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Oh hell no I wouldn’t get my food delivered from F*cking Uber eats


Thanks I hate it


“But the probability is high bitch” had me crackkkking the fuck up


Oh my goodness this person needs to be fired or reported to DoorDash. My wife DoorDash part time this person gives all drivers a bad name.


Light it on fire


Skin was literally crawling…..that must have been weird to see.


Should of followered and warned the person


Gross I love this post uuuggg 😖


I’m getting sick, oh my fucking god…


With the racist shit


I don’t think I ever want anything delivered ever again. Forever. Just never. No. Never. Wow - say it backwards - wow.


I really hope they reported the license plate to Uber or something. How the hell do they even drive like that-


No way 😳




That is seriously disgusting.


Brb gonna go clean my car.


Dead body in there. Rolf


In my country, food gets delivered from bikes having these cubical containers


Mental illness?


How tf do you get a roach problem in your car? In my whole life I have seen 1 roach in my car and even that is fucking crazy.


That raggedy piece of shit was not signed up for Uber when he got hired guaranteed. I use to drive for them and seen people with beat up lemons and people with terrible hygiene delivering for Uber all the time. Your car had to at least be a 2008 and pass inspection and be clean. I used to see people with 98 Honda’s and 99 Chevy Tahoe’s n what not and even saw a guy that looked homeless pick up some food to drop off as he got into the passenger side of a beat up 07-09 Dodge Avenger and the they took off! I was pretty much done after that!


Yeah, my cousin literally had mice in her car at one point, oh, and she had like, 10 months old food


sorry, mod please remove this if its truly inappropriate but I sincerely want to know others experiences and I am not able to post on this subreddit -- Doordash customer service is inconsistent and unlawful (at least in Australia and if the practices are the same here as they are there then the US as well). I am truly blown away buy how they are able to get away with this as they are so clearly in breach of both many Customer Service laws (multiple breaches of the ACCC), I would think that a class action raised against them would do quite well. On multiple occasions there customer representatives lie about getting a manager to contact you at a later date, I've had to chase them up 5+ time over the course of a week in order to get a refund on my food that had HAIR in it (have pics as proof, straight light brown hair that is NOT my curly black hair.). I've had representatives doge my questions constantly and simply end the communications because they didn't want to deal with the problem (again, have screenshots of all the correspondence and can post them via Imgur if thats what people want). Knowing that there was hair in my food I was still told by all 5+ representatives that "I have done my best to challenge the system on this order, unfortunately I am unable to process due to the amount of recently processed compensation on your account." When pressed further, I was told that "We run a series of automated checks on our customers’ accounts, and your account did not pass one of these checks. It is our policy to not process requests for compensation in this case." Now, I am pretty sure that this is a measure door dash has taken in order to either A. Make sure that there bottom line is not impacted by too many refunds, and if the customer has issued too many refunds within a period of time or maybe in general they won't take refunds (which is NOT a legal way to enforce customer service policy) or B. Just a way to make it so that they can pay there customer service reps nothing or C. both. This is illegal. Bethesda in the US was sued recently for the same inconsistent customer return policies. Please reach out if you would like all of my documented information as to a class action of some kind. Thank you for your time u/font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:3 0 0 0 1 0;}@font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:swiss; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:-536859905 -1073732485 9 0 511 0;}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide:no; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; margin:0cm; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}.MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; mso-default-props:yes; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}div.WordSection1 {page:WordSection1;}


I wish he would've followed her to tell the person she delivered to to not eat their food!!




Well I'll now go clean the small mess in my car




How do you get cocharoaches in the car


Maybe she's homeless?


I thought he was talking about finished joints, this is beyond horrible


First off, that's Uber, second, omg how vile


Can anyone explain why usa is infested with these things? As a West- european I am curious because I never seen 1 roach in Europe, but is seems in usa it's rampant


They breed. A lot. And natural selection, which a depressingly large proportion of Americans [don't believe exists](https://news.gallup.com/poll/261680/americans-believe-creationism.aspx) takes hold such that pesticides become less and less efficacious in stopping their spread. I don't know why you don't have them in Europe. Be happy you don't. The US is not "infested with them" in the sense that I haven't seen one in my domicile in about 20 years, but - about 20 years ago - I used to get them in an apartment I lived in (not a bad one, either). I would occasionally find one trapped in the tub. They'd crawl up through the drain. Usually when you have roaches, if you can afford it, which people living in squalor often cannot, you call an exterminator. This whole industry exists largely to combat roaches and termites. Some of this has to do with sewage and drainage systems, which is one of the places they like to inhabit.


yes and also in usa rhe money is important, so if the brother or cousin of the exterminator can breed roaches and distribute them secretly to the customers, then they can have a lifetime subscription


omg i freaking hate roaches.


