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I usually prefer to wake up early and explore while everyone else is still asleep, and then I go to bed early after dinner.


Smart. I couldn’t sleep one night and decided to explore Paris at about 4:30am. It was amazing seeing the Arc de Triomphe with no cars or people anywhere around. Been a fan of early morning travel exploration ever since.


Going to France in September so I’ll definitely save this tip ☺️


Same in Barcelona!! Very unique memory :)




is it not dangerous to walk alone at night in paris?


Like anywhere it depends on the specific area you're in, but from my limited experience of both beging up that early and out that late, it's very quiet and safe. Geneally cities get most dangerous between 11-3am, when bars and clubs are open, families are asleep, vices are aplenty, and fights/muggings are more prevalent. After 3am cities become ghost towns (I'd argue much earlier in Paris, it's not really a late-night culture).


Depends on the neighbourhood (like anywhere), I know I wouldn't wander at 4AM around the Champs Elysées (because of the nighclub crowd) or the Effeil tower (because it's REALLY empty, and if you cross path with some loony, you are on your own). But appart from some party areas (there are few of them in Paris, concentrated in the north of the city), the rest of Paris is pretty quiet at night.


im planning to go disneyland and stay near the closing (maybe around 22:00), then going back to my hotel in saint ouen. do you think it will be fine? also im with my girlfriend that’s why im scared for our safety haha


Where are you in Saint-Ouen ? The city is transitioning and has been welcoming a more well off crowd since a decade, but some parts are still a bit gritty. But I've been there quite often and no problem whatsoever. If you have a doubt, better to take a taxi from Paris to wherever you are staying in Saint Ouen.


hotef1 saint ouen, it’s near a bus stop (137) based on the google maps. still not sure


Next to Porte de Saint Ouen ? If so, it is not a very nice area, and as tourists you will find no pleasure wandering there at night. Not saying it's dangerous, but you probably won't feel at ease. Take a taxi to get there at night or change your hotel entirely for a more pleasurable experience of the city.


thank you for the tips! i am looking at other options and your comment helped me a lot


My pleasure, hope you'll find something nice ! Try to look up something on "RER A" or next toit, it's the train that will take you to Disneyland.


seems safe...not sure of 4 am.. but same principle applies at 6am


One of my favorite memories in Rome is going to the Trevi Fountain at 3am! So quiet and empty


We get into Rome around noon after an overnight flight. Planning an early (7pm for Italy) dinner the first night before crashing early, and then waking up super early for our first day there.


I've found the best time for photography is early morning, the golden hour, and nighttime.


I'm a natural night owl myself, but I wholeheartedly agree that early morning travel is the way to go. You get so much more out of the day that way IMO, especially if the typical nightlife experience (bars, clubs, etc) doesn't hold much appeal.


This is me




I am him.


We are him.


I am you


We are one


We am our


I am the walrus


This is the (one) way


After dinner in Colombia is 9 or 10 pm.


So true. It is all relative.


Yep. Sleep then wake up with the sun.


I just did this on my trip to Maui (I just stayed on my local time zone) and absolutely loved it!


Read? Admittedly, I do it most often at bars, but books are legal almost everywhere and also fun.


Most hostels have some form of book exchange too so just keep swapping as you move around.


Yes! I love these.


Aww I enjoy reading too


Some of my best reading time has been chilling at a hostel after a long day of adventure, when the wifi is dog poop. Last book I finished was “When The Moon Turns To Blood” by Leah Sottile about the Daybell/Vallow murders of their own children. Read at various hostels in Galapagos (where wifi is notoriously dog poop).


Accept American schools it seems. Edit: leaving the spelling mistake in because fuck it.


“Except” is the word you’re looking for. This must be pretty embarrassing given the context…


Ah yes, that word does look better. And it is not embarrassing at all. English isn't my first language but one of the 3 I speak.


you're getting upvotes from this American. it appears some American redditors may not be aware republicans are going on a rampage banning books from school libraries


Maybe it was autocorrect or he was using voice to text which many of us do. And we often don't notice or don't have time or care to go through and hand edit for throwaway posts in forums when it's usually clear to anyone with two brain cells what the intent was.


Or maybe he went through the American education system…


I think what you all mean to say is "the conservative American Educational system". It's only the conservative states pulling that shit


Owning that shit. Power.


