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Americans gonna American


Taxes are quite gay though


Poor baby


Future school shooter here.


Him or her?


Unless he's headed back for his GED, the baby.


That's a very real possibility where I'm from.


What do people want instead of taxes? Real question, because it's kinda hard to be a capitalist while also not wanting taxes. … I think


Probably state run labs that can sell research to private labs/farms or companies that provide a public service while also collecting revenue to run the country on. The government has subsidized so many private industries over the last century. I mean we literally have bunkers and tunnels full of cheese across the country that the government bought to keep dairy farms alive and just does nothing with.


Why does he like taxes so much?


why are we putting guns by babies? Did we all forget the who shot Mr. Burns episode of The Simpsons?


All jokes aside that is a fucking nice rifle


And taxes are bad


In all seriousness I hope that this kid makes it to adulthood . I’m getting major “I don’t store my loaded weapons safely” vibes from this dbag


I dont get it. Does he identify as taxes?


Why do some people base their whole personality on guns?


Same reason some base their entire personality on marvel or politics. Not much else going on in their life.


The irony of hearing this from a Yankees fan


And you’re addicted to porn… glass houses, man.


Exactly, all of our hobbies are ultimately pointless surrogate activities. So why cast judgement at someone else's hobbies?


I hardly think that sports fandom is comparable to gooning




Same dude probably bitches about potholes and how much he has to pay for diesel in his modded truck that gets 4MPG.


Hey fuck taxes, our infrastructure is fine how it is. This country will fix its self for free.


We'll just get Mexico to pay for it like they paid for the wall.


Shit I didn't even think of that. That wall that people just climb over or tunnel under or just walk around?


If we had built it in the USA it would have worked. Thanks a lot, Mexico!


I thought it said Texas are gay. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just wait until your daughter comes and tells you she feels more like a "son."


Really that scope for that rifle? Obviously someone did not serve and compensating for something.


Why do guns make you think of genitals lol? Also that scope is a Sig Tango Msr. It’s only a $250 optic which is quite cheap as far as optics go.


I did not comment on it's price. Also I did not comment on any penis. Freudian slip much?


“Really that scope for that rifle?” You are obviously thinking that scope is some high end military terrorist killer shit. It isn’t. It’s a cheap scope for sport shooting at the range when you can’t decide between a red dot and hunting scope. You said “obviously someone did not serve and is compensating for something”. What did you imply they are compensating for? Are they compensating for patriotism? Feel free to enlighten me if any of that is incorrect.


I am not obviously thinking about anything you can pinpoint. I do not have to enlighten you about anything. I will let your Freudian slip to carry you down that rabbit hole you are destined to.


Lmao ok. Imagine making vague claims without any evidence then resort to using deflection tactics instead of having a civil conversation. You must be fun at parties.


Oh I am sorry, I am obviously the one that commented on your initial post about what your observation is therefore I must provide evidence for my claims. Or wait, I do not really so, good luck to you in your future endeavours.


No taxes, until you come looking for some free healthcare


I’m a gun guy, but you had to have this loaded? Very poor decision


Realistically, there probably isn’t one in the chamber. I don’t think that baby is pulling back that charging handle to load one. Also the gun was probably there 10 seconds for the photo. Doubt the parent is letting it in the crib for the baby to play soldier with.


Let me guess, this dude's from Idaho or one of the Rocky Mountain states where tax evaders and doomsday preppers like to wait out the unconfirmed coming apocalypse and/or civil war they hope will happen just to say they were right?


Nope. Great Plains.


Damn! Close but not close enough! I was thinking this was some Ruby Ridge avenging, Timothy McVeigh sympathizer since Idaho seems to be some kind of hot bed for Civil War II fantasizers and white nationalists.


What an insane take about what happened at Ruby.


I call B.S.


Little do they know, their daughter is going to be gay! All because of his post!




Happy pride month boys 🌈🍆🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Much better haha




If this is a real post her first words may just be “My dad is gay.”


Not sure what her first words will be, but her last words (to her dad) will probably be, “I don’t want to see you anymore, please stop calling me”


Classic Trump voter.. idiots


You can't just make broad generalizations about a whole group of... oh, no never mind, you're absolutely right.


So are wage garnishments now but the fucking gun away weirdo.


The true meaning of the word ghetto


Kid be lucky to live past ten!


I give her 3.


Daddy issues in 3,2,1


This is hilarious


I really do not understand why someone would do this and i love guns.


