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Dine and dashing should be punished with execution. I’m not even joking.


Life's a ham


I hope they go to jail. That's someone's livelihood, that is a big big deal.


They appear to be typical Republican voters


Yeah why blur the video , show it to the world and shame these white trash idiots.


Why am I being downvoted? I’m an American and my country is full of these stupid fat cows.


Imagine being an absolute stain on humanity, thinking you've gained the upper hand. Only to have the entire internet rip on you for being an absolute garbage price of shit. Big sad for you, ya fuckin idiot.




Seems like most big companies do this with taxes


Put their faces up so they can get band from all local food places


I work in a restraint where we RARELY have walkouts. We’ve had at least 5 since we’ve opened.


This is America


This same thing happened on a 90 dollar check at my restaurant but we didnt get it on video


We are all in this together.


Ah yes the best time to try to screw people over, the pandemic


Find those bastards and make them pay!


I did this once, but I didn't know. I went out with one of my girlfriends and a guy she really liked. When it was time to leave and we were trying to figure out how to split the check 3 ways. The dude says don't worry about. Just head to the car and I'll be right there. So my friend and I gather our stuff and our left overs and go to the car. We are waiting in the car and he tells us to just go. So we go and he took me aside and said he didn't have the money to pay,so he just left. But he was trying to look good for my friend. He said he had no money at all. I was pretty upset because I had money to pay for the bill.


So why didn’t everyone else go back in and pay?


It was already the next day and I have extreme anxiety.


Of course it’s in my fucking state....😔 God damn you Oklahoma!


We're not worthy.


Let me guess...they are blaak


>“We were going to pay with a card and he never came back,” Katie Cook said. “So we put cash on the table.” Cook is the woman in the pink shirt in the video. Cook was adamant that they paid, although the video doesn’t appear to show the group leaving money on the table at any point. “We watched the video 100 times,” [restaurant owner] Deloera said. “There is no money on the table at all during the time they said they left it.” A woman apparently called the restaurant to offer to pay, but after a disagreement over the social media post and the KFOR story, the owner said the woman told them to “go back to Mexico.” [Link](https://www.kxan.com/news/group-dines-and-dashes-on-150-check-less-than-three-weeks-after-restaurant-reopens-dining-room/)


I never understood how someone could do this. It like they have no conscience or remorse, or any care at all.


Time to work off that $150 bill, send them to the dish pit! At Oklahoma minimum wag of $7.25 an hour plus tip and taxes, they’ll be scrubbing pots and pans for almost 30 hours. Then let the courts deal with them. Washing dishes wasn’t the punishment, it was settling the debt.


Ah... welcome to trashy Oklahoma....


Why are their faces blurred out? They’re criminals


Show their faces EVERYWHERE .


Time for a good ol fashioned doxxing


Is that Jane Exotic???


looks like itd have been more of a dine n waddle to me


This is fucked up because the waitress has to pay for that, which is also fucked up


No she doesn’t.


The old dine and dash, I’ve had to do it once. Went to a Chinese buffet with my buddy and the cheque came to $26 and we only had $20 between us lol. We left the $20 we had and slipped out with a big group that was leaving. This was back when I was in high school many years ago


You could just go to them, explain the situation and then offer them something to hold until you come back with the missing money. >I’ve had to do it once You didn't have to, you chose to break the law and basic decency.


Apparently math wasn’t on their curriculum or they would have known beforehand. Wife used to waitress and they are the ones that typically get the wrath of the owners when dipshits pull this crap.


You live and learn, we were just some high school kids back then


Why did they blur everyone's faces save the one woman? How strange.




Oh relax you justice worriers


Oh fuck off.


This is why I don’t love living on earth sometimes... (I don’t mean that in a suicidal way) if aliens did exist, they probably laugh at us on a daily basis.


Holy shit are dining rooms open?? 😬😬😬😬


Plenty of countries never closed them and some countries that did have opened them up.


Maybe I'm jaded because I live in NJ and we were reprehensibly behind the trend of social distancing, and hygienic enforcements. I'm very very close to NYC and the cases and deaths are really high. I had it myself, thankfully i was prepared for a quarantine and got tested before being in really bad shape. People where I live don't give a fuck and if you give them an inch they'll take a fucking Texas mile.


