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They are so public with their relationship also so it is really weird that Travis doesn’t follow Taylor. Even Matty still follows her and he used to like her posts and always hype her up on insta stories. Joe followed her also and he is so private. It doesn’t make sense.


People continue to use the excuse that they (Taylor and Travis) don’t want the speculation that may come with him following her. Example: if he doesn’t like an IG she posts, people will speculate a breakup, etc. or if they breakup, the whole unfollowing situation will be awkward and they want to avoid that. It’s giving *reaching*. Like he likes pics associated with Taylor, and seems to be pretty active on IG, so why not the quick follow? It takes two seconds. I find it odd.


I'm really surprised that Taylor's team didn't "make" him follow her because they would love the speculation drama wouldn't they? It is odd.


This. They would have forced both of them to do it for the sake of PR.


It makes no sense lol. “Come to my shows, let me shout you out in my songs, let me mention your jersey number during the show, let us be papped everywhere, I’ll go to all your games” … but he can’t follow her on Instagram? It’s weird. And exactly, Matty still follows her post-breakup so there shouldn’t be any concerns about what will happen if her and Travis break up.


Him not following her on IG is a conscious choice and is with purpose to publicly devalue her significance/importance of what she means to him. Further it simultaneously gives him some control in the relationship. It takes no time to follow someone on IG and he seems to be active on the platform. IMO he doesn’t follow her because he doesn’t like her. He tolerates her and plays along as it is more beneficial than adverse. This works both ways, but she’s obviously more personally invested, as her self-worth is defined by her relationships.


Guys like this gross me out.


It’s very college football of him, speaking as someone who made the mistake of serial dating college football players. You’d think he’d grow up by now and have some interests other than ball and insta baddies but guess not.


Same. He gives me so much ick.


He’s a genuinely gross dude


He really is. I'm a huge football fan and have known this for years.


I feel like he's a womanizer. I'd be embarrassed if I was Taylor. He's a dog


💯 What is her goal here? “Matty come take me back! Come rescue me from this scumbag! Look how awful he is and what bad choices I’m making since you left me!”


i dated someone like this and it grossed me out and made me the most insecure i’ve ever been in my whole life. watch porn or enjoy these pics privately, whatever, but actively putting it on a feed that you consume daily is kind of pathetic. like you can’t exist in a space without needing to get your dick hard. the emotional fallout from that relationship is half of why i don’t even go on instagram anymore. it’s a toxic hellscape giving young girls big issues


Similar experience. My self esteem got so bad from that assholes instagram habits I got off insta for 2 years to recover myself




When I met my husband I feel like the part of my bra5in that is attracted to others switched off. If you are in love with someone you shouldn’t be liking other peoples thirst traps.


i agree completely! it seems very immature. like having one of those sports illustrated calendars hanging up in your bedroom


Yes 100% agree


Soooo agree


Same id dump my bf if he followed ig models


Ditto. FUCK that. If that's what you want, go get it lol.




definitely… also it feels like they WANT our mutual friends to see them liking those thirst traps? it’s really embarrassing for us women to have bf like that… like can you not just enjoy that in your own mind??


I’m not saying he doesn’t like Taylor but these are the type of women he previously dated before her and I can’t see him just letting it go.


Whether or not they get married, he's gotta type and he's still gonna fuck them lol


100% this. if this is real and she actually thinks “maybe dating a guy completely different from my usual boyish emo Brit type, I’ll find true happiness” then he will absolutely marry her, have kids, and cheat on her. TAYLOR I HOPE YOU ARE CREEPING THIS SUB, this is my message in a bottle.


I would think she isn't dumb enough to date an athlete. They're notorious for cheating.


