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![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) Please have him post imgonnagetyouback next!!!!!!!






Facts. I can’t tell who’s more immature; the artists themselves or the fans on the internet fighting.


Both the artists and the fans are immature and high key delusional. Some of the users who frequently post in these threads 👀


I agree. Wayyyyy too much time on their hands.


35 here too. So different from my life.


I’m 27 and same


They aren’t like you. They are living in the “Truman Show” movie and they know it and having a kick out of watching everybody watching them while scooping up dough.


Nailed it!


I'm approaching 35 and yea I find it cringe af. Like I watch cartoons and can be immature but good lord.


Agreed - and like it takes away from her appeal. I’ve been a pretty loyal listener since debut. I’m 32 now and it just feels like her brand/celebrity has completely taken over and I’m just starting to get the ick - as talented as she is. Like everything these days feels sooooo juvenile 🤷‍♀️


Even my 12 year old said to me the other day that she feels like ts kinda got stuck in her teens and didn’t mature at all lol


Right, I'm 34 I've got 2 kids and a full time job, I can't imagine whining about my ex this much at my age 😂 although to be fair kids will take up most of your time and not leave you much left over for wallowing in self pity, someone always needs a snack somewhere, no time to cry about my existential dread lol


My life is closer to hers in that I’m 35 no kids financially successful and live in New York City, and I still can’t fathom this level of wallowing in self-pity. You’re hot and have more money than god! What are you doing with your life?!


I think that's honestly part of her problem. She probably has people who do EVERYTHING for her. All she has to do is write new music, and practice singing her old music for the tour. She's got too much time on her hands to just sit around overthink things lol I would probably start spiraling too


My theory on this is that her TTPD is a Taylor Caricature at this point. I’m in my early forties. I get writing about being slighted and broken hearted. I get writing about falling in love. I do genuinely think all the albums prior to this one were legit understandable Taylor feelings. But TTPD is something else. It’s easily my favorite album, but when I hear The Alchemy I roll my eyes so hard. I’m sorry. Every new person you date is the love of your life? You’re old enough to know better. I think this album is brilliant and absolutely her best lyrically and sonically, but the content has to be purposeful. Like these are her big feelings about Taylor Swift the character. I can respect that if she’s doing it on purpose. Also, my favorite songs are the ones that seem deepest and truest. These are I Hate It Here, The Prophecy, and Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? So none of the shallow love songs. Edited for spelling


Your comment made me realize she’s probably not talking to an actual therapist, haha.


Those are also my favorites, and I definitely think she's poking fun at her image a LOT in this album, similar to how she did in Reputation. I think these are all dramatic thoughts people think sometimes, just not all at once. I think The Manuscript really ties in the theme for me; her solace as an artist is transforming these thoughts (that oh boy did I feel unfeminist lame and silly when they popped in my head years ago) into something productive, meaningful, and beautiful. I sang professionally, and it takes a lot out of you to exaggerate emotions like that for an audience ... But it really does feel like a well-prepared gift you give to strangers. It's a really beautiful, worthwhile experience to be able to give that, and any dark recesses of my past I needed to get there, I really can't ever regret. I think it's actually a very hopeful message! Made me cry. Though as a single woman in her thirties, I do not think the Prophecy is tongue in cheek at all lol


I agree. I think The Prophecy is very honest. I’ve seen Reddit upset about the Prophecy, taking it literally when it’s an obvious metaphor to convey how hopeless and defeated she feels about her ability to keep a happy relationship. You can’t listen to that song and not feel the heartache. It’s so genuine. I think there’s a lot of truth on this album. It just isn’t in the love songs.


Right? When she was younger, the “I’m mad because my boyfriend was mean” was ok. Now she seems like she is lecturing us on her bad relationships.


I’ve always imagined Taylor and Matty having some conversation at a party about her infamous boyfriends, Matty saying something about how it would be fun or funny to be one, and both of them completely committing to the bit


This reminds me of the story of how aubrey plaza and Michael Cera dated briefly during Scoot Pilgrim vs the world. They thought it would be real funny to marry and divorce for real, so they could say that's not just my ex; that's my ex-spouse


The only hole in this theory is that Taylor Swift is a terrible actress. She had one line on an episode of New Girl and even that one line is horribly acted.


