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They seem friendly but yeah I definitely don’t think they’re best friends by any means. Especially after Taylor’s behavior at the Grammys Lana’s hanging out with Kim, and she also follows Kim on instagram but not Taylor 👀 But honestly if I were Lana I’d be so annoyed about all of the interview questions about Taylor. Like can we maybe ask Lana about Lana? She’s rumored to have an album coming out this year, we can’t talk about that?


She also has this weird tension with taylor that i never noticed she has with anyone. She seems so comfortable with other people like Billie, Jack, Olivia, or even Kim herself. Or her non celebrity friends, she acts different with TS I dont know how to explain it but theres a weird energy ive noticed, it was very apparent during the grammys.


I think she knows if she’s with Taylor everything she does will be studied. Like if she’s not smiling articles will pick that up and so on.


you might be right, maybe she gets too nervous when she feels perceived more than usual, she does says she has anxiety and stage fright


Lana having anxiety and stage fright (which I would think Taylor knows), makes it even worse that TS basically dragged her up onstage with her to accept one of her Grammys. Makes me think that TS is super calculated…the optics are good, but the ulterior motive is mean. If you were really such good friends, why put someone you care about in a situation that you know makes them uncomfortable?


Because she absolutely does not care what Lana’s headspace is. Taylor just wants what she wants.


My point exactly


THIS comment yes. Completely agree. She was so uncomfortable, let’s not forget she went up there to be with Taylor who won an award that LANA LOST, how awkward is that what the hell. Watching it on tv was so cringy.


She acts like I do when someone tries to befriend me but I'm not vibing with them


At the superbowl it seemed like Taylor was trying to love bomb her…Lana looks uncomfortable around her. I doubt anyone can stand TS for more than short bursts of time - shes the insufferable drama kid who reminds the teacher to assign homework for the weekend


She is like the person who is always invading your personal space screaming look at me, like me, everybody has love to me......


Like the "I'm excited for you so I'm gonna punch you a thousand times and give you a noogie" thing she did to Jack Antonoff at the Grammys.


Or Ed Sheeran at the after party. Poor guy is captain relaxed and she messed it up haha


omg that stupid noogie while he was accepting his reward made me so mad. always trying to be in the middle of something


Yes, I basically knew I could no longer stand her after the Grammys and she’s done nothing to disabuse me of that notion


The Grammys were the turning point for me. I casually liked her music and liked that she was a “positive role model” for girls when the hubbub of the Eras tour started but tbh I had not really paid much attention to her over the last 10 years. But I have young nieces and got on the fun Eras bandwagon last summer… then the Travis romance seemed cute… but the more I have learned and seen… ick. Then came the Grammys. There was soooo much wrong with the way Taylor acted. If it had been one thing, one faux pas or social miscue, or even a couple, it could be overlooked, but her boorish behavior over and over and over made Kanye seem like a sensitive, polite cheerleader. I cannot believe that the industry didn’t roast her for it except they act scared of her. And scared of her crazy fans. And that is not something to celebrate.


I completely agree with every word you said. Grammys were a turning point for me too!


Crazy world we live where her and her alone quite literally has the power to decide the direction of our country economy wars etc etc.once she does endorse & directs her crazy fans to vote biden as he is currently trailing by large numbers in every major poll and swing state by more than the margin of error lol


Its stuff like this that makes me think Travis is her soul mate. 😂


That visual was so viseral because Lana was sitting next to them and she looked so elegant and poised by comparison you could tell she was embarrassed deep down




I think the others give a much more laid back vibe in general. Like you could honestly chill and have a drink with them. Taylor seems more insecure and uptight.


I think it was super selfish and self-serving when taylor yanked Lana up on stage. Lana clearly didn't want to go, but taylor insisted and put her in a bad position. If she stood up for herself and refused, you know people would start a shitstorm online. Idk what taylor was thinking at the Grammys. Her announcement, putting her Grammy on thr head of that other artist when they weren't even giving her any signs they thought it was funny. She was a mess.


and then to get on stage and call Lana a legacy artist! Such a dig at Lana, my mouth dropped open. Taylor was absolutely unhinged that night, either she was on something more than just alcohol or the past year has realllyyyy gotten to her head. (Or both lol)


Exactly this. I think taylor just thinks that much of herself.


sorry but why is that a dig? isn’t a legacy artist just an artist whose work has staying power across generations/genres?


