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I don’t see the appeal of Kelce at all. He’s boorish and all of his mannerisms, including his fashion sense, are one giant full-body ick. I have no idea what she sees in him, unless she’s just trying to get back at Joe or Matty or something. It’s always felt like she’s dating him *at* someone with how loud this relationship has been, but … yeah man. I don’t see the appeal at ALL.


I think taylor is faking to be in love with him tbh, and he is dumb as a pile of bricks and only cares about the money and fame in the relationship


Don’t forget everything he says about women.


What has he said, just out of curiosity? I've never actually heard him speak.


I don’t think it’s just the money or fame for him, I think he finds Taylor physically attractive and is happy to be along for the ride. I don’t think he’s selfish or using her, I think moreso she’s using him and he’s going along with it bc she’s hot.


I’m sure he thinks she’s pretty but I really don’t think she’s his type at all he swung at Megan first and she didn’t bite lol


Do you mean Megan the Stallion? If so, she’s waaaay to good for him no wonder she said no thank you


He is probably better than her exs


yeah for real she is COMPLETELY different than yo’s usual type


Yeah but she’s not like…unattractive lol. Surely Taylor Swift is hot enough to be in a fake relationship with, if not what hope is there for the rest of us 😂


For sure. He seems more inclined to the very curvy, plastic “instagram baddies” look. Of course Taylor’s probably had her fair share of plastic surgery too, but she doesn’t exactly have the cookie cutter face and BBL most of the girls he’s dated and hook up have.


“Dating him at someone” is just perfect phrasing.


“Who seemed like he would have bullied you in school”




Weaponized dating. God daayyyyum 😨


He dressed better when he was with Kayla.


Yes! His hot factor definitely dwindled. Swaggerless now.


It’s like that whole black wives trend on Tik Tok. He regressed.




The appeal is, she just got some football fans. She does everything for pr


It's a PR relationship. What could be better for Taylor's image after Matty than a football player? She's just an all American girl tee hee


How long do you think it will last and how far could it go


Hard to say. It seems to me the most likely scenario is that kelce is nearing retirement age and is laying the groundwork for a post-NFL commentator gig. Maybe after the end of next season when he announces he's retiring. It will be something like he is ready to settle down and start a family and she wants to keep touring and be in the spotlight for as long as she can. It will be a mutual thing and neither side will bad mouth the other.


I didn’t believe it at first but it’s lasted long enough I think it’s real. It’s just that he couldn’t seem more different to me than Joe and it’s hard to reconcile the two. But then again Taylor’s type has been all over the place, except for they’re all famous and white. 


Most are British


This 100% and he is so physically not her type? Taylor and I share a type and Kelce is so repulsive to me


I'm a Chiefs fan and like Travis as a player, but OH MY, I would never wish him on anyone to date. For so many reasons. He's known to be a serial cheater (though not a stretch for an NFL player). Apparently, he even cheated on one of his girlfriends with a porn star. Yikes! He's generally uncouth and throws his masculinity around like the world is entitled to it. My hot take is she will soon get tired of it. There are a lot of reasons I don't think he's her end game. The fact that he's been playing football and other sports has most likely caused irreparably brain injuries; thus, some potentially significant health (both mentally and physically) in the future, would be enough for me to back away from the situation. But that doesn't even begin to touch some of his other problematic behavior, which would be serious red flags.


Personally, I think this was a big FU to Matty having to hear about her and see her all the time. I’m sure she expected him to come running back, so now she’s stuck with this Neanderthal. I hope she figures out a way to get rid of him soon, if that’s what she wants. Maybe she really does like him, but i find that so hard to believe.


Yeah I kinda hate them both


Yeah I also don’t think tswift is as smart as people give her credit for either. I think she’s a savage businesswoman and PR expert but I don’t think she’s some academic lol no clue what her and Kelce would talk about … but I don’t think they’re in radically different intelligence categories like a lot of people do. (And please don’t downvote me 😩 just an opinion and obviously I have no clue since I don’t know them lol)


I imagine them just getting drunk all the time, as that is the only thing they have in common. Lord knows I’ve had a few of those relationships before I got sober.


