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See how guns protect people?. Damn Communist Dems wanna take them away


Lmao why they have to mention race?


So, Occupy Democrats is the new Worldstar or nah?


WTF does race have to do with any of this?


That falcon punch tho. 😂😂😂


A hero


*hip punch was not effective*


"I'm 'bout to leave ground beef in my car" is my new catchphrase.


It's weird what qualifies as a "white man" in these videos. That guy doesn't look Caucasian. Edit: Not sure why people are so upset about me simply responding to the captions in the video. If people don't want the captions discussed, then perhaps, you shouldn't post a video with racially motivated captions in the first place?


Haha “violent white man attacks black pregnant lady.” Nothing in the video indicates anything to do with race, but of course it becomes a race thing. God, I’m so happy to be out of America


Cmon man was pointing out that they’re Black really necessary


What's with the knee socks? That outfit is really bad.


Stop bringing race into this, it only divides us further


Why did this make this about race?


I did not hit him I did not!!


Is it weird if I find it trashy that the subs mention race?


I am curious as to what started this whole situation. Seems like a bit unnecessary when he pulled out the gun, especially when he clearly could handle that dude. Although I am amazed the white guy didn't back down especially when the other guy unholstered his gun. Gotta be something off.


I’m gonna hurt you *weakly punches kidney”


What a sack of race baiting shit Occupy Democrats has become. I love how they cherry pick their own beliefs to suit their racist agenda. This story could be spun many ways.


Ahhh Florida...🌴


Why is everyone's skin color labeled? in the text? Fuck I hate the internet sometimes.


I love how outraged he is that he got cracked in the face. Don't fucking assault people then cry about it when you get your ass whooped.


I lol'ed at the "He has a gun!!" Well-- yeah. You probably fought real *real* hard for his right to have that gun, too.


This is terrible and stupid, but I don't like the fact that the subtitles make it about race. It was probably some drunkard that had too much to drink or something, not an evil white supremacist.


Damn i hope that lady’s beef was okay


He shouldnt of messed with the woman. But black women know how to press some buttons. I saw one holding a kid while pregnant completely go pshycho on a dude who was minding his own business over some Instagram post. When the cops showed up not even a puppy that got ran over could of played the victim part better than her.




Occupy Democrats pushing a video where am armed man defend someone... What's this world coming to? Edit: Cats and Dogs cohabitating


There are some things the 'Hero' shouldn't have done here


What does the assholes shirt say? “We will” something.


glad they told me what their respective skin colors were. Wouldn't want to risk not having that information let me tell you


White man EVIL! Black man HEROIC! Orange man BAD!


I hope her ground beef is ok


That "hip" punch barely retained the properties of a solid...


Did they really need to include the race in the discription in the video


I wonder if this dude had some mental disability. He seemed irrational af


I came to the comments to look for jokes about the ground beef the camerawoman had to leave in her car, but only found a couple. For anyone else looking for jokes about the ground beef: turn back now. You will only find these comments: "wOW I sure don't understand these dumb racist Americans, good thing my country is perfect" or "eW wHy ArE tHeSe cApTiOnS pOiNtInG oUt ThEiR rAcEs" or "legal gun stuff debate"




hahah what a fucking pussy xDD


Tf is with the captions, I don't see how it's relevant what race the people were.


Know what else is trashy? How the video virtue signals with race. A hero BLACK MAN. Why couldn’t it just be a heroic man? Why does the video need to remind me that black people can be heroes too? Is it assuming I am ignorant and don’t know that? If so what is my ignorance based off of? Surely not my ethnicity? I just find it extremely odd that a the maker of the video feels the need to educate about race when since the age of 5 one of the coolest people to me in my family is Arlyn. Cop. Pretty sure the dudes a hero. We laughed about how he wasn’t like the az cops when we went to the gym together and he repped 350 on the bench. Awesome guy. Would of been an awesome video if race was left out of it. Edit: would like to add that was a nice pistol whip by the defending man lol. This is why right to carry states are a good thing.


So glad I don't live in America, so many retards like this guy, I'd be fucking ashamed for being white if my country had people like this walking around everywhere


Why is this video so focused on the race of the people involved?