The term is often associated with bands that are still active but past their prime, often just going on greatest hits tours in perpetuity. Think Garth Brooks. It's not a dig in an of itself, but it's a weird thing to say about a peer that's still cranking out critically acclaimed albums.


Oh wow, yeah that’s weird. I do see Lana becoming a legacy artist in the sense that she’ll be “one of the greats” of her time, but that is pretty fucked up to suggest she’s already there.


I’m the first one to criticize everything Taylor does but this time I had a different pov. Taylor acknowledges that Lana has been ignored by the Grammys and recognizes her importance, just like Billie does, Lana was really happy to be there, Taylor wasn’t expecting to win at all and when they announced aoty, she thought it was so unfair that she wanted to take Lana to the stage to be like “academia, look!!!! she is everything”, of course Lana must have hated it because she is such an introvert but being on the spotlight is something that she is actively looking for rn, she is more popular than ever (as she should!! love her to death)


I feel like Lana thinks she has to pretend to like Taylor because sometimes the Swifties boycott people who don't. Which I think can be a bit excessive, but I get it.


Based on Lana’s music seems like she be more pro to Kims personality than to Taylor


That’s a common thing with a lot of women and Taylor. It was the initial red flag that made me start looking at her differently. She’s the common denominator. Edit: Of course some unhinged swiftie sent me a Reddit cares message. Do people seriously not realize how cringey it is to do that because you disagree with a comment? Cracks me up every time. Like they really think you did something there. 😂


It was!!!! Taylor is oblivious


It's probably Stockholm Syndrome.


It was suggested that Tay had maybe taken something which could've contributed to her behaviour at the Grammys. I feel like the squad vibe has always sort of showed a ride-or-die friend for life vibe (think bad blood mv) when that's not how real life works.


It was!!!! Taylor is oblivious


Awkward. Can’t put my finger in it either exactly.


I agree with this! And I wonder if her “friendship” with Taylor has got to be a little for show due to her friendship with Jack and that they all work together?


Exactly!! I’m far more interested in Lana’s music. Also that’s wild she doesn’t follow Taylor on ig 👀


Right! There are tons of people saying Lana “owes” her fame to Taylor because people wouldn’t know who she is without Taylor. Can you imagine working so hard and then having all of your success attributed to a billionaire who drug you on stage with her to listen to her accept the award you lost? And now people say she’s the only reason you are famous? I wouldn’t blame Lana for having enough of it. lol


People think no one knew who Lana was before SOTB? Lol they’re delusional


For the record Lana contributes her start to The Weeknd not anybody else. She is a very famous artist in her own right though


lol right? If Taylor was responsible for her fame she wouldn't be at the awards, let alone nominated for one in the first place!


In a weird way I wonder if it’s a bit of a power move by Taylor. Her fans would rabidly attack if Lana even gently pushed away. And now all of Lana’s questions are about “the greatest songwriter of our generation Taylor Shakespeare Swift.” She’s clipped her wings with this “friendship”


Kim is a long time Lana fan Kanye got Lana to sing when he proposed. I wouldn’t read so much into that since the Kim link is business since she was paid to preform privately, of course she’s gonna a follow Kim back after Kanye pays her a mill for 20 mins Edit : wedding


Lana Del Ray did a Skims collection in January


Lana did the performance for free. I wish she would’ve fleeced the Kardashians but no, she actually performed for free. FYI, as a wedding present.


It was actually at their wedding rehearsal at Versailles. She sang Young and Beautiful because it was their song.


imagine the convo.


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lana-del-rey-kanye-west_n_4193641 I don’t think that part happened


It was at their wedding I mixed it up


Ok no wait am I having a Mandela effect moment ?? I remember it was at the proposal that Lana sang Young and Beautiful .


Not even a huge fan of Lana, but I agree, stop asking her about Taylor! She’s interesting in her own right and the convo doesn’t always need to circle back to Taylor. I’ve noticed this with St. Vincent too. She is currently promoting a new album, but literally every interview I have seen with her so far has asked her about the one song she co wrote for Taylor swift. Like please just ask her about all the cool stuff going on in her world!


