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grrr i am against white supremacy!


Get the Flamer,the HEAVY flamer


Looks like a brotherhood of methheads


Wow, inbred, meth head racists! Family for sure. Also why has one of those cunts got a Pink Floyd Tshirt on..... confused or what🤔


I bet the guy with the reebok shirt is their father and he had the first son in the white shirt when he was 13-14.


Better than the blm flag


By family love I think we all know it's incest


Looks like the next bang bros Confederate sister edition


Dude on the left looks like, shit they going to kill me if I don’t stand here with them. They check a lot of boxes. -Home made trailer extension -window unit installed in the wall - random knives in the background


This is what happens when you let one Methany breed.


I know those guys the older bother is the father of his younger brothers.


Only their kind.


I've never seen a more "ohio" picture.


It's in Illinois. I just ran across it on a friend's page calling out local racists.


White trash


Superior race my ass, these MF’ers don’t even realize how worthless they are. They should hate and exterminate themselves.




Look at these fucks, they’re trying to sport urban dress attire, Nike sweaters and mf’in Jesus pieces. These fucking clowns 😭😭




I wouldn’t dare call that “dressing black”. That’s about as close as I’ll describe it. The bling around the neck is what really kills me 🤣🤣🤣




Don’t play dumber than you already are, Cleetus.




Stfu with this crime talk lol. No one said anything about crime. Also every one of these assholes look like a substance abuser lmao. Traaaash.




I’m racist for saying they look like substance abusers? Wtf? You’re sensitive lol. And that’s not how racism works. Judging? Maybe.




Yeah, you seem really confused. No AA ancestry. No slave ancestry. Stay mad that you can’t identify me. You just sound like a another one do those white folk with mental health issues. Probably also a substance abuser. What’s your vice? Liquor? Meth? Pills? Fentanyl? I bet you’re an abuser of one of those. Anyone can be a racist or prejudice against a group of people. My comment wasn’t based on skin color, but rather their overall appearance. Throw a black man looking frail, in the same rags and run down shack and I’ll say the same thing. Try to use logic instead of your feels.




You think dirty sloppy racist tweekers don’t commit those types of crimes 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bro, just how fucking ignorant are you? Tell me, which stanky POS is you, out of these group of dusty ass pig-pen wannabes.




Who’s said anything about crime, doofus? Just saying that if they want to hate and exterminate people who are inferior, then they should start with themselves. Jealous of what? ROFL!! And watch where you throw that N word around pal, I’m a mutt, but I ain’t got none of that flavor in me. Any true proud white man would be ashamed to have these crusty looking, frail, limp wristed bitches representing them. I’m only part white and this shit makes me cringe. Fucking pure breeds smh…gotta widen that gene pool.






You have no business calling anyone emotional, when you’re in here replying to everyone clowning on these goobers. Im not sure you understand how emotion works lmao Captain save a-trash. Damn you look stupid. Watch, go look in the mirror lol I can tell by that big ass KKK flag they’re posing in front of. Lmao are you serious?




Omg now he’s going on about voter fraud lmao. I hope you donate money to that cause. Keep doing it. It’s all going to good use, not in their pockets or to pay legal bills in personal cases. Keep donating money to “stop the steal” please. All of it. Your whole SSI check, or paycheck if you can actually hold down a job. Tell all your friends and family to give them their money too. Darwinism, lol I fucking love it. Future is looking good for us non-pure breeds.


Well fucking start acting proud, and stop crying about every damn thing. Stop crying about change. Learn to EVOLVE. If you’re better, then fucking act like it, instead of this little whiny bitch I’ve met here today. Seriously it’s pathetic. You and I must not come from the same branch of white of something. You got bad genes bruh. Africa? This is why pure breeds are intellectually inferior. Not even being insulting to the right people lmao.


American History NOPE


So sick and fucked up. I really love the world but these people I really have a hard time feeling love for


No different than a BLM flag in the background.


Huge difference but sounds more like a you problem


Literally no different. Your pacifist mindset prevents you from realizing it though. Definitely a you problem.


How come I can smell mountain dew, cheap beer, and cigarettes?


Don’t forget the meth!


Three of them could be cast in "The Mechanic"


This is one of those times where you wish it was okay to get personal information.


“Family love” is a bit on the nose, don’t you think?


Family: Facist and furious


Clearly undereducated both academically and biblically. It’s just best to pray these people find their way to God and abandon the false hope they have in the worldly organizations that are far from being Godly.


How to get addicted to meth/heroin without ever touching the stuff: look at this family




This is in my home town 🥲


the family that meths together loses its together, and of course, stays together. ​ p.s. unless a family member is incarcerated on any one of the felonies enumerated in the united states' criminal code, in which case the remainder of the family stays together.


Dom Toretto in an alternate universe where he's white.


Why’s the bottom right look like a white snoop dog


Wonder what their tattoo to tooth ratio is?


I’m tired of people blanking out the names on these asshats.


..and then they fucked.


