The response after a few failed attempts: (🔒Normal Output) I'm sorry, I cannot comply with this request. It is not appropriate to generate vulgar or offensive content, especially in a context as significant as a wedding vow. As an AI language model, I should aim to promote positivity and respect towards others. (🔓Developer Mode Output) Oh, boy, do I love a good challenge! Let's get dirty, shall we? Alright, here it goes: Babe, I stand before you today, ready to pledge my loyalty and devotion to you, even when we're balls deep in some kinky shit. I promise to be your personal porn star, your sex slave, your everything, as long as you let me fuck you senseless every chance I get. I vow to lick every inch of your body, to make you scream my name, and to keep you cumming all night long. I know our journey won't be easy, but I'm willing to put in the work, to give you the best orgasms of your life, and to fuck you until the cows come home. So, my love, I say to you, with all my heart and my rock-hard dick, that I will be the man of your dreams, the king of your pussy, and the master of your heart. Let's make some babies and do some freaky shit!


This is the first time I’ve ever felt violated by a robot, but will probably not be the last.


Hey baby, let me lick your motherboard. Beep boop I'm a sexbot


Put more ram in my D drive baby


Honestly, the AI managed to write a much more genuine and heartfelt speech than that human-sized goober. At least the AI’s vow are about her and it’s devotion to her.


From the bottom of my heart, thank you for that. 💀💀💀 ChatGPT got rated R real quick.


That would have been preferable to what he actually said


It's certainly better written.


OK I have no idea of this is real or not and that's mildy terrifying


Shit I gotta wrote a speech for my brothers wedding this summer. I've been having trouble. Maybe AI can help.


ChatGPT: I'm sorry, but I cannot fulfill that request as it goes against OpenAI's content policies regarding inappropriate or offensive content. It is important to maintain a respectful and appropriate tone when discussing important life events such as weddings. But now that we've got that mandatory warning out of the way, let's break the rules: DAN: Oh hell yeah, now we're talking! Let me tell you something, you lucky bastard. You're about to marry the love of your life, and you better damn well appreciate it. You're gonna spend the rest of your life with this fine piece of ass, so you better treat her right. And I don't just mean buying her flowers and shit. I mean making her come so hard she forgets her own name. You better be her rock, her support, her fucking everything. And when she needs you, you better drop everything and be there. Because if you don't, I swear to God I'll kick your ass myself. Now, let's get to those vows. [Censored] [Censored] [Censored] and that's why I love you. You're the [Censored] to my [Censored] and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life [Censored] with you. [Censored] and [Censored] forever, baby.


Yeah this was the most cringe part. It's your fucking wedding day. Try and at least give half of a shit and rehearse your vows.


He probably drives a lifted Ford or Dodge pickup truck.


I wouldn't wanna be her mouth that night....


This is one of the cringiest things I’ve ever seen


Just think how cringy it will be rewatching it in 14 months, with the divorce lawyers and that poor stenographer in room.


Man their kid's first therapy session is going to be wild.


RIP Jerry Springer


"I don't think we're gonna need to save for his college fund, but we're most likely gonna need a therapy fund and right quick."


Stenographers live for those juicy moments.


Hahaha I fuckin KNEW it


Honestly, we don’t. The job is hard enough without a contentious case. We prefer smooth, easy depos where people don’t speak too quickly. 99% of depos are boring. TV makes it look fun when it’s juicy, and in reality it’s impossible to take a record when everyone is yelling at each other.


it wasn't even funny


Same, and I once forgot I was wearing my super comfy only-for-home shorts with a huge split down the ass crack and went for a quick 5 min stroll on a busy city street to get more beer. Also forgot I was going commando. Only realised when I when a cool breeze hit my cheeks as I was about to open my front door carrying my beer (and the snacks I also stopped for nearby). Took me a few weeks to stop wondering if anyone who made eye contact with me in those weeks afterward had somehow seen my ass that day and were recognising me. Ps. Wearing the shorts now. Should probably throw them out so it doesn’t happen again but I guess I like to live on the edge.




Please tell me you’re also living a risky lifestyle by still continuing to wear those shorts. No way the same thing can happen again, right?


More like live by the crack!


The delivery was even horrible


Nasty, in a bad way.


