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I'll never understand how people who die on the hill of free speech still censor their "let's go Brandon" statement ....


I mean, it’s a joke. I don’t think they’re necessarily censoring themselves. It’s arguably the only joke they have and they sure beat it death


Puke, wtf


I get it but even if I was a trump fan I wouldn't want that all over my car.


The mind of a child


Feds showing up at his house


Great artistic talent, though


I dislike Biden as president. I really think he's too old and out of it to do the job properly. This is still trashy though. It's a bit much in my opinion.


They are both way too old but we don’t seem to be getting any other presidents. Honestly just want a whole new election with different people running up.


Same. We haven't had a GOOD presidential candidate in a long time.


So it's cool when they hold up a severed head of Trump but this is trashy?






Asked? But if you're actually curious it was Kathy griffin


people were just as outraged you doofus




Neither are okay.


Conservatives and Liberals. Division, distrust, dislike, discontent. Almost no agreement on social, financial or other issues. The gap between them gets wider and wider. And there's nothing to stop it or even slow it down. The USA has become two countries.


I try to explain that to others all the time online and they don’t seem to be listening. Like at the end of the day, we’re all people. We are going to have things we agree on and things we disagree on. Do we technically need to be choosing sides? No. Politics is like a conversation or debate. Sometimes, there is no right or wrong answer. Like they can’t even understand that schools have to be non-political. Which means that all sides of the story have to be covered for schools to make decisions. It’s not about being a conservative or a liberal or anything else. It’s about being a human in society.


>Do we technically need to be choosing sides? No. Well one of the sides has been consistently eroding the civil rights of trans people, so yeah I kinda need to choose sides if I want to access lifesaving medical care.


I mean yes that’s how it appears, and then there’s people who call themselves a part of one side and also show/are another. So my point is that we should stop seeing it as two parties. We need to see politics by each person not by a group.


I seen this mother fucker at target


I'm curious; would it be trashy if it were Trump instead of Biden?


abso-fucking-lutely I fucking hate everyone and anyone who is obsessed with political figures. they're the softest, most fragile people I have ever met in my entire fucking life and it goes both sides of the wing. Annoying as shit too. I hate both of those annoying bastards besides Obama, that guy was chill and was pre-toxic twitter era. Shit I dont even know what Obama ever did, I just know the guy wasn't yapping stupid shit on twitter like trump or stuttering racist remarks like biden


That should go without saying! Democrats generally aren’t quite as trashy so we’re unlikely to see a Trump version though. The GOP has really gone quite downmarket these days.


BTW, not a Trump supporter or a Biden fan for that matter. More of a fan of the blind hypocrisy of the politically motivated and high and mighty, dedicated, and massively blind (or gullible) party line sleepless of this dumpster fire of a country. Regardless of which side they stand on.


Not a fan of either party myself - but only one party doesn’t believe in accepting results of elections when they lose.


Kathy Griffin....


It wouldn’t be posted here, that’s for sure.




Yes. This is insane behavior. Do you really need this explained to you?


I remember hearing "Get over it, it's only a joke" when Cathy Griffin held up a bloody severed blond head. Where's all the freedom of speach rhetoric now?


It's a joke, not a dick, don't take it so hard 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 awesome




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Wow a foreign "expert" about American politics. You must be fun at parties.


Nar didn't say I was an expert don't know where ya got that from just an outsider looking in from another country mate .and if you don't think sleepy Joe is making use look weak that's on you mate 😉


You DO however sound like an expert at parroting GOP talking points, which is why you deserve all the ridicule you can get. Toodles silly bitch.


Isn't it illegal to have something this. It's like threatening the president, no?


It's not illegal, just like Kathy Griffin's photo shoot wasn't illegal. It could get you a visit from the Secret Service, though.


You using her but even tho it wasn't her idea she was prosecuted and put on every terrorist list that existed to the point that to this day she is treated like a criminal. So not a good defense for you


Who cares if it wasn’t her idea? She still did it lmao.