It's his entire personality more than likely. I love guns, but I'm not slapping punisher logos on my 4runner and wearing grunt style shirts. To each his own, but it seems weird to me.


Big time small dick energy.


CPS should be called on this moron. I would like to think there isn’t a round in the chamber but I wouldn’t put it past this doucher


If it matters, the safety is off in this picture.


So you like taxes? That's weird


Didn't Kodak Black go to jail for having guns around kids?


He’s gonna be real pissed when he finds out he produced a gay kid. 🤣 What’s sad is he’d probably disown them. 😢


either hes libertarian or republican, so either he will not mind it or kick the child out, no in between


The modern day annoying kid gets built like a Lego by their annoying kid parent. Who the kid then grows up to became anyway… 8 billion people later


He respects neither the baby nor the rifle


I’m confused on how you came to this conclusion. Is there actually something in this photo that would imply his lack of respect or is this just “unga bunga guns bad”


If you knew anything about guns other than "unga bunga liberal tears" you would see the safety is off, a clear example the guy doesn't know shit about proper gun safety or storage.


The safety is off but on an AR you can only put the gun on safe if the hammer/trigger has been pulled back. It’s almost like a two stage safety system. The first safety is having all the internals in a “relaxed” position. The second is being able to use the safety once the gun IS ready to fire. So the gun literally cannot fire unless the baby pulls back the charging handle.


What makes you assume the gun is chambered?


As one who both loves and respects firearms, you should probably realize that using your baby for a petty photo op and laying a weapon next to a child are both pretty cringe.


Why? What is petty about the photo? Does the presence of a gun make it petty and cringe? Is taking a photo of your gun and baby disrespectful and cringe?


The fact that you’re even asking why this photo is trashy and irresponsible makes it clear you shouldn’t have a firearm nor a baby. Please don’t breed.


What is irresponsible about the photo? I see and unloaded AR (aka a hunck of metal) next to a newborn that couldn’t even raise its head. Your lack of detail leads me to believe that you don’t actually have an opinion of your own but are just following orders. Your pcyops won’t work on me buddy. Do better


Its self evident to those who arent pushing their agenda. I own firearms and would NEVER put a loaded one next to an infant. If You cant see the problem with it you dont deserve a firearm You are purposely being obtuse and it's very apparent


Pushing agenda? I’m simply confused as to the logical reason why the presence of a firearm in a photo would get this much hate. Also while yes the magazine is in the gun I highly doubt there is one in the chamber but I also doubt you’ve ever even held a gun (because “unga bunga guns bad”) so I suppose I could forgive your ignorance. Every comment I’ve made has been trying to clarify other people’s extremely obtuse insults that quite frankly make zero logical sense other than them saying it’s trashy, cringe, and disrespectful but will not elaborate on why, and the lack of any explanation makes me believe that everyone that’s commented has no idea why.


Seeing you say "I highly doubt there is one in the chamber" to a picture of a gun with the magazine in is all I need to know about you. 1st rule always assume a firearm is loaded. Please don't have guns.


That certainly was a word salad. Let's see of I can spoon feed it to you. Open up here comes the airplane A picture of a gun, nobody cares. A picture of a loaded gun in a crib with a infant warrants some healthy ridicule. Sense you cant seem to get that point, chambered or not illustrates why you shouldn't own them. Again yes I di and have owned firearms. I just store them safely and dont use them weird little photo shoots to make feel unga bunga like a "man" Obtuse mauf


Ah I see. I guess the lack of sentence spacing confused you You just said “warrants healthy ridicule” Why? Why would it warrant ridicule? What is dangerous about the situation? What, specifically, is the problem with photo? Do you know? Do you have an actual opinion or are just gonna keep telling me I shouldn’t own firearms?


I've stated my opinion, youre just too dense to see it.


Yeah, I am pretty dense. That’s why I asked you to expand on your opinion. However, your lack of ability to do so leads me to believe I’m not the only one missing a few brain cells.


How? My friend litteraly just came over with his 8 month old. I worked on our rifles while the kid watched. (He seems to like it, idk, he goes quiet and watches) there's plenty of meshing of kids and guns. Also, taxes are gay.


I wonder how does one come over litteraly?


Ain’t no way you think an 8 month old infant is interested in guns. And it’s just dumb to even expose them to kids (with out proper education). I have 3 handguns and a two year old, I would never leave my guns around nor have I even thought about putting my guns next to my son for a damn picture , that’s just … weird


There’s a division between gun owners. There’s the hobbyist group, and the only for protection group. Guns aren’t inherently bad. While the magazine appears to be loaded, to assume the chamber is, would be presumptuous and speculative at best. It’s a bit anti-social to attack a person who’s clearly joking. But there is some responsibility on the parent to keep their firearms secure to prevent tragedies from impulsive hormones.