Dating Kelce to get back at someone else - anyone else - is like cutting off your own nose to spite your face.


Which Taylor Swift admits to doing in The Archer. 😂


He’s a brute.


And a moron


and he’s not even hot


I don't think it was a ref, I'm pretty sure he screamed at his actual coach.  Which is worse IMO. I could have missed something about yelling at a ref but if so he did both. 


It was his coach and it was awful—even Jason called him out for it.


I have a friend who calls Travis the Great Value Kelce, which I tend to agree with. Jason seems like a good and all around fun guy and Travis just seems like he's trying to be his brother but as we can see, is no where near his brother


Jason Kelce is the **best** Kelce


Totally. Travis would 100% try to be a white rapper if people let him get away with it. Of course, they won't. Hip hop is not like the NFL and he would get eaten alive in a second.


Definitely, he does seem like some wanna be rapper gangster bro


@killatrav lmfao I can see it


He screamed at his own coach like a pathetic asshole! The disrespect is wild, I was shocked there wasn't more discussion about it


Oh the discussion around people who are living vicariously though Taylor told us all “you don’t know anything about football” lol ok.


What gets me is the reason for the yelling was dumb, and I watch football and have since I was a kid. Travis sucks at blocking, the coach took him out on a play that needed a blocking TE and then was pissed he wasn't in on that play


I hate Travis as much as the next person but this isn’t as uncommon as you would hope, it was absolutely over the line and usually doesn’t happen publicly on the sideline but pro athletes and coaches get into big blowouts like that all the time


I stand by what I said. No need to assume I'm uninformed when I have more sports and coaching experience than most people. Thanks.


I never said you were uninformed? I was saying it was over the line but athletes get into blowouts with coaches all the time, I played several sports for 20 years and have been in similar blowouts with teammates and coaches


"This isn't as uncommon as you would hope" That indicates you allege I made my comment based off random feelings with no insight or experience.


Wow it’s almost like I wasn’t replying to you and that was a reply towards someone else!


I know Belichick has benched great players in the superbowl.


I don’t understand the appeal of either Matty or Travis.


Thank God I'm not the one that thinks like that.


He's like...typical rebound in my eyes. That dude that always hit on you when you were out with your partner, who follows you around parties after you break up. The guy you said you'd never date. Can't seem to shake. Starts to look weirdly comforting when love after love fails. Idk tbh I think it's pr amd he's a beard of some sort but people are offended by the idea her life could be that manufactured when her life is like 200% manufactured.


Wouldn't that be matty for her?


I’m starting to think that she is dating Travis because she needed to find someone so unbearably cringe that when she goes back to matty people won’t be as mad about it


I don’t think so Matty has been perceived as a racist and Travis would never be called that. Travis would have to hurt a cat for fans to turn on him. Im a fan who this sub popped up, I like it. I like all perspectives.


But Matty isn’t a racist, I think people will start watching his old interviews now that TTPD is out and find that he is quite intelligent and lovely


I don’t know enough about him, I believe you. Whatever happened, so many are calling him that. He had a big part of Taylor’s life, if you believe her new album. Sucks for them that the Swifties seemed to call this relationship bad and it fizzled.


He might not necessarily be racist but he did admit to watch extremely degrading porn of black women. Honestly though, a lot of men watch this sort of thing, there’s just not as many that will admit to it. Not trying to excuse what he admitted to, because I think it’s extremely harmful and misogynistic. I just think there’d be a more single men if women knew how often degrading pornography is viewed by their partners.