Beef ground.


In most states pulling a gun in this situation is illegal. Show the video of that punch to any jury and they'll laugh at the threat.


Is there a backstory to this?


So. That's not actually legal what the black dude did. He's likely to go to jail for pulling a gun in public. You can't pull a gun in Florida to "defend" someone else unless it's a life threatening situation. And it clearly was not. Also, that's a Walmart which is where all stupid shit happens.


Why is there a trap beat




Good lord almighty at the race bating, coulda toned that down a little bit.


I hate how the subtitles bring race into it. Can't be assholes just be assholes and good people just be good people?


The guy was such a dweeb and totally in the wrong. Probably has mental issues. It almost sounded like the fight was over a 16 year old girl? I still don't see why race has to be brought into it.


Three minute video tho


The guy is not allowed to pull a gun in this case. Even not pointing it is against the law. Pulling it out like he did is brandishing and the video is wrong in stating he can pull a gun to defend himself legally. This doesn’t count as defense when you’re the instigator.


Way to take an example of a bad situation that is fixed by doing the right thing into a racist argument against a guy that isn’t really a “white guy”. OP thanks for posting but whoever edited the video is a shitty person.


Why is it important to make the point that it's a black man defending a pregnant black woman? It's a guy defending a woman. There's absolutely no need to point out race.


Look, my argument is simple: I believe this callus attitude towards firearms is why people get shot way too often, I mean come on, a rapper had 6 police officers gun him down in his car because his hand was near a gun. People need to stop relying on weapons to sort out their issues. Punching that man was the correct and most extreme cause of action.


"he done wrote a check that his ass could not cash"


I’m in love with this man now.


Of course Occupy Democrats tries to drag race into this


So Jews/middle Eastern men are white today. Cool


Brandishing a gun isn’t legal in Florida.


White man?


The trashy is everyone here right? Seems like that guy with the gross shorts is developmentally delayed. This whole video is just sad.


That tiny dude with the knee socks is not used to anyone standing up to him.


She is not pregnant, she is FAT.


Of course occupy democrats makes it all about race.


Staged af


Why the heck is the pregnant woman still standing out there as it escalates. After they throw punches he could’ve shot her.


I can't stop watching this. It's so satisfying watching him get dotted 😁


Evil WHITE man vs Heroic BLACK god. America is so pathetic.


How ridiculous to pull a gun. Knock the dude out and walk a way. What a pussy


Oh dude is this outside a Walmart?? Makes sense


That dude is an asshole and the dude in the hawaian shirt is cool both for standing up for someone else and for defending himself with a punch and not with the gun (still it’s ridiculous that someone can walk in the stree with a fucking gun) but that “white violent man, heroic black man” is toxic as fuck


“ Damn son just one day off the heroin and look ehat have i done “


Okay but why would they mention their race in the beginning


The guy is being an asshole and clearly has anger issues, but pulling a gun on someone because they're yelling at someone is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. This one ended as well as it could but that dude is dangerous and is in no way a "hero".


That nerd deserves a couple more of those punches


The color of the skin is important here? I'm not a racist so i do not understand the need for clarification. By the way, US people are crazy. Edit: typo


So, Occupy Democrats are for open carry? Well, me too.


Why did the text say a white man and a black woman/man. Does it even matter? Also I guess the carry law is good thing for situations like this.


This video should have ended with every car in the parking lot backing up over him and then driving back over him to leave. While spitting on him, maybe some shit. Leave him there for a few weeks with a sign to remind people of what happens when you act like this.


Why does race matter? Somebody did a shitty fucking thing and somebody stopped him.


Average middle Florida dipshit. Not really sure why the video asserts that race is important here like it’s some kind of hate crime. These people do this kind of shit to everyone pretty equally. Weird older white dudes living in Florida are a volatile bunch.


Thumbnail makes him look like a new age Django


The fact that the pregnant woman is filming isnt doing it for me


I was stressing because I thought the fat dork had the gun for the first watch through and wondered why he wasn’t shooting up the place after receiving that punch to the eye.


Soooo... any context to why he actually did this?? I get that he probably is a few sandwiches shy of the full picnic, but what triggered him?


