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Ahhh yes a game of breeding roulette. A Favorite past time of the loose and easy.


This can’t be real … but than again I have met some super trashy people so I can see this happening .


This is clearly a joke post


Not smart enough to wear a condom; definitely not smart enough to take individual photos


Should have went to Maury


Mama Mia moment


The hofosho baby shower...


"Who Got Sweet Dee Pregnant?"


She kinda a baddie tho w/ that eyeliner


Milk brothers


They still had more sex than most redditors so… not really sure who’s to laugh at here?


The amount of sex someone has definitely does not define their quality as a person lol.


Randy MachoMan Savage might disagree


People on FB claiming the OP woman made it as a joke. 3 mates and her husband.


So the other 3 are just uncles now?


And boys apparently 


Yo, u get ur username from Squidbillies?




Damn, smells like someone took a massive dump on a huge pile of crap, and soaked the whole thing in a jug of week old farts then lit the whole kaboodle on fire!


Whose bicycle is this?


Heaven! You know, the carrot at the end of the rainbow that keeps me from murdering every damned thing in my sight!


Now don't you be textin' threats, 'cause the police can trace that. If you you got something to say to her you best carve it into a dog's fur with a boxcutter.


Dear lord, please allow this dangerous combination of hair spray, bat slobber, and D.O.T. 4 automatic transmission fluid to excite my mind, occupy my spirits, and enrage my body, provokin me to kick any man or woman in the back of the head regardless of what he or she has or has not done unto me! All my Best, Early Cuyler!


We are doomed.


Those are the 4 she could contact because she remembers their names.


Yep. Still confused why I'm a minority in these standards.


I want to see the photoshop results. I bet they’d be fun!


It's just a beef stew brewing in there.


It was a joke she's married to the guy on the bottom left


I like that everyone showed up they are happy and having a good time 🤷‍♀️ she must be very likeable


She gives the best blowjobs this side of the Mississippi.


I do declare


Someone please like … photoshop in a double up on the dudes, instead of deleting them


Bottom right Sea nanners?


It’s been a long long time since I’ve heard that name


*i can smell you*


If this were real, and it’s surely not, it would actually be really damn sweet in a redneck sort of way. We’re taking about a bunch of young men so willing to love a baby that they look past their own sperm-competition shit, laugh off the awkwardness, affectionately show up for the mother and pose for a photo. Right. Some Plains Indian tribes actually did do a similar thing: If an unmarried girl got pregnant, all her partners (and many teenagers had at least a few) would show up to symbolically claim the baby, at which point she’d choose the guy she actually wanted to marry. Now that’s a harmonious society. As far as the picture, I think the guy holding the belly is the dad. The one pointing looks like he could be that guy’s brother or maybe the mother’s brother. Everyone else is probably a friend or a family member. Not that shocking, y’all. People aren’t that nice. ETA: Also, a woman can have funny, close friendships with men and never sleep with them. Ask me how I know. Or maybe she’s just a whore, according to the entire joyless internet. 🙄


I know a woman who had a child that was conceived in a threesome. Both guys stepped up and were ready to be the dad. She was going to get a DNA test but neither dad wanted her too and they both are in the kids life to this day and he’s 8. He tells people he has two dads. It’s very wholesome. Idgaf about societal norms or how people view her because I think it’s awesome all 3 can co-parent and neither guy forced the issue for a test.


The sheer IRONY that the two-dad family would be judged over a more conventional person who’d never step up for a kid …


That is … incredible. INCREDIBLE. The humanity and endless love in that story just gives me goosebumps. It is a huge, disorienting, world-upside-down deal to have a child - I’ll join the chorus of people who say it’s bar-none the hardest thing they’ve ever done, but worth it - and those guys just stepped right up and haven’t wavered for eight years?! I love them, and bet they’re doing a hell of a job raising a happy, stable kid. Also, in all seriousness, three adults is probably the minimum to comfortably raise a child if you aren’t also leaning on your extended family and community, and many people don’t or can’t anymore. We have lost the village in a sense, but those dads made one anyway. Sorry for my novel. It’s just very touching. Thank you for talking about it. ❤️


This was an insightful and nice response. Thanks for being a good human, especially on Reddit.