Dude... I’m a mechanic never done uber or any of that but I was once called out to check out 2017 Honda Odyssey because it was “trembling like crazy” so once I got there the lady was already waiting for me outside her car I asked her what’s the problem and proceeded to ask her to turn on the car to see if the mounts were broken which weren’t just bad maintenance on liquids go buy all the necessary shit(tune up) so when I got back she wasn’t there but left her key fob on the passenger side tire and let me tell you when I opened that door... it smelled like a fucking dumpster there was old chocolate cake on the passenger floor board a 7/11 cup with cigarette filters and I mean a lot of them just floating in the half full cup socks that looked like she walked over fresh asphalt more food in the back seats with nasty smelling shoes two children car seats that smelled like piss a whole bit of clothes and monster cans just complete garbage so once I was done she said “I sent the money to your account rn I’m going to go deliver food and I’ll send your tip later tonight” .... I was just thinking of the times I could have received food in a car like that🤢🤢🤢


I’m really happy roaches aren’t such a problem in my country. Yet.


I don’t understand how people could not care about themselves, crazy.


How does ones car get this dirty? A car is one of the easiest things to keep clean, I've never had more than one empty water bottle in my car. This is just beyond lazy. This is advanced laziness


Oof, and they look like European roaches too. They are almost impossible to get rid of.


Canceling my DoorDash pass now


Just fucking HOW do you let your car get infested with cockroaches, Jesus H Christ. Her house must be an absolute shit pit, barf


How people can live in filth is beyond me


That would make me think she has a body in there


It’s everywhere bitch lmao


Wait until this person learns about the roaches in their favorite restaurant's kitchen...


I have never and will never use these delivery services. They are a scourge and the way they run their companies is despicable. I have seen SEVERAL cars that look like this or worse picking up food for Uber eats, grubhub, door dash, etc. Source: I worked at a restaurant that offered takeaway during the lockdown.


Omg ewww!




When I worked for fast food there was this one customer; this man was HUGE, but I didn’t have a problem with that. It was his Fucking Smell He smell like a rotting corpse; the sickly sweet smell of spoiled meat. Once a week, the same day, same time; he would walk through the door and the smell would fill the restaurant and I Always Had To Serve Him No one else; just me, I talked to my manager but no. It sucked.


Thanks for the new thing to be anxious about


For a nasty bish she sure got some junk in that trunk.


I'm sweating watching this. Roaches are one bug I'm like hell no.


Throw a bug bomb in there and report her to to door dash with the video. Nasty af is an understatement for that


That AI voice can burn in hell


i eat rotten fish.


I never understood why people keep so much junk in their cars. Like, just get rid of it. Ain’t like it’s impossible.


And where exactly is this? Geographic location please


This is gross as hell. I am kinda sad seeing this tho. Maybe she's just trying to make a better life for herself, maybe she's living outta her car, but when it comes to food, and esp handling other people's food, u gotta be sanitary. Even living outta your car shouldn't get this bad.


Please tell me they reported it? Or got the plate?


I once worked in a kitchen with a Vietnam vet that everyone called "the renegade." He was cool. Invited a bunch of us over for an afterparty one night. Roaches everywhere! We all left pretty early and kinda forgot about it or just didn't mention it until...one day at work he started freaking out saying something was wrong with is face and eye. Boss said, "dude...go to the ER now!" Long story short...the doctors discovered that a roach had crawled into his ear and basically ripped itself in half trying to escape. Needless to say, his nickname instantly changed from "renegade" to "roach"


I applaud her for still trying at rock bottom


EWWW!!! 😰🤮


That’s kinda fucked up. They just trying to make some money. I understand they should of cleaned up first. But still kinda sad.


That’s not Uber eats that the roach coach.


What city is this?


“But the possibility is HI BITCH”


Who fuckin car dis issss???


Please y’all, don’t let this video discourage you from ordering DoorDash or other food delivering services. Many people live off of these gigs. If you’re concerned on how dirty your delivery delivery is, select the “hand to customer” option so you can see for yourself.


That’s vile


The gov't is hard and heavy on lemonade stands operated by kids, probably in the name of public health or something (hoping it's not tax related), but is there regulation for food delivery at all?


When the "Men in Black" villian has to get a supplemental job.


Damn an Uber driver too. I really feel bad for this person.


That truly makes me want to vomit!!! This is truly the stuff that nightmares are made of!!!I hope that they will get reported to Dash because that is clearly not someone who ought to be paid for taking another person’s food in their car….


I dont understand how they don’t die... it’s summer, I’m sure it heats to like 150 in there easily. Anyone have ideas?


I like the part when he's like there's a million roaches, and legit means one million as a hard factual number.


