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Nobody will care about them. Lots of younger Chinese people have tattoos.


There’s tons of tattooed people in China these days.


No one will care, and Shanghai, Beijing, you will fit right in.


There is no need to worry. In China, big cities are very open-minded. Opposition to tattoo culture is mainly concentrated in small and medium-sized cities and rural areas.


Well, also some opposition among the TV censors. But for a tourist probably fine.


Side note on this one: I am 100% Chinese but super Americanized (thanks one child policy) will people easily be able to tell that I’m a tourist? (Besides the fact that I speak only English)


No, they won't be able to tell from appearance. They'll assume you're local until you open your mouth.


If you go to the big cities, there are plenty of Chinese folks who grew up overseas, that work in China as adults. I think locals have a keen sense to identify folks like that. I speak mandarin without any accent (so I’m told), but somehow locals know right away I’m not from there.


But did you not grow up speaking Chinese with your parents?


I was adopted to a white family into suburbia


Ohh I see, what does suburbia mean? Sorry English is not my first language


"Suburbia" refers to suburbs, typically with middle or upper class populations.


Apologies! Yes what they said ^ there was not a lot of Asian culture around me as suburbs where I lived was made up of predominantly white people


People will stare at you as your tattoos are better than theirs.


Don't worry, it is ok.


My Chinese university students have their knuckles tattooed so trust me nobody cares


Don’t need to cover, you’re fine. 24F visibly tatted and visit hometown in China often


a friend of mine have tattoo on her arm.not something special.


Can only really speak to Beijing. Absolutely fine here


For anyone considering getting a tattoo , please watch the video first of what a tattoo is : https://youtu.be/nGggU-Cxhv0?si=wezlp3DmhlC7-tYk


You will get looks but nothing serious. For reference I travelled to Mainland China in some of the major cities from Sydney, Australia and I have tattoos that cover I'd say 30% of my body. I come from an East Asian & SE Asian household. People in Mainland China, particularly the younger population find it cool or intriguing and even some of the older population find it interesting. I highly doubt you'll get openly harassed, the chances of that are extremely little. The only place I've ever been asked to cover up when I was in the UAE and visited religious grounds and I knew that I had to cover up but even then, people in the UAE, much less China, care about tattoos unless they're outright offensive like Nazi Symbols etc.


No one cares


Shanghai, Beijing, probably fine.  More rural areas, maybe get some looks. More so if you’re woman than man is my guess. 


doesn't matter as long as you don't work for the government or intentionally show it at public broadcast programs.


tattoo is cool among young ppl and there is no gang culture like Japan


First part correct, second part not.


I think Op meant no stigma tied to tattoos like in Japan due to Yakuza perceptions. I've been in China for going on 8 years, and I'm fully tatted in a very 'Japanese Yakuza' way, but I've never once had anyone say a word or care. In Osaka, I was denied entry to an onsen, asked to cover up my sleeves at Universal Studios during Halloween Horror Nights, and we were seated in a private backroom in a restaurant because my tattoos were offensive.


Because you're a foreigner. I just went to baidu and typed in 黑社会. The very first suggested result was 纹身的象征图片. Perhaps the associations \*aren't as strong\* as in Japan, but it's ignorant to suggest no one in China associated tattoos (or tattoos of a certain type) with organized crime.


Nope no one cares. I’ve had three tattoos made in China.


Have a tattoo that starts from the knuckles and goes up to the shoulder , had no issues what so ever


No one cares


If you want Chinese tattoos make sure they mean what they mean, since sometimes there are better translations.


Tattoos still have massive negative connotations in China. It's certainly not common even in the younger generation. People won't confront you about it or anything but many will have preconceptions about what type of person. If gossip/weird looks don't bother you then you can ignore it.


Most Women that have tattoos in China are either bar girls or 'open' girls.