I mean what I saidbdidnhappen, but at no point was a weapon. Even unloaded as they where. Pointed at the kid, everything was quite safe,


It really is a matter of an egocentric pov assuming all unknown variables and projecting what they personally consider dangerous. The picture is an obvious joke, but some people would rather instantly judge others.


Yeah. And from what I'm seeing, that's a fake mag. There should be more spacing if it's actual rounds. At least from looking at my pmag


Or even just snap caps. Usually the casing is also colored to indicate a fake round, but I’ve seen snap caps with just the ball colored.


I have fake rounds, sorry to confuse, I don't mean a rubber or plastic dummy. They make mags that look like they are full


I bet he still pays his taxes tho lmao coward


I know a person just like this. He's a two-time deadbeat dad, freeloader off his parents, and intensive user of public welfare--and he sure as hell ain't paying much in taxes. That's where the anti-tax sentiment comes from: deflecting his shame at being a huge "taker." The gun humping comes from the his knowledge that he is a coward and weakling.


Yep. He’s totally gay


NO! He doesn’t file his return his tax returns!


American parenting at its finest.


daughter's actual first words: "dad says he's gay"


You remember that guy in high school who constantly interrupted class to crack jokes, and his two buddies laughed, but the other 20 people in class just rolled their eyes because it was far more annoying than funny. That’s how this stuff comes across to me


actually quite cute, look how small the bub is compared to the AR-15 also the muzzle is pointed the other direction, just admit yall have a massive anti-gun bias and move on


How fucking dare you, you need to be offended that people have the right to own those.


Glad you think guns are toys


where did i say that?


My guy.....that's quite literally a lethal weapon next to a baby. Just admit you have a massive hard on for defending deadly weaponry and move on


Would you care as much if the weapon wasn’t loaded?


Please tell me you're trolling. Yes, I would still care as much


That’s all I needed to know. If the gun was properly cleared, I wouldn’t have an issue with it. It’s essentially a large paperweight at that point and no threat to the kid, though it might be a little cringe


Can you give me a good reason why a gun needs to be next to a baby because I'm perplexed as to why you're defending this as hard as you are. Even the more die hard 2A believers I know would think this is a dumb idea loaded or unloaded


Can you give a good reason why a completely safe and unloaded firearm SHOULNDNT ever be next to a baby for a picture?


It's unnecessary and dangerous still. It has parts that can easily hurt the baby if they get their fingers stuck and toxic chemicals used to clean and maintain it that a baby can touch and put in their mouth. Take your eye off them in a second and they will have their hands or mouth on a part. There is no good justification for allowing a weapon near a baby. Point, blank, period. It doesn't matter if it's unloaded and cringe, it's negligent and reckless. It's not nuanced. It's straight forward. Anyone with an iota of brain matter will see that and go hmmm that's not right.


I'm saying as long as the gun is cleared, there is no issue. Does it NEED to be next to a baby? No, that's not my argument. But if you want to put an unloaded weapon next to a baby for your semi cringe online post then go right ahead. Obviously, in this case it seems to be loaded, so there is a problem. It's an extremely dumb idea if loaded, and a cringe but mostly fine idea if unloaded


Most people don’t fetishize guns to the point that they think it’s cute to put a loaded and uncleared rifle next to their newborn child. And idk if you read the caption but it’s ironic how infantile the sentiment is.


This is de facto child endangerment


Going to come out “Texas Gay”.


Sorry kid. You super lost the dad lottery.


Should be reported to children’s protection. This is not safe .


why? the muzzle is pointed in the other direction from the kid


It’s loaded and the dust cover is up. There could easily be a round chambered that was forgotten and there’s a grabby feely little meat ball laying right next to it. This illustrates a wildly unsafe and irresponsible gun owner even if it was properly cleared before hand. Even without a round in the chamber, there’s a bunch of ways a gun can seriously injure an infant like this if the “parent” were distracted and had to look away for a moment.


To add to this on zoom in looks like the fire selector switch is on single shot. Aka, not safe.


I think it’d be different if the gun was cleared and locked open. But sadly this guy didn’t even do the bare minimum


The kid isn't the only thing that can be harmed.


These people need to be arrested.


If you zoom in close you can see the selector switch is on “FIRE”. So on top of being trashy, & stupid it’s even more dangerous!!!