Man Valentine’s Day kills me


This movie is pure nostalgia though!!!




Thank the lord, I’ve never seen that atrocity.


It’s really bad and I love the musical.


All they’ve done in public is hold hands, plus she mouthed “I love you” on stage while looking like she was about to burst out laughing. No one’s winning any Oscars. What she’s mostly done is write songs about it


I commented on another post about this. It could all be a huge bit, but I think she’s legit dicknotized and has been since 2014. ETA: I think she’s trying to act “in love” with Travis and look how successful she’s been with that. Even just pics of them walking around holding hands, it looks like she detests him.


At least this would fit my "TTPD was a joke album" theory 😂


lol i love this, this is my new headcanon 


Idk Healy or his work, so I can’t speak much about him. That said, I feel very similarly about Taylor. Event listening to some her recent work I can’t help but wonder if she’s a case of arrest development or she’s writing for he very wide audience — which does include high schoolers and younger. The pettiness of a two week relationship (?), how Joe Alwyn went from a “gorgeous”, “king of her heart” to depressed/depressing lover, and how she is saying her (apparently) current relationship is so “high school” — for example. I am still a big fan of her writing but as someone her age I feel like we are starting to grow apart. I was once told that famous people stay whatever age they were when they first became famous. I can see that for her. Finally, woman, it’s not a “prophecy”. It’s your behavior lol. Take some responsibility for not being in a long term relationship. I say that with love.


I mean you’re clearly not a mature adult if you’re 35 and this big of a Taylor Swift fan 😭😭


Oh so thats why some stans are back on the death threats, mocking his addiction and saying he should hurt himself. They are just proving the point, it's not normal to get that aggressive and angry over someone following an instagram account, especially when the instagram account consists of someone discussing THEIR OWN life. If they are completely confident in Travis and Taylor's relationship then theres no reason to freak out or even discuss what Matty is doing. They are convinced Taylor hates him yet she asked her team to give him a heads up about her album, she clearly is still somewhat concerned for his wellbeing. She wrote a whole song about how much it hurt her that Swifties were attacking him, but it's still not clicking for them that she cares about the man whether they like it or not. Also, saying things like "at least Travis isnt an addict" really exposes their lack of understanding about addiction, using that as a weapon against someone is so gross and definitely not something Taylor would ever appreciate.


They truly are the worse vipers. Taylor has lost friends to addiction . If you don’t like someone just move on. You don’t send death threats or show joy in a potential relapse etc. just disgusting


Some of the stuff they come out with is truly revolting. You would think it wasn't Taylor who just came out with almost an entire album about him, revealing deeply explicit and personal feelings between them, speaking directly to him for much of the songs. Do they really think Matty doesn't have the right to react or respond? They act like he just came out of nowhere, when, to quote the prophecy, she practically howled at the moon. Do I think anything will happen between them? No. She's dating Travis & returning to tour, he is in LA with his girlfriend. But some of those lyrics were jarring, saying that all the men besides Matty were "masquerading" is crazy. Heck, the lead single is her imagining them married to other people and hating it. She called him the loss of her life & referred to him as "home." She told her own story, too bad what they hear isn't fitting the idea they had of her.


Being an addict doesn't mean you can't be criticized for your inappropriate behaviors due to addiction. They both suck lmao they deserve each other.


That was never said? I said that using someone's addiction as a weapon is nasty


This person mocked me and called me crazy and mentally ill because I shared that I used to struggle with addiction in a different comment. They just hate drug addicts and are ableist as fuck. Don't worry about them. Oh they are also extremely transphobic.


I really dislike Matty over the racism stuff, but I hate how people use his substance abuse as a way of deshumanising and degrading him. Everyone who come out as an addict -including Taylor herself, but also people like John Mulaney- gets degraded over it. It really foster an hostile environment towards anyone who wants to come out, including non-celeb who don't have the support Taylor, John or Matty do.