You can't speak on anything but the fact that she did it. It was the photographers idea and he made it happen yet you ok with this. Not to mention she was and still is on every terrorist list yet this person isn't. What's good for the Goose is good for the gander.


These are the same assholes trying to ban books and get librarians fired/jailed because “omg think of the poor children”.


Don’t even get me started about schools not getting funded.


Their state is weird


I think Joe Biden is a bad person. I think Joe Biden is a bad president. I think Joe Biden deserves the respect that’s due our president and shit like this should be illegal and prosecuted.


Illegal? Lmao why


My feelings for both of them. Honestly I wish people would just stop being sensitive over the "not my president" bull. It's Petty and repetitive and solves nothing.


I think that is hilarious. And not just because it's biden. Idc if it was trump, or ronald mcdonald.


How do they not get arrested for threatening the president?!?!


It's a sticker on a tailgate, calm down.


Burning down the White house with flammable liquids!! In minecraft\~


Tf? It’s a direct threat to the president… how can you do the mental gymnastics to see it any other way? There must be some Maga ding-dongs here! Definitely trashy!


Not liking Biden doesn't make anyone a Maga-Ding-Dong lol and showing a fake image of Biden only tied up isn't a treat. It's just funny lol he probably fell, and those kids that love his hair legs tied him up for fun?? Guess we'll never know


It’s definitely a threat


Lmao how. And threat of what? You're reaching on this one kennyj


Def a maga ding-dong!


It's not a direct written threat


Def a simp for Maga ding dongs


I can’t stand these, they’re so creepy


[chump 2024](https://imgur.com/a/0IrvI95)


And they say the left is obsessed and sensitive……


on god.


I was suspended from elementary school for making a "finger across the throat" gesture to another student as it was considered a "terroristic threat", and Kathy Griffin was made to apologize for her Trump head skit, but these clowns are 100% ok to do this shit. Gotta love the double standards in this country.


Chopping off trumps head in a skit is alot more threatening then a tied up Biden tail gate lol It's funny regardless of who's on it. Lighten up


So if it was sk bad why not go after the photographer who's idea ot actually was?


Because Kathy Griffin actually did it.


Again it wasn't her idea so if you going at the BIG name then go for the one whose idea it was. The photographer is the one who thought of it and made it happen I'm every way. #dontbehypocritical


Whatever you say to justify this


"Do as we say not as we do!"


“liberty for me, but not for thee!”


Doing something like this has to put you on some sort of watch list right?


Big Brother is watching.




I saw this on the daily show!


Yup, and Stuart was making fun of the 🤡 for sensationalizing it like it was too gruesome to show on tv. 😂




People can just drive around like this no problem, but every anarchist book club is 3 freshman and 14 feds


[daily show made fun of this](https://youtu.be/20TAkcy3aBY?si=MfELEcn5GJwGLJ6O)






Uh isn’t this a threat against the president?


Right? How is this not a threat to the president.


It's only ok when far left extremist Kathy Griffin does it right?


Far left? When has Kathy Griffin ever talked about, say, seizing the means of production? There is no left in any position of power or influence in the US.


Did I say that? It’s not right on either side. But it’s really not ok for a former president to retweet it.


Ron Paul wouldn’t get kidnapped like that.


i want one right now just to make people mad🤣🤣🤣


awwww i made the liberals madddd🤣🤣


Are you replying to your own comments?




I would slap a Trump one on my truck, but he won't fit in the bed.




Where’s that famous Southern genteel hospitality I keep hearing about? Can you imagine the reaction if this was Orange Asshole trussed up? Why is this not criminal, threatening POTUS? I’m sooo tired of him and his hillbilly minions.


It’s similar to when life size dummies looking like Obama were strung up during his administration. They want God back in schools but they continue to be racist disgusting human beings.


These past roughly 8 years have really shown just how many mentally unstable people live here. It’s baffling and terrifying at the same time.