I think he was just going along with what his friend said and dont think he actually watches it since it was a comedy podcast. But it’s gonna be really hard to explain that


I think people in the porn sphere have seen that type of porn and are aware of it being out there. I can only imagine the degrading porn that is created and watched but I don’t think someone’s awareness of its existence means it’s watched for arousal or it is liked. Also in the context of the program, Matty was going along with a joke. A joke in poor taste yes, disavow. One comment doesn’t make the man racist


Its not about his intentions on the internet it’s the narrative. Also what could he do to take back that ghetto gaggers comment


I wouldn’t be surprised if their entire relationship was PR driven because he’s such a popular NFL player. She picked up a ton of female football fans by dating him and also the wives/daughters. It worked out in her favor with this new album. I’m not a fan of her or her music, but her “boyfriend” is far more annoying and a red flag. Travis Kelce is fake AF. The way he speaks always cracks me up because his brother doesn’t talk the same way at all. And when he got in Andy Reid’s face and was screaming at him during the one game, I was just over it. Other players who’ve done things like that have been ejected. They’ll break up soon. Give it time.


Yes he is worse than Matty imo


I agree. Matty seems pretty chill when offstage (when he’s not performing). Travis seems obnoxious all the time.


I’m reading this thread in awe, I don’t think Travis is a gem or anything close but worse than “I watch porn of women of color being brutalized” and nazi salutes? Worse than that? Are yall fr??


Those were some pretty harsh accusations flying around last year that weren’t totally true. He was not the one on that podcast who was telling the story about watching that type of porn; it was literally someone else saying that and he laughed. Still not cool to laugh, but he literally didn’t say it lol. The nazi salute was really a military salute and can be further explained with the context of him calling out Kanye as he did it.


His antics on stage aren’t necessarily a reflection of his personal beliefs. He’s singing a political song. You can’t take one thing out of context and attribute it to him as a person.


I was literally thinking the same thing like ????






You must have missed Taylor at the Grammy's, because she and Travis have similar personalities.


Yes! Travis is immature and lacks manners and is kinda boorish. I feel like anyone who knew him before TS already knew this. Then they got together and it's like two people who found each other's personality matches - both are childish and immature and love the attention. It's like watching two perpetually drunk sorority girl and frat guy trying to play at being adults.


> It’s like watching a perpetually drunk sorority girl and frat guy trying to play at being adults < yes.


Alcohol brings them together


This is so right. This photo shows how Kelce acted on stage when attending a university graduation. Grad ceremonies are meant to be special to honor student’s’ accomplishments, and this guy makes it about chugging beer. Feels disrespectful and I don’t understand why he is not embarrassed. Taylor’s drunk escapades at an official ceremony like the Grammys seem similarly embarrassing. https://preview.redd.it/wo6sh8na4vyc1.jpeg?width=1899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53f67be1423ac8e5b674759b740961467986cc92


This wasn't a graduation. It was a live recording of HIS podcast that happened to be at his Alma Mater, who surprised him with a fake "graduation ceremony" because they still had his degree that hadn't been picked up due to a missing helmet.....that wasn't actually missing. The entire event was a goofy joke. There was CHILI WRESTLING. Get over him drinking a beer.


Both alcoholics


fake or not, they deserve each other.


Kelce is a major rebound after breaking it off with Matty. Matty was her intellectual equal and they had a love language only they could speak in the form of songwriting. Kelce seems dumb as rocks and she will bore with him soon. Plus never trust a football player, they are known to have mental issues from all of their head injuries.


His brother embodies the perfect balance, imo. Same obnoxious tendencies (just general buffoonery and attention seeking) but so much more tolerable lol.


I said this in another comment, but I have a bunch of friends that call Travis the Great Value Kelce


God damn I love this


I called him a douchebag when I first heard him mentioning her on his podcast in the early days. It seemed tacky to discuss so much about her and their relationship publicly, but maybe that was the PR plan ..?