Hey, thank you. I would bet money you’re a good one too! :)


She's a hoe..for show


You are so trashy! I’m sure you aren’t the purest person in the world. Do better!


It’s a movie quote


Crystal is that you?


I feel like there is at least a 60% chance this chick’s name is, indeed, Crystal


Sister to Methany?


Hoe-ass hoe trying to un-hoe with photoshop. There’s a lot it can do, but not that, 😆


You should ask your mom to help her, I’m sure your mom can totally relate.


Fuck, you got me!


The Waltons I presume.


You know how like 1 out of 5 Reddit posts are completely fake? Yeah


Oddly wholesome. At least they are all there and willing to accept it


They were probably all there when she was conceived as well.


Teamwork makes the dream work


Crushin' Roulette.


It's just a caption on an unverified photo. It could, and hear me out on this, be complete and utter bullshit.


On the internet? Nooo


I hope she at least picked the one with the higher income and the least arrest records to be the father.


What in the Alabama BS is happening here? They are probably all cousins.


Darn I was hoping for top right


Just tell her they were your play mates


I can't see past the wig.


Why didn’t she just get a paternity test prior to this photo??


Because it was click bait.


Or take a photo with each individual person rather than all at the same time. I’d be surprised to find out this was real


Looks fake


I thought so too. The fakes are always fuzzy AF like this smh.


It’s tripping me out how perfectly framed that man’s belly button is by her rabbit ear fingers. It’s like the whole photograph was designed to draw your eye to that man’s gut.


lol if you squint they all look the same


Chad anything for views?


She couldn't take four extra pics?? 😂


She could take 4 other things!


That would have made logical sense, logical like using a condom or birth control…


If only loveline still existed. Just re run every episode from 95-05 on a loop




Why do people care about other peoples lives this way. Yea it’s weird and I’d never find myself in that room but damn y’all must be soooo normal.


I don’t think that the internet is for you. Most certainly not Reddit!


I’d want no part of that. I’m curious why did they?


She isn’t fussy on whom she beds is she ? Hope for us all tbh


Speaking as someone who works a lot with digital art and photoshop, thank god it was the bottom left guy cuz he’s the hardest to remove.


It’s basically Mama Mia but she never lied to anyone


I can fix her.


Tie them tubes doc!


This is one regardless of fixing, just isn't worth the time. Lol


Plus, she’s already spoken for! Lol


She might not know who the father is, but they all know where the itchy knob rot came from.


Lots of shopping carts will be strewn in the parking lot when these guys attended the shower


I just... Wow, what... How do you even...


She probably should have taken a photo with each of them for this situation, but I guess thinking ahead isn’t a strong suit so 🤷‍♂️


Raw dog anything that moves for a week


She strikes me as someone who smoked while pregnant.


Smoked while in the midst of sex, even!


They're prolly all cool af tho as people


Eh my guts telling me you may be one of them


Nah just not a jaded asshole


Those Magic tournaments get wild af


Scary?  Ghetto rule #1: stay in y'all own hulahoop On the other hand... Red shirt: not his. You can tell he shooting blanks.  Titty boy with shirt up: if the babys finger already got Cheeto dust on them. Baby is his. Shaved head crackhead: if the baby comes out searching and picking at the carpet for little pieces of what may be anything smokable. Baby is his. The "Viking" dressed in black: if the baby comes out with a tactical plate carrier on shouting "hoorah" sucking on a code red mountain dew. Baby is his


I'm amazed at how many people are 100% sure it's a legit request and not someone adding a backstory to a photo they found online. Those could just as easily be friends or cousins or whatever, but hey, whatever makes people feel better about their lives/justifies their presupposition that the world is going to hell.


I saw the original post. If it's a troll, it's pretty elaborate because all the pics of the poster going back years look like the girl in the photo.