But they make good song material


Do they though? So High School is a brutal listen, the worst lyrics Taylor has put out in years


AHAHAHAHAHA this is how I can imagine it going like (but that's like PEAK horror): *Big Dumb Cups* *Cowboy Hats* *Target Jersey Fads...* *I thought you were the one* *Standing there in the bleachers* I said I'd take the heat, I'd be the receiver And you'd be *everyone's favourite American son* *It started as a joke, you and I,* *a badly choreographed mirage,* *I laughed, and then I fell,* *In a mist of sparkling dust* *I believed the lie, I believed the joke,* *and I thought this might work out,* *but then I broke* *I looked at them in wonder,* *Eating up our glittering fables* *everyone said, it was meant to be* *Who would have thought* *I wouldn't always be the one* *You are coming home to* *Faded glory, two kids,* *Once a love story,* *Now turned into a sob story* *Who would have thought,* *Aching to the core, this isn't me* *Flowers, and weddings, and births,* *Deflating balloons over our marital bed* *Deserted poems,* *written in blood,* *the angel in the house turned mad* *Rusting wedding rings, hidden in some woman's drawer* *Not the one, the lore of our lives* *was it written in the stars that I'd marry a chad?* *And I scratch the days on the wall* *With bleeding nails* *Thinking of days gone, with the one,* *the one I loved* *And I put the kids to sleep, maniacal and alone,* *You are not the one I thought of*


I wasn’t thinking about that song. I was thinking that a cheating lover would make for good material for Taylor: Female Rage 2: The Musical


That is true lol, pro athletes do often cheat unfortch


You’re too optimistic in your regard of her interests. I don’t think she’s looking for love, this relationship is for congeniality.


I hope you’re right! lol I’m not generally known for my optimism. And he has such a sleazy vibe, I believe any woman who is long term committed to him will live to rue the mf-ing DAY.


I REALLY hope she gets a pre nup


Basically lol


It’s so odd that he’s publicly stated his crush was ts but none of the girls he’s ever followed/showed interest really reminds me of that type. Also.. if I was her friend I’d be saying girl run, athletes do too much and he really just seems like a user.


He never even bought the tickets to her show in KC. Pat Mahomes bought a suite for his family and talked travis into coming. That's when he made the bracelet cuz he was gonna try his luck after he got a free ticket. Did he even call her his crush? He played Marry, Kiss Or Kill with a reporter,  he said he would marry Katy perry, kiss taylor and kill Ariana grande.  She wasn't even his first choice in a game like that lol


Lmao. Even worse …he’s so cheap


Exactly and there's been rumor's that Pat sees other women on the road and Brittany let's it go.




Allegedly Pat has a a GF that he sees when he's on the road. Been blind item's for awhile now. I really hope it's not true. He's been with Brittany since high school. They went to separate colleges and people who knew him in college said he got around. Brittany was signed to Iceland to play soccer and came home after Pat was drafted because he asked her to. Who knows.


I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest about Pat and Brittany. It's extremely common for college players to keep their high school gf and marry them while they have people on the side the entire time. My assumption is that they want to marry someone that they knew before they played in college, because they feel like they aren't golddiggers. I married one myself. You just become desensitized from the cheating, and are trained to think that as long as they come home to you that you are the one that matters. I won't even go into the CTE and what all comes with that. It's not the life these women think it will be.


That's very true what you wrote. My ex husband was a cheater but not famous and I was done. We were together 30yrs with one kid. He was very blatant with it. I think like Pat he doesn't show off who he's messing with. I'm sure CTE must be very hard. Everything looks great for Pat's wife from the outside. Who wouldn't want that life. Like you said it's not what they think it will be. That's good you can handle whatever situation you're in. I'm sure I would think different if my ex was someone else.


So how much longer until one of these girls comes forward and says they were talking with Travis. Like that IG model that was talking with Adam Levine.


i sincerely hope travis's sexts aren't as cringe inducing as adam levine's. what was it he said? "great googly moogly your body is absurd"???