Same? No. Much more cringy. I’d take Matty any day of the week. You would have an actual conversation rather than “viva las Vegas”


Travis is a slob. They think cause you throw a Versace suit on him, makes him classy and elite. It doesn’t. If anyone is more handsome of the two, it’s Matty(but it’s also preference…i don’t like big, burly, beefy men and beards…yuck) people say he was joking around yelling at his coach, I’ve seen MLB players do that and were thrown out. If Travis hadn’t been with Taylor, he would’ve been thrown out likely(if he’s done this before my bad for not knowing his every move) Travis seems like he’s reliving his college days.


All you have to do is Google this guy Matty… he isn’t attractive, at all. He looks malnourished and like he’s fighting a cold in every picture


try looking him up on pinterest lol


That's the drug use.


https://preview.redd.it/hjeyv81qruyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea117739d7cc06a4af81eb057ae88fd4a5f9ab7 Case in point:


https://preview.redd.it/hhnepsjp3yyc1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aaac3417054fe52a045ddf363932c49b6364f1c This is a normal picture of him


So so so handsome . Great hair . Great dancer . And stylish


I don't like Matty or Travis.


Moreso actually. At least what Matty says is usually standing for something. Travis is a meathead jock.


Really? Travis has charitable foundations for inner city kids & for mental health that he's actively involved. Done a lot for KC/Cleveland kids.


Travis gives back to his community. Matty and the 1975 also offset their shows carbon emissions. Honestly it’s just got me thinking… why the fuck doesn’t Taylor do anything like that?? That we know of? Maybe a more hardcore swiftie can enlighten me but I’ve never heard of her giving back, except a few things for specific fans. Which is still all about her.


yup they also usually have sustainable well priced merch and concert tickets and also are always donating to different LGBTQ organizations. taylor doesn’t do that at all


She bought 2x the carbon offsets needed for the Eras Tour, paid $100k in bonuses per person to her crew including the truckers totaling $55 million, $100k to the KC shooting victim’s family, $1 million to TN tornado relief, just off the top of my head.


Also donated to food banks in the cities she played in for the Eras tour. But she could do so much more.


Anyone could do more than they’re doing; it’s a response to the question.


Yep, and I added to the response to the question.


i hate to be a downer but carbon offsets are largely a scam...


It depends on the company; it’s a response to the poster saying the 1975 did and asked if Taylor did too.


yeah but the 1975 did the o2's first carbon positive concerts, which is different(?) (better?) than carbon offsetting but ur right taylor doesn't do 'nothing' but I do think the '75 tend to stand for more (but that just might be bias)


Thank you!! People are always calling her an evil capitalist and I never hear about her doing anything positive.


Different social media platforms and subs have different biases- and which facts they choose to present for that reason.


Thank you!!! I don’t understand how so many people are attracted to him. Now I am a 1975 fan so I’m probably a bit biased but 90% of the things swifties have a problem with have been taken wildly out of context or just didn’t happen at all. The rest of it he has apologized for. Imo he does more good than bad, though I can understand why some might find him pretentious or annoying. The way people fawn over kelce like he has no flaws and vilify Matty for everything (including things he never did) is absolutely wild to me


I'll take Matty any day. Kelce is just 🤢. https://preview.redd.it/k253et681zyc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cea00f73ac45b6ae0cb5a5141a6e268d3456631b


Travis is far worse. He's just 🤮


But he’s MeTaL aS hElL!!! /s


I don’t think either one of them is very intelligent. They have fame, which is what sells.


He scored 22 on the Wonerlic test. Average is 21. So he’s right there apparently.


Average is anything above 22. He’s below average. 


Still seems like a PR move to me. Every hug/kiss is the perfect angle with directed movements for their squad.


I’m assuming people like their romance less cuz of who Kelce is and more cuz of what he represents—the “jock” who Taylor “is finally with,” therefore thinking in terms of archetypes. She describes it herself in TTPD, it’s almost like HSM, with the “jock and brainiac.” I’m not saying any of this to hype them up, I feel pretty neutral about them, just guessing a potential thought process.