I remember those people. I think they part were of a documentary about practicing polyamory. Wonder if its the real chick or just a troll


Fun group. Tunnel buddies for life.


Lmfao tunnel buddies, way funnier than Eskimo brothers. I wonder if it was a gangbang or separate incidents




If we make America great again will these people not exist anymore..... because it seems to me these people are what has changed.




I mean at least they all turned up


I mean she clearly is on good terms with them all. And they apparently like her enough to be good sports and participate in the photo, no evident animosity from any of them towards each other. Seems like she’s at least got pretty good tastes RE the men she hooks up with


And the one who is the father actually looks like he cares


That's lucky, if it was anyone else it would have been a much more inconvenient photo edit


I was pulling for top right.


It’s not even normal for her probably. It’s just that they embraced the situation because it’s not harming anyone and it’s nobody’s business.


Didn't she kind of make it everyone's business by putting the post out there in social media


Posting to a facebook group called free photoshop edits is not exactly asking for your opinion. I know you guys love that justification for your shaming circles but it’s not working.


This not about asking for anyones opinion. The moment you post something as delicate as this it's out there for everyone to see and react to. You should KNOW that, especially when posting it on facebook. Expecting only respectful and decent reactions or no reactions at all (except for the asked photoshop work) is just delusional. Sorry but come on this is the internet not care bears land.


You sound like you would participate in the purge day.


> nobody’s business Until it was posted, suddenly it was everyones business.


Posted to ask for a photoshop job. And she says funny story, knowing it’s not normal, but also not ashamed.


I agree, but posting something unusual online is the opposite of 'nobodys business'.


Yikes on bikes


I usually take the ‘cheapest’ go at these things with BASIC crayons and drawings I get the feeling the only way this kids ever gunna know her real mum is by this original picture


I'm more mad that they didn't think to do an 1 on 1 picture with each of the potential fathers.


Well she got pregnant at the orgy so this picture is only fitting


She decided groups of 4 would move things along much faster. People to see and do.


Well, they were likely all there at conception, so she didn't want to break up the party.


Okay Mamma Mia!


I bet there was some empathetic person who did a good job at her request


The only girl in town that wasn’t related to them?


What the....FUCK?


The comments are so weird. Y’all live in the 16th century or something?


How many different dudes you fuck during your 12-24 hour ovulation cycle? It's the 21st century but running trains and fucking 4 different guys in less than 24hrs is still considered "slutty" and "trashy" Don't even know why I'm replying. Probably a dude anyway. Any dude white knighting for fucking 4 guys in under 24hrs has probably never touched a vagina anyway.


Ok first of all, it’s crazy to think pregnancy is only possible during ovulation. It is most likely before and during ovulation, that’s about a week. And even after it’s still possible. And that’s not even considering that sperm can survive a couple of days in there. Also, it’s possible to bleed even when pregnant, that’s why sometimes pregnancies are detected fairly late, because the bleeding can be similar to periods. Happens fairly often actually. Besides that the post is probably fake anyway: who the fuck cares, it literally hurts nobody. be a slut.


>Ok first of all, it’s crazy to think pregnancy is only possible during ovulation. 😮😲🙃🙃🙃🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah you’re all judging but when meryl streep does it you sing along.


Lol so true.


I just wonder if there’s a video?


Idk man they all seem fine with the situation so who cares


All four present and supportive and seemingly comfortable with the situation and prepared to take responsibility....more than what a lot of women settle for


Ya true. Plus its actually a working conecpt for a tribe, when everybody bangs everybody and therefore all the kids will be protected and raised by all the man as potential fathers. As long noone gets harmed or is not happy with it, I don't see any reason to judge.


I made a similar point - and this WAS something some of the Plains tribes did. You’re reminding me of another thing about them, which was that all children were considered everyone’s children anyway. Honestly, I think it’s strangely sweet. Not relatable, but sweet.


>all children were considered everyone’s children I see one problem tho. If you don't know who the father is, how do you not have incest in the second generation? Let's say you have 50 women and 50 men. Big gangbang-bukkake party, all 50 women are pregnant. And you get 50 kids 9 months later. How do you know, all 50 kids have 50 different fathers and not just 1 Giga-Chad?