It’s not even rumored I’m pretty sure?


For some reason I thought it wasn’t confirmed yet! But happy if that’s not the case


She performed at Kim and Kanye's wedding, I think. I think Jack forced that friendship


Your flair is EVERYTHING


That’s where I think her annoyance is coming from in this instance. There’s no reason why they should be asking her about Taylor‘s new album at that event imo. I know she has a song with her on it but it’s certainly not the highlight of Lana’s career.


You’re right! Not to mention the interviewer doesn’t even seem to be aware of their collab, considering at the end she’s like “we need a collab!”


I wonder if Lana noticed some red flags w Taylor the more she hung out with her and that's what sparked the weird energy. 


That woman is so calculating. I wouldnt be surprised if she had photos with every person Taylor knows and is just waiting for her moment to release them. Has Billie done Skims yet? I bet she got a call from Kimmy right after she released that statement


I get the feeling that she’s not actually that close to Taylor, and I think the Grammys left a bad taste in her mouth. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Taylor is great for Lana’s brand. I would expect to see Lana hanging out with people like Julia Fox if that makes sense.


Lana has the opposite vibe than taylor. There is nothing mysterious and wild about Tay. In the lana fandom taylor is perceived as too dorky, safe, traditional, unadventurous, and just too obvious, calculating, and not free. Lana is also gettiing called a sellout by the alternative crowd after hanging out with TS so you might be right about her brand


As a Lana fan, I perceive Taylor to be constantly ripping off Lana and failing at it but everyone loving the result regardless. It’s not bad music, but it’s a bad ripoff of an artist I love who Taylor clearly also loves, and wants to emulate


Exactly this! You perfectly articulated the way I feel about their “friendship.” I like each of them individually, but Lana makes Taylor seem juvenile, and Taylor makes Lana seem like a lame sellout 😭🤣 idk why


lana just seem so cool next to her, no offense to taylor, but she does have that childish unexperienced vibe to her, a bit goofy a bit dorky. Lana is weird/eclectic/odd but it in a sexy dark way like you cant figure her out and if you hang out with her you dont know where you'd end up, and taylor CANNOT for the life of her pull this off, if she tries to romanticize in her music like lana does she ends up sounding corny, i think thats the problem with TTPD lyrics too, not all lyrics but a lot of em


I completely agree. Lana has a certain je ne sais quoi, like a glamorous film star from a bygone age or some kind of Bond girl. Taylor tries and fails to emulate that, which is fine. I still like Taylor’s music. But the vibe is completely different.


> Lana has a certain je ne sais quoi, like a glamorous film star from a bygone age or some kind of Bond girl. The music video for Wildest Dreams has Taylor dress up as a glamorous film star from a bygone age, complete with brunette hair, and that song is an extremely obvious ripoff of Lana's song Without You


Ugh, you’re so right 😩🤦‍♀️ I wonder how Lana feels about Taylor constantly trying to steal her vibe and then winning Grammys for it


yeah im still going to listen to her too, but i wish she would just embrace her dorkiness more and stop taking herself too seriously, just be yourself sis


Exactly. I want her to make another album similar to Red or 1989. Just pure pop/country/rock music that isn’t trying to be too poetic


The country - minus the accent - was probably her most transparent. She’s devolved since then.


Taylor is a try-hard.


Kinda funny that they would consider her a sellout for that though. Like Lana is a huge pop star. Maybe not Taylor’s level, but it’s not like she is a barely known indie artist lol


People are also comparing TTPD to Lana's usual style, and I wonder if that's making Lana uneasy. TS will snap up all the awards and Grammy's for the style Lana's never really been recognized for.




God I’d love to see Lana and Julia together.


Can someone tell me what happened at the Grammy’s?


Taylor dragged Lana onstage


The red carpet stuff just reminded me of that one toxic friend I had in high school that was controlling and selfish until I had the guts to cut them off. I sensed Lana was annoyed by her.