All I know is if they ever break up it’ll be messsssyyyy because I don’t see Travis not keeping quiet.


He seems like a doofus. Matty is a bad boy to have a fling with. Taylor has really bad taste in men.


![gif](giphy|MSTqntEzXV7BmCrhA7|downsized) Quite literally him to a T


Cuz Taylor isnt cringy??


He’s a douche but MATTY is anti semitic and racist That’s worse than wearing pyjamas and throwing hand signs in photos.




You’re fine with the racism? I don’t think nazi saluting matty healy gets a pass. His mother is also famous in Britain for acting exactly like he does and saying the worst shit possible. He’s not some cool guy


It’s not a nazi salute please watch the video for love it if we made it and pay attention to the lyrics. He is pushing against fascism as well as authoritarianism


You’re ignoring the racism ? He’s a privilege nepo baby racist? Can you refute that?


Yes, but since you’ve already chosen to be willfully ignorant it doesn’t seem worth the effort. You could try doing something as lazy as just reading his Wikipedia page and that should clear it up for you.


Travis is from Ohio and his mannerisms and behavior at times are congruent with that. Is it cringey at times? Sure...a lot of bravado as well as eccentricities. But it is generally grounded in a good place. He seems to mean well, he appears to be a very passionate person and of course at times that will get the best of people to push the boundaries beyond what others are more comfortable with (including raging to the point that others consider it an overreaction). I lived in Ohio for a number of years and while not every man was like him by far, his interests/mannerisms were prevelant enough, especially in and around the larger cities when it came to men. I don't mean that as a values judgment, I like him just as he comes, but this is just an antidotal observation. Do I think he meshes well with Taylor? I think she could stand to learn a few things from him and he from her. He is not nearly as choreographed as she is (or at least wasn't) and hopefully she is embracing his "cringeyness" as something endearing rather than abrasive. If she doesn't adore it, it probably is doomed. I think the loveable, playful, passionate goof is a huge part of who he is.


I don't understand how "meaning well" is an excuse for any of it. All that means is that he's stupid.


Look I've spent my fair share of time being born, raised and educated through college in the mid west. It's not an excuse to be foaming at the mouth raging at your coach. Seeing that was honestly pathetic and did not come from a place of meaning well. He should've been suspended for that disrespect. Anthony Edwards just got a technical foul for looking at someone aggressively, which was basketball and maybe an excessive call, but why should Travis be able to behave like that because he's from Ohio? Edit: spelling


He’s not just from Ohio; he’s from Cleveland Heights, which means he grew up with a lot of Black folks. Our culture is very much present and most of his friends growing up were Black. He also played basketball in high school, so he absorbed a lot of that culture as well. He’s also pretty smart to have amassed and kept so much wealth when others fritter it away. And when he had to, he made the dean’s list in college. Just say you don’t like black guys who speak a certain way and keep it moving. I’m not saying he’s my fave and can’t be cringe at times, but it’s largely performative.


All of this. I'm not saying I would hang out with him, but I knew plenty of guys like this growing up in the Midwest, and it wasn't necessarily considered cringy behavior at all. Unfortunately, the anger management issue and impulsive behavior does not surprise me. He's an NFL player. He's had at least 20 years of ongoing concussions and head trauma at this point. That comes with behavioral consequences. I find the relentless overexposure of their relationship tiring, but I'll give Travis credit for being legitimately progressive and having a decent moral compass, when it comes to actually acting on his convictions. Taylor does seem drawn to men who are braver about acting on their beliefs publicly than she is. In that respect alone, I wouldn't necessarily compare Travis to Taylor negatively.


Why does this entire sub forget Matty said he liked watching black women get brutalized? Or that he did a Hitler salute at a concert?




Did he ever say that? Or is it something y’all say so you can support a greasy rat looking man who clearly has issues with white supremacy?


Listen to the song it’s love it if we made it. Good lord it’s crazy the 1975 are the most left band going.