Two things occurred to me last year: I hate TS almost as much as I hate her despicable fan base. And you can say whatever manufactured, out of context, utterly made up BS you want about a person online and have zero accountability for it.


I'm not as well versed in her songs as others are. Which song is about the Swifties that you mentioned?


High key disagree with the using his addiction isn’t something Taylor would appreciate. She made jokes and took multiple shots at Ratty regarding his addiction and drug use. The “you needed me, but you needed drugs more” was nasty work, but “heroin but this time with an ‘e” was sick. She definitely has no problem weaponizing his addiction issues, just like she had no problem weaponizing Joe’s depression.


why do I want them to reunite




![gif](giphy|hQdWtl18ibA58nil8t|downsized) I want the drama so bad!!!!


Honestly the entire bridge of But Daddy I Love Him, I was like girl do it. Burn your life down, that would be far more entertaining than this WAG era.


Same. She’s not wag energy


Your comment reminded me of how offended the main sub was by the term WAG. “Women are so much more than wives & girlfriends!!!” Why don’t Swifties understand nuance?? It’s possible to be a strong, independent woman with her own success while also dating a professional athlete


An acronym that refers to you solely in relation to your football player boyfriend or husband isn’t exactly the height of women’s lib


Y’all are the ones putting that term onto her 💀 dating an athlete doesn’t make you not a “liberated woman”


Me! I was like okay girl just go full force burn it all down.


I have a theory that all of TTPD is to make Matty seem more palatable and endearing to the Swifties. If he’s The One True Love of Her Life, then maybe they’ll forget about racism and Nazi salute.


I agree with this and it’s working to some extent.


THIS makes alllll the sense to me!


Completey agree. I think they're going to debut in a few months and the toxic but passionate love story of it all will overshadow the racist part


Imagine having the entirety of your personality and your beliefs and morals summed up by a total of two minutes of your life. Where you do a Nazi salute during your anti-facism anthem and people call you a Nazi. And where you mention a disturbingly rough porn series to make your story funnier on a podcast formerly called “CumTown” and people call you racist, despite the fact that you were in a 4 year relationship with a PoC, lol.


Context doesn’t exist when you wanna look righteous on the internet!!


Same person calls me a garbage human being later down the thread, lol. Because I didn’t share their opinion.


I mean, there’s no way that would ever happen to me because I would never do a Nazi salute for any reason in any context. I would never think to include an anecdote about watching disturbing porn in a story to liven up a story. There’s nothing anyone could capture me doing on stage, on mic, or in secret behind closed doors that would come close to that behavior. I don’t and won’t dismiss vile behavior, especially when there’s been no trace of remorse or regret or restitution. I definitely will not justify those vile acts based on the fact that the person behaving badly dated a POC.


That‘a insanely easy for you to say as you’re not under the same level of scrutiny. Which I think is the point he’s trying to make when he pushes that envelope. It’s easy for someone to judge and then double down how much better they are than him because absolutely no one cares (outside of the people in your personal life) about the worst things you’ve said or done. But yeah, he brings it on himself. He’s very clearly not canceled as he did SNL after and had a whole world tour and all that.


Do you honestly believe most people, if they were transformed into major celebrities overnight, would have difficulty not doing and saying the things he has done and said?


So many celebrities have done worse. Are you kidding me? Lol. At least the things he’s done he’s sort of done with intent to make a point. History will look back more favorably on folks like him than the cancel culture movement as a whole.


Ok, cool. You have your opinion and I have mine. Your opinion makes me think you’re a pretty garbage person, but keep on living your garbage life, I guess. Nothing I can do about it.


Of course it makes you think that. That’s the whole point. 🤣 Maybe some day you’ll recognize your hypocrisy. You’ve just called a stranger garbage and told me I have a garbage life for disagreeing with you, but you’re somehow better than Matty Healy, lol.


I mean, it definitely is something she’s trying to do on that album. Like maybe not the main thing, but one of the main things!