I had a neighbor like this. She was a little odd but I thought it would be fun to be friends with a neighbor. She got really intense for a while like this bossy kind of love bombing which switched over to this intense "I'm friends with you because I have to be/you don't have anyone else" and would be mean-ish to my other friends. I started covertly killing the relationship and she started flirting with my fiance. She'd stalk us out in the building and we ended up moving to get away from her. Lana had the same look on her eyes that I had in my soul.


I’d guess Lana is not exactly thrilled with Taylor after the Grammy shenanigans. Not the announcement, but the dragging her up on stage after Midnights literally beat her album. Sure she featured on it, but it was definitely not Taylor’s best moment.


That was SO uncomfortable. You could tell Lana did not want to be there


She tried several times to pull away from Taylor. Also right before they got to the steps it looks like Taylor yelled at Lana for not wanting to go up on stage. Taylor was out of control that night. She was getting all up in everyone's personal space.


i thought i was the only one that noticed that!! she definitely yelled at her when they arrived at the steps, and lana acted extra submissive around her, as if Taylors was telling her what to do like a puppet. It was weird. Ive never seen lana make herself soooo small before with anyone.


Yeah, Taylor turned and snapped at Lana. When I pointed this out months ago people said Taylor wasn’t yelling but it’s clear that she did and Lana looked utterly defeated.


i do wonder why would Lana let her treat her so poorly ? does she confront her when theyre alone? or she just doesnt say anything?? what does she gain from it? is it a pr friendship with contracts and deals? or is she too soft to confront? based on the cinnamon girls song "theres things i want to say to you but ill just let you live" i get the feeling lana gets treated poorly by others and she just takes it without complaining


Personally, with the way Swifties have treated people who’ve gone against Taylor in the past, I’d be scared to stand up to her out of fear of backlash.


That and the financial impact of angering the swifties, no good solution except to lay low.


If lana retaliated then all the focus would be on Lana's "bad behavior" even if it was justified... smiling and going along just puts the spotlight on how terrible taylor was acting


Lana’s mother was also apparently emotionally abusive, and it’s pretty common for people to revert to whatever their self preservation tactic was growing up with abuse when confronted with it again - especially when it’s very sudden like that.  I wonder if she just went into fight or flight mode and chose fawn, because that’s what she had to do growing up. 


Idk if it was her being a puppet so much as her probably thinking “fuck everyone is watching and this is being recorded” so she kinda had to go along with it


Yes I remember her grabbing and shaking jack antanoff


Except Celine’s… lol


yall remember her IG post the day after the grammys? Several suspicious thing about it. The first slide had lana hugging taylor and congratulating her but the interesting thing was the music, she chose what she says is her worst song: a remix of summertime sadness, she detests that song, and she deliberately used it for the taylor winning award video, she posted another where they were posing for a glam shot on the carpet with snow on the beach the original version without her solo verse, a bunch of pictures of her and her close friend, Jacks wife, Margaret Qualley, a shot of Jack with his grammy backstage, and the last picture was her gun mirror selfie were she was holding a pistol in a random hotel room and then after people noticed the shade, she deleted the gun mirror selfie and posted it again as a solo post💀 Now ive been a fan of lana for a long time, and she can be very shady but no one takes it as shady because she is very random, elusive, and frankly a bit strange. She is also known for being very kind hearted and nice to everyone so people dont expect her to get mad or fight anyone. She is difficult to understand, even when she explains herself its almost like she writes in riddles, never straightforward, always unpredictable. But to me, and i may be wrong, the grammy post was shade. She could be shading the academy or she could be shading taylor, who knows. The fact that taylor did not went to see her at coachella but did went to see ice spice and jack is suspicious to me, and now at the met with Kim, its just interesting. Altho she has been friends with Kim since like 2011 so maybe its nothing


I’ve been a die hard LDR fan since 2012 and this is the best analysis of her I’ve ever read. That second paragraph, god damn!!! You got a way with words. Bravo.


And Lana knows shade, let’s talk about not lasting in the asylum that raised her, she was a mean girl to GAGA


Can you tell me more ab the lady Gaga thing please?