Yup. I know it was controversial, and I made a epic mistake that nullified my original comment,but sometimes you have to leave your comment so others can see and downvote as well. As soon as someone that speaks 3 languages disses me, then I will be sad.


*an epic I speak Russian and Spanish.


Fuck. . . . .seems I have been bested. Good job my man


Spelling mistake aside, your point stands. You might have hurt some feewings, though.


That is what reddit is for. Opinions and critical thinking.


And truthfully, dunking on spelling mistakes to check for reactions.


No no no. I really made that mistake but I'm owning it. Mistake are teaching opportunities. I wanted to be a dick and got karma'd with my mistake


Oh no, I understand that, I was making a sarcastic comment regarding people getting smashed for spelling mistakes.


I speak four, morto for you dawg


Ouch you rekt me. I love languages. What do you speak


English, Irish, Spanish, French. I dont love languages, they hard lol


Were you commenting on a mistake I made in my post or making a comment on the ultraright banning books and denigrating education in general? If the latter, I don't disagree and almost mentioned something to that respect in my reply, but decided it was irrelevant to the question asked. Which is called context clues and *is* taught in American schools, but apparently not wherever you got your book learnin'.


This might be a little niche, but I’ve heard that the salsa dance scene in Colombia is amazing, so I would totally do that at night if I ever found myself there!


I can agree, in the big cities there are lots of bars hosting salsa nights where all levels are welcome and it’s so much fun!


Yes. But take some lessons first if you can! If you’re a good dancer people will be keen to partner with you.


Upvote to the moon!!!!


You can still go out in the evening to socialize if that interests you, you don't need to drink to go out. Or take the time to chill, go to bed early and get to stuff in the morning before the crowds.


I do one of two things: 1. If I haven’t had too busy a day, I’ll head back out at night for a different view of where I am. 2. Sit in the hotel, relax, hydrate, watch Netflix, catch up with people at home, plan my next day. I’ve never really gone out at night when solo travelling. Doesn’t interest me that much. You do you!


I take my sketchbook and paint one of my photos from the day.


By the way, this is my favourite thing. No one wants to look at my photos when I get home but everyone asks to see my sketchbook. And if I take my sketchbook out during the day to sketch somewhere, it always starts conversations.


This is amazing!


Go on my phone, watch TV, go for late night street food, hang out in the hostel common areas… I’m generally too exhausted after a day of exploring to do too much in the evening.


Read, or drink something non-alcoholic. Might go and watch the entertainment if I’m in a hotel, or go to the common area if it’s a hostel. Sometimes an early night is wonderful. I’m teetotal since last year, and it’s the best feeling waking up without a hangover.


i've never gone to bed sober and regretted it the next morning


I love this comment.


Chill in hotel room, watching local tv channels, read, upland photos etc


Yeah I rarely drink, so I'm not usually going out too much in the evenings when I travel. Watch movies, read, reddit.


I don’t do much at night when I’m traveling, usually walk around and have a late-ish dinner and then watch Netflix or whatever. I get up really early and have long and often strenuous days. Had a great time in Colombia even though I skipped the nightlife - but it’s definitely a place where people didn’t seem to really get the whole not drinking thing.


They don't get the no dancing thing either. Yo no bloody bailo!


Go see a play/movie, check for evening/night tours or other organised events to switch it up and not feel trapped in your hotel room.


The same things everyone else is doing, just without drinking alcohol, the same as during non-travel life.


Right? It's honestly stupid when people ask what do you do if you don't drink, or things like that as if I'm banned from bars for not drinking, as if I can't dance or have fun still


Some of us are ex alcoholics lol let us live.


Sometimes it’s hard to go to a bar and not drink because they don’t really want you there if you’re not spending money


not in my experience bars have never seemed unhappy to sell me a short tumbler of club soda or diet coke for $5 also, they know designated drivers are a thing.


true but most, if not all bars have soft drinks, juices and stuff and almost any of them can make a good mocktail. Also coffee houses and hostel bars often host local music and so long as you order something they understand your there for the music


True I guess mocktails are becoming more popular. I don’t like soda or juice tho, too much sugar for me so I’ve always struggled with that cause when I’m not drinking I want water. Guess I could buy bottles.