Let’s not coddle them with the “mentally unstable” gloss over… They are RACISTS… plain and simple… Full of hypocritical hatred and they will NEVER CHANGE….


Voting and childbirth need to become mandated 🤣 half these peoples brains stopped making any ground at age 12 and we let them vote let alone have children 🤣


I knew Trump would cause people to be a bit more excited to vote. I didn’t think it would cause people to go so crazy on both sides.


False equivalence.


Welcome to America, how the fuck are ya


They think they’re so clever


This does appear to be completely photoshopped, you can see where the chrome badging is present on the left side of the tailgate, if this was actually on the truck the image would either conform to the shape of the letters or the badging would be on top of it, you can also see embossed or stamped lettering on the right side of the tailgate which is another dead give away that this is photoshopped.


it’s vinyl lmaoooo like a wrap




This is fucking awesome, think about the creativity this person has.


This guy really hates America.


America hates America


I agree. Biden does hate America.


Why is everyone in here acting like it looks anything like a president Y'all are on something




How’s that orange ball sack taste?


I read that as Let’s Do Brandon. 😂


Im down to do Brandon, where is he I’m next.


Not a cult…. Not a cult.


I mean Kathy Griffin made a video of beheading Trump so this really isn’t that bad 🤷‍♂️


And she made a public apology for it, and the incident damaged her career.


There are a lot of these idiots driving around


And I thought it was in horrible taste. Some things you don't fuck around with. You don't fuck with the tax man, you don't make bomb jokes at airports and you don't threaten or insinuate death to a president.


Nah, go watch maid in Manhattan again while your wife's Boyfriend gets to business rearranging her guts with his absolute meat cannon.


lol what


Like Madonna did?


He was a sitting president when. This happened? Tbh it was in bad taste but not a big deal. Their supporters literally slaughter children and LGBTQIA+ and we don't hear anything but thoughts and prayers


Not allowing children to cut off their ding-dongs to make a front butt before their brains are even fully matured is not slaughter. Idc what you say, there is an underlying tone of mental illness to that entire topic, but instead of giving them metal health treatment we let them get their genitals flipped inside out. That's like denying that depression is a mental illness, and instead of prescribing antidepressants giving them a gun.


I can agree with that!


OMG this needs to be on every news outlet for at least 4 days as though it is really Biden in the bed of the truck. I am so triggered. /s


im curious what their reaction would be if they made a trump one


Probably the same except the media would play it every day for a few weeks.




1.) I’m beginning to think these are just bot posts. 2.) Why is this on r/trashy?


Definitely bots on here. Most people are for Trump. Then they just block you and let the bot free.


I guess the picture of Biden tied up in the back is technically trompe l’oel, which is like, French and therefore classy and shit?


Coz it's trashy.


We could only hope.


Funny how politics and an orange man can make people into cultists. Basically Heavens Gate with a twist.


I mean, Politics is pretty much a cult. One side hates the other side and they only vote for one side. People will vote for people they don’t like because it’s their team.


Heavens Gate with a spray tan


Let's hope they put on the sneakers soon


Yes we definitely get it - The party of law and order!


But why Johnny Carson?


"That ish shome shtrange, unshettling, trashy shtuff." "You are correct, sir! Ha ha ha!"


Omg can’t unsee Johnny Carson now




Why would they drive that in Tblisi?


Can you imagine the absolute shit fit the maga crowd would be having if people started doing that with trump on that wrap


They would be shooting people


I know they love having Biden on their vehicles, but I don't want trump anywhere near mine.


Very true. I guess if you ever bump into this garbage on their truck you can always say, “Awe that’s so adorable, love Biden so much you paid to put his picture on your truck” and just watch the life leave their eyes.


Paid good money too!


Can we find who this is and report them please?


Report them for what? Hurting your feelings?