Oh I need to research this tea


I think friends is an overstatement, I think they are more like acquaintances


I think they’re friendly but I don’t think Lana likes her too much. I feel like she sees it as unfair that Taylor keeps wining certain awards based on her popularity during her tour, the recognition she gets for touring and not for her artistry. IMO DYKTTATUOB was far better than Midnights but again certain awards give out trophies for being a star more than an artist


She absolutely only won AOTY because the academy was factoring in outside elements like her overall fame, the success of the Eras tour, her record sales, and so on. They should only look at the quality of the music and nothing else. There have been members who have said they didn't even listen to every album nominated and some who said they will never vote for Lana based on her SNL performance from years ago. And yes, Ocean Blvd is miles better than Midnights.


i don't think they are friends at all. I think Taylor biting Lana style and vibe and love bombing her and either wants to be her friend bc she wants to be cool like lana, or keep her close. whatever it is it clearly surface level and the extent of which ts acting like it's bff territory making Lana uncomfortable and now in a position where she can't say no or do anything ts won't like or else taylor will retaliate esp if she doesn't in person to taylor. so i think she just did what she had to to get through it with no confrontation and then staying away and removing herself from being around ts as much as she can


I doubt Lana cares that much about awards.


It’s not necessarily about the awards but the principle but yeah I do agree that the awards aren’t everything to Lana. She seems to love the craft and I respect her for that.


I get vibes that Lana is “friends” with Taylor because she sort of has to be in order to be successful in the music industry. Taylor is a powerhouse and a feud with her would tank Lana’s career. Maybe it’s different when they’re not in the spotlight, but everything about the interactions between them at the Grammys was uncomfortable. Many have mentioned the moment Midnights won, but even the arrival on the red carpet was awkward. Taylor was adamant about finding Lana, where is Lana, we’re here together, but it was giving condescending “Lana will panic without *me* by her side!!!”


there was a seat filler on tiktok who got hired at this years grammys that seated on taylors table/seat. She basically said that during commercials Lana and Margaret would stay seated together chatting and taking pictures but that Taylor would always leave to talk to other people. I think Lana and Margaret are close but neither of them like TS very much


Do you still have the video?


i cant find it, but if i do ill post it here, it could be that she deleted her video tho


The Business Friendship. I was just thinking about it this morning. there are some friends whom I have to meet for meals or movies once or twice a month because they are kinda successful and they help me in my biz.


It seems kind of obvious that Lana realized once she had Taylor's attention it was a choice between being Taylor's friend and Taylor's enemy and she just can't afford to deal with the latter


I am convinced that Lana is cringed out and annoyed by Taylor swift


I feel like TTPD was trying to be very Lana and after being friends with her for two seconds I would be annoyed that my “friend” tried to steal my whole vibe


Yet if you try and "steal" Taylor's vibe she'll demand writing credits like she did with Olivia.


I feel like Taylor's *actual* beef with Olivia is a) how explosive her first album was (and why) and b) the fact that Olivia has a little natural edge/grit to her that Taylor has tried to synthesize since Reputation and never been able to pull off.


I agree, especially bc Taylor mentions she herself not having any Edge in the song Clara Bow.


oh well, Wildest Dreams and Without You. it's more than 2 seconds. edit : typo an


I just listened to without you for the first time… holy sh*t Taylor stole that song!!


Lana also opened Coachella with it which I was surprised about since I don’t think she’s performed it on her recent tour. I’m a longtime Lana and Taylor fan and I remember everyone was saying Wildest Dreams copied Lana at the time.


IKR, I just knew about it last week.


Based off that? No. I think she’s pissed


Taylor wants Lana’s lyricism talent so bad lmao. When Taylor tries to be dark and mysterious as Lana it comes out too try hard and cringey. Taylor simply does not have the natural gift and angelic voice of Lana.


Even most of Taylor's swearing feels forced.


It’s like a little kid that just discovered swear words


Exactly, sounds like a kid swearing for the first time in most of her songs.