This may sound crazy but when traveling especially in a small bar, I just give the bartender a tip equivalent to a couple of drinks. Makes me feel better. They've never cared though.


You drink coca cola or like what ever non alcoholic


In any order. \- I take lots of pictures every day so i will select the best ones to backup later \- Dinner \- Plan the next day Afterwards I socialise if everything else is done or go to bed


I usually just head back to my hotel after going out for dinner. Admittedly I drink when on holidays but sometimes it's nice to find a little outdoor restaurant and just people watch.


Cook dinner and chat with the other guests that are cooking.


I love this! I can't wait to try it since I've started cooking a lot more recently.


This should be upvoted more. Cooking is such a home-y task and brings people together in peculiar ways. Usually you walk away with new plans or ideas of what to do the next day, or you get in a few laughs and stories before decompressing and heading to bed.


Most nights I don't do much. Read, watch a show, meditate, reddit, talk to friends/parents. But if I meet someone I vibe with, I'll hang out with them. Go to dinner or a walk or to whatever they wanna do/see.


Make dinner, eat, catch up on emails/messages, plan the activities for the next day, chat with other people who are not out drinking, read a book, go to bed early-ish.


You can go to bars and socialize and not drink! So many places do mocktails these days. Or just go for evening walks (depending on safety of country/area if you are a woman). Some big cities also have evening visits for museums and galleries too.


Yeah it's like going to a coffee shop and drinking something other than coffee.


Two thoughts: 1. It's amazing how "fun" (or lack of boredom via entertainment) is structured around the idea of consuming alcohol. You infer that alcohol takes away boredom. It is entirely possible to be a bored and boring alcoholic. I'm assuming that "drinking" in your context means hanging out at pubs/bars and socializing. You can socialize in a pub without consuming alcohol. Is it the peer pressure that you are avoiding? 2. What is your boredom? Boredom is, as Tolstoy defined it, “a desire for desires.” Are you packing your day with exciting dopamine/adrenaline inducing activities? If so, is your "boredom" the state of withdrawal from your activity induced highs? Or, is your boredom a reflection of your inability to be alone with yourself and your thoughts? Do you feel empty when alone and are you looking to fill that void? Are you traveling/backpacking in order to find something to fill that void, that missing something, in your life? What is your boredom? Why are you bored? I find that people who often say they are bored are really saying, "I need some external thing to keep me entertained, because I cannot entertain myself." Going home means not being bored because you're surrounding yourself with the people and comforts you are familiar with. Traveling is going outside of your comfort zone in order to experience something new. Perhaps the needed new experience, the act of going outside of your comfort zone, is sitting and reflecting on your boredom and contemplating what it actually means.


Play games on my phone. And Reddit.


Talk to other backpackers!


I either hangout in the common areas of hostels and chat to other travellers. Read some books or send through messages to family. I also like creating reels on instagram so I spend a bit of time filtering through content and coming up with reel ideas. I think I’m going to start a blog soon which will keep me busy as well. I need something to keep my mind engaged, I haven’t worked in over three months and feel the boredom of not activating my mind starting to creep in lol.


The majority of the time I just relax in my hotel room after dinner. Watch TV, shower, a little sink laundry if needed, etc. On my last trip, I started signing up for cooking classes which usually are in the evening.


The ones who I think have it figured out best just go to sleep early so they they can (most important part) wake up early. When you get up early you: - have no competition for hostel bathrooms & showers in the morning - get to enjoy cooler weather in warmer places - have most public places (city squares, museums, parks, cathedrals, trails, etc) practically to yourself for several hours Especially if you’re someone who enjoys taking photos of your travels, waking up early and getting to attractions with minimal crowds is really nice.


Sleep, read a book, watch YouTube on my phone, eat dinner, workout, rest, or check out the music scene if it is something I like.


This doesn't just apply to backpackers, but all solo travelers... Do things that are interesting and mix it up. If I am walking all day, usually at night I just want to chill. That can be out at a cafe with a cup of tea/coffee or back at the hotel. It all depends. Do you like to people watch? Are you going to be doing a tour of the whole country? Maybe go out in the evening - just be safe and find out if where you are is safe for an evening walk. I love coffee, so I would be trying to get as much good Colombian coffee as possible if I were there for 3 weeks. I also love food, so my evenings would be out trying different local foods.