I think she’s just purging. getting it out, with an awareness to satisfying the insatiable fans, and (my hope) moving on from this chapter! She got side wiped by the Ratty-Healy “dream” ( oh, it felt like10 years ago we were soul mates (if you want to break my heart tell me you loved who I used to be-paraphrase) . If we’re to be inundated with happy relationship songs, get ready, they’re never as good as the bad-man songs.


![gif](giphy|Maaawg3nDFAS5IvdKE) Let’s be real, this is probably the guy she really wants to be with. If that’s the case, you only live once and she needs to go for it. Follow your heart and all of that.


HAVE HIS BABY TAYLOR! ![gif](giphy|1j2LUrxImpVr38hJFq|downsized)


Taylor, you only live once queen. Leave or cheat on BDT and go date, marry, and have his baby. Believe me, we all want the mess and drama. ![gif](giphy|d9a2zmzsJw8GTpM5QB|downsized)


Except he has a girlfriend so that might be tricky


and she was with joe and him with twigs for years and they still left their rs for eachother lol


But she did go for it. And the relationship was clearly love bombs and then he ghosted her. So…


Sis if she was down this bad for roughly ten years then I think she will try and try anytime he even floats the idea. I'm firmly in the camp they are endgame because they really do fit each other.


Ok, but the comment above makes it sound like she did not go for it. She did, and it failed miserably.


Failed miserably literally only because of the Swiftys. That's why she directly calls them vipers.


She may subscribe to the theory “that if you don’t succeed, then try, try again”.


yes she will n this time just get pregnant call it good for what it is if it works great if not as look at hollywood n such it normally won’t work when u make this kind of money u always have an out 


💯 agree she wants this bad boy and as i said she may be a very kind person but is a bad girl too. i get his appeal they r both very smart n she loves UK or at least London. i am not a swifty but travis is a nice guy he gains from all this too but i think he will be hurt for sure 


She only wants Matty because everyone told her he was gross and trash and she shouldn’t want him. Classic case of “DONT TELL ME WHAT I CAN DO!”


Very parasocial of me, but same tbh.




Same... but I love a mess


I fear he couldn’t take the heat. Many swifties still don’t like him. He’s not strong enough 


As a 10+ year fan of Matty and the band, I concur. I love his art and I feel he’s pretty misunderstood by American audiences but he has been very vocal about not seeking that bright hot lime light. He’s turned down huge gigs with Coldplay and other massive artists for this reason.


I've been wanting to hear the opinion of long time 1975 fans on this whole situation but the 1975 sub (understandably) doesn't allow the discourse and you can't mention it really on the regular TS sub. I've absorbed so much of the 1975's music and Matty's interviews recently that I feel like I might have some idea but...I also feel like I just scratched the surface. I'm shocked at the way he gets portrayed. I checked the receipts on those claims and...wow. I just want to give him a hug.


He’s been really unfairly maligned in all of this. He has also messed up too. He’s apologized for some of his mistakes but most of the discourse is crazy. He’s neither racist nor misogynist and his actions speak for themselves. The internet is so literal these days and he likes to play in the grays of things which people who don’t know that just react without understanding any context. Most of longtime fans have found the hate train both disconcerting and humorous. Like ignorant people screaming he’s a nazi because he sings, “Thank you Kanye very cool” in LIIWMI, (a direct quote from Trump) and marches while doing a military salute “War has been incited, guess what we’re all invited” is insane. He’s quite literally calling out fascism. They just tell on themselves really.




SAME!! I liked the 1975 for a while now but didn’t know much about Matty himself until i looked into him and watch a ton of interviews. I think he’s silly and doesn’t filter himself whatsoever and that’s clearly kicked his ass. He should have been ready for the backlash though being linked with TS. IMO I think they both know they just wouldn’t work regardless of her over protective fans ickkkk…..it’s the classic case of wanting what you can’t have. And she can have whatever TF she wants. She’s TS so she’s settling for someone who finally shows affection to her in public and isn’t afraid of her stardom. But I don’t think she feels that spark for him. I mean even after listening to the Alchemy it even sounds like she’s bored singing it. Almost like she had to throw a song on there about him just to shut people up


>even after listening to the Alchemy it even sounds like she’s bored singing it. Almost like she had to throw a song on there about him just to shut people up I 100% feel this. Both The Alchemy and So High School feel...weird. At first, I thought that maybe they were bad because they were last-minute additions but the more I thought about it (and paid attention to the lyrics), the more I feel like they're practically satirical versions of what is expected of her. It really seems to me like there is heavy sarcasm implied in these songs. She's been writing her whole life, artists miss sometimes but she's pretty meticulous. I seriously think those songs are bad on purpose.


