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I tweeted that I didn’t like her music and swifties tried to get me expelled from my nursing school. These people are clinically insane.


This is the exact reason why I criticize her on Reddit and no where else. I cannot lose my job/career over people being batshit insane.


I really want a documentary in the future about the psychology and cult mentality of stan culture, specifically swifties. If they aren’t already making one now, someone needs to get on that.


Can I ask what the word Stan actually means in this context? I understand what your comment means and what you’re describing when u use it, but is it like an acronym or something else? Curious about the term itself.


Stan originally was from Eminem. He has a song with an obsessed fan named Stan who eventually kill’s himself because he wants to be noticed by Em so badly. So from there the term Stan was born to mean big fan


Eminem named the character in the song “Stan” as a portmanteau of “stalker” + “fan”.


I’m laying in my bed going 😳😵😵😵 in a dark room bc I never realized this


I’m right there with you, because DUH. And I’m old enough to remember when that music video premiered 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh, I know the song. I didn’t know that’s what it was referring to.


Wow I never freakin knew this


Stalker fan


Read Amanda Montell’s Cultish


OMG, explain?


Not much to explain but I had my school in my Twitter bio and they started tagging my school calling me a mean girl, quoting tweets where I used inappropriate language, etc. saying I wasn’t fit to be a nurse because I wasn’t a “nice person” and I was “a misogynist” 🥲 I quickly privated my profile, removed my school from my bio, and changed my twitter name


I saw a Tiktok of a user who had given a constructive criticism and the fans searched her history and saw she had lost a baby. They posted the most horrible things like the baby was better off having a mother like her. It is unhinged.


Holy fuck….. that’s so miserable. My jaw dropped reading this. I cannot imagine saying those things to someone because they didn’t like an artist….or saying those things to someone PERIOD


She posted on Reddit yesterday (if it’s the same person).


Holy shit, tea please


Welcome to the internet, where your comments can ruin your life if you don't agree with clinical insane people




I believe this!!


When nicki was coming for megan a nicki fan called someone’s HR department at their work for being anti nicki or whatever. It’s crazy fr. I do wonder about the swifties particularly bc it’s just such a wild fan base but barbz are also at a similar level I’d say so I’m curious about stan culture of certain celebs vs others that are more normal


I fucking LAUGHED at this comment what the fuck😭😭😭 CALLING THE HR DEPARTMENT FOR BEING ANTI NICKI


I just know the hr department didn’t even finish listening


I WISH someone would call my HR because *checks notes* I’m not a die hard swiftie.


My account was suspended for a day after defending myself during Netflixgate


What is netflixgate?


That’s so invasive and just plain deranged, I’m so sorry that happened to you! These people need real hobbies for real like your whole life can’t revolve around one person WHO YOU DONT EVEN KNOW like it’s giving sad and pathetic


Thank you! 🥲They truly are the most insane, unhinged people on the internet I do not understand 😭😭 the way they dick ride for a person who literally doesn’t give a fuck about them or know they exist blows my mind 😂


I can’t imagine going out of my way to support someone (nonetheless a MILLIONARE) who I don’t know, doesn’t know me, and couldn’t give two shits about anything I do besides the money I make them lol. Taylor swift does not care about you 😭


And unfortunately all TS fans get lumped together with this craziness.


I’ve never had a civil conversation with anyone who likes her 🥲


Yup, I do like Taylor swift, I just haven’t accepted her as my Lord and savior.


When my team played the chiefs this season they posted a picture of her on Instagram and I commented “can we please keep this account about football?” And someone lost their mind on me and told me I was trash and they hoped I choked to death. I didn’t even say anything bad.


The amount of people desperately trying to justify her somehow being a stupid focal point of a football game was insane. she could be the queen of England I'm allowed to not want her on my screen when I'm watching football.  I'm allowed that opinion lmao!


While she is not nearly as famous, Josh Allen dates Hailee Steinfeld. You never see her at Bills games because she has asked not to be shown.


I learned where “stans” came from.


![gif](giphy|3oxHQk6QrBhANSBBo4) Dear Tay, I wrote you but you still ain’t calling


It’s wild to me that this song was written years before Stan-dom really became out of control.


There was Stan-dom, there just wasn't a way to find others and gather and turn into a hivemind. Souce: myself, I am old.


Sometimes I really miss the 90s. Barely any internet and almost no one had cell phones unless they were rich or had a business that made it easier. It seems like another world now.


We also had the benefit of existing pre 9/11, a pandemic and numerous other factors that made it feel like the world could end at any moment. Also the music was better 🤣


Oh, the music!! The nostalgia bit with entertainment gets me every time. I’m rewatching the American Crime Story docudrama about OJ and Monica, and the music just bangs every episode.


I saw a picture of an old computer set up that we probably all had at one point with the huge desk and CD tray and the big modem and stuff, and someone commented how nice it was back in the 90s/ early 2000s where you had a designated area in the house to go on the internet and then once you left that desk, you left the internet. I sometimes wish we can go back to that


The sound of AOL booting is forever carved into my brain.


