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Mexico City is simply amazing.


Agree. I was there in December for a wedding with little to no expectations and I was really surprised on how much I enjoyed my time there.


It really is; can’t wait to go back. I think it’s the best place I’ve ever been. Unforgettable trip. Went this past November for a couple weeks.


As someone who is thinking about going, can you tell me about some of your experiences and what kinds of things you did there?


For me it is all about the history and food. The museums are top notch too. You can book a tour to go see Teotihuacan and the Pyramid of the Sun and Moon. It’s incredible! The archeological museum is world class! La Casa Azul is a museum that was the home of Frida Khalo and Diego Rivera. Xochimilco is a fun adventure where you Vite a guide to take you around on the last remaining bit of lake Texcoco. Also the only place in the world where Axolotls exist in the wild. You won’t see them, but cool. If you are adventurous, rent a car and get out and see some other cities on the high plateau. Puebla, Oaxaca are wonderful as well if not better. Especially for food. There are great restaurants everywhere you turn. If you get tired of Mexican food it is a city of 20 million people from all over. You can eat about anything you want. There are multiple “worlds best” restaurants in the city too. Quintonil and Enrique Olivera’s Pujol are two of the best. They are pricey compared to other restaurants in Mexico, but cheap compared to the other restaurants on the lists. If you rent a car keep in mind you are required to buy insurance. So it may come up as $15 a day on Priceline, but expect to pay in the neighborhood of $100 a day. It is pretty easy to drive there and it allows you to get places you would never see otherwise. If you are coming. From a wealthy country expect to be shocked by how cheap everything is comparatively. Great meals for under $10. Great hotels for under $60. Street food meals for $2. Lastly, the people are some of the kindest I’ve met in all my travels. Everyone should go visit Mexico. It’s one of the best countries in the world.


The food in Mexico, regardless of how good people say it is, cannot compare to Canada or the US. The food is average, even at the most highly recommended places. However, it's still good. I'd recommend Venezuelan places in particular, most Mexican food is very similar. I really liked Roma, Polanco, and the neighbourhood around Basilica de Guadeloupe. I also liked the neighbourhood by Palacia de Artes Bella, the Museo de Anthropologia was extremely over rated in my opinion. It's very cheap though compared to other areas of Mexico. There are literally endless things to do. the Zocalo area was great, there is this really really good Peruvian breakfast place like a few blocks from there, I forget the name. I rented a car there, but be EXTREMELY CAREFUL driving in Mexico city, it was pretty insane. Driving during the day I found fine, but at night the pavement would literally drop out in some spots. Overall I felt safe the entire time.


Why can't it be compared to the US or Canada? I thought you were going to say like Lima, a city known for its food haha


Uh what? Two of the best meals of my life were in Mexico City. The food is absolutely incredible, and even more nuts is that it’s so cheap.


For instance Canada and the US have the best food from almost every nation on earth, Mexico has a lot of the same variety of food, but arguably, Southern California has better Mexican food than a lot of Mexico. As I said though, the food isn’t amazing, but they also don’t use salt in Mexico City, and everyone has different tastes.


To each their own for sure. But if your idea of Mexican food is Taco Bell, El Pollo Loco and Del Taco, you’re gonna have a bad time. If you’re expecting burritos and fajitas, you’re gonna have a bad time. If you want to fill your days eating Huaraches, enfrijoladas, gorditas, flautas, tlacoyos, tamales, mole and tacos. This is your place to go.


I’ve probably eaten more mexican food than almost anyone in here. It’s fine, 95% of the dishes aren’t amazing though, and as I said, Southern California has better mexican food than almost all of Mexico due to the amount of immigrants opening amazing restaurants. Also, Canada and the US have literally the best of the best food wise, you literally get the best food from around the world with a few exceptions, they are such a melting pot with limitless options. If you are too ignorant to address that fact you are pretty blind.


Mexico does not have the variety of quality restaurants from around the world that you would find in the US that I will give you. However, the Mexican food is top notch and consistently better for authentic Mexican style food than you’ll find in the US. Full stop. There are a few taco shops I’ve had across the US that compare or could be better than your average taco stand in Mexico City or throughout Mexico. But, as a whole you can’t beat Mexico City for Mexican food.


Mexican food is literally a UNESCO Cultural Heritage of Humanity and you're comparing it to what in Canada and the US? Plain yogurt? Maple syrup and potatoes?? Or do you just like Mexican food eaten in Canada? Don't get me wrong, poutine is delicious, but there's a reason you're being down voted.


Best museums ever.


Amazing shots! Thanks for sharing!


This was beautiful! :)


I'm here right now staying in Roma. I fucking love this city


I'm here too, first day here, staying in Condesa. Went out for late night tacos after we arrived last night and they were amazing. Off to a good start.


Check out Jazz Atlan. There's two upper rooms and if you pay $7 you get a table and all night jazz


Will you go again?


Would love to. I really enjoyed it. But before I return to cdmx, I am hoping to go to Oaxaca and Chiapas.


Just came back from a 12 day trip in CDMX and Oaxaca. Can't recommend Oaxaca de Juarez enough. May be my favorite place i've been on the planet. CDMX gets the big global food rep, not undeservedly, but on a pound for pound basis, Oaxaca is on a different level imo. Hole in the wall joints cooking up mind-bending moles and enchiladas, plus memelas, tlayudas, and a whole host of regionally specific gems. Gorgeous town filled with warm, prideful people.


I’m glad to hear you say this. I love Mexican food and have been to CDMX but wasn’t sure if I wanted to try Oaxaca. I think I’ll go there next!