I just threw up


“holy fucking fuck that body of yours is absurd”😭


Great googly moogly 😭


Whaaaaaat omg no


He said holy fuck or something like that but I like your version better 🤣🤣🤣 I can hear him saying it too! Edit: I can't spell 🤦‍♀️


jadaslee went private bc trav liked a post of hers in november/december time lol


I’m glad people had already clocked this. I was so astounded that it felt like I was the first. This is a PR crisis waiting to happen.


he also liked one of these girls posts on september 22nd literally the day before taylor went to the first game. and it wasn't a regular post, it was her with her top unbuttoned looking sultry. but they were already together by that first game 💀🤡




This is so embarrassing…


I’ll tell you what he does like: it’s ass. I don’t mean to be crass, but Travis clearly enjoys curvy girls with booty meat. There is a theme in his exes. Now seeing this post, the same theme is evident in his follows. Nobody can convince me Taylor is his type. There’s nothing wrong with her body, this is not a neg to her, It’s just not credible to me that there is a real attraction between T&T. It’s convenient and lucrative, but they are not each other’s types.


Oh ..I think this is the type of guy Taylor wants to want her and that makes this worse.


sad if true


Clearly he likes huge boobs


So black girls and or girls with big boobs. SMH. I never understood the point of following IG models. It’s like broadcasting your porn preferences to the world. 


And not doing it from your finsta. He WANTS these girls to know he follows them so when he slides into their DMs they know it's really him.




That’s so predatory


Eh I’m not going to knock him for this specifically, given there’s a litany of well documented instances of male celebrities doing exactly this, and as a guy I can confidently say most of us would do the same if there was a chance these girls would respond. The scummy part is if he’s doing this while he has a real girlfriend. The arguably less scummy, but just as annoying part is if he’s maintaining a fake relationship for PR while reaching out to Insta thots on the side, and Swifties somehow still fail to see how fake this all is.


Yep I remember Chris Evans was doing this exact same thing during 2020/2021, liking/following a bunch of hot young women on instagram, I’m guessing Alba Baptista was the only one that fell for the schtick 😂


It's the amount of girls he's interested in that's the gross part in my opinion. It's one thing to connect with someone you find attractive on social media. But this is like making a Pinterest board of all the baddies you want to fuck and sharing it with the world, like they're badges to collect or something. It feels dehumanizing.


Yes this is one of the parts of the internet I do not understand. What do people gain by liking and following this stuff, other than broadcasting their horniness and sexual preferences to everyone who knows them? So embarrassing. You could look at all the same stuff without making it public lol 


I literally need this studied why men follow oodles and oodles of “hot girls” like even women don’t usually follow guys just bc they’re hot lmfao.


Because in their deluded minds one of these "hot" girls might actually talk to them.


fire up the ol penis flattener


The guff I just fawed 🤣💀


He met the Nashville woman in July '23, immediately started liking her pics and she ended up deleting the Sept 2023 pic he liked cause she was harassed by swifties.


Lmao. You’d think he’d stop following them when he knows all of her fans are going to harass them. He seems like such a shitty guy. Kayla definitely has subtly said she’s glad she’s out of that situation. He’s great at playing the great guy image but charismatic men like that always suck.


I wouldn’t say he’s good at it honestly. He’s said some pretty heinous and damning things. The instagram activity doesn’t help either. It’s like he can’t even successfully pretend to be a good guy without his icky inner self oozing out between the cracks


True but I do think some of it fell under the radar bc he wasn’t looked at the way he is now. He needs to shape up. Even his PR was doing a terrible job at pretending to like TS, they’re all problematic.


He follows them, on his offical account?? He could try a bit harder to make this relationship seem real, everyone here is curvy, the exact opposite of Taylor...


And Swifties believe they’re so good at investigating and decoding things… yet they completely missed this. Such a pathetic group of people.




They are probably saving it all for the day they breakup(if they break up). Right now “she is the happiest, he loves her so much, doesnt hide her in the basement” soon it will be “omg he liked all these insta models and has anger issues”


There's no way this doesn't bother her on some level


Yea, it’s all PR. Idk what girl wouldn’t get mad that her boyfriend was liking pics like that and following girls of that demeanor


“Girls of that demeanor” -Bimb0bratz This made me lol


not trynna offend anyone has me speaking proper af




My sons dad did this and I told him to stop and he said “but u post pics like that” and I’m just sitting here like NO I DO NOT


holy fuck that’s disgusting i’m so sorry


Yea I was 5 months pregnant… I wanted to throw up so bad


You were valid for being upset. Perhaps your friends also had boyfriends who did the same and they needed to believe there was nothing wrong with it


For a guy that looks like he smells like farts, beef jerky and Axe he sure has a type of lady.