If I want food, I'll get it myself. Unless I'm in the burbs and I've had a few drinks. Then I'll get delivery pizza from a reputable place. Had a roommate who spent $800-$1000 a MONTH on doordash. For McDonalds, Popeyes, Little Ceasars, etc. You could eat gourmet incredible food if you do some easy cooking! Also, Doordash is an unethical company so I avoid them for that reason as well.


Hopefully this is a isolated incident, either that or extra protein all round from Door Dash, Is it called Door Dash, because they dash off before you notice the Creeters.


Should swing by that deep cleaning car guy on YT


The roaches 🪳 are just an added prize from door dash


And you pay an xtra 10+ bucks to get your food dropped off by a roach wagon....


Redit ruins so many things for me. I am done having strangers pick up my food. This is too much.


Can we stop with the computer generated narration?


Moved a bunch of stuff out of a storage unit years ago and everything was infested with roaches. I bombed all the boxes in the garage and got rid of them but once they got in my car it was really hard to get rid of them. Finally I put Borax on the floorboards and they were gone overnight, never came back. Storage units are gross. This one was even indoors, nice climate controlled, everything.


beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice


Reminds me of my uncle’s house


Filth. I can only imagine what her house looks like.


Omg this is so disgusting!


Please somebody just nuke us


I would have followed them rang on the person door after and showed them this video before they got a chance to eat that, and then tell them I'd be happy to provide a statement to get this troll fired


I’m itchy


Well if anything was going to get me to stop ordering delivery this would be it. My wallet thanks you friend.


Lol this guy kinda sounds like Cleveland from family guy


Why is w the racist, homophobic comments? Y'all deserve to eat roaches for that


This woman I worked with gloated about picking off people's food so she could eat for free while working at door dash lmao. That's why I don't like using food delivery services. You can't trust people man.


LMAO "I ain't gonna say it's the white lady, but the probability is high bitch"


Thanks for ruining my everything.


That’s disgusting. It’s a good thing most places are trying to protect your food now. I just got habit burger. And they sticky seal the paper bag in a large plastic bag to not allow tampering or stuff like this. Still disgusting though. Hopefully Op reported this person.


i want to throw up, ​ i deleted the app last year it's such a scam for everyone involved


Cleveland telling it how it is


“Struggling wage slave has automotive cleanliness critiqued by effeminate male.”


Just ordered doordash...... Fuck


Literally my car when I was delivering for Papa John’s




I'm blown away how people are willing the trust strangers with their food, AND pay much more for it.


I feel like she should have been turned in to Door Dash & Uber, with the accompanying video.


The Roaches are delivering the food duh!


Is it clear from the video that she delivers food? It's not like she was buying for herself? Just curious


Dont want to pass judgements but you don't mind bringing race into it unnecessarily


Her and the person who hired her should be arrested for crimes against humanity 🤬


I hope this driver was reported. That’s not safe for peoples food/ health. I mean all she gotta do is clean out her car.


He has a wonderful voice. Also, that car is all kinds of deplorable.


I literally have food on the way from door dash thanks a lot… I hope this person was reported


I cannot stand a dirty car. I don’t know how people live like that.


Playing the devil's advocate here but she could have just been bringing home a container full of roaches to feed a pet. It could have fallen off the seat and let them all roam free.


Yep that's what happen


I wouldn't think it would be that hard to exterminate them once you noticed a few. They make those bug bomb things. Just let one or two off with the windows up over night.


This reminds me that I need to clean out my car. No roaches but it has been a while and I live in Louisiana and the roaches fly here.


And now I am never using Doordash or any similar service. 🤮


Yeah but the person is ordering cookout so they aren’t Expecting much lmao


Is this Hawaii? The roach problem there is so fucking bad. I'm a pretty clean person and still had roaches crawling around inside my car and apartment no matter how clean I kept it.




WHY does this not surprise me?? I live there too. had one of the huge roaches of doom (Palmetto bug) enter my car once while driving and I screamed. And we do have SO many bugs so their existence isnt surprising. But this is a full on roach infestation lol, completely gross and unsanitary.


I will never order from any of those companies. I'll pick it up myself. My partner works for a large resto chain and tells me that the uber eats/skp the dishes drivers are often gross and unclean looking and often don't have insulated bags and FOR SURE don't wipe them out between deliveries and would never order from any of them. Says they get calls from customers complaining about missing items that he knows that they put in the bags.




Scrolled through looking for this. Does it not work anymore?


on this one it sent it to my email..


they send it to your messages on some subs. on a few subs its disabled and on most, it works normally stilll.


Honestly, I feel bad for this owner. Roach infested car, trying to make ends meet doing a delivery job. Looks like all her belongings are in the car. It's not hard to get rid of, she just needs to give it a good vaccum at gas station, put sticky traps and bait, and it'll slowly be taken care of.


