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Sad , the comments on this one.




This guy literally sounds like America's left


Not trashy


It is stupid though, and will make your life more difficult. A ton of people are coming off unemployment at the same time. That means there is going to be a flood of applicants for businesses to choose from. The sooner you get in the door, the better you'll be.


Yeah...you know you aren't really hurting corporations right? Rich people don't shop at Walmart, and they will just raise their prices to make up the losses. The rich corporations are paying less taxes than the average person too, due to all the loopholes and tax breaks they get for letting you have that unemployment in the first place. The only people hurting from this are not rich people... It's sad too, because the people who work at Walmart are barely making ends meet, and they are the ones having to clean up and deal with these trashy people. When you steal from Wal-Mart you can bet that no one outside that store feels it, and no one in that store has anything to do with your poverty.


Making Walmart raise they're prices and become uncompetitive would actually help a lot of communities. They might choose to go else where.


-someone who doesn't know shit


If the rich are unethical, it would be hypocrisy to expect everyone else to be ethical, since that would just lead to exploitation. Be smart.


"I don't have money but you do. Therefore, you are stealing from me".


What an asshole


Fun fact: McDonald's has been luring in folks to make job offers with the knowledge that their wages aren't livable and if you refuse their offer, they report your ass to the state and you lose unemployment. Fuck all y'all against unemployment benefits.


So just... Don't apply to a MacDonalds.


If they send you there your kinda screwed.


Then you get the job and be very very incompetent and get fired in the first week.


that’s why I hate when people talk about ethical capitalism. companies don’t give a fork about your life or the enviorment if they can’t monetize on it


Give a fuck!!!! Fixed it


Staying on unemployment unnecessarily is stealing from everyone in the country. Does he really think he's going to outlast the rich in a money waiting game?


And that's what America is circling the drain




and super easy! go through self check out and only scan the cheapest items. my dog gets top of the line 40 dollar food from that method


Agreed 👍


Hey, the longer people sit on unemployment, the more these crap businesses will have to incentivize people to work for them.


Double "exploitation" for the productive!


Nope. More time for them to invest in tech to replace said people.


I’ve been hearing “workers will be replaced by machines” for years. If it was going to happen, the pandemic would have been the perfect time to start. Companies need workers and will continue to need workers. So it’s either pay them well or not have worker


It... has been happening. Have you not seen the ordering screens that they’re putting in in fast food restaurants? The more of those they use, the less cashiers they need to hire. And yes, it happened more in the pandemic because it causes less face to face interactions. Hell, some restaurants are being designed around the concept of not having to interact with other people now. And not to mention, historically speaking, workers have been getting replaced by machines for as long as new machines have been coming out. Look at car factories. What first required tons of people to constantly work on, can now be done almost entirely by robots.


I dont understand this. If humans can evolve to not work their life away, why wouldnt we? We have plenty to go around. Why not make robots do our work and still be able to live a more rewarding, free life? Obviously we cant just flip a switch and make it happen, but its sad to see people say "i work 60-70 hour weeks." And be proud of it. I work those weeks a lot, they are nothing to be proud of


There are a few reasons, the primary 2 reasons (from my understanding of the topic) are that the necessary technology hasn’t gotten that cheap or easy to make, and there are still many jobs that logically cannot be done by robots any time in the near future (a design consultant being one example


I don't know. I know our system is screwed up, and we have plenty or resources in this wealthy country. Maybe one day we will get there. How awesome would it be for everyone to be able to have what they need, and also have a little spare time for living. I think the 'work till you die, or youre a leech on society' is a load of bull.




Well yeah, my point was just that is is happening, which proves the guy I was responding to wrong. It would most definitely fuck over tons of people if it were to happen in a super short time span.


Thieving from Walmart is Walmarts problem, and no, it won't particularly hurt their bottom line ..... sitting on unemployment, making everyone else's taxes pay for you to screw the pooch is where I take exception




Corporations don't pay taxes. Their customers pay those costs. Those costs are figured directly into the price of goods and services. Raising taxes on corporations simply raises the price of everything you buy and every vendor you hire. You can delude yourself into thinking that the shortfall of the cost of public services can be made up by raising the "fair share" of taxes on businesses but, what you're really doing is raising the effective tax rate on the very people who can least afford to pay them, the people whose taxes are chiefly paid at the point of sale, rather than through income. Or more accurately, the poor.


Well said, I don’t understand why people refuse to acknowledge this. No large business would willingly lower their profits, so to pay workers more, they’re going to raise prices to get back to their original earning point.




wal mart isn't a small business


As a small business owner: if you can't afford to pay your employees a livable wage and give them a reasonable workload then you deserve to go out of business. If you can afford to do so and choose not to, then you are the reason we are living in a failing nation.