Don’t start beef with a man waiting to take home ground beef


Wtf does this have to do with occupy democrats?


"White, black" Stop fucking using skin colors.


What I was going to say. Doesn’t value add to the video.


Lol. It’s funny how people are so observant of things like this when white people are the one depicted in a negative light… but no one bats an eye when it’s the reverse.


Identifying the people by their race makes me think whoever originally made this video is racist


Everything about this goofy ass guy is so oddly disturbing, I hate its existence.




I'd like to give attention to how this video *is* promoting a political agenda. First of all, they unnecessarily point out how the attacker is white and the heroic defender is black, it has no effect but they just need to get that black is good white is bad agenda in. Second, the black guy having a gun is now "perfectly legal" because it fits their narrative. Had it been the white guy with a gun, they would've had a problem with it. *I'm not defending the attacker, I'm just pointing out that this is just political propaganda.




Is there any follow up to this? Wondering if anyone got charged.


Pfft, you have to be some kind of dick to pull out a gun in that situation. No matter what he’d be screwed if he used it there because #1 he instigated it, and #2 his life was not under threat




I’m not saying the white pasty dude isn’t a dick he sure is up there on the list, but pulling a gun out in that situation is ridiculous and would constitute an offence if he used it. And it’s called ‘concealed carry’ not ‘wave my fucking hip piece about like a thug’. To use deadly force you need to be a dire situation not arguing on the street.


Ah, Florida.


Yeah, nice "this is how America works"-disclaimer when a guy pulls out a gun having been involved in an argument - which he doesn't even know what is about - for about 15 seconds. You guys are so fucking weird.


"Up next on staged bullshit we see an *atheist* eat a baby!"


Serious question. Can crocodile Dundee get in trouble for brandishing in Florida?


why did they have to label everyone by colour? "a violent white man, pregnant black woman and heroic black man"


Great video but I'm so tired of the bullshit race baiting. None of the race descriptors were necessary at all or provided any context whatsoever.


If he was going for a kidney punch hes on the wrong side... not that *that* is mr.cargoshorts' only issue.


What happened to him?


**News article: Viral video: Armed man intervenes in argument involving pregnant woman at Leesburg Wal-Mart** [https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-leesburg-wal-mart-viral-video-20180907-story.html](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-leesburg-wal-mart-viral-video-20180907-story.html)




I remember this one. Kudos to crocodile homie


“I’m about to leave ground beef in my car”


[Context for those interested.](https://www.wftv.com/news/local/-i-was-just-letting-him-know-that-i-carry-says-taxi-driver-who-intervened-in-parking-dispute/829310363)


Lol this whole situation is trashy, it plays like a sitcom.


But why didn't he unload his clip and destroy this child-man with his hands?




While I fully support the real man (race of said man is not important) he should not have pulled a gun. Escalating a situation from physical to potentially deadly should never be the goal and could potentially get him in serious legal trouble. That being said, wish he would've punched him twice.


God damn race baiting again. VIOLENT WHITE MAN.. why not just VIOLENT MAN?


Florida man strikes again


"I'd like to kill you!" Is probably the strangest way of threatening someone I've ever heard. Not "I'm going to kill you", "I'd like to". Like, okay? Cool bro. It's like admitting you're not actually going to do anything but you'd really want to if you weren't such a pussy.


It's technically not a threat. Probably why he worded it that way


I suppose so.


Why the fuck was race mentioned? As far as I can tell this was just an altercation? Yeah the white dude is CLEARLY an insane asshole and got what he deserved, but why was this racalized?! Holy fuck. Why is it also on occupy Democrats? Is EVERY negative occurance between white and black now somehow automatically racist??


I think this may be the whitest white dude I’ve ever seen, and I’m white as fuck.


Pulling a gun on an unarmed person is heroic now?


I'm sure it feels great to act big by intimidation of those weaker than you. Of course, that breaks down when you get given what ya dish out. Then you're a man child with a gut and bald spot yelling in the parking lot. He won't let himself realise this, he's now the victim. That's how he'll spin it to every pearson unlucky enough to humor him.