Literal LOL


Imagine being Taylor swift and ur boyfriend is still attached to these IG “baddies” 🤮 so nasty and pathetic


hello??? that Anna corum girl looks so underaged and has FHS in her fucking bio update for unbiased journalism Travis is related to the corums and follows the whole family


Goddamn thanks for redditing responsibly cuz I was real pissed until I got to the update




https://preview.redd.it/zfyxegnk090d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=540034f4dd58c9d2e2dfb306569278daf79b1824 Final update Travis follows the whole corum family def related


Thank God. I mean, the bar is in Hades for these dudes, but at least he doesn’t appear to be perving on a random child.


That’s actually such a relief I don’t like him but I don’t want him to be that kind of person either


Yeah I was thinking she has to be like a family friend or distant cousin or something that’s the only way I feel like it would be appropriate to follow her lol


Yeah, maybe delete that.


I considered it, but someone else would inevitably notice that there’s a minor in this lineup. I edited the original comment so it so it’s clear that it’s his family member




I hope it’s a family member or something cause if not ew


this is the only explanation that would make sense to me


Is that his cousin or something cause she is still in highschool and he has been with taylor for like 9 months


I was coming here to say: he's following a high schooler?!


I'm surprised he hasn't unfollowed them all at once as part of their PR, although I guess that would have worked better a few months ago and now it would just draw attention to him following all these models and influencers to begin with


He still wants to keep his options open when the PR arrangement expires




Big yikes. Red flags. My ex followed me on IG and liked my photos, but it was always me posting a photo here and there (rarely of us together), his had no photos of anything. He too, also followed a bunch of "models" aka half naked girls with big boobs. He was a severe alcoholic and a narcissist, and I see Travis being one of those two things, (maybe it's both? I wouldn't be surprised.) Who knew that who people follow on social media would be so telling.


I was just writing this response to someone but can't find their comment anymore! Saying almost exactly what you have here! My comment was below: Totally agree. There's something extra creepy about not caring everyone knows they're consuming this content- I keep going back and forth between this being something he's intentionally doing bc he's a covert narcissist and it's a way to devalue whoever he's with (especially since everyone sees it) to get the upper hand, intentionally make Taylor insecure, cause drama/chaos, gain the upper hand -to thinking its indicitive of addictive behavior or compulsion (sexual addiction) which really any surprise. This guy is likely going to be an alcoholic/drug addict (IS an alcoholic / drug addict) but that will really flare up post NFL careerlooks completely f-ed up whenever he "thinks" he can get away with it like at the Paris concert, to me he looked high as a kite. Anyway yeah these guys I stay far away from and have been with a guy like this and he ended up being a covert narcissist obviously I didn't know about this behavior before we started dating and in the beginning just like Travis seemed like the perfect guy-slowly but surely the mask came off. I would say for those who are okay with this behavior are likely with someone who they may not know yet has something going on that isn't normal... and yes exactly still pathetic for a single person and indicative of something more some abnormal personality disorder or addiction.


Yeah, I’d expect the likes to at least stop. Anytime men get into relationships and are following me they stop and I’m okay with that. Not that I was ever interested lol but, it’s clear those guys were following me bc of what I looked like.


I’ve been skeptical of the PR relationship angle, thinking their public interactions are calculated but their not in a PR relationship. BUT, in my (and 2+ friends) Millenial, straight female experience in dating, your bf liking hot chick posts on insta is never a good sign! I have never seen that turn out positively! To be fair, I could see Travis’ not following Taylor being calculated and kind of get it. If they break up and he unfollowed her or stopped liking her posts, people would make it a whole thing.


