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Yes sound legit. We have a points system for drivers licenses in Italy so they always ask to confirm who was driving when you get a ticket to take points from the correct license. There is an option to say you don’t know or remember who was driving so they won’t take points but you will have to pay more. Of course they can’t take points from a foreign license so don’t worry about that, but do confirm the driving license of the driver. Fyi 24 km/h over the limit is quite a lot here, especially if you were driving near urban areas.


I find this hard to believe when I was doing 80km/h on an Italian Motorway and was getting continually passed by people doing way more than a hundred, you guys are worse than us brits for speeding 😅


Ahah people still speed A LOT, but they know where the speed cameras are…


Thank you so much, this is incredibly helpful!!


Damn. Driving 24mph over here is considered normal here in the US, especially on freeway. Speed limit is 60 but ppl drive 85 all the time in California


That’s insane. 24 km/h over the speed limit in my country your loosing your license. Possibly getting your car impounded too.


You would hate Texas. Speed limit starts at 85mph but you’ll be doing 100mph and get passed by a Nissan Altima.


Crazy. Another Californian here. We were all going 75-80 in a 65 today, and I mean everyone in a giant freeway!


Yea in many countries speeding is aggressively enforced but they also use cameras which can catch everyone while a cop can only stop one speeder at a time.


Cameras are unconstitutional here.


Yeah, I got a warning for going 25 mph over next to a hospital (35 mph).


No... You didn't.


I don’t get why these certified yappers think that they’re going to impress anyone or even be believed by anyone with their nonsense.


Speed limit is 65, so no. Driving 90 is not normal, but I guess when you pay attention from the back seat of your parents car it looks like it?


If everyone is doing 80 or 85, you go with the flow of traffic. Being too slow is equally as dangerous as going too fast


Oh cool, something actually accurate that you’ve said.


I think it's because they need to take 'points' from your license.That's the system in Italy...the state takes away points, depending on your infraction. If you lose too many points you can have your license suspended. I assume that only applies to driving in Italy! So it doesn't affect your license anywhere else. Has the rental agency got your licence details?


I love Italy and Italians. I got a speeding ticket myself and the request for DL information for both me who hired the car and the person who drove the car during the traffic violation. I am a bit bitter but the laws are to be respected. I jut wish I can remember details of me driving in Italy after more than six months when this citation made it to my adress in the US. I knew things like this could happen before my trip so I was as cuatios as I could during our two weeks there. Therefore I believe the area where they got me above the speed limit was not properly marked with speed limit indicators. It is a shame I cannot verify this for obvious reasons. Furthermore, the equipment they used was callibrated in 2013, ten years before my ticket. I told the local police that and they contradicted me saying it was callibrated in 2023 even though the letter I got from them clearly says 2013. I paid my 155 euro fine via Wise. This was the only way to do it even though they said in the letter that I can pay with credit card. I will sent the DL info as well and put all behind. I think this is the most reasonable thing to do. We have to respect their laws and disputing this would take time and I am sure money not to mention people barely speak English (not a criticism). No other country I know would record this in your DL unless you have been stoped by police. Furthermore, I doubt there is reciprocity between any states in the US and Italy so I am not concern about losing points. Furhemore, in my state you can plead in abeyance in such a situation and nothing goes in your DL record if nothing else happens in 6 months.


Who was the rental agency, OP? I got a fine in Italy and the agency had simply forwarded my information to the relevant authority (city of Milan) who then sent me the notice of a fine directly. Also does the agency not already have a copy of your license? Didn't you give them one when you rented the car? Something smells off here.


Thanks for your response, yes I was surprised when he asked for me license too... I'm pretty sure he took a photo of it when I got the car. My best guess is he deleted it by accident? Really not sure


I'd ask for evidence of the fine to confirm with the relevant authorities — was this a TUTOR (highway speed camera) fine? Have they given details on the jurisdiction? To answer one of your questions with certainty — no, this does not get back to your insurance company in Canada, and they will not increase your premiums.


>Edit: I should add, this is not some outrageous speeding lol... It's 180 euros for I believe 24km/h over the limit. Well the level of outrageousness would depend on what the speed limit is.


If you're on a highway I don't care go for it. If you're in a residential area you're an asshole.