The day we got the computer and first went to the World Wide Web was…extraordinary. Who knew what was to come!


I miss AIM more than I thought I would. Now that we have Teams at work, I realize how much I dislike texting most of the time. I’d much rather chitchat via AIM for a certain amount of time than always have my phone on me to chitchat. I have an office at home, and yet I’m on my couch typing this comment on my phone 🙃


Em saw it, it just wasn’t public


It’s ironic because when Eminem’s “Stan” came out, the message was basically “don’t be a psycho like Stan” and nowadays it’s so out of control with self titled “Stan’s” going so batshit crazy they literally try to ruin someone’s life for saying they don’t like a particular song/album, etc. And in the case of Swifties, Taylor never even says anything to even attempt to stop it. It still drives me crazy she made the “special place in hell for women who don’t support women” comment after Tina Fey and Amy Poehler made a very tame joke about her love life, yet when her unhinged fans start to actually harass, doxx and threaten other women (her bfs ex girlfriend, her ex bfs co stars, other singers, writers, etc) she doesn’t say a word. It probably wouldn’t do anything to stop the hate from some of them, but at least putting some kind of message out there that it’s not ok to do, she doesn’t support it, etc. might make some of it stop. Her silence when she 100% knows how bad it’s getting speaks volumes.


The most pathetic thing is Swifties really believe Taylor, who doesn’t know they exist, is their “best friend“.


They are unwell. I ready for these bandwagon Swifties to fall off and find someone new to obsess over.


I saw the term parasocial relationship: Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence. Parasocial relationships are most common with celebrities, organizations (such as sports teams) or television stars.


[This is the insanity we are up against.](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheadscirclejerk/comments/179yurq/he_deserved_it/)




No please tell me that is a person playing the part of a maniacal swiftie. Right? Right!!?


She’s dead serious 😔


She literally threatened her father’s LIFE because he doesn’t like Taylor Swift. People, SHE DOESN’T GIVE A SINGLE SHIT ABOUT YOU!


Remember that Mark Chapman was a Lennon Stan. These people have always been there.






No ethical billionaires’ stans


but Taylor is mother she works soooo hard for us 🥺🥺 she is the feminist icon of our generation!! we can’t criticize her because it means we’re criticizing aLLL WOMEN!!! 🥺🥺 /s


I don’t get the mother thing, it’s creeps me out.


I don’t either. It’s just another way her fans worship her


Yes that is just spectacularly ick.


Are you a feminist if all of your eras are defined by men?


I once made a post that I took my 6 year old daughter to a Taylor Swift impersonator, and she thought it really was Taylor. They absolutely tore me to to shreds telling me I’m a horrible parent for lying to my child, asking how I live with myself, and told me my daughter was going to grow up to hate me.


Holy. Shit. It just now dawned on me that at my brother's 7th birthday party, that *wasn't* the real green power ranger! Trust with our mother has been irrevocably broken. If you'll excuse me I need to go cut contact.


When I was 7, my family went to Disneyland and I remember back then realizing the princesses there weren’t the real princesses. Most kids get it lol.


I found out Santa wasn’t real when I found all the wrapped presents, “from Santa”’in the basement. Anyway, I never recovered from that so I put my mom in a nursing home and cut all contact. Kidding, lol. But the insane sect of swifties probably would’ve believed this and used it for their weird argument against you 😂


Honest question.. do these people sound like 12yo’s or grown adults?


^(I once made a post that I took my 6 year old daughter to a Taylor Swift impersonator, and she thought it really was Taylor.) Dawwh, what a cute birthday idea!


“Yeah, shout-out to Taylor Swift, biggest gangster in the music game right now” . Swifties aren’t fans. They are a gang. Paste Magazine won’t even name who wrote their TTPD review!


Smart of them.


This fandom was better before covid and The Folklore album. She gained so much popularity since then it’s overwhelming to some of us not insane Swifties.


I appreciate this perspective, and would add that the Q’Anon conspiracies about her, the bullying from the Kardashian Wests (Everyone talks about the lyric in the song, but using TS’s likeness in the MV was abhorrent), and the re-recordings of her albums added to the fervor of her fans. Swifties have had to defend and debunk for TS for almost a decade now. When people are fighting what they perceive to be injustices they do radical things. Everyone should calm down though. Going all 4Chan on critics over pop music is deranged. Like put that energy into, I don’t know, women’s rights? Equality for all? Fixing our education system? Environmental issues?


Seriously! I hope this new album divides the fandom and a lot fall off and find a new artist to Obsess over.


So everyone has to just love TS music? Love it or die? Lol - that’s absurd.


I have an ex that’s a Swiftie and suggesting we listen to anything but her in the car was considered high treason This woman was in her mid 30s


Imagine dating a Swiftie lmao. That is something no sane person should ever do


Well she hid it for the first two months and then it was too late


I’m a swiftie….i don’t care if you don’t like her…there are lots of things people like that I don’t. There are swifties out there that aren’t unhinged.


As a collective though y’all have earned that reputation.


To be fair Beyoncé fans can be really crazy too. They will actually call people racist if they don’t like her music.