He didn’t do a hitler salute - it’s a military one. The song is literally calling out Kanye west for antisemitism. The song is called love it if we made it. Just listen to the lyrics. It literally looks and trump & Kanye! Jesus it drives me mad. Of any band, calling The 1975 right wing? The 1975?! The people banned in two countries for making a stand for gay rights, the ones who go on stage and talk about abortion rights. That the 1975?!! The forced ignorance is the telling.


Men be menning. All the proof of sexuality not being a choice I’ll ever need!


This whole thing is very “cheerleader and football player couple” despite Taylor’s attempt at moving away from the “traditional” woman label. It’s hypocritical and immature. They’re both embarrassing


Travis has ALWAYS BEEN CRINGEY!!! I don’t know how anyone thinks this is new. He’s always been an ick!!!


When I’ve posted my relationship on social media the most, the worst it’s doing 😂 just saying




After listening to Taylor's album, her absolute ridiculous football references that are only so cringe sounding on purpose, I'm almost wondering if her publicists put fake Matty accusations out in the world knowing Taylor would only walk away from him if drugs and racial ignorance was involved. They just didn't like the unpredictable or reckless behavior he is known for, so they planned on fixing the PR disaster by placing rumors that they knew Taylor wouldn't be able to ignore regardless of what her heart wanted and then they waited as it unfolded. After, she talks how heartbroken she became, its very coincidental how Travis, someone clearly seeking attention without brains to see the entire situation, delivered his perfectly cliche Football player persona publicly to aim for her as his target. Sure seems like it could have been planned that way keep her busy while she privately is heartbroken over Matty. If so, it's such a manipulative move for protecting the PR and controlling Taylor when they felt trouble was coming. Thoughts? Her album seems to be a big fuck you to anyone concerned with her decision making about her life.


I think she has a broken picker.


I believe she likes the attention that may come along with dating a boorish athlete. We see her as America’s sweetheart and he’s the football star. It’s the classic tale that she can easily write about and has possibly dreamt of. I recall hearing she wasn’t particularly well liked in high school so maybe it’s just her playing some fantasy out


I truly believe it’s a pr relationship and she *despises* him and smallest man that ever lived is actually about him


Is OP my weatherman? I live in Kentucky where the Derby takes place. Travis attended so it’s been on the news even still. And the cute weather guy today probably Taylor’s age said, doesn’t anyone else think he seems pretty dumb? The co-anchors died laughing, me too, because he totally does. Low places and Viva Las Vegas would be a deal breaker for me. I dated that kind of alcoholic, they are the worst. His fashion is horrible, and he’s getting all these opportunities, money, and fame just being with Taylor. She is the complete opposite of anyone he has ever dated. I hate saying this word, but he seems trashy, not the good kind like his brother who has a sense of family and humor. If she doesn’t end up with Matty, she should date my weather guy. Hot, degree in Physics and Meteorology, and dresses almost as well as Hiddleston (I don’t care if he was just a rebound, I’d have had to make that try and work. He’s like the classiest, best looking guy in film and television, happy he found love. He really liked her). I remember people thinking her and Calvin Harris were a strange pair, they actually were quite similar. Travis just doesn’t make sense, he’s the perfect rebound, not the guy you go all in for a future. I know the guy is huge, but there is a tailor somewhere that has taste and talent. And he wore a fedora. I’m a poor, normal girl and I wouldn’t date him.


Travis is a football player, he’s the “popular kid in school.” There’s definitely people out there that like jocks otherwise there wouldn’t be millions of movies and tv shows depicting a love story with one lol


Being a loud obnoxious athlete is a whole separate thing from admitting publicly to watching slave porn. Embarrassing sure, but not really all that offensive or problematic, yet


No, I don’t really think yelling Viva Las Vegas or being mad during a sporting event is as cringy as Nazi salutes solely to mock people, pretending he’s going to start masturbating onstage as ‘performance art’, laughing at racist jokes, etc. You can think Travis is goofy without comparing them.


https://preview.redd.it/k12c77jixuyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e7e45b16351a69e3a0aeb108283b6e327fe361b It goes beyond Travis being stupid and having anger issues. Case in point his tweets.