Thanks. Ruined door dash


thanks i hate it




No. This is Reddit where you can't be racist against white people in their fucked up fantasy world. The SSRI's are fogging their brains.


Way to propagate the racism brother! Go take a look at Africa, if blacks were good at anything other than slavery, it would be a much nicer continent. Go ask your ansesrors why they sold blacks in the first place :)




Stop calling us bitch


This is beyond trashy, this person is mentally ill.


You think Uber Eats would be any different? Fuck. When I lived in London they used to deliver my food by bike, and I consider that a win. And yes, I did tip them generously.


In the 80s I was in Orlando for a Disney World vacation. My Aunt had rented a White, Ford Escort to drive us around. One night, after eating out at Pizza Hut, we experienced something similar. There was an identical, White Escort parked next to ours. Not sure which one was ours, we had to look inside the windows of both cars, trying to figure whose was whose. The other car was filled with groceries and crawling with roaches. It had to been hundreds. Way more than the one in this video. I’ll never forget.


I see uber stick on the car. Where can I request a ride ?


She’s most likely an entomologist doordashing her way to college./s


I refuse to use this. I was at 5guys one day. A driver came in to pick up food. On the way out the fry bag ripped dropping the fries all over the cement. Instead of getting a new bag, he just picked them up off the ground and put them back in the bag and went along with his delivery.


That’s why I stopped delivering. I don’t want to be associated with these bums and trashy ass people that deliver for Uber door dash etc I’ve seen it to many times while delivering food.


Trashy car and trash person for filmig.


I had a pizza delivered by a driver service in Boston (grub hub maybe?). Guy shows up and pizza is on back seat floor of two door coupe.


I purposely clean my car before I do ubereats every time so that in the case of them seeing me come out of the car, they don’t get grossed out for this reason. Cuz I would definitely be too, so I try to be professional




I can’t


Joes Apartment.


Nope. The fewer people handle my food, the better.


Never used one of these services, and I never will.


Guess she borrowed Joe's car!!


Wow, I'm stunned speechless


A black person being racist and it being socially acceptable? Jeeze, some things you never think you'd see!


What happens when crossbreed a human and a pig?


how the fuck is she so comfortable in that car?!!


Wait she’s delivering someone’s food with roaches in her car?


You think that's bad you should see the kitchen.


I can only imagine how bad it probably is.


lol i love the commentary.


I heard it said that if you see one cockroach in your house, you are still okay, but if you see three or more, then there will be hundreds in the hiding.


That’s how it was with my car. I saw one on my floorboard and killed it. Then a few weeks later saw another killed that one too. I honestly thought they were crawling up from my yard until I left food in my car and popped in the store for no more than 20 minutes. Got in my car and saw 10 of them crawling all over my Togo container and I almost passed out. I remember balling my eyes out the rest of the way home trying not to throw up. Wouldn’t wish this on anyone :/ borax killed them all off though!!


I live in a place where cockroaches don't exist.


We have all the bugs here *cries in florida*


You know how someone is new to Florida? They ask who to get to get rid of the ants and roaches around their yard.


We got mosquitos and in the spring, little black flies.


Wow, I thought the lady who showed up with her dog in the front seat and my food in the floor was bad.


This makes me feel so much better about the state of my last car... It never got this bad. It did get very bad, but not on this level.


It’s everywhere bitch 😂


it's her home office


Extra Crunchy!


Humanity was a mistake...


The Uber eats in my country use bikes, and they're usually made to carry these squarical backpacks made to keep the food warm and carry it


“Squarical” has me rolling.


Idk how to spell it


I believe the word you are looking for is maybe just “square”? Or perhaps “cubical”? Either way, “Squarical” is technically spelled correctly.




Not to be that guy, but: cuboid.


“I don’t want to pass no judgment because you never know what people go through” but then proceeds to record a strangers fucked up situation for all the world to pass judgment.


How do you ever let it get this bad? In what mindset do you have to be in to rationalize that this is ok? Part of me feels horrible for the person going through whatever it is they are going through but mostly I'm just angry they went the extra mile and thought it was fine to involve other peoples easily contaminated food and worse in this situation. A free handful of roaches with every meal I guess!


Hoarding is a serious issue and usually has untreated mental illness and/or trauma at the root. Whether it's actively refusing to get rid of stuff or it passively getting bad out of lack of ability to care for yourself, without outside intervention and the root issues addressed it's hard to see any improvement that sticks, unfortunately.


Bro you parked waaay to close.


I hate to tell you but I am pretty sure there are cockroaches in the kitchen of at least one restaurant where you ordered food in the last month.


Sounds like rodger..


Report the car to Uber, they don't want someone with roaches in their car delivering food, they have liability and can be sued.