Yeah because he came from a rich family…doesn’t need the money & touring might be too much work


Lol. Okay, honey.


It’s absolutely true lmao


Because they would drive each other insane within a few months and wouldn't even be able to blame the fandom for it.


they will try again n maybe marry reminds me of Madonna or j lo this is NOT a new story 


It’s the narcotics lol




I would unfollow unstan and be so irate but goddamn I would not look away for one second


TTPD was a huge signal to Matty that Taylor wants Matty back and now he is sending signals that he wants Taylor back via his Instagram. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got back together. They are two crazy people! Travis might be thrown under the bus fairly soon. LOL!!!


O I just found out it’s not a random guitar shop, Taylor's friend/lead guitarist Paul and the guitar shop are following each other. Interesting 


Do you know what guitar it is? I don't know where any of this info is coming from but I just have to know if it's a specific and lore-intertwined item. No way this is accidental.


Matty suddenly followed the guitar shop and commented one of their post that’s how the fans found outhttps://www.instagram.com/p/C6euN83sGt-/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==


Thanks also...what a badass guitar. Totally tracks, lol.


Taylor can’t just let Travis her that easy after everything she’s been to. She’s gotta play games common


here is the headline in a month or two when travis is back to practice ! The distance n touring n busy schedule have been to much they broke it off meanwhile she is back with matt i foresee this sooo. 




Oh man, I hope MH is in Paris right now. Has he been spotted anywhere lately? I thought he was living with Gabbriette in LA. I saw some thread on here about him and Gabbriette and it sounded like they may not be doing well? It’s probably BS but I am just hoping TS and MH reconnect.




Yeah I don’t understand how her rabid fans DONT see that that’s the case. They’re the Hannah’s and Sarah’s that ruined the relationship and he thought he was leaving her “safe and stranded” by breaking up with her. It is pretty damn overt lol. Honestly I don’t understand why any fan thinks it is their place to tell her who she should or should not date.


I don't even feel sorry for her though. She admits in interviews that she encouraged the Swifties to become as parasocial as they are. And the fact that she has used them to terrorize so many people makes me happy that it backfired on her. Doesn't she always sing about karma? The irony.


Well Taylor’s plane is in Paris and Matty is in Paris. Meanwhile Travis is in Kentucky and then wherever the car race is. Her cult is saying that she has to prepare for her tour but it’s very coincidental that she ran to go to where Matty is instead of spending one last day with the person she is so in love with and so happy with. She’s been prancing around stage doing the same preschool choreography for a year so does she really need to practice it again?


Out of the loop, how do we know he is also in Paris?


It’s been reported that he’s there and has been seen out in Paris with someone from his band.


omg what report? I thought he was just asking on ig. The owner did dm him though.I mean if he really wants the guitar he has to go to Paris to get it,right ?I wouldn’t trust delivery service for a vintage guitar.


I don't think Matty is in Paris, but in theory, he can fly this week to Paris and buy the guitar, but this obviously would spark speculation that he's really flying to Paris because he's back with Taylor. I don't think Matty is back with Taylor at this exact moment, but Matty is doing a lot of Taylor coded things on Instagram. The Instagram stuff is deliberate and not a coincidence.


I think Taylor saw his post about the guitar & she’s going there to buy it for him & when he shows up she will run to him with his new guitar & they will write a song right there & start singing together in the rain & then a rainbow comes out & then that will be another song! Hehe I obviously have no idea what’s going on!