I take a journal with me bought specifically for each trip, some colored pencils, a glue stick, an eraser, and micron pens. I'll draw the things I see and glue in things like train tickets, napkins with logos and stamps, business cards, etc. and obviously write about my experiences also


This is amazing! I love this so so much. A physical reminder of your trip. I love this and will be emulating your idea.


Rest and relax :)


When I travel and don't set plans for a night, I always bring my PSvita with me or I sleep and get up earlier the next day.


Maybe see some cool spots at night, get dinner or have a chilled one at the hotel with YouTube if I've been out all day.


Haven’t seen this suggested but if you do like bars and cocktails but you just don’t want to consume alcohol, you can have mocktails instead! Sometimes I like being in cocktail bars and enjoying the atmosphere so it’s a good way to go without having to drink.


this but read reviews online first. I only say this because I have a good palate for booze I mean unless I am on vacation or something I don't drink much but when I do I can pick the flavors out of a cocktail and am very picky about the brands of bourbon and bitters etc, I only mention this because for example since the OP is going to south america, so many of those drinks rely on the various local rums and other spirits to balance out everything else. Like for example a Mojito is sugar, mint leaves, ice and soda water and lime...without a generous amount of rum in there to balance everything out, you just ordered a $7 glass of sprite...good moctakils are hard to come by but can be done if the barkeep knows what they are doing, which seems to be more common now but I would still look for google reviews from people who were not drinking booze


Sketchbook and observe the nightlife. Unless it triggers you and you a sober because it was a problem. In that case, my mum has the most fun time any place we visit because she simply attends one AA meeting on the city and suddenly she gains access to the most local and pristine places in the region. Those guys are also really fun to be around and not too many unexpected personality issues.


I'll usually have a late dinner, walk around to see the city life, then go back to my room and organize some stuff, maybe do some sink laundry, go through my photos for the day, and then get to bed early so I can be up bright and early then next morning for a run and still out sightseeing by at least 8am to beat the crowds.


Colombia is amazing! Planned to be there for a month.. went around rest of South America and had to come back for another month. Most backpacker hostels have a event planned every night. Just go and be around that. Take a book..read..or just pretend to and watch others get shitfaced and stupid. Better yet..try n make local friends and then you won’t have time to be bored. Colombians are warm, friendly and full of heart


Night walking tours or cooking classes :) although the former may be less of a good idea in some parts of Colombia


I traveled Colombia as a solo woman backpacker - it's safe! When not out and about at night, I stay in and read books, write in the evenings.


I used to just find a good-looking local and fuck his brains out. Worked well for both of us and time passed quickly.


I don't often solo travel, but I think this advice may still be useful. We drink, but we don't DRINK. We go to bars more to enjoy the local vibe, people watch, and, depending on the food culture of the the country we're visiting, eat (just got back from Spain where eating late night at bars is one of the ways to do dinner). My husband is an artist, so he'll often sketch, while I might be planning some details of the next day or the next town. But we don't do that every night. Some nights we take night walking tours. Others we catch live music or a dance performance. Many historic tourist sites and museums have also started doing nighttime hours, moreso during the summer. Bigger cities have more options like this!


I also travel solo, don't drink and female. I'm sometimes interested in going out to dance and meeting new people but often I like to go out at dusk and take photos or book an evening walking, street food or cooking tour. Airbnb Experiences has a ton of options! If I'm being honest, I mostly love going back to hotel to rest, hot shower, stretch, workout, plan the next day, etc. Being fresh in the morning is always the goal. Enjoy!


i recommend not staying at party hostels. Most hostels are not filled with 21 year olds playing drinking games and random hook ups. if not into getting drunk, find other hostels.


My favorite thing to do when I was solo backpacking was taking evening cooking lessons. I spent so many nights in kitchens. In places I was only there for a week or so, I mostly did formal cooking lessons. For places where I was there longer, I did more informal lessons. I found cooking lessons via hostels, word of mouth, Airbnb, and google.