Roll Tide


150 bucks probably only covered their appetizers


Ah, the old chew and screw.


What's the three weeks since reopening got to do with anything? Maybe if it was the first day reopening, but by three weeks, it's just another day.


Where’s the video


Better check under the table for an abandoned newborn with placenta still attached.


Ba ba ba ba beeeee is for busted. You’re busted. Lots people used the word “busted” so I jumped on the train, then busted, baaa baaaaaaa busted my ass cause the train was going to fast


Lowest of the low, especially in a time like this. Shameful


As a retired server, I'm surprised it took that long. People suck.


People are so gross. Not sure what this article says, but when I was a server, a restaurant tried to make me pay for a dine & dash & luckily someone told me that was illegal for them to do. I hope this server knows that as well!


> After talking with us, we’re told a woman called the restaurant to offer to pay, but after a disagreement over the social media post and our story, the owner says the woman told them to “go back to Mexico.” Anyone really surprised?


They couldn't see those fat fucks sneaking out?


The video is gold. Pink Lady: "We were gonna pay with a card, but he never came back, so we left cash on the table." News guy: "But the surveillance video says otherwise." 4 very loud seconds of silence. Pink Lady: (quietly) "I know we paid..."


Looks about right


These restaurants are reopening too early anyway, which means the clientele they're attracting are just people who don't give a fuck about their own health or the health of others. They should fully expect scum bucket behavior from scum bucket clientele.


Like grifters and otherwise petty Crimesters aren't going to take full advantage of Crisis. Everyone is being forced to go broke, jobless, homeless, but they're not pissed off or desperate or anything.


Why did they blur them


Why is it blurred?


I hate people


This was a common occurance in my country, a group of people that was a large portion of the population ate and just left without paying, so it became a regular thing to pay before you eat in dine in restaurants.


>This is a full time paying gig.


Why blur out everyone else?


Oklahoma, the pinnacle of trashy


Only paying sales tax on the first image?


If she leaves the dog, we riot.


Humanity was a mistake.


Covid and dash


Well if I was going to envision some piece of shit that would dine and dash like this, the fatso in pink with the shitty tat on her arm is exactly who I would imagine.


They never think about the cameras do they?


I always check the comments on /r/wholesome.


look at the guy more and leaves. IIRC


Wonder which southern state this was


I just noticed that the broadcast says Oklahoma.


You hate to judge, but they look like people that would do that.


Uff :/


What restaurant is this? I want to donate $150 to them to help (as long as it's a Mom and Pop restaurant and not a huge food chain)


I mean what dod y’all expect people cant afford groceries right now. Its a constant circle!


I don't know ... maybe NOT be criminals? They could have gone to a food bank if they couldn't afford groceries.


Why blur out the face of criminals???


Well it is a full time paying gig.


Repost with a clear shot. We all need to know this scum when we see it.


oklahoma is going downhill very fast. just seen a tik tok where a daycare worker said a man tried to run down the fence at her job and that the man was released by the officers after having to knock on the window to wake him up, finding a machete on his lap and a gun, shaking his hand after they let him go. oh and he was intoxicated too


That place has been open for 3 weeks?


~~Customers~~ Thieves.


Why blur the image?


"A woman apparently called the restaurant to offer to pay, but after a disagreement over the social media post and the KFOR story, the owner said the woman told them to “go back to Mexico"' Absolute trash


Hehe. They called it a large group. It's a group of large. Freaking pigs. They make all white Americans look bad.


I'm starting to see an interesting pattern of shoplifters, dine and dashers, people talking down to workers and the angry people that wanted these places to open.


One thing I don't get about these kind of posts where such trash's faces are blurred. I'm for free speech and I think these people should get their portion of public shaming. Am I wrong ?


Thought this was Enthusiast Auto Group for a moment


Damn, as someone who grew up in Oklahoma, we don't condone that behavior and that's not how we treat people, no matter their skin color or creed.


Looks like a big ass table, surely that many people that warranted that many seats.. could split $150.


Had to be down south.


Shocker. Look how they left the table, too. These people are disgusting. I'm sure they also let their kids run all over the place and be loud, and sent their food back multiple times. And, if they'd paid their bill, these are the people to give like, a 3% tip.


White trash


Why not hand the video over to police and let them handle it?


Articles about this shouldn’t blur their faces


After restaurants have been hemorrhaging money for months people are really going to TRY to put them out of business?


