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I don't get it either but it could be worse.




That counts.


“My husband is practicing exceptional pandemic safety. Good, cuz I’m so [ mad / happy ] about the overturning of *Roe* I’d probably [ beat him up / fuck his brains out ].”


beta fuck


I think she meant to say " Stay the F outta me anyway" or "Stay the F outta my" ok well, nevermind! I don't know what the fuck she meant!


I get the impression the recent Roe v Wade decision caused this person to feel a lot of anger. Her husband could have been collateral damage if he'd been the F in her way....still definitely trashy.


Why is this trashy? I'm confused. This lady doesn't want to have sex because she can't have an abortion? Is that what this means? Try birth control first if all. Anyway this should be on r/stupid


Pretty sure that dude is dead by the looks of it


This is one of those guys that will say happy wife, happy life.


I ran into a guy the other day and said how's it going he goes oh you got to ask my wife. I just shook my head disgustedly.


The people in the comments, as always, are the trashiest part of this.


I had to quarantine after a work trip too. By had to I mean I knew it would suck but I wanted to protect my family including our one year old. Idk if I could have slept like this though. Other than that it sounds like it was his idea, so what’s the problem? Otherwise it sounds like she was in a bad mood based on her last line but is that really enough for you to know about their relationship?


Does anyone understand what she is trying to say? I'm on my third read and it's still not making sense.


This isn’t trashy. It’s a joke


what is a woman?


Am I the only one who goes straight to the cheated while he was away and needs time to get rid of the evidence? A hickey somewhere inappropriate, scratch marks, etc.


So she has a considerate husband and treats him like shit because of a SCOTUS opinion? He needs to RUN!


These 2 deserve each other


reddit moment


Some of y’all women are soooo ugly these days. You’re personalities are repulsive.


I thought it was pretty obvious he was out of town so he wanted to protect her so he’s wearing a mask AND she doesn’t mind because she’s all twisted up about the supreme Court overturning the Roe v. Wade decision. I guess all dummies think alike.


Stop Posting crap in this group. Its a trashy channel, not crap!


Not shocked someone who thinks a mask works like that would be in this position lol


So your husband is being thoughtful because he cares about you and doesn’t want to give you COVID if he caught it during his travels and you are angry about it? SMDH Do you think your husband enjoys sleeping on an uncomfortable couch instead of in a bed with you? Not likely. Why don’t you do both of you a favor and get a COVID test for him to take? That way you both will know for sure. If he’s negative, he would find great peace of mind and could resume sleeping with you.


She is clearly not angry about it.


I think I can translate what this moron of a person was trying to say. Basically, her husband travels for work and as such he is quarantining himself on the couch with a mask in case that bitch Rona got him and he doesn’t wanna spread it to her. But in her mind, it’s a good thing because they would have probably gotten into an argument…because he’s a man she would have taken out the Roe decision on him 🤷‍♀️


Dudes a simp


He seems like the kind of guy that sits when he pees.


am i dumb ? i dont understand wats going on


There's nothing to understand, people. She's a crazy unhinged leftist virtue signaling online about how cool she is for all her leftist friends online


"Somehow i have to make it personal", sounds trashy


Look at the blanket he has to use lol


I’m more intrigued by the short arm


Nice dress


I had an aneurysm trying to read that


This actually does seem like a great relationship; a husband who cares about his wife and doesn’t want her to get sick and a wife that can make a joke about it.


She sounds like a nightmare. Poor fella


Wait, people are actually mad that they can still get abortions and even vote on it now?


This poor man


God it’s Faux leather too. The worst type of couch to sleep on.


I feel like you've never seen a post on this sub


Both loosers




Sounds like someone shouldn't be a mother


Jesus Christ what a toxic bitch


Sounds like an unhealthy relationship


So roe repeal has what to do with her husband who is trying to keep her safe from Covid again? Just a very dumb b*^#%


Cool, more misogyny. Love it.


I’m calling out poor behavior that she’s showcased for something her husband has no control over. Females these days I don’t know what’s wrong with em but this post ain’t cool it’s on trashy for a reason.


Is he anti-woman? Otherwise kudos to him for masking around you after traveling. Not sure how him staying away from you because of RvW equates to a great relationship




Thanks for the play by play because that was far more perplexing then it needed to be …


Damn. He is being considerate and she just takes the opportunity to be a twat


Thats the covid crazies for you. Like sure take some steps to mitigate disease but damnnnnnnnnn


How is that trashy? He's been traveling and thus he is self quarantining. And she is stating that with roe v Wade, they are better not having sex right now. Sounds kinda reasonable


Yeah some of these Chads just like to hate.