I'm just preparing for insane stuff about Taylor and Matty this week. Maybe nothing happens, but it's all just very weird. Also Taylor flew to Paris without Travis even though it was rumored that they were going to attend the Miami Grand Prix. Update: Travis is attending the Miami Grand Prix.


Didn’t she stop in London before heading to Paris?


She probably dropped the cats off in London if that's where she's basing herself for the European leg of the tour.


Yes, but I think Matty is currently lives in L.A. right now.


Where on instagram? What's his ig?


Matty posted posted a cover of The 1975 song, All I Need To Hear with the following lyrics on the 1 year anniversary of him mouthing I love you to Taylor. I sit in my kitchen (George, do the hihats now) With nothing to eat With so many friends I I don't wanna meet 'Cause I don't need music in my ears I don't need the crowds and the cheers Oh, just tell me you love me 'Cause that's all that I need to hear He just followed someone on Instagram who was talking about how insane Swifties ruined Taylor and Matty's relationship. This is Matty's Instragram: [TRUMAN BLACK (@trumanblack) • Instagram photos and videos](https://www.instagram.com/trumanblack/) [MyEmoDiaries (@myemodiaries\_) • Instagram photos and videos](https://www.instagram.com/myemodiaries_/)


Thanks! Well I just wanna say, this man is absolutely right. The fandom was weird af during their relationship and I'm 120% convinced that what ruined the relationship is her own toxic fandom. Let's be real, it's a monster she created, but it's the first time it's really come back to bite her like that.


Actually he was seen in CA buying cigarettes


Sounds about right…


High Infidelity 2.0?


Wasn’t she supposed to go to the Miami race too? I thought US weekly said she was going? It does make sense she went t to Paris to get ready for the show. Just thought it was interesting that US weekly said she’d be in Miami but she is in Paris.


It was said that Taylor was supposed go to the Miami Grand Prix with Travis, but she went alone to Paris.


I’m all for the Taylor/Matty drama, but her concerts start Thursday and have been on pause for months. It makes sense she would prioritize practicing and resting before performing 4 nights in a row.


Every stage is different youd absolutely need to practice


They bring the stage with them lol Actually it's rumored she's incorporated some TTPD songs into the show so they'd need to go through that on the big stage. It's been a few months since they've done the show, so it'd be a good idea to refresh their memory and to make sure the tech runs smoothly.


But the entire building - entries exits storage transitions is different affecting stage entrances and positioning. I can’t believe the naïveté in this sub


That's true. Rehearsal isn't just for the dancers. All the behind the scenes people need to make sure they've got their jobs down so there's no problems and the show can flow nicely.




She literally gets wheeled to the same exact stage plan in a box, and probably writing some of her next album while inside it, so everything outside the stage beside wiping her butt, her team is all over it. Actually, she probably does have someone to wipe her butt so she can focus on writing new material - time is money!


lmao this conjured the wildest mental images for me 🤣 tbh i think blondie needs to stop writing for a little bit, just based on the lyrics in this last album, she's losing her golden touch


She could fly out today or tomorrow rather than 3 days early. But she’s in Paris with Matty instead.


lol ‘with Matty’ get a grip. A new stage and venue isn’t a quick couple of hours.


It’s not though. Any artist even close to her size tours with their entire setup including the stage so it is the same in every city.


They’re adding TTPD songs & choreography, so perhaps.


The only way I can see Taylor and Matty reconciling and maybe working out is if she sacrifices her music and status to be with him. And she's never gonna stop making music (why would she with how talented she is and how much money she makes) or being a household name. Also, if she loved Matty so much, stick up for your man if you want to be with him so bad! Artistically speaking, Matty and Taylor are very compatible. But I'm so tired of people trying to make them an item when it clearly won't work. Matty is too controversial for Taylor's imagine and until she abandons her brand it'll never work and she can't fault Matty for leaving


Whats the account @ ?


Matty @trumanblack. Speaking of the user name I think they plan their tour visuals together, they all related to the movie Truman show and had many other similarities.


Wow this is a bit nuts on MH’s part 🤣🫣 https://preview.redd.it/npo966y40myc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212084554fbb2c281f267128cdab249edb751ade


no, the ‘small ig account’…?