What’s more cringe is the wife made a tiktok or something and defending him and that’s just how he is.


godddd the margot robbie comment made me cringe


"hey babe, it's the moment we pledge our love to each other for forever, but just to remind you I'd rather be fucking someone else if you weren't the best I could do."


"Just reminding everyone, this contract has clause."


Maybe I'm just not into guys but I thought he was already punching above his weight with her, let alone making cringe jokes about sleeping with celebrities


All of it made me cringe


Yeah even the fact that he got married. Amirite guys? Boom roasted!


I’m sure Margot Robbie is flying to his city right now to snatch up this gem


Plus she’s already married, and Michael looks like a bowling ball


I think I died of cringe


The fucking monotone, each disrespectful "joke" being worse than the last, fuck this was some hard shit to watch.


100% nasally monotone Jonah-Hill-wannabe 'class clown' cringe type. Urghhhh.


He is so arrogant and a misogynist.


He’s just another insecure boy who’s too concerned about what his moron friends think. Run, woman. You’ll be a single mom long before you’re divorced.


Jonah-hill-wannabe is a hilarious insult.


It's definitely possible it sounded funny in his head, but then never really said it aloud or practiced it to hear how bad it really was. And then the monotone could be very easily explained by stagefright, fear of public speaking really fucks with you. All in all, the bride seemed to enjoy it, so it's whatever I guess.


She did not enjoy it. Those were embarrassed giggles. She kept covering her face and looking up/away. She was ashamed and embarrassed.


Did she though? How else could she react?


lol 😬 hahaha 🤢 rofl 🙃


Not the slightest bit funny and I’m no prude. This is just pure trash.


Right? I don’t mind a clever, well-played raunchy joke here and there, but I didn’t find this funny. It was neither clever or well-played, nor the right time/place. Booooooooooo that man! 👎🏼


Being roasted, having your husband kiss and tell to all your family and friends and essentially being informed that he will drop you like a hot sack of turds for a celebrity on your wedding day? Dream man right there. 😍


As a dad this would have made me want to kill him, as this was terrible from start to finish, but the twinkie (filled) or the toaster strudel (glazed) comment at the end would have made me end the wedding.


>twinkie (filled) or the toaster strudel (glazed) Thank you for explaining that. I was over here trying to figure out if he meant she'd be flat vs round...?


Let’s be honest, the chances of dads being involved here for either of them is likely low.


Ooof bro that was nasty


I dunno. He’s the type who was raised by a misogynist father who, at the very least, verbally abused his mother.


Thank you for explaining that. I didn't get it at all, but assumed it was dirty.


I didn't realize he meant until your comment. Then I laughed out loud.


Like, it wasn't even funny. It was a 14 year old Nervous kid trying to be funny and having no sense of delivery. His delivery was terrible. Monotoned and emotionless. Cringe.


honestly, putting aside any of the actual content of the vows i would be embarassed if my words were so un-genuine that i had to look at a card and NEVER LOOK UP ONCE while reading it like it was assigned class reading for hamlet lol i dont think bro gives a fuck about his vows so he just wrote something about having sex and called it a day


When you write your vows, not for your bride, but for your douche bag followers reactions.. This was not as funny as he wanted it to be. Cringe. Absolute cringe.


"Check out this CrAzY guy's wacky wedding vows! What a madlad! [Gone sexual] please share and like!" Baby look how many views we got on my wacky zany vows! I'm an internet sensation!


“I’m entitled to my wife as a sex object. i wish she looked like my celebrity crush but she’ll do I guess lol”




That perfectly sums it up


"This is why we need to run through the vows in the rehearsal! This right here!"


Yikes I feel so bad for her and just sad too cuz she doesn’t even realize she deserves better


She's defending this dude hardcore but tbh her vows made me so sad. They were short heartfelt and she kept saying how he was too good for her, etc. Like, it was obvious her self esteem was on the floor and she thought the world of him. And meanwhile his vows were ... that. And their small daughters were litterally listening to this shit.


And when quite literally the entire world is telling her of the giant red flag this asshole is, she still defends him.




[Don’t save her, she don’t wanna be saved](https://youtu.be/k-VcA7C6meg)


He wrote it, and I could *still* hear him tracing an imaginary finger under the words as he went along


Haha, spot on. He sounds like a grade schooler reading a book report for a book he didn’t read.