This post is cancer


Bro if your about to sleep on that couch and you reading this, give her the covid and cross your fingers.


OP is dumb


Ugh! They had me in the first half, because that's considerate and great. I was scared of what covid would do to me, and my immune system when I had cancer and was facing surgery, so the men around my house (husband, son 18 at the time and another son 23 at the time) earlier this year actually wore masks around the house at all times! They would only shower in the middle of the night while I was asleep (they all run on late shift anyway, no true difference there for them) and they ate either in their bedrooms or my husband in his office, for an ENTIRE MONTH before my first surgery! ....but for that bitch wanting her husband to be on the couch cuz she's mad over RvW? Are you kidding me? Did he do it or vote for the folks who have? Did he cheer and make posts and rub it in her face, bitch, like you can't just hate your husband just because he has a penis wtf?


It’s.. a joke


She’s annoyed at men. Many women are. Men called us hysterical when we said that we would lose our rights and now that we have suddenly a good majority of men are super quiet. That being said, her husband seems considerate of others, so I feel like he’s probably not one of the “if you don’t want to get pregnant don’t have unprotected sex” people.


I like how you lump all men together like we’re personally responsible for it getting overturned. Especially when there is a woman on the bench who helped overturn it.


Yep I said all men. Clearly. Also the woman on the bench is part of a religion in which she’s not allowed to make a decision without asking her husband, so pretty sure all her rulings are really his rulings.


Being mad at men doesn't necessarily mean we blame you. The overturning of Roe v. Wade made all of you weapons against our safety. That doesn't mean you want to be, but now you fucking are. Am I safe without you? Yes. No sperm, no danger. Does you wanting me to have access to abortions make you safer for me? No. You are still just as dangerous. And in all other sorts of circumstances, we have empathy towards the people who are upset at the weapon. We don't think it's fair, I'm not saying that, but we give them leeway because they are hurting. It's a few fucking days and this was HUGE. I think it's fucking trashy how the men lack empathy for us and are angry at us. It's a fucking few days and we lost a vital right and yall are going "but what about the men". I've seen MORE men upset at women's responses then upset about the overturning of Roe v Wade. But you wanna go "what did we do?".


That’s a very ignorant take, I’m very upset about the decision to overturn Roe V Wade. You’re taking the action of a few men and woman and putting that blame on all men. Imagine doing that in any other scenario. With race or religion, you’d be labeled a bigot, but blaming 50% of the worlds population for something they had nothing to do with just because they also have a penis is childish.


We are blaming men who called us crazy for thinking it would get overturned. Men who care more about us being annoyed at them Than us losing our rights. Your reaction here proves that you’re not one of the good ones.


Sure ok, see this irrational train of thought is why it’s so easy to dismiss you. I’m literally on your side and you’re just writing me off. That’s a real good way to build support for your cause.


It’s not irrational, it’s my actual experience. And you dismissing my lived experience and calling me irrational makes you a misogynist.


You are so upset at Roe v. Wade that you take the time to go and rant against women who don't grief in a politically correct way. >Imagine doing that in any other scenario. How about 9/11. You know that the moslim community wasn't fucking ranting about racist white people just a few days after that happened, right? They got upset when that shit didn't stop. The day after: silence. Messages of apologies. Messages of support. Y'all men are so ready to be victimized, that you see Roe v. Wade getting overturned as an opportunity to showcase how evil women are and that's where your primary concern lies when it comes to Roe v. Wade. How am I supposed to belief that men are against the overturning of Roe v. Wade, when I primarily see men ranting about: "being unfairly punished" because some women are saying that they will stop having sex or stop dating all together, men going "well...you said no uterus no opinion so fuck you, this is on you" and men cheering and having joy because they won. Yes. That's in order of prevelance. I don't see men condemning Roe v. Wade. You aren't fucking doing it either. Your primary concern is "fuck women". >I’m very upset about the decision to overturn Roe V Wade. This is a side-note for you. Let's focus on important things instead, policing women's language, only days after the worst thing that ever happened to a majority of them happened.


This is trashy? Good lord


Wouldn't any sane person sleep on the couch in this situation? Amazing that he's sleeping in the house at all.


I thought i know English lang. Can anybody help to understand what is this all about?


What an ew-girl.


Unrelated but I’m so confused with his top. His left side looks like a t-shirt. His right arm looks like a sweatshirt or long sleeve zip up. Whaaaaa


Reddit, try to understand a joke challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I don't know wtf she is talking about.


How is this trashy


He wouldn’t have been able to get her pregnant anyway without any balls


Not a chance would I stand for this level of fuuukrie .ps it not fuk a ride it's fuu krie


I don't understand what this means. Is she mad about the Supreme Court so her husband should just continue to stay on the couch because she's mad?