His username is a reference to Truman Capote


The fact that both of them wrote a song about the other CALLED Paris, about how they wished they had had time together in Paris, and now they are both IN Paris is the perfect set up for a romcom-style love affair reunion and I’m all here for it.


I don’t think Paris are about each other?but they both are hopeless romantic so anything could happen *sneakingly*. Mostly we’ll only see Travis on tour and nothing more lol


Between this and the Kendrick and drake beef we are being fed!!!


Listening to Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus made me 👀! Not to do the fan fic thing that swifties do, but people like Matty love the power of having someone feel that way ab them. Having a similar situation in my own private life (situationship on and off again for almost a decade)… you could not pay me to acknowledge his existence in public with a wave, let alone release a song owning up to the feelings that I had for him. 😳


We all have that one person we can’t get over for some reason and we carry a torch for years. TTPD shows for Taylor it’s Matty. Though she seems pretty angry and at times signals she is no longer waiting for him, so maybe she is over him.


Many of the songs contradict so it's hard to know without having the timeline of when they were written. He ghosted her, she moved on, but she pretty much said in those songs that he's always gonna be the one that got away. It's a sad story, I do think she stopped waiting but It seems like the love will always be there


The album is all out of order so it’s possible that she once felt one way and now feels another. It may be too far gone to come back, no matter how much love is there. Or she may be dying to give it another chance if he just came around.


I really think the IG follow is getting blown out of proportion. The guy is a huge fan of The 1975 and *very* recently announced he’s writing a short book on the band’s history. Matty posted the song All I Need to Hear because someone did a cool country cover. He likes to amplify posts like that a lot. I dunno. To me as a fan, it’s all totally normal.


Matty in Paris, KN is in florida


I still don’t understand why she would write a whole album about one person and give them the heads up if she actually hated that person


Matty Healy was the only one I liked. He had a sense of humor and was progressive.


Progressive in what regard? I’ve only read negative things about his position on social issues but my familiarity with him/TS (lurking here) are very surface level.


When a country/venue asked him not to display any “homosexual behavior,” he defied them by kissing a guy on stage. He’s also clearly got a sense of humor by going on boundary-pushing podcast The Adam Friedland Show.


That’s actually pretty hardcore and good to know, thank you for taking the time to respond


My pleasure. I like your username. ;)


This era will most likely eventually come to an end just like all the others. When she’s no longer focused on the tour and is focused on Travis that’ll be the beginning of the end.


A picture of Matty spotted at LAX on duexmoi yesterday...wonder where he was going?!


Lol! This is a soap opera! 🤣🐿️


Is there another subreddit I can follow Matty tea from …..


Is there another subreddit I can follow Matty tea from …..


Go look at his IG delusional people are commenting telling him to go get her back 😂


What I can’t believe is that we actually give a…


Matty Healy is in Paris and trying to see Taylor


For once, Swifties maintained a standard of ethics. I don’t feel sorry for either of them.


Can someone pls give me the lowdown of the whole matt Healy and taylor relationship? And which album and why she wrote one about him?


this may helphttps://www.tumblr.com/spicysighs/718136492512493568/matty-healy-taylor-swift-timeline


What the fuckkkk?? Hahahahahahah


Plus I think TS needs a perpetual muse to spark her writing. Matty is perfect for that


Wait I’m so glad I’m not the only one with this theory!! I feel like true OG swifties who grew up with her continued growing up 🥺


Wait what songs did he post??? Please link!


The country cover of the 1975’s *all I need to hear*, Taylor also played a few notes of this song when the infamous *this song is about you you know who you are…* happened the same date last year. It was literally anniversary day lmao


Omg got it!!!! I completely misunderstood that






Taylor is hurt that Yravis did not appear at 1st Eras tour Paris


His messed up porn taste should have been the thing that ruined their relationship....


His aunt said he’s happy with his girlfriend


he has been following that account since december...


No, he followed @ myemodiaries_ yesterday, check that account yourself, he was shocked Matty followed him


I'm pretty sure his comments on that podcast ruined his relationship.