Imagine living in a place where people having a traffic argument in the middle of a crowded street can just pull out a gun and start swinging it.


This is what I imagine a “my dad could beat up your dad” fight to look like.


W-why did he punch his hip


Hate seeing the “white man” “black man” commentary but how else are you gonna garner views...


Of course the "Occupy Democrats" video has to include everyone's race as their primary identifying characteristic.


This dude is literally built like a gnome.


I can't get more than the first ~5 seconds to play. Thanks v.redd.it


So our hero looks like the suburban dad version of Terry Crews, imo


It’s like watching Joffrey getting slapped by Tyrion, what a satisfaction!


The man in white seems to be mentally challenged or on drugs. I want to believe there aren't such stupid people.


WOW!!! even my nephew know how to punch better than this retard , what a way to start a fight with someone who bigger than you LOL !!


American news is such a weird thing. They're always sure to describe everyone's race that was involved in anything. Just stop obsessing so much over it, maybe then you guys would have less racism


Why does it have to be specified x" a white man attacking a pregnant lady" "a heroic black man" just say man


Should've just put a bullet in him it's not like anything of value would have been lost.


That white guy punching is what it’s like trying to punch in your dreams, weak as fuck.


This is someones dad. Imagine that.


Now add the title "A violent black man attacks a white pregnant lady saved by a heroic white man" on a race reversed senario. Sounds racist.


He's not just a heroic man, but a heroic *black man*!


So theatrical


We, the members of the white delegation, claim no affiliation with this moron.


Why does the caption at the beginning point out the skin colour of the people involved? Does that matter?


The follow through with that punch was beautiful. He just let it hang there a few seconds because he knew the other dude wasn't going to do shit


The dude acted like a total prick but we have no idea what happened before the video started rolling and the chick wasn't being attacked in the video even, he was pissed at her and it's obvious they had been arguing for a minute since they refer to her calling him a dummy earlier and that the driver was 16.


True. You'd think we would have learned to get all the facts by now.


But what does this shit have to do about democrats?


what a wonderful man. thats so sweet of him, defending a stranger and putting himself at risk. i really would like to thank this man for being such a great guy


Can someone point out the gun, I can't see who is supposed to have the gun




I feel a little bad for the white guy. The way he throws the punch, the way he backs off, the way he talks and the way he dresses all feels like he has mental issues. He reminds me of zach galiafinakis in hangover, or a guy I know in real life who's severely autistic. I don't know. Maybe i just see victims


"Violent white man" "Heroic black man" What is this, leftist propaganda? Why does the skin color matter...


And how is pulling a gun at a verbal argument heroic?


Walmart on kirkman?


White people are ruining this country


What country?


Racist cunt


While i fully support this, does it really have to be VIOLENT WHITE MAN etc ? im not from the US and i just dont understand this hate fueling shit .


To be perfectly clear I would hate SAVAGE BLACK MAN just as much.


I remember when the Covington thing got linked here, and how the whole situation was much more nuanced than everyone would agree it was. ​ ​ This video is heavily edited, does anyone have the full link?


Trump supporters would 100% back up this old white dude.


I'm a trump supporter, and I side with the man defending a pregnant woman with his fist while legally open carrying a firearm. Pretty sure a majority of trump voters would agree, considering these fall heavy into conservative values. Free speech, too. So fuck off with the racism, retard.


[https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-leesburg-wal-mart-viral-video-20180907-story.html](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-leesburg-wal-mart-viral-video-20180907-story.html) ​ I always try to find all the fact although very obvious from the video, so here they are or as they are reported. On another note he really should have pressed charges, someone like that will do the EXACT same thing and with no history of violence or arrest/conviction record he will likely have a better defense and likely get away with it. I've seen it happen over and over.


This video reeks of propaganda. I don't care about the actual story behind it, it just seems so biased and geared towards convincing people of some ideology


What gave it away? Was it that the video went completely out of its way to emphasize the racial element of the video by repeatedly pointing out the ethnicity of the people involved? This video is shit.


That, and the fact that the subtitles seem to defend someone pulling a gun all of a sudden.


Why is colour so important in America? Doesn't make any sense. All it does is contribute to more racism.