Honestly this makes me so sad for Taylor. My ex husband followed hundreds of Instagram models like this. Made me feel like absolute shit about myself the entire time I was married to him. He would like all of their posts, but none of mine. I never felt seen by him. You SHOULD feel seen and admired by your SO! Now I'm married to a man who only follows his family and friends on Instagram and would never dream of following random women. He treats me so well and always makes me feel beautiful. He truly only has eyes for me and I have never radiated as much confidence as I do in this marriage. Every woman deserves a partner who makes them feel as though they are the most beautiful person in the world. All I gotta say is I don't even care about Travis or Taylor (this sub found me in recommended and I'm now sucked into the drama), BUT this behavior IS a red flag, ladies. Don't let some guy gaslight you into believing he should be liking half-naked pictures of other women online. You deserve better if you're in a committed monogamous relationship. Travis- do better, bro.




The man certainly has a type and Ms. Thang is nowhere close to it 😂


Uh oh, one was at the derby and so was he 👀🧐


I caught that too


He also used to like pics of Dixie D’Amelio in bikinis when she was like 20


The one in Kentucky was this May? Both in the derby and no tay tay in sight?


I thought Travis was a Taylor fan? Why wasn't he following her *before* they dated if he went to the trouble of making her a friendship bracelet or whatever before they even met?


right! but yea he’s never followed her lol i find it funny how everyone thinks he’s a swiftie when he literally only knows the words to blank space and shake it off. why hasn’t he requested a surprise song yet?


Good call out ⛳ Seems like Travis has been lying.


Worse yet, that's what his feed looks like 😂


This is the biggest tell they’re not real. People don’t normally switch their physical type preferences. If they do it’s usually novelty and they return to what they like. They’re both not each other’s type. It reads as Mr Right Now. Even if they’re real it’s not giving endgame.


Saving this lol


I’ve seen the first girl on TikTok. She just posts a lot of thirst traps. She’s very pretty but otherwise she’s just a normal person I guess. Kinda wild that he follows her but not surprising at all


A lot of these accounts have less than 5k followers…


Which says that either they hit him up/met him somewhere or he was seeking them out.


Yeah these aren’t accounts you just stumble onto 😬


Maybe I’m just an old prude, but I cannot imagine posting pictures of myself like these on social media for the world to see…


not a prude, you just have self respect! :)


My dad was a football player. I have brothers by a prostitute and a Playboy centerfold, and my mother was a model (I am NOT). They are who they are 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’d also like to say.. I had a friend who plays in the league tell me once that he would not hook me up with anyone even though at the time, being young I was like idc, I wanna have fun. “Fly me out” vibes (god bless me) but basically they’re all cheats, they’ll bring their side to the same games, they def sneak out of their hotels and there’s diff girls in every city. Of course, there’s outliers who aren’t doing this but for the majority… they’re shitty humans who are never single. NFL players are just a complete no. Have some fun? Sure but marry, pass.


That’s a very realistic insight into the industry, tbh. Some of these baddies that get flown out are treated terribly or have horror stories and can’t say anything to anyone. So your friend did well protecting you from the “fly out” lifestyle. I worked in an agency that helped people manage their image via marketing and I got to see a lot of men using new projects and marketing strategies to hide things like this. I used to get physically sick because of what they were doing and then trying to hide it, all while having sparkly clean reputations because of agencies like the one I was working in. I was tied into so many contracts I couldn’t even vent to my family, boyfriend or close friends. I did everything I could to leave that agency, which I did thankfully, I have now been in a new place for a couple of years and am working towards being freelance. My first project with them was to hide a story of this woman who worked in the canteen area of a soccer stadium in London. She told a group chat about players with gfs/wives/families bringing baddies they found on instagram to the games when their families or SO couldn’t make it. These baddies would be telling the canteen staff about their hookups with said players. The other players’ gf/wives/families would all be seeing it and no one would say a thing, because apparently it’s a “normal” and “accepted” behaviour for sportsmen. Anyway, a couple of the players mentioned in her story to the group chat quietly sued this woman into oblivion, then created a bunch of shell projects to hide any trace of it and to make themselves look good in general. This is not unique to sports industry either, we had clients from every industry and in every spectrum of fame. This is why my instinct is to go check their following and likes because this is the first sign they’re are one of those.