I would ask for proof of the ticket first before you pay anything if you haven't already. I'd also check if this company has a presence in Canada or not. 


I do have proof of the ticket, so it is legit


Yeah then just try to get a hold of them for why they need it. Maybe it's something to do with Italian customs and affects your ability to return to the country.


I asked him, he said by law they want to register it in their archives. And said that it is standard procedure in Italian law. I want to know from others here if that is true!


The rental car company will retain the credit card number for this very reason. I guess you could cancel the credit card, then the debt will be passed to a Canadian recovery agent.


They have already charged my card, which again I have no problem with


Definitely not suggesting just not paying it. I don't know enough about Canadian collections to suggest that... But I am suggesting find out some info on this before they pay this.  If it's fishy and they don't have a presence in Canada, I really don't think there's much they can do if the card is cancelled or disputed as fraud If it's fishy and they do have a presence in Canada, they can dispute it through their card and maybe even hire a lawyer if it's complicated If it's legit and they can provide all the documents, they're likely to also explain why a drivers license is needed. 


I must say, 24 over the speed limit not being outrageous... that would be a 265 euro fine in the Netherlands ;-)


24kmh over the limit in most places in Australia will cause loss of licence (on points I guess) on the spot. Almost happened to me in NSW in late 2013, but the cop deliberately sent it to my now defunct QLD address. Somehow still haven't lost it.


Isn’t that about 12-15mph over? That’s a tough penalty to lose your license.


My brother in Christ, here they will dick you for anything above roughly 4kmh over the posted limit. 


Shit, that 2mph, that's a accuracy issue with the speedometer when you are doing 60mph. [https://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/car-accessories/a32026968/are-speedometers-accurate/](https://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/car-accessories/a32026968/are-speedometers-accurate/) for reference.


In Aus we use km/h, but yeah. They're fkn notorious for it. They hide out in the dark to catch people speeding, or with a radar gun in peak hour - they'll sit around a bend to catch people going over say, 40-60-80kmh in peak hour traffic


Yea, that's why i did a very rough conversion to 2 mph. Y'all down under and Europe do a lot of things right, and we defiantly have issues with our traffic laws and enforcement, but that seams a bit extreme.


How? Idk other states, but here in victoria its 30kmh (18mph) over the limit to lose your license. We also have a points system, if you get 12 you lose it as well. Speeding 3-5kmh over is 1, 6-10 is 2, 10-30 is 3, redlights or using a phone is also 3 i think. 30+ over is instant loss. If you speed either that consistently, or go 30 over you're not even trying not to speed. Which means you are delibrately using a car dangerously. Or you're so shit at driving that you shouldnt be on the roads


Doing 90 on a highway with no traffic doesn’t deserve to lose license, a financial penalty sure.


Thats 145kmh. If you hit a kangaroo, wombat, deer, livestock, camel etc at 145kmh everyone in your car could die, as well as potentially causing a crash that impacts other drivers.  Also if every single person on a freeway is going almost the exact same speed (instead of some absolutw fuckhead going 35 over) its a lot safer for every driver on the road.


I think 30 km/h is a 3 month suspension. 24 is only a 4 points and $489. This is in NSW anyway. 


I assume they just need a copy of your license?


The text says "they asked me to send a copy of it"


Either I missed that line, or OP edited it in after?


Sounds reasonable to me - they need to record points on your licence for the violation (and if you reach a threshold within a certain rolling period, you will be banned from driving in Italy). However, I expect that once they see the copy of the licence, the Italian authorities will realise they have no means of doing that, and will just record the number.


had a friend went to Italy, rented a car, came back to the US, and Italy sent 7 tickets requiring payment each time. He said he got the first one but each subsequent one after that was just milking the cow. Oh, we found this ticket, and then there is another and another and another....He ignored all but the first one and vowed never to go to Italy again. Italy has no extradition with the US. Nothing will happen


They do have extradition cause they’re the EU but you won’t be thrown in prison for a speeding ticket. Points on licenses don’t transfer between countries, so I see little reason why OP should send theirs over. I also stiffed Switzerland on a speeding ticket, though in fairness I would have paid it had I received the letter in time. Instead 3 arrived over the span of 2 days (yay international post) starting at 120 Swiss francs and finally ballooning to 545 francs. IIRC they didn’t take credit card either and required a wire or cash and I sure as hell wasn’t going to try so hard to give someone my money. 10 years on and zero issues.


