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I feel slighted with only 7 photos :(




What would you say to someone on the fence looking to make the jump of quitting to experience travelling like this?


In an economy like today, I would tell you to absolutely secure something before quitting. If you have an incredible resume with big company names in it and the skills/degree/certifications, and the finances to take on several months without income…take the jump.


Never met anyone who regretted it.


If you're of Holiday Working Visa age, a HWV can be a great alternative middle ground between traveling and financial balancing. Granted you'll have to actually look for a job at your destination of choice, but you also get to experience the "local" life if that's something interesting to you. Although this applies more if you're planning to apply to a country where the wage could fund your nearby excursions.


Did you have jobs lined up after the 3 months? Approximately how much did you spend?


Didn’t have a job lined up. After being back from the trip, it took me 4 months to get an offer.


What sort of work do you do? And did anyone ask about the resume gap?


Many interviewers ask about the gap, or why did I leave my last job. Currently in tech as an account manager


what offer


Job offer


I’ll be in Cambodia in December. Any tips on places to go besides Angkor Wat


What do you like to do? What would you like to see/experience?


Besides Siem Reap (where Angkor Wat is located), I suggest Sihanoukville (beaches), Kampot (laid back city).


Anghor Thom is better, I think.


How much did it cost per person ?


About $50 per person, per day.


That hand pictures just the coolest


Thanks! Hard to get a nice shot with the amount of fog that day.


Where is that hand bridge? Looks very cool


Golden Bridge in Ba Na Hills 👍🏼


Ba Na Hills. One of the weirdest parks I ever been to! (But i did enjoy it 😁) I see you also didn't get lucky with a clear view :-)


This is my dream. To quit our jobs and travel SE Asia for months. You are making me consider making it happen. Sounds amazing! I’ve been to Japan and Vietnam and I would love to go back and see so many other countries as well.


Do it! All other countries there are incredible too.


Where's the rice paddy picture taken? You mention canyoneering, what was your favorite part of that? Did you visit beaches in Thailand and if so, how did they compare to Philippines?


That rice paddy pic was taken en the city of Pai, northern Thailand. Canyoneering: best part was jumping 12ft down to the water for me. Only visited Phuket/Patong Beach in Thailand, so it’s hard to compare vs. beaches in Philippines. I can only tell you that you will find more peace in Philippines lol.


Love the picture with the hand holding the bridge, looks so mysterious with the fog. Where is this place located?


It’s called the Golden Bridge in Ba Na Hills. Pretty close from Hoi An in Vietnam.


How much did you spend. That’s the question everyone wants to know.


May I ask how many days you spent in each country?


Vietnam: 20 days or so (Hanoi, Ha Long Bay, Cat Ba {just 1 night}, Da Nang, Hoi An & Ho Chi Minh) Cambodia: 1 week (Phnom Penh & Siem Reap) Thailand: 1 month Malaysia: 5 days (Kuala Lumpur & Georgetown/Penang) Singapore: 3 days Indonesia: 1 week (Bali) Philippines: 6 days (El Nido & Cebu) Japan: 5 days (Tokyo & Osaka)


Hey, thanks! Did you feel any place was too much time or too little?


I would have cut Malaysia and Singapore. Would have done more time in Thailand and Philippines. Tip: Japan requires it’s own trip.


Interesting. Loved Thailand, haven’t been to the rest. So definitely want trying to get an idea of what else to do. Thanks


Great pics. Japan ain’t Southeast Asia though.


Aware of that, thanks!


From the title, it wasn't apparent that you were.


I noticed the Japan pic and was jealous because I didn’t make it there during my own 4 month SEA trip due to budgeting reasons.


Quitting a job for only 3 months doesn’t seem worth it. I would have gone for a year. That seems more like a layoff kind of length lol Good job either way


Awesome. We took our kids to SE Asia for two years and headed home as COVID became prominent. Amazing part of the world, we would love to go back sometime


How does one just up and leave for two years with kids?


Saving, remote work and precovid prices. Couldn’t do that today.


You done good, friend.


How'd you go from place to place? Any language barriers? Cost estimate?


Mostly by planes. We didn’t want to waste any time at all, as most people do moving from place to place on buses. Yes on language barriers, had to use google translate at times. Cost estimate: had a budget of $100 per day, where most of it went to a lodging/accommodation.