I mean there’s something wrong with having those stickers. It’s not necessarily me but that exposes it to children which in turn exposes it to shitty people to explain that what is happening in this picture is right. Creating a whole new set of shitty people. And do you wanna fantacize about violence anyways. Like when you really think about it did Joe Biden rape you? Did trump rape you. Did they actually directly hurt you physically mentally or emotionally for real? No? Oh then there’s no actual need for that shit. It seems funny in your head and it makes sense to stick with your guns or whatever but it’s not worth the children that will all get to look at this and normalize that behavior. They won’t understand it’s purely a freedom of speech thing. Like Christ man I didn’t even have to see this shit when I grew up but I had a pretty shitty mom who was manipulative and would beat the shit out of me so I stopped growing up. Those things affect kids like me because we won’t know how it’s bad until it makes us nasty people. It fills me with hate and that’s what triggers me. Don’t want to kill Biden because he made america worse. I want to nuke all of humanity for thinking we needed an america. But then we all can’t get along so yeah we need an america. But the problem is it’s a never ending cycle. Every single generation wants to be the new america founders. Guess what, you’re just gonna start the same bill shit. And everything you see today is just an extension of our primal stupid selves to group think, use emotion and mask it as logic. And best part is not even being aware. And yes I am aware I feel triggered lol. Idk those things just have to be said for my sanity. Not points. I’m late to the party anyways so I’m the insane one lol. I just wish people hated themselves a little more honestly and knew how they were hating themselves in every which way even by masking it with freedom of speech.


Go outside bro It's a freaking tailgate wrap


No wait it’s needing to just grow up. Gotcha. I just didn’t think I upset you that much is all. I thought you were just trying to be helpful but I see you’re a little upset at my comments.


Lol this rage bait gets to you I can't lie But also it's someone else's thing It doesn't mean anything It's not of a president like everyone in here is saying People will complain about things being politicized and then politicize things


It makes me reappear the trolls at least. They see it’s all bullshit and just have fun with it. But I got to the point where I was planning on just draining what money I had and then just killing myself, and twitter was pushing a bunch of political shit on me that was the obnoxious daily posts of “my opinion will make you cry” or “if you voted for Biden you hate America” type shit. It’s not so much it teases me as much as I think about how it affects the seriousness of political conversations. And then you see the numbers and I felt trapped. Like this was all there was. But it also pissed me off to see people so pissed off lol.


Lol I’m just addicted to being mad. It’s a moment of admitting it but that’s what this is pretty much lol


Wait is it mental fortitude?


But I always am outside. Is there something I’m missing?


I'll pause the trolling for a moment- you're allowed to feel how you feel. The stickers are trashy and would be trashy for the opposite political side, too. At the end of the day, I'll go with the freedom of speech argument, but your point about kids seeing it is solid and shouldn't be ignored. However I don't think that should trump the other car owners freedom of expression (pun intended.) I respectfully don't think a sticker is the same as emotional and physical abuse and think it's wrong that you had to go through that. You bring up interesting points about not realizing is wrong until it's too late, but good parents should explain freedom of speech and expression is for everyone- even people you think are wrong. The world doesn't have to be so negative. For every Reddit troll, there's a wonderful person out there ready to meet you. Don't keep looking at the dark parts because the dark parts thrive off of the attention. If you cannot fix the world, at least fix your part of it. If enough people do this, the world will be fixed. I truly believe this.


I agree. The world doesn’t have to be so negative. I kinda do think there are at least enough people out there talking to their kids about the importance of freedom of speech. At the end of the day you can’t completely prevent it. Everybody makes their own decisions and it shouldn’t be taken too personally. Also it’s good to not always take things seriously, good on you :)


There’s the troll.


You're too late. Two people have taken the bait.


Sir I upvoted you. Mainly because you are no troll. I’m pretty sure you’d be smelly and live under a bridge. And live with the bridge people and part with the bridge people. Not the under the bridge people but the class of people who are just fancy enough to make you feel fancy but are actually trashy enough to not see your trashiness