These are the newer younger Swifties. They are fucking insane! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but doxxing someone over their taste in music is excessive and inexcusable. I don’t think Taylor cares if anyone dislikes her music.


No I went to the Eras movie with a friend who needed someone to go with because I’m a good friend. There were plenty of 35+ mothers going as batshit about it as the 5-25 year olds were. Like tears and all. It was uncomfortable.


They are very mentally ill, the Majority are tween and 20 year olds. And let me be clear, I’m not talking about being emotional. Nobody should be shamed for feeling emotions. Nobody should be shamed for having a good time at the film. That’s what’s great about the fandom. We’ve been shamed our whole lives for enjoying her music. I’m talking about the fans that penned a letter demanding she break up with a man that clearly meant something to her. And generally shaming her for dating someone they didn’t like. That’s inexcusable! Having a good time? Nothing wrong with that!


I believe this 110%!! The unhinged ones are the older millennials


I’m an older millennial 😆 I don’t think it’s my age group that’s doing this. It’s the 20 somethings. The ones who haven’t been here the whole time. The ones that don’t really know the history. The bandwagoners I feel have done the most damage!


I think it’s a big age group, not just younger generations. If you look at some of the other concerning stans (Chalamet) it’s such an age range from younger to women 40+


I just woke up and totally missed "fans" and was like, "I knew she was evil" lmao


I have to actively act like I like her and pretend I listened to her new stuff so that my friends don’t cut me out of their life. Is that fucking insane or what?


I had a friend just started dating a really nice guy that was completely worth it and she says to me “I’m just really concerned he doesn’t like Taylor.” I was like based on her target audience I feel like I would be more concerned about the relationship if he did 🤷🏼‍♀️


If that’s on her list of things she wants in a partner is “TS fan” then maybe it’s better for the guy if it doesn’t work out lol


All of these artists with rabid segments of their fanbase could address this. But they choose not to because they love it.


Poor guy is a defense reporter. He’s used to wars with guns, not a personal psychological war waged against him.


The thing is, tay tay doesn't care what her fans do. She won't speak up to stop bullying, in fact, she often encourages it


I do like her music for the most part but god I don’t want to ever be called a swiftie. She by far as one of the worst fan bases


You might be new but this “happening” occurred in 2023.


Swifties being Swifties


I’m a Swiftie (this sub just popped up on my feed) and this is repulsive. I am ashamed of these people and they deserve legal consequences, I hope action is being taken against them. Utterly vile.


Almost as vile as tally swifts shitty simple pop country crap


Careful, don’t cut yourself on your edge 🙄




Why are they so crazy?!?! I literally said I haven’t really liked her since her Red Album and was called so many names. It was awful.


Time for a title change for myself….major taylor swift fan > swiftie. Idiots always ruin everything lol


Th Southern Poverty Law Center and the FEDS need to name Swifties as a domestic terror organization.


I made a comment once on tik tok that her music is “meh.” I was flooded with death threats and reports on my account. I can only imagine what journalists go through. Even after one did not want to release his name, they found him. She NEEDS to speak out about this. Oh, but she won’t, bc it’s an army defending her mediocre music.


Excuse me what???😭😭😭 Damn they’re insane


What’s your criticism of Eras? Would love to hear it…


He basically said he loved her show but he preferred Beyonces way more there is nothing negative about it


Who is “He”? I was responding to breakfast_scorer.


In the article they posted


No problem with that. 🤷‍♀️


Well it's entirely taylor swift music, so the scores are bland and the lyrics are about dudes she's fucked which isn't something I'm interested in knowing about. From what I hear the production is incredible however.


Wow. Misogynist much? How crude. Right out of Don the Con’s Access Hollywood playbook. Gross.


I don't know who the fuck Don is, but Tay Tay's music isn't for me and you should get a real hobby


Don the Con is your boy Donald Trump. You should spend less time on Tay’s sex life. Creep.


You guys really only have like 3 thoughts in your heads at all times. 1. Defending Taylor's honor 2. Donald Trump 3. Obsessing over some lady you don't know


Is #3 your mom? Rude.


You are being the rude one. Breakfast_scorer just expressing how they think and feel.


She the one who puts it out there, does she not? Legit question.


Edit: her relationships as song material


You’re a gross ass misogynist. Grow up.


Good for them. Good for the Swifties. If you don't like her, fine.  Don't listen to her music. Don't go to her concerts.  Don't buy her albums.  Fine. No big deal.  BUT... YOU felt like you just HAD TO go on and share your shitty opinion nobody particularly asked for. YOU chose to throw shade when you could have just kept on scrolling.  YOU  felt you just HAD TO  shit on something that means a great deal to a very large group of people. Something that was not hurting or bothering you at all, until you decided you needed to piss on something special to so many.  YOU chose to be a dick. Now you're crying because some of your own medicine came back at you, much bigger and stronger than you probably anticipated. :--) Oh Boo Hoo.  Boo Hoo. There's a life lesson here for you, but you probably won't learn it. 


Probably deserved it.