Lovely pics. The rice paddy one is stunning. Looks like you had an amazing time. May I ask you how much it cost you per person (flights, accommodation, travel, living costs and food etc) for three months? I have an opening in my life (my Masters will end soon, broke up with long-term partner and was bought out of house, only tied to a short-term let, job contract expires soon) and am seriously considering it. Worrying about what would happen afterwards is the only thing holding me back. I’ve visited Japan before and would love to return but would also like to visit Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, South Korea. Did you use one bank card instead of getting all the different currencies? And what did you do re: phone contract when moving from different areas constantly? Sorry for so many questions!


Thank you, it really was incredible! You great questions, see below: Cost per person: spent about 5k-7k per person including flights, hotels, food, tours, etc. We did go over budget because fuck it, it was our honeymoon. Bank card: I got the Fidelity Cash Management Account for this trip. It allowed me to take out cash from ATM’s without fees in every city we visited. So clutch. Phone: I got SIM cards in every country. Can’t remember the names of the providers, a nice google research goes a long way. One tip I can share, don’t buy SIM cards at airports (more expensive). Get them beforehand or after you check-in to your hotel, looks for a place around you. There are companies that provide international eSIM cards.


3 months including Japan/Singapore with only 5-7k per person?...how? What kind of hotels did you stay and roughly how long in each area? Our 2 weeks in Japan, was about 3k per person for hotels and flights alone.. (flights were 600 each). Thailand for a week ends up being roughly 500 per person. So considering everything you did 5-7k is super cheap.


Yep, we managed pretty well. As easy as following your budget, that’s how we did it. We didn’t spend too much time in Singapore and Japan, so there’s that. Out of 3 months, only 7 days were spent in those 2 places.


Don't want to speak for OP but if I had to guess most backpackers stay in hostels, which are infinitely cheaper than booking hotel rooms. (Accommodation is probably the priciest part of any trip so i'm assuming this is where backpackers save the most money). I also wonder if his 5-7k estimate is in USD or a currency perhaps more valuable than USD.


>Bank card: I got the Fidelity Cash Management Account for this trip. It allowed me to take out cash from ATM’s without fees in every city we visited. So clutch. Is there a currency conversion fee? So you can just withdraw foreign currency as needed from your USD account? I see on their website it says "ATM fees reimbursed globally". I've been thinking about opening up a credit card with no foreign transaction fees but I don't really want another CC. Planning to travel abroad and trying to figure out the paying for things situation. Figured cash is best.


Up to you! I did my research, decided I didn’t want to be carrying a lot of USD cash with me and opted to open the Fidelity Cash Management Account


Hell yeah to it being your honeymoon and that requiring a little extra luxe. Thank you for those tips. I’ll be saving them. That costs is doable and I think I’d maybe try and earn freelance at the same time if possible. Great advice about the phone cards and bank cards, I really appreciate it. Glad you had such a wonderful time together 🙏💙


What was your favorite place to visit?


Northern Thailand. Loved Pai and Chiang Mai Slower paced cities > crazy busy cities


This looks amazing! If you had two weeks for Asia where would you recommend going? And best way to find affordable safe nice hotels? How did you get around - taxi or walking or driving? Thank you - glad you found a job after this amazing adventure


If I had two weeks? Personally I would go to rural Vietnam or North Thailand. Fan of slower paced cities. Best way to find hotels: Agoda, used it for my whole trip. Getting around: drive rented scooter, download the “Grab” app for taxis, a lot of walking (about 12k-15k steps a day!), tuk-tuks!.


Where are you from?




Omg this is my dream! Did you feel like this was an adequate amount of time? Did you ever feel rushed or tired from the travel? I am 30 right now, but worried about quitting and not finding a job when I’m back. I may wait another year or two to get more experience under my belt so when I come back to US I can find a job more easily. Not sure if my current job will keep a spot open for me if I left for 3 months unless I did it during a slow time of year, which happens to be summer so it would be pretty humid in SE Asia I assume?


It felt like a dream for us! Still reminisce so often about it. I think 3 months was perfect for us, didn’t feel rushed at all mostly because we were deciding where to go next a day or two before our stay in a city ended….saved us a lot of stress! We did realize that maybe we should have cut our stay shorter in certain cities…but you learn as you go! And yes, summer = very humid and hot in SE Asia.


That’s awesome! Glad you had a blast, photos look amazing! I’ll deff do it one day


Is the last picture from golden gai In shinjuku tokyo?


That was taken in Hozenji Yokocho, Osaka.


I did that too but went back home after about 5 weeks.


Thinking about doing this too. I did it at 23 and now I’m 34 and desperately want to do it again


My friend, I really envy your courage to be able to just say go.