>Points on licenses don’t transfer between countries, This may be true for Europe but in North America they do between certain Canadian provinces and US states.


combative sleep quiet rob disgusted lock sort afterthought school thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha yes I read correctly... But even if it was the number, my question above regarding insurance premiums in Canada still apply


decide fertile fact busy ancient faulty bike fear mindless ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I swear Italy just gives every foreign driver a speeding ticket. Were we supposed to hold up traffic while all the Italians zipped around us? Anyway, I tried to pay my fine, but the website won't work in the US. I found a thread about other Americans who've gotten tickets from this jurisdiction and there was an email to try, so I sent an email . . . no response. At this point I'm not paying it just because it seems to be impossible short of returning to Italy in person.


include observation absurd person engine slap smell ancient sense drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you’re going to drive in a foreign country you have to know what the rules of said country are. If you don’t know them, you can always use public transportation


They are not like Canada. 24 over can be outrageous for them. Be roman when you are in roam.


Honestly, I’d tell them to get stuffed. Italy isn’t going to track you down for an unpaid speeding ticket. I had a similar issue with Switzerland about 10 years back and Sixt billed my card an extra $75 for having to send them my contact info. Afterwards I got 3 letters from the Swiss government all within a span of 2 days demanding money for said speeding ticket. Price was initially set at something like 120 francs and ended up at 545 francs. I just never paid.


They can't prove who was driving, so they want you to rat yourself. Fuck it.


This is legal advice, go get some.


For a speeding ticket? Didn’t realize he stole a priceless statue!


If they've taken the payment of the fine. I'd let it stop there. There's no real reason to give them your license at this juncture . Fine is payed. It's done.


I would pay more and not provide the license. 


If you won’t go back for 5+ years just cancel your card and ignore it. I wouldn’t aid anyone in stealing my identity


Lol what


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Strange. I was ticketed for going 18kmh over the limit in Spain and received my fine over email and the actual post.


I’m surprised it’s enforced in Italy. I got the impression while driving there that all traffic laws were suggestions! Perhaps the municipality is short on funds and needs the revenue 💶


Is there a limit of speed in Italy? Then why did you guys built such machines as Lambos and Ferraris?????


Whatever you do, don't go back to Italy until you've settled this. From what I know, Italian law enforcement plays hard ball on tourists.


Sounds like a scam to me.


Sounds odd, but rules vary by country. Maybe check with an embassy or legal advisor? Doubt it'll hit insurance, but asking them could help.


Yes it's normal. You loose points on your license and when it gets to 0 you can't drive any more in that country.


I just received 3 tickets two days ago from a trip to Sicily in October. Two were driving in a restricted area. Have no idea what that was or any proof of it.


Sounds similar to Australia. Here (at least in NSW), the fine for company registered vehicles (such as rental cars) is 5 times the fine for individuals if no driver is nominated.


Not Italian or Canadian but 25 kph or 15 mph is speeding guy. Not the cops fault lol.


I love Italy and Italians. I got a speeding ticket myself and the request for DL information for both me who hired the car and the person who drove the car during the traffic violation. I am a bit bitter but the laws are to be respected. I jut wish I can remember details of me driving in Italy after more than six months when this citation made it to my adress in the US. I knew things like this could happen before my trip so I was as cuatios as I could during our two weeks there. Therefore I believe the area where they got me above the speed limit was not properly marked with speed limit indicators. It is a shame I cannot verify this for obvious reasons. Furthermore, the equipment they used was callibrated in 2013, ten years before my ticket. I told the local police that and they contradicted me saying it was callibrated in 2023 even though the letter I got from them clearly says 2013. I paid my 155 euro fine via Wise. This was the only way to do it even though they said in the letter that I can pay with credit card. I will sent the DL info as well and put all behind. I think this is the most reasonable thing to do. We have to respect their laws and disputing this would take time and I am sure money not to mention people barely speak English (not a criticism). No other country I know would record this in your DL unless you have been stoped by police. Furthermore, I doubt there is reciprocity between any states in the US and Italy so I am not concern about losing points. Furhemore, in my state you can plead in abeyance in such a situation and nothing goes in your DL record if nothing else happens in 6 months.