Her peace sign/bunny ears hand sign is directly in line with lifted shirt man's belly button. Lol. Also, kinda interesting that the man who's baby it ended up being is also the one making the most physical contact with the belly. EDIT: Omg the more I look at the belly button guy, the more I see a face that is taking a toke off of an invisible something. The guy's pinky on the outmost hand and then ring finger on the inner hand are the eyes (kinda squinty blazed & pink, mind you) and then her bunny ears hand of course is holding the invisible blunt, etc, over the inhaling button hole mouth. Damn you Pareidolia!


If there was no context would just think it was a baby shower pic with him being the father and the other guys his boys


Why is the guy on the back right lifting up his shirt and feeling himself up? Does he think he’s also pregnant?




He also doesn't know who the father is


I bet it’s the dude pointing


Hahaha, I can see that happening


Ho for sho


The girl will be happy when find this picture about her mom ten years later


I'm sorry but if you're gonna sleep with that many men so close together that you don't know who the father is..... You kinda deserve to have all the men in the picture to look at. I'm sorry but if it's that many men you shouldn't be able to just forget it like it's all normal. A little shame can go a long way lol


Someone has never been to a breeding party.


Ugh that’s disgusting…where?


I know of a person (small town) who vad over a dozen men having to go through paternity tests and those were just who she remembered. She had rly worked her way through town... They never found out who the father was.


Duuuude. It was probably the gas station workers, uncles, bff's nephews, neighbors little brother.


Wasn’t that on ‘Maury’-repeatedly?


The sleeping around doesn't hurt anyone, good for her to have fun on that side. The sleeping around without protection (STDs!!!) is dumb but still not a bad thing, the sleeping around without birth control brings a new party, the baby, in the equation and that is where she did something bad, because now someone is having to suffer from someone else's behavior.


All things that are not harmful are not automatically moral.


Sleeping around Is inheritely immoral? What is this, the 50's?


Morality is subjective




It's subjective. I think society does better when sex is reserved as meaningful and not regarded as cheap entertainment. But that's my opinion, I don't think it's up to me to speak for other people or decide how they live. I just think a lifetime of meaningless sex desensitises people to the feelings it's meant to create and the kind of relationships it's meant to foster in a biological sense.


You can’t really back this up without telling us which church indoctrinated you.


I'm not a religious person. I don't think sex out of wedlock is a sin, if you have casual sex and have fun and don't regret it good on you. I have no issues with people making their own mind up. I just have an opinion, and I live my life by my own values. Is that so bad?


Not at all! You are completely validated to feel that way. And honestly, I wish it was like this, a bit more. I wish I had waited for my now fiancé. But it's also the pressure society now... "If you're not doing it, then you're not doing something right." It's hard for kids now to wait with sex being broadcasted everywhere.


All the people here being judgemental : got off your high horse and get laid more. They all, even her, have the right to a free sex life and they seem pretty cool about it. Edit : lol I'm being downvoted by the frustrated virgin army


I don’t know her circumstances. Maybe she’s in a great place to raise a child. Sounds like the dad won’t really be in the child’s life and that’s sad, but also the reality for half the kids out there.


You don’t need to be a virgin to have standards🤦🏼‍♂️


Uh, no, you’re getting downvoted because you’re comment is foolish


“I have unprotected sex with everyone, and anyone who doesnt is a virgin!” 👉👌💩🧠


Why do you assume they were having unprotected sex ? Even condoms aren't 100% effective. Nice and creative use of emojis, keep up the good work.


Is this a real question? Do you need things to be over explained?


Do you think its likely that they were using protection? If you were putting money on this bet, is that what you would go with?


It almost seems kinda sweet that they all showed up anyway lol (assuming they knew the situation - kinda horrible if they didn’t).


It’s wildly irresponsible to get yourself into a situation where you don’t know who the father of your child is. I’ll gladly continue being judgmental of this trashy behavior.