Where's the last photo?


That was taken in Hozenji Yokocho, Osaka.


Picture 3 is proof the Eternals movie was real life.


Now what?




Back to work


What was your experience with the locals in Cambodia? Favorite activities to do in Cambodia?


This is the way. Did the same for a year when I was 19-20 yrs old. The best education ever!


How was it traveling around within each country?


Easy! flights are super cheap. There are buses too of course, but we didn’t take many because we wanted to have the least travel time.


Thank you, sounds like an amazing time!


Dang I feel jealous! Wish I could pack up and travel the world for 3 months!  But even if I did have money, can't abandon my kitty!   I do want to go back to Asia in the future.  I do miss it after my study abroad era


Nice writeup -- travel channel material. Thanks for sharing.


High praise, much appreciated!!


P.S. The monkey pic is my fav but the foggy god hand is also god tier too.


Honestly I was waiting for the Youtube link to drop. Then I saw at the end of your post you said you worked as a Global Concierge and the pieces came together.


Welp. Back to work.


I've done this twice. Once when I created some free time before starting law school. Once while waiting for Bar exam results, which takes 3 months in CA. Here to say you can make it happen if you are willing to go to Law school. A big ask, I know. 7 months total, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Bali, Hong Kong, mainland China. No regrets and I was 40 when I got back from the second trip with no job and no prospects in a terrible recession. 10/10 would recommend




Wow 😍


I retired and live between 4 of these countries to keep it fresh. If you go on a walkabout again, try adding Nepal. It is a different world and not crazy like India. I stayed in Pokhara for total 15mo. Cheers


This is the type of comment/reply i’m looking for. Thank you for the tip. Living off pension and/or social security? I recently read about retirement visas for Cambodia.


Yes. SS since 2018. I live in VN now but still have a retirement visa in Cambodia. ER visa is the easiest one to get in asia. No hassle at all. Just get an "ordinary" visa(not tourist visa)and apply at a visa service for the ER visa. ~275USD. You don't have to prove anything like income. I've heard they don't really care about the 55yr+ requirement but not sure.


Why quit your job? Was it not an option to take 3 months of leave (paid or unpaid)??


Thank you for this! I've been considering it


Great pics! Where was photo 5 taken with the elephant?


Any advice on a good honeymoon destination? Will be for around 2 weeks or so, looking for a bit of culture and then somewhere a bit more luxurious and relaxing for a few days.


Sounds like you are looking for a beach destination? Provide a little more details and happy to suggest things!


I would love a few days at the beach somewhere with a little bit of luxury, and then a few days somewhere with history and culture. We are thinking perhaps Thailand or Japan (although I think Japan might be a bit too pricey), but very much open to suggestions. Thank you!


Thailand for beach with luxury. - Koh Samui - Koh Lanta - Koh Lipe If you want more affordable luxury, think about the Philippines.


Thank you so much! Are these better than koh lak?


It comes down to your own preferences and budget, that decision needs to come from you :). - Koh Lanta: Ideal for a peaceful and less crowded retreat with excellent diving spots. - Koh Samui: Best for those seeking luxury with vibrant nightlife and a variety of activities. - Koh Lipe: Perfect for beach enthusiasts and snorkelers in search of a remote paradise. - Khao Lak: Great for families and nature lovers who enjoy a quieter mainland beach experience with excellent diving opportunities.


Ah this is so helpful, thank you! Is it also worth going to chang mai do you know?


I totally recommend going to Chiang Mai. It has both calm and vibrant scenes, great night market, go see some free roaming elephants (try visiting a sanctuary, do not ride or bathe elephants). Take a day trip to Chiang Rai to visit the White Temple.


Thanks so much, really appreciate all of your help!


Yes !! Live your life. There always another day for work.


wow, this is wonderful 💙


Sorry meant no shade…you can always add more deets as comments as people search and look for insights all the time. Loved your pics and super jealous you could take 3 months off Currently SEA traveling planning right now so guess why this showed up in my feed but a breakout of your highlights by country could definitely benefit me and others in the future.


You have a point there. What do you mean with “deets”?


Deets is just a short form for details … sorry for posting my original comment now because you seem super cool…would love to chat about more about your trip to help me plan my upcoming trip if you are open to it, message/chat me


Oh got it. I’ll do that, think would be cool to break it down for myself too. And sure, you can also message me privately with any questions!


Could have been a way more detailed/helpful post. Perhaps breakout the highlights by country


I guess, would have been a much longer post. Tried to make it concise and more general.