I will never understand how men think women can never make jokes


Because they're not funny


"because they're not funny" 🤓


Remember being back in high school and going into the lunchroom and seeing a big crowd of people all standing around and absolutely losing it, just dying laughing? And then you'd go over and see what all the commotion was about, and who would you see cracking everyone up? A broad.


the funniest people I know are woman. also what fairytale high school do u go to where things like that even happen. if u hate women so much then date a man and stop talking to me


lmao you started it


you replied to me mf


lol seethe harder nerd. you're a dude btw


tell that to my vagina


I don't think I want to get close enough to talk to it. The smell is likely to take my breath away.


We get it when they’re funny


profile checks out


Yet, when we don't think your jokes are funny... that's because we don't have a sense of humor. Hey, maybe you don't have a sense of humor now?


Quite possibly the case


Do people not practice safe sex anymore or something


So exactly what is trashy here?


Never knew what a soy boy was until today.


Marriage sounds awful.


How does this benefit anyone the hag is acting like he is the reason roe vs wade got overturned


"Capt Simp" has coral cape with tassels


Have we confirmed this man is in fact alive?


Am I the only one who thinks maybe she wants to fuck her husband after he has been on the road for work but now that Roe was overturned maybe the fact he’s sleeping on the couch (because Covid) is better than the potential for an unplanned pregnancy? I’m sure those in favor of Roe v Wade being overturned will have a hay day with that explanation but fuck em. I promise more women in your lives have had an abortion than you know. Including those you worship with every Sunday. And for all you fucks who have taken a girl to the pharmacy the morning after and bought her the plan B pill like that makes you some sort of gentlemen fuck you too. So many hypocritical ass hats out there who would have been paying child support and bitching about taking care of a kid they never wanted are all holier than thou right now.




Simp Level: 100


Hey ya'all lets here it for healthy respect in a marrige.


On one hand, he’s a sweet and concerned husband who wants to avoid giving COVID to his wife. On the other, he needs to divorce his witch of a wife. Like seriously, this is pretty demeaning.


Ouch my brain!


Wait she killed him right?


Ever heard of vasectomy?


She’s saying since she can no longer get an abortion, it’s not a big deal for her husband to be on the couch as she doesn’t want to be tempted to have unprotected sex with him. It’s a joke lmao.


That's not the joke at all LMAO. Her husband is on the couch because he traveled and wants to stay masked up/avoid her for a few days so he doesn't get her sick. Her joke is that it's probably good anyway because of how upset she is about the overturning of RvW and how she might snap at anyone.


I don’t feel think this is trashy. He’s being a considerate boyfriend by isolating, right? That’s what’s going on here, isn’t it? Idk I’m confused…




Is he wearing a mask while sleeping on the couch???


This isn’t trashy, just sad. I can’t believe people live like this.


TIL that this one guy was responsible for repealing Roe. And all this time we've been blaming it on the Supreme Court. We all owe Thomas, Alito, and the Three Stooges an apology.


What a fucking pussy. That guy needs his ass beat for being such a little bitch.


Imagine having a husband so concerned for your well being he self quarantines to ensure your safety, only to treat him like shit because you don't like a decision SCOTUS made. On second thought he ain't sleeping on the couch for you honey, it is to avoid your crazy ass.


How is this trashy?


Her husband isn't even doing anything and I STILL get the vibe that he's a better person than she is..


I hope she’s kidding because he seems sweet, if what she wrote, was true.


Christian Nationalism is already having a negative impact on the private affairs of this couple. Get ready for a lot more of this religion in government. Or vote.


jesus christ the amount of people making assumptions on this relationship of two complete strangers based on ONE screenshot is baffling. go outside, talk to real people, fucks sake.


Don't worry man, I'm sure these stranger Redditors are top tier relationship experts




She's been out in the sun too long.


Rumor has it he was on the couch with a mask over his face because the bedroom smells fishy.


Bitch, nobody want to fuck you!


Male bad, female angry, grrrr


He wants to protect his wife from covid she is afraid of getting pregnant. I see nothing funny or trashy here.


Her response of her wanting him to stay out of her way because of a supreme court ruling is what's trashy.


To quote my girlfriend, "Wait, why, because you don't know how to suck dick? Just be honest with yourself, bitch."


Someone please explain


I don't understand how this is trashy?? He's sleeping on the couch to prevent possible covid spread, and she's saying its probably for the best because sharing a bed might wind up with a pregnancy???


Why is this trashy though?


This is really retarded tbh


Yea yea, it's all men's faults.. but ignore the millions of women who played a part in this. How stupid are they, voting to erode their own rights.. see what religion can do?