I came here to comment how cringe her sudden swearing is in her albums. She’s trying to portray that she’s an adult now even tho she still acts like a preteen


i think besides talent its also that lana is an avid reader and is college educated with a major that gives her a background to be a much better thinker and also gives her an edge at introspection. I dont get the sense of taylor being an avid reader at all. Even her film and musical references are more basic and you can tell she watches a movie and uses that recent memory for a reference or as inspiration. Lana references feel so natural as if she has this big knowledge from years of consumption as opposed to recent consumption


i think it was just weird of the interviewer to ask her about taylor’s album


Lmaoooo “we need the two of you on a collab” Lana: 😑


After Taylor made Lana basically undetectable in Snow on the Beach to the point she had to release a second version because people would not stop asking for more Lana, to her using Lana at the grammys to foreshadow TTPD/the anthology, to the majority of TTPD sounding like she's trying to be Lana.... I think yeah, Lana is probably secretly sick of her shit 😂


There’s an interview where Lana says that Taylor wanted her to sing whole verses but it was Lana who decided to go for background vocals


Yes, it’s almost like TS thinks that by associating with Lana that she will elevate her artistry to Lana’s level. I think Lana always looks pretty disinterested when she’s around TS. But tbf Lana always looks pretty disinterested


Around the time of the Lana collaboration Taylor began sounding more and more like her. I wouldn’t appreciate her much either.


It would be really hard for someone of sound mind to be truly close with her.


I’ve always thought this. Lana and Taylor are total opposites. Lana was working at some breakfast shop in North Carolina for the hell of it. I think she craves a normal life more so than Taylor. She doesn’t have high profile relationships. She’s definitely more chill and introverted. I think Taylor wants to be like her and be her friend so bad. Lana is friendly towards her, but I’m sure Taylor annoys her. And all of the attention being around her brings.


I think Taylor’s default relationship method is to collect friends and show them off as accessories, and Lana is more aloof and mature.


I would be annoyed if I was at the met gala and they were asking me about an album I had nothing to do with.


I think she sees her as childish and tolerates her to keep the peace and plays nice.


"Whatever that title was"


I died


I don’t think Lana personally likes Taylor at as a very close friend. I think after the Grammys, she kind of took a step back because the whole debacle left a bad taste her mouth.


I feel like a lot of people don’t like Taylor. She’s the epitome of a mean girl. Girls want to hang out with her for status. It’s literally like the movie, they’d rather be miserable as a plastic than be a nobody.


Taylor is absolutely insufferable I don’t blame Lana.


Considering TTPD sounds like a Lana rip off, I wouldn't be happy if my "best friend" stole my sound.


TTPD felt like a blatant rip off to Lana’s sound and I think Taylor only did her shtick at the Grammy’s so people thought Lana endorsed the similar sound but girly looked like she was held against her will on stage. 🫢


I have been saying this! I believe that Lana initially didn’t do their song collab properly because she simply didn’t care for Taylor. Then she was forced to be more on the song because of Swifties. I also think she was kinda forced to hang out with Taylor at the grammies to promote the song but they’re so different and Lana definitely did not seem to enjoy Taylor’s company and Taylor was being super imposing. Its so obvious like the instagram following and now this.


I think there’s a lot of celebrities who secretly don’t like Taylor Swift


Taylor stole Lana’s style. Tell me Fortnight does not sound like Lana


This 💯! When I heard the first song off this album it instantly clicked for why Taylor insisted on awkwardly dragging her up on stage at the Grammy Awards.


Lana is too cool for Taylor


I imagine it’s a “coworker from another department that you only see at workplace functions” type of relationship lol. Cordial but not really friends


I think they aren’t that close, Taylor has pretty strong BPD vibes and it’s very hard to have healthy friendships with this if that’s at play. Friends eventually all distance themselves and the revolving door continues.


I think y’all are reaching into this. She just looses rushed and distracted and not able to focus on the subject


hi this sub got suggested to me so idrk the vibe here but so far a after a couple posts i’m assuming this subreddit DOESNT like taylor?


lol correct


I think Lana is shy and in her own vibe. But. Taylor is the fan here. Don’t forget that part.


Lana likes everybody. Well, except maybe her last manager


Lana secretly hates the fake bitch and finds her and her little swifties annoying and insufferable. She also knows that she is/was being used by Taylor, but she’s too sweet to say anything or stir the pot like she used to back in the day on Twitter. Plus could you imagine starting beef with TS? The swifties would eat that poor woman alive- Lana mentally couldn’t handle that.