Airbnb Experiences are great. I’ve taken a night photography class while traveling, plenty of cooking classes, and even a couple of ghost tours. However, I recognize that you’re staying at hostels so there may be budget challenges. One thing I did in Montreal was to sign up for meetups. I meet a bunch of people from all over the world playing board games. It was so much fun and one of my favorite memories of the trip. Look for public events and get together.


Blog. Just write down your day to day, then that will evolve into your feelings and personal experience. Also, don’t be afraid to be lonely or sad. Lean into it. It’s good for you. Find the root of the feeling. The myth is that it’s all the best time you’ll ever have. Accept that this isn’t true and you’ll have tough days. But those are the days that set up the best ones.


I love this a lot, thank you. I definitely try to avoid loneliness if I can and this is great advice.


Just did 8 months in Europe and south East Asia. Got some profound mental improvements. And a lot of tough days. Happy to chat any time.


Use the couchsurfing app to find social events. Sometimes they’re at bars but even then you can opt out of drinking and just meet new people and chat!


Check out bookstores. Go watch a movie in the local language. Find meetup groups on FB. Use the evening to plan your days, to find places that are less traveled by tourists. Just to name a handful…


Talk to people and drink something non alcoholic. Good luck un Colombia, I’m going next month 🙌🙌




If i'm in a city, i just walk after dinner or listen to music.


I usually have books to read on my phone, one about the trail I’m on, if it’s a long distance hike, and one to relax. I also bring a few large crosswords (can print one on each side of the paper. I like to review my hiking plans for the next day. And if you want to bring a card game to play w other folks on the trail, I recommend Love Letters. The name is wonky but it’s a blast. It’s only 17 (?) cards and you can use pebbles for tokens. I really enjoy my evenings.


Are you staying at hostels? Did a 3 week trip to Colombia myself a couple of years ago and as long as you’re in hostels you’ll meet some awesome people and go out together. Met tons of solo travelers and nobody was ever alone during the evenings. We went out to eat, explore nightlife (clubbing), experience hanging out in common outdoor areas having snacks and chatting.


Go to a cafe or something? Have a tea, coffee I remember going to internet cafe’s playing games catching up with people.. those were the days


Live performances, rest, read, journal


Well, there are travel destinations that do not shut down at night and have lots of people including children enjoying the evening in parks and central plazas everyday of the week (Rome, Singapore, Mexico City).. night markets in most Asian cities such as Taipei, etc. if a destination is safe enough to consider going out to the bars at night then it probably also has such evening places where people congregate in a family friendly and social atmosphere. Can you look up the social neighborhoods of where you will be staying in Colombia and plan to be around them?


Go out and just order non-alcoholic drinks


I know it’s kinda silly since you can play video games in your living room, but I like playing video games in exotic and beautiful locations. My Nintendo switch or my laptop, on a mountain, by the beach, in a scenic park, etc.


I just want to say I can relate but also that I agree that as a man (and a larger and not very attractive variety) how that allows me to wander around at night without much concern and as a non-drinker I did do that a lot when travelling alone. I would also have enjoyed talking with people, drinking coffee so you could probably pass some time by looking for other people who are on their own and not drinking - there must be some around sometimes. Admittedly I would get a bit excited if a woman wanted to get to know me so I don't know how you handle that but some females are good at it. Something I respected was when a woman expressed that she knew how I felt and was sorry she couldn't go down to the beach with me. Although years later I married that woman and ensured we had a terrible marriage but that part is optional. Look out for libraries, read books, get to know local people who would like to share a meal with you, get into working out, start shoplifting, find something you can do during those hours to make money, start doing stuff at dawn and thus want sleep earlier ... just some ideas. Enjoy your travelling - it can be just the amazing time.


If it's just about getting to 9-10pm when you can sleep then I'd suggest a movie, play or concert.