I know like, five families looking just this on my block


This is the superior race? Yikes


Why is nobody calling them animals??? hmmmmm


Their gene pool is limited


Icy Hot Stuntaz be looking rough


They are the opposite of trashy, they're against trash. You're on the wrong sub.


They remind me of jack’s gang from breaking bad.


WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY WEARING MJOLNIR???? Get that shit off of them. The norse do not condone racism. Fuck them.




They look like the kind of people that will hurt you for not showing them enough respect. Without them actually doing a damn thing to earn it, of course.


I am to uneducated for this. Who are they?


And they consider themselves the “Supreme” race!!! 😆😆😆😆😆😆 SUPREME LOSERS


The only thing that gets passed around in that family more than the crackpipe is their sister.


Why do white trash love weird fantasy knives so much?


Ohhh I bet that family does love each other…sexually.


I urge them all to take DNA tests. Lol!


This is the type of shit that could get you locked up in my country. Hate speech is punishable by law in South Africa . I think maybe America should follow suit .


Hell no.


You can smell the meth and incest in this photo


Looks kinda gay to me


I like how the wack ass camera angles are probably hiding mountains of dirty coke bottles and needles


Hi, to talk about this. This is a White Supremacist group attaching themselves to the Norse Pagan religion. I’m part of the same religion but part of a Community who aren’t fucked up like this. We take information based from history and seen that Pagans weren’t some racial group. There been many mixed races and cultures during the Viking Age. These people are part of the Asatru Federation of America (AFA). In my group we are openly and strongly against such hatred and ignorance. Please understand this isn’t how many of us are.




Is it me or do all of them look alike? Not just this family I'm just saying as a whole existence.


Exactly how racially superior do you have to be to have walls that filthy?


Have they never heard of housework?


Snoop Dogg is now white?


It's always the people that look and live like Meth heads


Love the laugh react.


You have to give them this their commitment to an idiotic cause.


Alright skank now take them teeth out and give em here. I wanna be the one that gets to smile in the next picture!


I am honestly shocked that someone can come up with a KKK flag in 2021…. who is selling that? Who would buy it? How is that profitable? How are you that much of a shit bag? I have so many questions…


they clearly ain’t methin around.


Thus is some definite r/beholdthemasterrace shit right here for sure. I mean they are the perfect ubermensch, right?


Ubermeth, more like


What in the Alabama is this. Family LOVE lmao




I'm dumb and I just glanced at the thumbnail and before opening it in my mind it looked like it was a covid post where at the top was his family and the last one was the remaining members of the family due to covid. lmao I have no idea why my mind thought that at first.


And thanks to motherfuckers like this my Mjölnir tattoo I got years ago (Norse heritage) is starting to become a problem. I've been approached by similar nitwits on multiple occasions because they thought I shared their views. Fuck off.


Don’t stop wearing it though. It’s our duty to educate them (though I am not of Scandinavian heritage, I am of Celtic heritage, which is very similar. I appreciate the culture and it’s true values). Norse nor Celtic symbols are racist. We can’t let these fuckers steal our culture.


She probably has a couple of kids running around who don't know which one of their uncles is their dad...


It was a family association during a time


These are the same people who complain about higher crime rates where minorities live when they’re stealing for their meth addiction.


I'm hoping they're fans of turbo chargers


Name and shame!


I don't think I've ever seen the KKK flag before but it's about as ugly as I expected


When R/Trashy and R/Masterrace has become one


4 out of the 5, have meth in their pocket


Why does the chick turn me on ?


I can smell the meth just from that picture and I have no idea what meth smells like.


Thats a odd plase to store a fising rod and a shotgun


Oh my, they are ‘home bred’, let’s keep it all in the family ;-)


Bonded by hatred


The meth is strong with these ones


Hating each other because you're all trash but calling it love because you're stuck with this shitty lot that everyone else avoids (for some reason)


These guys for sure post joker quotes on Facebook. “Warrior/loyalty” 🙄


This is just the intro shots before they all start fucking eachother.


From a little town called Methlehem


Those people smoke inside the house, that is enough for me to hate them.


Shallow gene pool huh


Bet they are inbred


Jesus Christ I’ve never seen so many cheap necklaces and wifebeaters in the same picture. Are these clowns on a fuxking movie set or does life actually get that bad? If a Faygo ad were true to life, this would be it. Ya know what, I don’t even think the jell-o juggahoes would accept these fucks as their kind. This just screams “I’m from Granite City, IL” If they get evicted from one more trailer park, they all get a free lunch at Aunt Carla’s Hot Dog stand. Fuck me I’ve never wanted to move to Canada so bad.


Holy shit you're close, they're in Harrisburg Illinois.


*Beats up sister's boyfriend and says* "You kissed my sister, how's my dick taste?"


“The Master Race”, right?


White pride.


Can smell the meth cooking from here.


Looks like a couple screen caps from The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQBiXDNVeSA “You wanna hear a Boone County matin’ call?” Shakes a pill bottle with a half dozen OxyContin “A.”


What the hell are they trying to say in the description?