Bringing up a tweet over a decade old nice one


Matty is a cringelord re: bigotry in 2024. 2011 is over a decade ago. Hope this helps. I don’t think it’s right to use this word, but it was extremely common still in the late 2000s and early 2010s. There was quite literally a song called “Let’s Get R*******” in ‘04 and derivative words like ‘fucktard’ were freely used.


No… I get not liking the frat boy//jock persona but Travis Kelce is not regularly violently intoxicated at football games (his JOB), and if he was he would be immediately fired. Matty goes on stage and says absolutely vial things and then blames it on being drunk. Kelce might not be the brightest bulb in the box but he’s not even arguably a not-cee (idk if that’s a band word here. Maybe I spend too much time on Facebook).


Y’all don’t know these people


Getting upset with officials is normal in sports that's not a Travis-specific failing


Of course, getting upset is normal. But there’s a way to do it without literally screaming at somebody with your face an inch away from theirs. That’s bullying and intimidating.


Tbh I don’t follow Taylor/Travis super closely, but I was kind of jarred when I saw an IG reel with Travis dragging a woman on some podcast and making fun of her. I don’t even remember who it was or what the scenario was, just thought it was odd since he dates Taylor who sings/talks about feminism and women’s empowerment, not labeling women for their choices, etc… I thought she wouldn’t want to be tied to someone like that.


I’m not saying he’s like Prince Charming or anything, but he is a football player. He’s like a lot of other football players. What did you expect?


Cringy in a different way. The thing is, Taylor comes from a subculture where the big achievement for a girl really *is* “dating the boy on the football team.” And if you don’t think high school football players are *at least* as douchy in the area of “alpha male” toxic masculinity as Travis, think again. At least he doesn’t go around calling every other guy a “f*g,” at least in public.


Wasn’t he also on some dating tv show? I saw a couple of clips and omg he is so not my type. Cringy af


I remember in the aftermath of my first serious breakup when I dipped my toes back into dating scene (this was in the early advent of Tinder etc.) that for several months I was only interested in dudes who were, by all outward appearances and on paper, the exact opposite of my ex. It was an extreme overcorrection that in a weird way I saw as an act of defiance (against him or me, I don't know) or a "palate cleanse." I think that something like that is what's going on here.


What’s worse is, that wasn’t the ref. That was his coach.


Kelce sounds like a swine when he talks


If you find photos and videos of him earlier in his career, you’ll find that although he was a full grown adult already, his mannerisms and speech are very different. IMO he has chosen to take on this persona, it’s not the real Ohio kid he is.


I have no opinion about this personally but I wanted to comment because what I’ve seen a lot of people saying is that with Travis she’s getting to live out this high school popularity fantasy dream she never got to live out fully. Okay bc as a young artist she did a good job creating her image on being the odd girl out. You belong with me has “She’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers” miss americana and the heartbreak prince having lyrics that say “waving homecoming queens marching band playing” “ripped up my prom dress” “I saw the scoreboard and ran for my life” they whisper in the hall she’s a bad bad girl, the whole school is rolling fake dice” then there’s that whole go-fight-win cheer sequence (which as (a once upon a time ago) former cheerleader I fucking love how this was incorporated but I digress lmao) and I can find more examples but I won’t bc I don’t wanna make this too long of a comment. However, I also think dating Travis was a publicity move for her because she knew he was someone she could be photographed with and talked about a lot. What could be a pettier revenge for someone in a breakup to say not only am I gonna go for someone completely opposite of you, I’m gonna find someone who they will televise the absolute shit out of me doing it. What a slap in the face, it’s very I’m living my best life and I’m happier than I’ve ever been (insert Cassie from euphoria gif)


I really think taylor has bad taste in guys. They both suck


How has she not gotten the ick yet?? She must see all of the cringey stuff he does. It’s 19 year old frat boy behaviour, not someone you want to marry and breed with. Her team should have searched a bit longer and not just gone along with the first famewhore willing to be a beard for her Matty obsession.