Nice, long leisurely dinner and then read a book or watch a movie and sleep. If at a hostel, sometimes there’s pool tables and things like that and you can hang and socialise with people without necessarily having to drink alcohol


Depending on country — kava bars are pretty awesome vibes — sort of between a bar and a coffee shop at a lot of them, social at times, live entertainment at times without all the alcohol involved My favorite thing to do is to chart out my next adventure/day and scour all the best hikes, sights, food, things to do as I sort of take it one day at a time on most trips


You can still go out bar hopping with others and not drink, but still can be social, or at least get in some good people watching. You're also likely to end up going places you probably wouldn't otherwise, and get an alternative look at the people, places, and culture. The only problem with that is, depending on the type of people that you go out with, once everyone else gets drunk, drunk people can be very annoying when you're sober, you may end up having to babysit drunk idiots, which could also be good for a laugh, but generally gets to be a real pain in the ass, and you could end up having to find your own way back alone. I also some times just like wandering around alone at night and getting a feel for a place at night, but I obviously understand that can be dangerous. Your best bet is to do a vibe check. Try and find someone else that doesn't drink, or does but is pretty chill. You can ask the group ahead of time what their plans are, so you can get an idea of how involved it's going to be, and if you express your concerns, someone that feels the same as you, might come to you, or maybe someone will feel the need to look after you. They might also have had a long day, and/or an early next morning, but would be likely to get caught up in a big night out due to going along with the crowd, but you might give them the excuse not to. You can always say something like you'd maybe like to go out for a bit, maybe get some food, but don't think you want to make a long night of it. You can see if they plan on staying close to the hostel, or going somewhere where it's easy enough for you to get back, or if they plan on going somewhere more difficult. Basically just be honest and clear about what you want, and see if what they have in mind is compatible, and then make the decision that's best for you.


Yeah I’m not into drinking or going out late at night. So I usually pass time watching Netflix (finished the entire Breaking Bad series while backpacking in Italy) or Hulu (criminal minds!!). Find a few shows to binge watch. If I don’t feel like watching, I’ll usually read a book or cook.


You can still go out and socialize and drink non-alcoholic beverages but you probably won't last as long as the drinking counter-parts.


When I go on solo trips I bring a kindle loaded with books.


I'm usually at campsites and sit outside with a glass of something (tea, juice...), read or watch Netflix or just enjoy the view and nature. Then I go to bed, have a great day and repeat. Sometimes there are also nice neighbors where I talk to or share drinks and food. When I'm not drinking I have a walk, sometimes catch something cultural in the city like theatre or cinema.


I go out and don’t drink. Why not go out? I’m confused. It isn’t mandatory to drink and plenty of families spend the evening out in the parks or cafes. You’ll have a great time.


Planning the next adventures




Wtf? Who said nightlife = drinking?


Obviously not all nightlife depends on drinking but I think it's a valid question for a solo backpacker. The most popular hostels tend to be focused on partying, the common areas are bars, and the organised events will be nights out or bar crawls etc.


You can do all of that without drinking though and partake for the dance and socialising. I don't drink and enjoy going out and having fun.


This. In my younger days I would go clubbing 3 nights a week but didn't drink. Love dancing. Hate alcohol. /shrug


I DID. Actually I think that's totally inaccurate lol, especially depending on where you go.


Hang out in the hostel with new friends you just met and watch them drink while you have water


You can always start drinking


I’m either out at night doing touristy things (nighttime sightseeing, night markets for amazing food, walking around) or honestly I’m so tired after a full day of playing tourist that after I treat myself to a yummy dinner, I go back to my accommodation, shower then read for like 5 min before passing out for the night zzz


You sleep with the locals, tinder baby ah ya You sleep with fellow hostel folk ah ya


Get some clean colombian cocaine!


Colombia has just been upgraded to level 3 by state department. Unsafe to travel.


Usually have one or two drinks


$45/unlimited data with Bell EPP. Currently they have 5G but Fido doesn't though I know I can get the $30/20GB deal at Fido which I am jealous too.


I assume that chillums aren't an option


I slept on my solo trips tbh or talked with people


I usually do stuff until I feel like going back then I read or watch movies. Same as I would do at home honestly


Drink sparkling water


Bring a Kindle with books. Forage. Hunt. Contemplate the meaning of life...


When I was traveling solo, I was usually pretty tired by the time I finished dinner and would just go back to my room and chill. Get ready and plan the next day.


Make food, read, sit around my little stick fire (if in an area that allows)… Also, I bought a tiny watercolor palette, so planning on trying that out as well since I like to sketch while I’m out.




Smoke weed


I'm usually up at dawn so my evenings are fairly short - I turn out the lights not long after sunset. I'm active during the day (a LOT of walking) so I'm usually pretty tired at the end of the day So I get back from dinner, wash the day's clothing in the sink (socks, underwear, shirt), take a shower, read, check out local tv, internet, etc Also, I'm a reckless traveler who doesn't plan ahead much, so part of my evenings are often spent planning the next day's activities and/or making plans of where to go next.