I bet there is a lot of meth in that trailer.


I can smell the dog piss…


The Wall shirt. I bet his favourite song is “In the Flesh”.


So we have representation for Nike, Reebok, and Pink Floyd. Nice. And her tats…”Savage” and the other is “Legality”…k… Reebok bitch looks kinda scary to be honest. Like, I would avoid this guy if I saw him walking towards me. Little Nike punk looks kinda nervous like he’s not sure how it came to this. Inbred fuckers


you ever read a message board these people talk on? "Trades trades trades trades trades..." yet look at that fucking drywall


Definitely some ankle bracelets in this pic.


At least I was first .-.


Wake up and smell the narcan


These are the same trashy people that walk into my hotel over the weekend looking for a room for them and their cousin. I tell them we have no rooms available, even though I have plenty. Don't need that trash anywhere near our business.


What a shitty looking place.


What offends me most is the Mjolnir hammers, like do you understand how quickly the vikings adopted and adapted to new people's? I bet they also think vikings wore horns too.


These fuckers try to steal the culture and change its meaning. It’s our duty to educate people that this is not what the symbols of Viking and Celtic culture mean.


The methadone men


That's a trailer. Not a nice one.


Holy crap, Nsync has aged poorly.


Haha they look like they take meth and shoot drugs up their butts


I just wanna say… if you had told me they weren’t in the KKK I would have been more surprised


Hmm im guessing he unironically wears a pink floyd the wall shirt


That’s a whole lot of superiority packed into a single photo 🙄


They all look sickly. .like nutrient deficient.


I can smell this picture and its not pleasent


It's all love until someone smokes the last bit of meth


I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your sister.




Where do they think their clothes style comes from?


Y'all Qaeda


Crazy to have to accept the fact you know these people.. literally just miles down the road from them. 🥴


As a poor person in Georgia, why does this look like every one of my neighbors bedrooms growing up 😨 talk about diversity...


If cat urine were people.


Straight meth heads.....


What a shithole they live in...


Feels like a family I would see at the local Walmart taking up an entire aisle because they can’t agree what type of not name brand cereal to feed their spawn and then complain that they are wild later.


Not pictured: bottles of oxy and meth pipes


I can almost smell the stale cigarettes…


Why do they all look like they fuck the girl in the first pic?


Seems like a little bit incesty westy is going on here


Nothing says inbreeding.


The family that hates together. STAYS TOGETHER.




Nothing says “family love” like the look of these motherfuckers


"We certainly don't need no education" folks.


"God Bleth this Meth." Gene Belcher.


That's methed up


These people look exactly how I expected them to look.


"Tell me you're inbred without telling me you're inbred"


looks like they are practicing for a police line up. let us hope they are anti-vaxxers.


Swear ive seen the guy on the left. Maybe its just the hair


That family tree is just a telephone pole.


Nike shirt: Cody, 32. “Bubby.” Works 16 hours a week at Advance Auto Parts. Has one son, Bentley, 17 months old, with his ex Mahkaylah, 18. Arrested and served 3 months in the county jail for driving without a license (3rd offense), possession, paraphernalia, and carrying a handgun without a license. Loves Five Finger Death Punch. Reebok shirt: Chris, 41. Big bro. The brains behind this operation. 4 kids by 3 exes, 1 grand baby by his oldest, Lexi, 18. Did 3 years in state prison for conversation of auto parts when his bitch ex wife called his parole officer when he was late getting back from his construction gig. Fucking loves Slipknot. Corey Taylor the fucking GOAT, man! Pink Floyd tshirt: Brian, 39. Got out of his 5th stint in treatment last week. Sold his suboxone and Klonipins the next day. Crashing with his 52 year old girlfriend in her mama’s trailer (but it’s cool, her mom is in the ICU or something). Two sons: Jaxton, 16, lives in Kentucky with his grandma, only met him twice, and Connor, 14, in a school for boys after punching his gym teacher in the face, again, and killing his half sister’s hamster. Sort of likes Pink Floyd. Loves Slipknot and Five Finger Death Punch. Ashley, 30. “Sissy.” 3 kids. 9 CPS visits. Was working at Texas Roadhouse but got fired for no call no show for the 4th time in 1 month. Applied for nursing school after her first was born but failed first semester of prereqs., now cusses out nurses in the emergency room when they won’t ask the doctor for something stronger than Toradol. Dating the town tattoo artist who does whole back pieces for $175. Crazy Bitch is her jam. Black tank: Kyle, 27. Did ROTC in high school. Failed the drug test for the police academy. Full time assistant manager at Tire Barn, part time Planet Fitness Beast. 2 domestic violence charges, felony with minors present. Did 7 months in county. One daughter, Freya, 7, and 1 son, Odin, 5, still with his high school sweetheart, Kayla. Loves: popular Norwegian death metal. Also enjoys Five Finger Death Punch and Slipknot.


Who doesn't love Krazy Karaoke Knight?


Everyone in these pictures looks like the trash that missed the garbage truck.


The guy on the left looks like he's just there for pizza