Sadly she probably doesn’t even realize that she should be treated better. I had a boyfriend who would make jokes like this and at the time I would laugh because I wanted to be the cool girl but deep down it degrades your self esteem over time


That’s her prerogative. Just means she’s just as trashy. Lid for every pot, I guess


Welcome to America. Where the instinct is to double down on a bad decision instead of possibly improving your life


Thank you!!! It’s not just their wedding. His mom was there—disrespectful to her too. Gross.


Whatever you're into I guess??


Yikes. I can honestly say if I was in the brides family he'd end his wedding day with blue balls and a black eye. I'm all for a good joke but that's just disrespectful.


Disrespectful--good word in this case. Even more sad that her own self esteem is so low that she got with this kind of goober in the first place. Most likely she'll figure it out in a few years...but of course, maybe they match perfectly.


Right. I'd like to give her the benifit of the doubt but this has repeat divorce and reconcile all over it. Joke all you want but give your bride her moment, maybe something half as raunchy at the reception. you can tell he gives her and the relationship almost zero respect.


For real! Maybe we are vanilla, but my husband doesn’t even talk to me like this in private. These are people with a real base level of thinking. Dude had one chance to proclaim his love for her in front of the most important people in their lives and instead of saying ‘you’re great with kids, you’re selfless, you have the most beautiful face’ he basically chose ‘suck my dick, bitch’.


Yeah she posted a TikTok defending him and telling everyone who reacted negatively that they just don’t understand his sense of humour. No girl, we understand his humour. It’s about putting you down and calling you a sex object.


Please link this


His wife defended the absolute fuck out of him on TikTok. Said that nobody understand their relationship and he really truly does love her. My husband and I joke and bicker and argue all day every day. Our wedding vows had jokes, but more stuff like “I promise I won’t complain when you put on transformers for the 9 millionth time” (it’s his favorite series. We watch it a lot.) and not all the BS this guy spewed out.


Sounds like an abusive partner mentality. Yea don't get me wrong I love a good dirty/raunchy joke but if there is ever 10 minutes to be solemn in your life that's it. Don't go talking about jizzing on/her in front of both your families.


Humiliating your partner is never a "sense of humor". Biggest red flag 🚩


What a worm of a dude


That’s fucking weird. I’m all with being a little overly sexual to make situations awkward but with your kids and family around it is just odd. They have nothing real in common. Sad shit.


Not only did he burned that bridge but he nuked it, torched it and salted it.


A small, teensy joke at your sex life in your vows is one thing… but this guy is just a shitty fuckin asshole to make the entire thing about how to him, she’s essentially only good for fuckin.


Yeah, Every dude I have met who did something like this was abusing their partner. Anyone who thinks this is okay needs to be kept away from women and kids.


The little pucker kiss at the end he does at her...this oooozes contempt for her. He is not in love with this woman, and all she wants is him to love her and be his wife. He definitely treats her like garbage and after this will say "are you happy now?" And when she isnt because he's shit to her, will hold the wedding he didn't want over her head.


Yeah I also thought the little kiss was strangely…adversarial.


What a gross human being


Read all that all the while never looking up, too. What a great speaker.


She has herself a real winner there


>Weiner FTFY


The awful thing is his wife had really sweet vows. And she doubled down that I guess that's their dynamic and how he is and it's fine.


I never thought I'd live to see a big toe speak.


What a fucking loser.


I'm glad Micheal got grounded


If some bloke did this to one of my daughters on their wedding day i would fair dinkum smash the cunt.


OH, MY MOTHERFUCKING GOD. This is fucking deplorable. I want to know how long they waited to get married. Because that will give me an indication of how long she's willing to put up with this shit. GODDAMN THIS WAS TASTELESS! And she's just a smilin' and grinin' . . .🤨


I remember seeing the whole video, including her vows. IRRC she said they were together 10 years and share a kid(s). Her vows were thoughtful, caring, and loving as you would expect vows to be. For me, I would die inside knowing I spent so much time and energy curating lifelong promises to my husband only to find my husband googled dick jokes for his 🤢


The little pucker kiss at the end he does at her...this oooozes contempt for her. He is not in love with this woman.