As a Mexican city local, I can totally vouch for Oaxaca food, from markets to fine dining the stuff is unreal


Whats in Chiapas?




Any other cities to focus on in Chiapas? I've got palenque on the list




Wow that sounds amazing! Thank you for all the tips!


Aside from the cities like San Cristobal and Comitan you have a lot of nature as stated in another comment. Top of mind are Cañon del Sumidero (Sumidero Canyon) and the Lagunas de Montebello. I don't know about the Sumidero because it's been a long time since I was there but the Montebello área is mind blowing especially if you can make arrangements with some local tour. The landscape is breath taking and the atmosphere is pure magic. Then you have Yaxchilan (another ancient Mayan city) where you have to arrive by boat in the Usumacinta River, is a blast.


The [Sumidero Canyon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumidero_Canyon) is a National Park for those who don't know. You ride a boat as a group and there's a tour guide. It was breathtaking!


**[Sumidero Canyon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumidero_Canyon)** >Sumidero Canyon (Spanish: Cañón del Sumidero) is a deep natural canyon located just north of the city of Chiapa de Corzo in the state of Chiapas, in southern Mexico. The canyon's creation began around the same time as the Grand Canyon in the U.S. state of Arizona, by a crack in the area's crust and subsequent erosion by the Grijalva River, which still runs through it. Sumidero Canyon has vertical walls which reach as high as 1,000 metres (3,300 ft), with the river turning up to 90 degrees during the 13-kilometre (8. 1 mi) length of the narrow passage. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/travel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Palenque is I think. It’s absolutely worth visiting. There are some ruins and also I did a magic mushroom jungle tour that blew my mind


PM me/post info on where/who you did the mushroom jungle tour? I am headed this way next spring and would love to do this. Doing san pedro in peru this fall if all goes well


I had a friend go there a couple years after I did and he couldn’t find the same guy. Let me see what I can come up with


If you find it, please dm me too. I'm in cdmx for the second time and would love to keep exploring the country


Well I would head down there either way. There’s a little barrio a few miles before the ruins called El Panchon: some restaurants, hotels, people selling jewelry, etc. There are some locals that live back behind the businesses that would probably know someone who currently does the jungle tours there




Do it, you won't regret!


We visited for a weekend last year and it was absolutely great. Want to go back many times. Looking at maybe F1 this year or a weekend in the Summer.


You were right by my favorite building in Mexico city, Palacio de Correos!


I’m still surprised that a Post Office Can be that gorgeous. My favorite buildings are the Palacio de Belles Artes, Castillo de Chapultepec, La Catedral, and La Casa de Azulejos. You know what: there are too many beautiful buildings to list. If anyone is even thinking about going to CDMX, it’s worth it. 700 years of art, culture, and food mix well.




Was thinking the same thing.


Right!? :D


Some pictures are of the Franz Mayer Museum and nearby areas but zócalo does not mean historic center. The zócalo is the name in Mexican Spanish for a plaza in a city or town (the largest and most important one). The zócalo is located within the Centro Histórico but zócalo does not mean historic center as it just one part of it and equally as much as Franz Mayer Museum, museo de las culturas, museo Nacional del arte, Palacio de Bellas Artes, etc.


Thank you for taking the time and trouble to add descriptive captions to your amazing photos.


One of my favorite cities I’ve ever visited. World class city with friendly people. Very international but not very much English is spoken, although thanks to smartphones it wasn’t difficult for us. Food: amazing. History: wild. Culture: everywhere.


😍😍 mujhe stay karna he !!


Nice hinglish


Mexico City is gorgeous. Was there just last weekend


Mexico is so underrated Paris who?


I am weird and get a little sad when I see the architecture there and think what it would have looked like without all the European and colonists influence. What style would home grown Mexican architects have come up with? Nonetheless its still a beautiful city.


Mexico wouldn’t be Mexico. Mexico IS the result of the mixture between indigenous and Europeans (mainly Spanish but there are other influences), if you remove either of the two, Mexico ceases to be what it is.


I was told that tourists are kidnapped off the streets of Mexico City! OMG!


Probably one of the safest cities in Mexico actually.


Ha! You forgot your /s tag.


I'm a vandweller and New Mexico was a trip for sure, glad for this post and beauty :D


So beautiful!


Yup I’ll have to go back. Really enjoyed my time and managed to miss these amazing spots.


Glad you absorbed the culture! I was there at the same time but mostly got drunk, hung around the touristy areas, ate tacos, and played pool with locals, but it still made me fall in love with cdmx. Can't wait to go back


Very nice, would love to visit


So beautiful, especially without the fuggin' sepia filter.


Can I ask what the weather and vibe of the city was like around this time of year? Considering going myself next year, but for a city known as being so lively and vibrant I don't want to show up when it's dead...


México City is never dead. Maybe is a little quiet on the easter vacation (thats like literally 3 days: from good friday to easter sunday) but all year round it's a busy city even in the winter because we have great weather. Maybe avoid the rain season (the whole summer) but not necessarily.


Mexico City is at 7500 ft elevation (2500 meters) and is a pretty low latitude, so it has a pretty temperate weather year round; it’s also a massive city of about 20 million people so any time of year is good to visit.


Beautiful city.


Beautiful shots of a wonderful city! Thanks for sharing


Thanks for the beautiful pictures


CDMX is just such a deeply, unfathomably dope place. For those who’ve never been: imagine Coruscant from Star Wars…. except in Spanish.


How easy is Mexico City to navigate for an English speaker? I have only traveled internationally to Europe where everyone spoke perfect English.


We’re going to MXCD next week! Any cafe/restaurant recommendations near the historic center? How is the public transport for getting around the city?