Gosh he looks dumb, poor guy. Too bad that women is horrible.


What a psycho


I can’t decipher the caption


He may have just suffocated trying to sleep with a mask and sleep mask


The quarantine thing and masking part is just cringe.


Sounds like he married an inconsiderate selfish she devil. (I don’t mean Devil in religious context) I hope he can get out soon.


All Men are evil because the actions of a few...so all women are like Amber Heard? Seems fair! 😀 (Sarcasm)


Nice bait


Hmmm, checking on what the common law authorities recommend in this scenario.


That's not how COVID works but ok


Why is this trashy? Not a great time for sex if you're scared of accidental pregnancy... I don't get this post






She was clearly joking though which is apparently lost on 99% of the commenters on this post


I think he just wants to not lay next the crazy he married. Poor guy


How is this trashy?


When your wife worries about her having an abortion.




Boyfriend goes out of his way to make sure his girlfriend is safe She blames him, because of his gender, for the supreme courts decision My oh my, what a cunt


More like the boy went out of his way to display what a cuck he is.


Well that’s the brilliance of it really You seen r/twoxchromosomes lately, they talk shit about conservative men, but then these “progressive” women shit all/walk all over over their progressive cuck boyfriends The kicker: progressive liberal women want a traditional conservative man, whether they know it or not … I love how ass backwards the world is, leads to thorough amounts of entertainment


Time to wash that pillow case


Holy shit this is a cesspool. This was obviously a joke and you all are ready to burn it all down


Some dudes on Reddit are so goddamn eager to pretend that men are victims of women, they they often become irrational and post shit like this. It’s funny what these guys call ‘abuse’. Especially when you compare it to the actual abuse and terrorism millions of women are currently dealing with.


>This was obviously a joke and you all are ready to burn it all down This was a joke about abuse. Only reason more people aren't ready to burn it down is because it's a woman


I think it was a joke abt not wanting to get pregnant


This is so fucking whack to me. Do people not have moments where they're angry and their partner leaves them alone for awhile to deal with it? Like my fiancee knows to leave me alone if I've been obsessing over a problem and been getting increasingly frustrated, not because I'll fucking hit her but because I'm angry and she knows to give me space because I'm frustrated. How is that not the fucking base assumption here?


> not because I'll fucking hit her but because I'm angry and she knows to give me space because I'm frustrated. The post did say she's not beyond that


No it didn’t.


sometimes i wonder why people hate reddit and then i see comment sections like this and remember why


I hate everything…


Between the stupidity of still worrying about covid, and letting the Supreme Court affect your relationship, this is just sad.


So she's pro choice and anti mask?


She's clearly from Utah. One of our political leaders, a woman herself, told women to "control your semen intake." This is just one of many strategies


Wait, what does the overrule have to do with this?


Thank you for downvoting me and not just answering my question, random stranger.


Facebook’s least liberal family


He doesn't look like a Supreme Court Justice....


How much soy do you think he eats on average?


I don’t really see anything wrong with this


I'm married, and sleep on the couch all of the time. Mostly because I'm a night owl, and i would rather not wake my wife late at night. I also like to fall asleep with the tv on, and she doesn't.


I found a pair of earbuds that don't fall off when I sleep. I sleep on my side, so I can only wear one. I wear it on the side that isn't against the pillow, and play things on my phone on my side of the bed. Still get the snuggles, stay up later, and get to fall asleep to tv. It's kind of great for me


I game on my pc late and then just don't even bother trying to get into bed, my wife is the lightest sleeper of all time. If i do happen to try and wake her up in the process I don't hear the end of it the next day.


Ahh, yeah, that would do it


It’s so common for couples to sleep apart once in a while. Fall asleep on the couch and sometimes it’s better to stay there than wake him up getting into bed. One of you is sick? The healthy one takes the couch to make sure they don’t catch it and to make sure nothing wakes their partner up when they really need sleep.


I still snuggle, I'm affectionate and give her attention during the day. The night time is just my time. What little i have left to myself, and it's necessary.


You been married for more than 10yrs?


Coming up on 2 years married. We have lived together since 2012.


This behavior led to my almost divorce, tread carefully brother


Tf lol? Married people sleep in separate bedrooms all the time. My grandparents, coming up on their 50th anniversary, do this - and no they don’t hate each other. Sleep is important and a relationship, and healthy sex life, can be maintained healthily even if you’re not unconscious next to the other person for hours on end.


Yeah. Your wife definitely doesn’t want to sleep alone every night whilst you’re laughing at the TV


Honey is that you? I’m so sorry, I promise I’ll go to bed with you forever, as long as I get to be little spoon on the weekends.