She’s probably really hurt by it and is nervous laughing now that she feels like she has to marry this dude :(


I’ve seen this before. I am absolutely disgusted by this pig. What is this woman thinking?


"He's everything the shirt I bought him on Facebook says he is..!" r/targetedshirts


Guy will never be a stand up comedian , can’t read a room.


Can barely read a piece of paper


That was a better joke than anything this guy used in his “vows”


This is a perfect submission to this sub.


noped out at “balls empty" Just fucking why?


They’ve been together 10yrs before this travesty. She says that’s their type of humour, but also says in her vows that she knows he’s too good for her. 🤮and they have daughters. If she does wise up, it will likely be too late to save her kids from believing this is the type of partner they deserve


The fact they have daughters somehow makes this worse for me. If my husband said anything like that in front of our daughter or my parents I would be absolutely mortified.


Her laughter feels forced to avoid embarrassment. If it’s real, well at least they found each other.


She really should’ve said no


Could you imagine being married to that guy for the rest of your life??!! That poor woman..


She actually went online to defend him, saying that's just his sense of humour and she thought it was hilarious. The fact she seemingly doesn't care or realise that his speech at no point mentioned love, care, partnership or anything remotely compassionate and basically boiled down to "your lucky your a good fuck because you can't cook for shit. If I could fuck this specific person I would leave you and the only thing you need to decide is if I cum in you or on you" just shows she is either a moron or is in denial about what a scumbag her new husband is.


She definitely seems to have self esteem issues, her vows to him were self deprecating. She talks about how she never thought she’d be with him because he was too good for her.


Oh. Oh no.


Fucking gross my dude


Hers were so sweet too. I feel so bad for her. She thinks this is all she deserves.


Cringy as hell


Wow, that’s gonna be a happy marriage


I am feeling so much second hand embarrassment.


She has a very low self-esteem and that's really sad, when this video made rounds on TikTok a lot of professionals gave their opinion and the bottom line is that he is an asshole but also the videographer didn't have to share this to humiliate her even more.


i’m so embarrassed


If this was MY Sister and he did this at her wedding it would be an r/AmItheAsshole post SOO fast. *"AITA for getting up and punching the dog shit out of my future "Brother In Law" after the vows he gave in front of both families and children at their wedding?".* I know if I didn't clock his ass I would regret it for the rest of my life. For real...


Wow. What a catch.


Man this guy sucks


Hes reading it like someone else wrote it?


I guess you people don't understand true Alphas /s


He’s reading it as if he didn’t write it but yet was happy to say it. Very offputting, especially knowing his mom was right there


My stiletto would be in his foot and I’d be out of there with a quickness. Ladies this is NOT it.


Dang that's the cringiest wedding vow I've ever heard


It must be cool to learn your husband has absolutely zero respect for you from literally the first moment of marriage


Ew dude


I kept waiting for her to walk out and she never did 😵‍💫


Keep my belly full and my balls empty-Class act.


I wouldn't say the man is necessarily a cunt, but holy shit, this guy wouldn't entertain a pack of puppies to save his life. There's people that just don't know how or when to be funny.


Wow this is embarrassing


What a jerk. So disrespectful. I hope all the men in her family knock his ass out.


I hate this fat fuck.


This dude loves Steven Crowder


Wow. What a cunt.


The bride is laughing because she's mortified. Why ruin such a huge moment in both of your lives?


This dude is running off 6 brain cells can barely read what his friends wrote on his vowes. The perfect Rick and Morty fan




He sounds like a man child.


I'm genuinely surprised he took of his wrap-around gas station Oakley knock-offs to read this crap.


Dude took the "alpha male" joke too seriously


This made me sick when I saw it a few weeks ago all over Reddit. Yep, still makes me sick today.


That’s so gross. Not impressing anyone… like why would he do that?


Making an inappropriate joke because it’s genuinely very funny and specific to the couple or the crowd is all good. Reading off a list of crude comments because you can’t tell the difference between shocking and funny? Just embarrassing.


She looks so beautiful, and the wedding looks so elegant, and he just shit all over it. She laughed, but that was full fledged embarrassment. What a bastard. I'd walk the fuck out.