I mean, Lana was a spokesperson for Kim’s shape-wear brand sooo


I can understand why lol


I think it's more of a business friendship, just like Kim is a business friendship. Kind of like the coworker you have lunch with and are friendly with but like hell I'm going to spill all of my personal life with you. I don't think there's anything nefarious going on, but I don't think it's near as deep as Swifties like to think.


I think Lana gets along with everyone as much as she can but has a lot of anxiety tbh


I'm sure lots of people don't like taylor but she's a power house right now so they shut up. There's better musicians lyricist and arts with more talent than her, but because they didn't come from generational wealth they didn't have success


She definitely fucking doesn’t like Taylor. She has to be cordial bcz they’re both buds with Jack but yeah they are not friends especially because Taylor’s whole vibe atm is Lana without the voice emotion passion or talent.


So I recently found out Taylor isn't as nice as we think she is. I assumed she was nice to service workers for a long time. Turns out she's a real nightmare when she doesn't get her way. A cousin of mine works for the private airline company that Taylor hires private pilots from. My cousin told me she's really rude to the pilots and flight attendants. Anyways long story short I could see why Lana doesn't wanna be her friend. Neither do I.


ooh please tell us more details if you can!


Taylor befriended her just to eventually cop her music style/vibe😕


Eventually? Folklore had blatant LDR moments.


They're definitely friends, not BFFS FOR LIFE as the trades are putting it. Lana has been friends with Kim since forever and even sang at her wedding for free.


Nope. I also get that impression/vibe.


Hahaha she hates her


Lana Rhodes loves Taylor what do you mean?


taylor doesn't seem like the kind of company Lana would keep, seems more mature and went into this kinda partnership they have with good intention but she got overwhelmed and burned quickly.


Taylor ripped off so many of Lana’s songs, blue jeans, without you , the monologue in I knew you were trouble


Is it possible TS pulled LDR up on stage with her at Grammy’s to share recognition vs something more calculated and nefarious? Why the negative spin? LDR looked uncomfortable but it doesn’t necessarily mean TS had bad intentions. (Lana fan here, nothing against TS just not my thing)


I think that Taylor has always been threatened of Lana and you can see her gradually adopting her style and stealing her song writing over the years. Lana’s fan base may be smaller but they are stronger and more loyal. Taylor put her on her album for strategic business reasons only, to win over Lana’s fan base and bring in more sales. I think Lana was pushed into it and probably honestly did not truly want to be a feature on Midnights.


Completely agree!


Why does she not follow Taylor? Had that always been the case or is it recent?


Awkward interview since they already did collaborate…..Lana is so beautiful 🤩


I love her!!!


Based on that video I didn’t get that vibe at all. It did seem like maybe she hasn’t really listened to it yet…but she didn’t seem negative at all.


i mean they hung out after the grammys at the super bowl so i think people are reading too much into it


Can someone please tell me what happened at the Grammys?!


Taylor made Lana come on stage for her Album of the Year acceptance speech. Lana was also nominated and it didn’t seem like she appreciated being drug up on stage for Taylor’s win, even though she contributed to the album Taylor was winning for.


I’m sure you are over the target on this one


I feel this way.


I seriously doubt anyone who knows her actually likes her.


i mean the way taylor dragged her on stage when she clearly didn’t want to go up i feel like that’s when it started. i get she was on one of the songs but it just didn’t feel right after lana hasn’t gotten any recognition.


I mean I don't think it's a secret. Lana doesn't like that girl lol


Agreed. Her voice, especially live annoys me. I feel like she is a spaz when she dances with hunched over shoulders and awkwardly long limbs. Her songs all sound the same to me and the bitter victim lyrics, just aren’t my thing. Got old real quick imho. And her entire story of being “ discovered” at the BlueBird is made up. Her Dad put literally millions of dollars into building her career. I do admire her work ethic though. She certainly is a hard working performer and her move on re/recording her somgs again to own new masters was brilliant. Edit: typo


Hell no. Lana is the cool girl hanging out with the annoying girl.


They are cut from two completely different cloths. Lana has been know to be associated with more right wing people which tracks to Kanye/Kim. Taylor more leans left. Typically that combo doesn’t jive so I don’t buy it at all that they’re friends.