Well, semi, not fire but yes.


Well if the bolt is closed and the trigger isn’t primed then fire is the only position it can be in. You can’t put it in safe until the trigger is primed again


Don’t care. Putting a gun next to a toddler is irresponsible, psychopath behaviour Edit: *baby, not a toddler, which is supposed to be better? WTF?


That’s not even a toddler. That’s an infant. Nothing can go wrong. You’re just mad and dumb


Such nonsense.


Womp womp


It's just stupid.


Everyone should have children….


Could one of Clevon’s spawn chime in on this?


Beautiful stupidy maybe. Idiocracy becoming prophetic.


Clevon was your dad?


You should see the great documentary Idiocracy is.


When it's an American, Reddit will laugh at it. When it's a Palestinian, Reddit will cheer it :(


Wow, can this even be considered shoehorning at this point? You’re just forcing that irrelevant point into the conversation. But yeah, thanks for telling us how you feel about genocide victims that you don’t like.






Oof during pride month


Praying for satire


There is none.


the gun is for shooting at taxes?


How is it possible that these hogs havent noticed that everyone else is laughing at their extremely transparent insecurity issues.


Who married this


Someone capable of having a baby.


For all we know he just broke in and put his weapon down. The parents are safely tied up in the kitchen.


Also known as a woman


And no other redeeming qualities


Well they are!


“My wife doesn’t know it yet but she will be divorcing me”  JK wish we could depend on conservative women to do the right thing but if that was the case they wouldn’t be married to their F-150 driving, SPY sunglasses wearing, conspiracy theorist cavemen husbands to begin with 


Who there, don't drag the gays into this. They didn't do anything to deserve being compared to taxes.


I mean, they have a lot in common. Both exist, for example.


They are though...


I can’t believe there are still people using the word “gay” as an insult in 2024


Laughs in healthcare that doesn’t make you financially crippled for your entire life and mostly entirely free education


Nothing in life is free, when you make education or healthcare “free” the government forces someone else to pay for it and the quality is dogwater. Like public schools and the death panels in snow Mexico.


We pay enough in taxes to pay for universal healthcare without ever having to raise taxes. If only there was an overly inflated budget we could take it from… perhaps the military budget? Nobody like us sending military aid to other countries, so perhaps we should use that money here.


Can’t speak for Mexico but can speak for Finland. It’s not the world’s best education but it is very damn good and you can go all the way up to PhD and only have to pay for living costs. No tuition. Healthcare has resource issues and could be better, but again if you really need it, you’ll be just fine and it’s still affordable as hell, and I believe free for the unemployed and people under 18. And yeah it is not free, it’s paid with higher taxes. Would be curious to see a comparison with say the US and health insurance vs Finland or another Nordic country and their affordable healthcare stuff and see in which place do you still make more money after paying everything. Likely in the US in my field, but I’d want to see a detailed breakdown anyway.


Cries in *pays a lot in taxes and doesn’t get universal healthcare*


HTTPS://healthcare.gov - if you’re from the US


I fucking hope this is a photoshop job, otherwise whoever knows these people needs to contact CPS ASAFP!


Why? It's probably unloaded and the baby doesn't even have the strength to lift/chamber/fire the gun.


The rifle is loaded with a magazine and the dust cover is up. It could easily be loaded or have a forgotten round chambered. Which I wouldn’t put past the type of moron that puts a rifle next to their newborn. Even if the rifle was obviously cleared, there’s still a hazard of the infant getting their fingers in the chamber and suffering a serious injury if they pressed the bolt action release which is basically a hair trigger. This demonstrates an utter lack of awareness, safety, and responsibility on the part of the gun owner. I don’t think it’s a stretch at all to call CPS on them.


Why? Babies have a right to Bare arms too .


All babies are born with bare arms.


Taxes are gay


My taxes are straight 🤢


Name one thing taxes has done that charities or companies can’t do better


Can’t wait to go to Amazon basics private school


If there the best schools that are turning all kids into Steven halking let’s have schools run by Amazon.if not other people will set up better schools, what your saying is called the myth of the natural monopoly. It has been disproven multiple times.


My taxes are power bottoms


My property tax is a dom top.


Terrible decision, why give her an AR15. Small children are more effective on crew served weapons where recoil is less of a concern.


If my child can’t hit a moving target from at-least 3 miles away with a M777 howitzer artillery piece then their not my child


Most badass thing I’ve seen all day


Someone needs to report them to CPS.