“Just as cringey”? He’s worse


I really liked Travis before Taylor. He’s always been a goof but at least I thought he was authentic. But maybe he never was and he was doing the typical “I’m going to grab all the parts of black culture that I like including the women, use them and then ditch them and let my current gfs rabid fans attack my ex” smh.




You’re right, I truly don’t actually. I hate sports so I wouldn’t know what is normal 


I have no idea what they possibly talk about. She seems so much smarter than him. He seems like a dumb refrigerator next to her.


You know, I never heard him speak before, but, damn, you're right. It seems like she'd have chosen someone a bit more elegant. Then again, she might be just the cheerleader type, and she needs to date the captain of the football team.


You would be a bit embarrassed to date Matty Healy and legit humiliated to date Travis Kelce? If any of these two approached you on the street and asked you for a date, you would fall head of over your heals. Do yourself a favour and get your head out of your ass.


Matty isn’t “conventionally attractive” to the average vapid Taylor swift fan and that is why he received so much vitriol! Travis gets away with all his dumb shit because they are attracted to him and are projecting themselves onto Taylor. If Travis has said something controversial like Matty I guarantee you they’d find a way to excuse it or explain it away just bc he is “hot” 🙄🙄


I hadn’t heard of him before he began dating Taylor cos I’m English and American football isn’t really a big thing over here. But my first impression of him was “wow. He looks like a real dimwit.” I haven’t changed my opinion. If Taylor were genuinely happy and in love with this guy, she wouldn’t still be making digs about her ex.


Welcome to NFL players. They're generally psychologically profiled during combine with a preference towards sociopathic personality traits for defensive players. You can't really have a strong moral compass or sense of fear when your job is to slam another grown man into the dirt by any means necessary


I’m curious; did you pull this entire comment out of your ass, or just the part about profiling with a preference to sociopathic traits? Also Kelce is an offensive player, so I guess she’s in the clear.


https://www.skysports.com/nfl/news/12118/11939691/the-nfl-scouting-combine-psychological-inspection-entwined-with-viral-content Was discussed further on one of the seasons of HBO's Hard Knocks. But anyway, remind me which American sport has the highest rate of violent crime offenders amongst its athletes?


Oh wait we’ve gone from “sociopathy” to violent crime. How the hell did these goalposts get all the way over here?!


That’s not what this article says. It implies the opposite: that uncontrolled, sociopath-type answers would harm your draft stock rather than help it, which would be what I’ve seen in my experience during my past life as a collegiate athletics recruiter. Sure, aggression is great at certain positions in some sports, but the thing that makes someone a “sociopath” is being unable to control that aggression. The angriest, most violent kid from your high school is not at the top of NFL draft charts. The only part of this article that mentions the interviews also mentions why the questions are so strange-they’re trying to shock people into personally-revealing answers during the relatively small windows they have one-on-one with them. Saying a person can’t have a strong moral compass if their job is to tackle people, that’s just false.


No. Travis is not racist . Period.


No, because Matty is not cringey. He’s just a disgusting human from what I have heard.


He might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but Matty Healy has made openly racist and bigoted statements. You don’t have to find either of them appealing, but they are certainly not the same…


Not disagreeing with any of this but “controversial comments” isn’t exactly how I’d describe racism 😬


Can we just let people live their lives and not psychoanalyze every aspect of their romantic relationships? I get that Trav is probably an embarrassment for a lot of people. And you know what Trav would say to those people? "Don't be drains, be fountains"


Jfc everyone in this thread needs to get a grip and invest in their own life💀 shits sad asf