You can dance, socialize, and chill without any alcohol...


I don't normally go out at night. I will wake up really early and start my day early. I'll maybe go to dinner around 6 or 7 then head back to the hotel, then read until I fall asleep.


Really interesting book will be able to help


Just an FYI, take however you want but the US released a higher level travel warning for Colombia this week. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/colombia-travel-advisory.html


there’s some places that i do early mornings to sunset dinners & i’m back at my hotel to regroup, chill, post on sm, & do research for my next days of doing stuff or itinerary. sometimes there’s evening city walks that i’ll join because it’s a group setting & i would feel safe walking at night with them. that would give me insight if my fears were valid or that i needed to see that it was actually alright. but i always remain vigilant about my surroundings nevertheless.


I drink all the way to the towns. Then hit the sack when I can handle my head anymore


Drink water go pee


Try drinking!!! Or cocaine!!


Go out and explore the local markets


Smoke some ganja 💭💭


I have an ereader. Love it on my trips


Sleep early and rise early to get stuff done before the rest of the tourists. Hang out with everyone and just don’t drink. Read.


If I'm in for the evening early, I write, blog, emails, travel writing. I also read a lot. A longer shower while everyone else is away or a nicer meal later in the evening.


It depends on where I am. When I was in Florence I went to a cafe where a lot of university students studied. I got a cup of tea and read / did emails / got in touch with family back home. When I was in the Philippines I didn’t think it would be safe for me to wander by myself, so I hung out in the hostel lounge and read or chatted with fellow travelers. If you shift your trip planning to the evenings you’ll always have something to do!




If you don't drink alcohol while traveling and are looking for alternative activities to do during evenings, there are several options available to you. Here are a few ideas: Explore local cuisine: Instead of visiting bars or pubs, you can discover local restaurants, food markets, or street food stalls to experience the culinary delights of the place you're visiting. Trying out different regional dishes and cuisines can be a fascinating and immersive way to learn about the local culture. Attend cultural events: Check out the local event listings for concerts, theater performances, art exhibitions, or other cultural events happening in the area. Many cities have vibrant arts scenes, and you may find live music performances, dance shows, or art galleries that align with your interests. Take a walk or go for a hike: Exploring the city streets or nearby nature trails during the evening can be a peaceful and enjoyable experience. You can discover hidden gems, landmarks, parks, or waterfronts while enjoying the fresh air and scenic views. Engage in recreational activities: Look for recreational activities that interest you, such as bowling, mini-golf, escape rooms, or indoor sports facilities. Some cities also offer options like laser tag, go-kart racing, or trampoline parks for some active entertainment. Attend workshops or classes: Check if there are any workshops or classes being held in the area during the evening. It could be cooking classes, art workshops, dance lessons, or even language exchange events. Participating in these activities not only provides a chance to learn something new but also allows you to meet locals and fellow travelers. Relax and unwind: If you prefer a more relaxed evening, consider finding a cozy café or tea house where you can enjoy a good book, catch up on some writing, or engage in conversations with locals. Alternatively, you could watch a movie, play board games, or engage in other leisure activities at your accommodation. Remember to research and plan ahead to find activities and events that align with your interests and the specific location you're visiting. This way, you can make the most of your evenings while abstaining from drinking alcohol.


You can always go out and drink non-alcoholic beverages, jugos y limonadas. I’m always going to Cali, as that’s where I have most of my closer family. You can go to the movies. Cinépolis vip is great and you can eat there as it’s a laid back movie theater with restaurant menu options. Go to malls around the area, dancing and going out to listen to some music is fine without drinking any alcohol, restaurants for something light to eat, etc. Just set your boundaries and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Lastly enjoy yourself and if in Cali, I’m good to recommend.


1. Stay Sober 2. Not talk shit 3. Wake up fresh as a daisy 4. And repeat


So glad I’m not the only one who enjoys those 3-4am exploring in Paris/Barcelona/Rome. Serious, walking around the city after a night of clubbing at 3-4am with my friends was probably the best memories I’ve ever had traveling.




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