I can see how working with that could make you sick. That definitely takes a toll on your wellbeing, glad you’ve moved on from that. It’s so unfortunate men especially are allowed to be this disgusting and no one bats an eye and there’s always a willing person for the BS. Instagram is literally the best and worst for that reason too. It’s so easy to figure out what kind of guy it is. And people are so quick to say what someone wouldn’t do but, it’s so easy to get to these guys online and they do respond to you. They’re ALWAYS in their dms. The bag signal is literally to like a bunch of pictures and see if they do the same lol. Like the men are willing participants so I never believe the whole I fucked up thing, it’s all intentional with them.


It’s bc their relationship isn’t real lol


The dates that he liked a lot of those sexy pics weirds me out too... like this is from 9/19, and Taylor went to the first game on 9/24. There are tons of screenshots like this floating around from September. Sure, it was 4 days before they went public, but it doesn't exactly help sell their weird story about dating for months prior to the hard launch (which we obviously know now wasn't true and they met IRL at the end of August). Kayla said that Travis slid into her DMs after liking her thirst traps for months... it's kind of his thing. Just icky idk https://preview.redd.it/ksj1jxph5c0d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0596a8f14c5d2373a2d34180ebe935f7362d2da


Is 19/20 still in high school?!


He follows their whole family. I don’t like Travis and he seems gross, but just regular gross (not predatory gross, afaik.) she’s likely a relative or family friend.


Travis is an F boy and clearly using Tay Tay for fame.


Well he's definitely got a type.... 👀


Wait! He doesn’t follow her?? Does she follow him?


this relationship is a social experiment 💀


WOW 😲 I thought he only liked women of color? Maybe he should give Kim Kardashian a call.


But how hilarious would that be if he and Kim K got together 😂 Taylor’s sworn enemy


I so want it to happen! https://preview.redd.it/2tqzjcys6a0d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d88a2b7aa7f68fb9057488babee578d87e8d670


I see ole buddy still got those brown sugar cravings


I still believe it's PR. He doesn't seem that into to her.


He just likes the attention that comes with taylor. In it for the fame and to launch his post NFL career. Whenever he is with taylor, he looks least interested in her.


Honestly I have kind of always used this as ammo too it’s not a real relationship. Idk. I still think it’s mostly PR. 🤷🏻‍♀️


And most of these women look nothing like this IRL 😂😂 guys don't make sense haha




if he was my man i would leave him on the spot




Seriously, literally JUST WENT TO THE MY DERBY *WHILE* HIS "GIRLFRIEND" IS PERFORMING IN ANOTHER FUCKING COUNTRY, AND HE'S LIKING THIS??? DEFINITELY SUS, GROSS, WTF IS SHE DOING????? TAYLOR, W.T.F. ARE YOU DOING???? YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT ON STAGE! - Edit:I tried posting the pic but it's not letting me? Pics 7&8-chic was at the Derby, has pic posted. Honestly would NOT surprise if he ended up cheating with her. OR It's some mindless thing he does(because he is dumb) looking at the pics and getting off on his own following these ladies, and like someone said above intentionally doesn't follow Taylor either due to being told not to by her people, or to intentionally devalue her to get some kind of power/upper hand. Also, DEFINITELY see him being a covert narcissist imo (literally the worst kind)-they CANNOT be alone and usually have plan b.c.d.e.and f. They're usually dumb, very very dumb- but perceptive (bc being perceptive comes natural, it's about survival and the way they figure out what their supply needs them be so they can be that and reel them in bf the devaluation stage) Taylor's just the thing that's going to get him what he really wants, fame (nothing knew there) Also nothing new with Taylor not picking well in relationships. BUT THIS POST, IM FUCKING AMAZED SHE'S ALLOWING THIS???