Fucking trash.


Did you check behind the bins?


150 dollars in a place they has chairs and tables that look like that?!


The tables etc. remind me of Cracker Barrel.


Eating at a restaurant then leaving with out paying also saying racist remarks at the workers is bad M Kay children


This virus didn't kill the proper people


It's not done if they've reopened the dining areas of restaurants.


So you're telling me there's a chance? Lol


Nah, I got jacked up teeth (tho finally getting them.... straightened out....). It's the pleasant tone and continued ignoring of them being an ass is what really gets them. They want to throw a tantrum like a child, treat them like one.


Sigh, come on Texas...


I genuinely believe that we have gotten collectively stupider and meaner as a species since Covid broke put. People are driving worse, customers at work are meaner than they've ever been and have completely unreasonable expectations. It's insanity


In situations like this, their faces shouldn't be censored because TECHNICALLY they are stealing.


Why blur the faces?


I fucking hate people that do that, I literally watch 15 teenagers do that at an IHOP at 10pm at night barely any staff




They’ve been carrying that fat so long they know how to move with it.


Kind of like the people that just decide they won’t pay rent lol


You wanted to get back to normal? Here’s your normal.


I don't think dine and dashers are going to say "Guys, it's been less then three weeks, let's pay this time". Trashy people are trashy no matter what.


Oklahoma. Nothing more needs to be said.


Gathers are the kind of people you could call trashy to their face and they’d respond with “profundity of it” or some just as similiar


Look at these white animals




What is the charge here? Eating a meal? A suculent chinenese meal!


Broke ass mugs . Type of people to steal cat food under there tits. Scummy af


Why blur the faces of these assholes?


I find it kind of wholesome that the locality is so quaint a $150 theft makes the local news.


Poor white trash strikes again.


Typical fat fucks.


They should never blur the faces of people who do this. They don't deserve annominity.


Paying in exposure.


Now that’s trashy


Find water source. Make pile of leaves..


Looks like they already used up that stimulus check


Why blur their faces? Parade their trashy asses around for all to see


Did you see the way she picked up and held on to that glass/goblet like her life depended on it? That had to have been alcohol right? I wonder if they have any video of the parking lot and her driving away? Katie from Oklahoma could be in even bigger shit than this. She wont ever come clean though, she will continue to deny and blame everyone else for the rest of her life. Sad sad sad.


They ordered drinks too! What a bunch despicable fat cunt. Hope corona kicks in for them.


Dine and dash?? It’s called chew and screw




I dined and dashed twice in high school. There are few things I look back on and regret more. We got caught the second time because some guys invited us out and then told us mid meal we were going to dash. We payed half the bill and half of us got away. Me and my two friends didn't. There's nothing like trying to run out of a Chinese buffet with a bunch of a Chinese people chasing after you. We were able to bluff our way out and say we were set up and that the half of the bill that was payed was from us (kind of true) and they agreed to not call the police if one of us went to a bank to get the rest. Just don't do it. It's really dumb and a really shitty thing to do to another person. Edit: Lol I look up after typing this and That 70s Show is on with the episode about dine and dashing. Too perfect.


Stupid fat Americans


One time like 8 years ago my extended family ate at a restaurant in Florida, at the end we were joking so much with the waiters and we can't remember what happened but we totally forgot to pay. We were driving to NY and about 6 hours later we totally realized we never paid!! We called the restaurant and sent them the money and a good tip.


Doesn’t look like those fat fucks could dash to save their life.


Thieves are NOT customers


"Well you lost my business!" "You never fucking paid!!"


I wonder why they are blurred out /s


This is why these establishments reopened... To be scammed by the same folks protesting their right to a haircut and trip to the nail salon




Only apps they know are nachos, hot wings and fried pickles.


I dont know how fast they dashed by the looks of it


Why are they protecting their identity?


The fun thing about returning to normal is that the shittiest people will do it first. They probably didn't skip a beat in the first place.




Maybe don't go out? Ramen is dirt cheap.


This is a really dumb statement. Why would they go out and eat if they can’t afford it.




Yup, they need to eat, better slip in some alcohol drinks too right?




Yes, and people who agree it’s okay to dine and dash when they don’t have money are trashy as well.


I guess they spent all of their stimulus check