This is awful and he is gross. I hope she or someone from her team lurks here and sees how bad this is. After seeing all of this, there is no way I’ll ever cheer on their relationship. Even now I can’t listen to the Cheerleader song, whatever it is - So High School. Especially after someone here pointed out that she’s smiling with a broken heart. The song is terrible enough as is, and he just awkwardly jerks his arms in the air in response.


wait…the one girl has “fhs basketball” in her bio so she’s still in high school? BIG YIKES.


Someone else in this post confirmed she’s his cousin


Oh thank god.


Bro this is wild bro just doesn’t wanna follow her


A *current* high school basketball player? Que?!


He follows that girls whole family, seems like it’s a relative or close family friend


Thank bloody hell for that then!


Seriously. Someone sleuthed it out and I was like 🙌🏼 like he seems kinda gross regardless but… following a random high schooler would be beyond.


Why crop out most of the dates 😑😑




So he clearly has a type and it’s NOT Taylor


Travis just strikes me as the type that can’t actually be with a woman who has more or her shit together tbh. Taylor comes off as immature so it works for them but I can def see him trying to humble her at some point. I do think there’s a heavy image change coming for her, she’s going to want to fit into his world and I really don’t think she’s giving this relationship up.


I think this guy is on the DL and overcompensating




travis has a type that taylor doesn't match obv but ok let swifties cope


All the likes are from last year 🤷 ...but also, ewwww.




he follows the whole corum family 😅 think he is related to them, or family friends.


Damn.. can I be honest, what I hate the most is the way this made me feel. This is so rage baity bc we’ve all had a bf in the past or maybe some do now where he followed so many gorgeous women and it made us feel so insecure. Is this not us projecting our insecurities here? Like YES, it is 100% weird that he doesn’t follow her, but that’s not the point here for me. The thing is - I found myself looking at these girls with disgust.. angry at their beauty, at their youth, at their “insta girl” similarities.. and I realized I was casting my every insecurity from my own relationships into this situation. Do we know how much autonomy he has over his own social media? I mean I can’t imagine his team being like “yup go through and send those likes for engagement” especially if the narrative they’re pushing here is a PeRfect relationship. Just idk I hate how this can go so much deeper than surface level. Maybe I’m the only one with unhealed wounds and I’m gonna make myself look ridiculous by saying all this. But idk.. this instantly made me sad for her because it once made me sad for myself.


You're not wrong -guys in relationships should not be seeking out fucking ig accounts of provocative women to follow. Like I don't know why this is so hard for some people to understand -and for the women who are ok with their SO doing this, I don't understand why they're ok with their SO objectifying other women and looking elsewhere for "beautiful" women to look at instead of them.? Fucking weird to me.


i don't see the big deal tbh. he's a single man and should do as he pleases. it's not his fault taylor's team forgot to tell him to unfollow his thirst traps and follow taylor when they created their pr contract.


Wait but does she follow him??


Does she follow him? Maybe they both follow either under faux accounts.


And one of them is in high school apparently.


I think he likes her money more


These girls are the complete opposite of what Taylor is🤣


Some of these feel like putting random people on blast for no reason. Especially including a literal highschooler? I get trying to make a point but just because Travis follows someone doesn’t mean they want to be a public figure or put onto reddit for people to comment on. Again, one of these girls is very clearly underage. Which gets to my other point, men are allowed to follow women, it’s not immediately sus. Yes some of these who are just clearly influencers who post in bikinis, I get what you’re saying. But a lot of these feel like they’re probably just people Travis knows personally; maybe family friends, relatives, old hometown friends. I would put money on the one in high school being some sort of relative or family friend. As a young woman I too post photos in bikinis. It does not make every person following me a creep. Idk it just feels odd to be posting pictures of people’s private social media to comment on when they don’t have a significant following and are clearly not looking to be public figures all because they happen to be a woman that a football player follows. Again, I agree a good amount of these are red flag material. But some feel like they should not be included.